Select Publications

Book Chapters

Brzozowska M; Puvanendran A; Bliuc D; Zuschmann A; Piotrowicz A; O'Sullivan A, 2023, 'Predictors for pharmacological therapy and perinatal outcomes with metformin treatment in women with gestational diabetes', in Current and Future Trends in Gestational Diabetes Diagnosis, Care and Neonatal Outcomes,

O Sullivan AJ, 2012, 'Fat storage in women: From puberty to menopause', in Preedy VR (ed.), Handbook of Growth and Growth Monitoring in Health and Disease, Springer, New York, NY, pp. 1087 - 1101,

Lim DCE; Xue CC; Wong FWS; O'Sullivan AJ; Liu JP; Chen W; Cheng LNC, 2009, 'Acupuncture for polycystic ovarian syndrome', in Lim DCE (ed.), , John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,

Ho K; O Sullivan AJ, 1999, 'Effect of estrogen on GH secretion and action in postmenopausal women', in Sex-steroid Interactions with Growth Hormone, Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 54 - 66

Journal articles

Esber Y; Gow ML; McLennan S; Sushil S; Roberts LM; Brown M; Mangos G; Pettit F; Davis GK; O'Sullivan AJ; Henry A, 2025, 'Metabolic outcomes in women 6 months and 2 years after preeclampsia versus normotensive pregnancy: A P4 study', Clinical Obesity, 15,

Henry A; Mangos G; Roberts LM; Brown MA; Pettit F; O'Sullivan AJ; Crowley R; Youssef G; Davis GK, 2024, 'Preeclampsia-Associated Cardiovascular Risk Factors 6 Months and 2 Years After Pregnancy: The P4 Study', Hypertension, 81, pp. 851 - 860,

Ta B; Depczynski B; Ericksson W; Siklosi B; Popovic G; O'Sullivan A; Lau SM, 2023, 'Decreased rates of hospital-acquired infection after introduction of an active surveillance, virtual glucose management system', Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 203,

Ho KK; O'Sullivan AJ; Burt MG, 2023, 'The physiology of growth hormone (GH) in adults: translational journey to GH replacement therapy', The Journal of endocrinology, 257, pp. e220197,

Brzozowska MM; Puvanendran A; Bliuc D; Zuschmann A; Piotrowicz AK; O’Sullivan A, 2023, 'Predictors for pharmacological therapy and perinatal outcomes with metformin treatment in women with gestational diabetes', Frontiers in Endocrinology, 14,

Huang PH; O’Sullivan AJ; Shulruf B, 2023, 'Development and validation of the student ratings in clinical teaching scale in Australia: A methodological study', Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, 20,

Morris JA; Campbell P; Xu L; O'Sullivan AJ, 2023, 'Cushing Syndrome due to Adrenocortical Carcinoma During Pregnancy.', JCEM Case Rep, 1, pp. luad118,

Zhao RR; Mavros Y; Meiklejohn J; Anderberg KA; Singh N; Kay S; Baker MK; Wang Y; Climstein M; O'Sullivan A; De Vos N; Baune BT; Blair SN; Simar D; Fiatarone Singh MA, 2022, 'Effect of High-Intensity Power Training on Cognitive Function in Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: Secondary Outcomes of the GREAT2DO Study', JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY SERIES A-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 77,

Yeng T; O’Sullivan AJ; Shulruf B, 2022, 'Developing a prototype dental trauma e-learning course for medical education', Australian Endodontic Journal, 48, pp. 44 - 50,

Yeng T; O’Sullivan AJ; Shulruf B, 2022, 'Medical students’ perception of an online dental trauma course in medical education', Australian Endodontic Journal, 48, pp. 51 - 57,

Kennedy R; Roberts L; Davis G; Mangos G; Pettit F; Brown MA; O'Sullivan AJ; Henry A, 2022, 'The P4 study: Subsequent pregnancy maternal physiology after hypertensive and normotensive pregnancies', Pregnancy Hypertension, 27, pp. 29 - 34,

Hollings M; Mavros Y; Sharma P; Kay S; Anderberg K; Baker M; Wang Y; Zhao R; Meiklejohn J; Climstein M; O'Sullivan A; De Vos N; Baune B; Blair S; Singh N; Fiatarone Singh M, 2022, 'High Intensity Power Training Improves Ambulatory Blood Pressure for Hypertensive Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: Results From the GREAT2DO Randomised Controlled Trial', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 31, pp. S295 - S295,

Yeng T; O’Sullivan AJ; Shulruf B, 2021, 'Online dental trauma course for medical education', Dental Traumatology, 37, pp. 803 - 806,

Yeng T; O’Sullivan AJ; Shulruf B, 2021, 'Proposing the inclusion of dental anatomy and trauma in the general medical curriculum', Australian Endodontic Journal, 47, pp. 654 - 655,

McLennan SL; Henry A; Roberts LM; Siritharan SS; Ojurovic M; Yao A; Davis GK; Mangos G; Pettit F; Brown MA; O'Sullivan AJ, 2021, 'Maternal Adiposity and Energy Balance after Normotensive and Preeclamptic Pregnancies', Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 106, pp. E2941 - E2952,

Siritharan SS; Henry A; Gow ML; Roberts LM; Yao A; Ojurovic M; O'Sullivan AJ, 2021, 'Maternal macro- and micronutrient intake six months after hypertensive versus normotensive pregnancy: is poor diet quality contributing to future cardiometabolic disease risk?', Pregnancy Hypertension, 23, pp. 196 - 204,

Mosalman Haghighi M; Mavros Y; Kay S; Simpson KA; Baker MK; Wang Y; Zhao RR; Meiklejohn J; Climstein M; O’Sullivan AJ; De Vos N; Baune BT; Blair SN; Simar D; Singh N; Schlicht J; Fiatarone Singh MA; O'Sullivan A, 2021, 'The effect of high-intensity power training on habitual, intervention and total physical activity levels in older adults with type 2 diabetes: Secondary outcomes of the great2do randomized controlled trial', Geriatrics (Switzerland), 6, pp. 1 - 14,

Susic D; Davis G; O'Sullivan AJ; McGovern E; Harris K; Roberts LM; Craig ME; Mangos G; Hold GL; El-Omar EM; Henry A, 2020, 'Microbiome Understanding in Maternity Study (MUMS), an Australian prospective longitudinal cohort study of maternal and infant microbiota: study protocol', BMJ Open, 10, pp. e040189,

Yeng T; O'Sullivan AJ; Shulruf B, 2020, 'A proposal to introduce dental trauma into medical education: An insight', Dental Traumatology, 36, pp. 390 - 392,

Yeng T; O’Sullivan AJ; Shulruf B, 2020, 'Learning about dental trauma for medical students', Dental Traumatology, 36, pp. 237 - 240,

Shulruf B; O'Sullivan A; Velan G, 2020, 'Selecting top candidates for medical school selection interviews- A non-compensatory approach', BMC Medical Education, 20, pp. 113,

Yeng T; O'Sullivan AJ; Shulruf B, 2020, 'Dental trauma learning facilitators for medical doctors: A viewpoint', Dental Traumatology, 36, pp. 212 - 214,

Yeng T; O’Sullivan AJ; Shulruf B, 2020, 'Medical doctors’ knowledge of dental trauma management: A review', Dental Traumatology, 36, pp. 100 - 107,

Pervaz Iqbal M; Velan G; O'Sullivan A; Balasooriya C, 2020, 'The collaborative learning development exercise (CLeD-EX): an educational instrument to promote key collaborative learning behaviours in medical students', BMC Medical Education, 20, pp. 62,

Yeng T; O’Sullivan AJ; Shulruf B; O'Sullivan A; Yeng AT, 2020, 'Identifying barriers that affect medical doctors’ learning of dental trauma', Australasian Medical Journal, 13, pp. 26 - 31,

Brown MA; Roberts L; Hoffman A; Henry A; Mangos G; O’sullivan A; Pettit F; Youssef G; Xu L; Davis GK; O'Sullivan A, 2020, 'Recognizing cardiovascular risk after preeclampsia: The P4 study', Journal of the American Heart Association, 9, pp. e018604,

Bai M; Susic D; O'Sullivan AJ; Henry A, 2020, 'Reproducibility of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis in Pregnancy and the Association of Body Composition with the Risk of Gestational Diabetes: A Substudy of MUMS Cohort', Journal of Obesity, 2020, pp. 3128767,

Shulruf B; Velan G; Forster L; O'Sullivan A; Harris P; Taylor S, 2019, 'Insights into student assessment outcomes in rural clinical campuses', BMC Medical Education, 19, pp. 380,

Huang PH; Haywood M; O’Sullivan A; Shulruf B, 2019, 'A meta-analysis for comparing effective teaching in clinical education', Medical Teacher, 41, pp. 1129 - 1142,

Yeng T; O'Sullivan AJ; Shulruf B, 2019, 'Appropriate management of traumatic dental injuries at the hospital emergency department provides a positive impact on patient outcomes: exemplar case study', AUSTRALASIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, 12, pp. 255 - 262,

Iqbal MP; Velan G; O'Sullivan AJ; Olupeliyawa AM; Balasooriya C, 2019, 'Developing the competency of ‘collaborative clinical practice’', MedEdPublish, 8, pp. 82,

Shulruf B; Adelstein BA; Damodaran A; Harris P; Kennedy S; O'Sullivan A; Taylor S, 2018, 'Borderline grades in high stakes clinical examinations: Resolving examiner uncertainty', BMC Medical Education, 18, pp. 272,

Pervaz Iqbal M; Velan GM; O'Sullivan AJ; Balasooriya C, 2018, 'Prioritising the key behaviours that enhance the quality of collaborative learning by medical students: A modified Delphi study', FOCUS ON HEALTH PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION: A MULTI-PROFESSIONAL JOURNAL, 19, pp. 18 - 35

Iqbal M; Velan GM; O'Sullivan AJ; Balasooriya C, 2018, 'Prioritising the key behaviours that enhance the quality of collaborative learning by medical students: A modified Delphi study', Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multi-Professional Journal, 19, pp. 23 - 23,

Katz IJ; Pirabhahar S; Williamson P; Raghunath V; Brennan F; O'Sullivan A; Youssef G; Lane C; Jacobson G; Feldman P; Kelly J, 2018, 'iConnect CKD – virtual medical consulting: A web-based chronic kidney disease, hypertension and diabetes integrated care program', Nephrology, 23, pp. 646 - 652,

Zhao RR; O’Sullivan AJ; Fiatarone Singh MA, 2018, 'Exercise or physical activity and cognitive function in adults with type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance or impaired glucose tolerance: a systematic review', European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 15,

Shulruf B; Damodaran A; Jones P; Kennedy S; Mangos G; O'Sullivan AJ; Rhee J; Taylor S; Velan G; Harris P, 2018, 'Enhancing the defensibility of examiners' marks in high stake OSCEs', BMC medical education, 18, pp. 10,

Sheu A; Depczynski B; O'Sullivan AJ; Luxton G; Mangos G, 2016, 'The effect of different glycaemic states on renal transplant outcomes', Journal of Diabetes Research,

Davis GK; Roberts L; Mangos G; Henry A; Pettit F; O'Sullivan A; Homer CSE; Craig M; Harvey SB; Brown MA, 2016, 'Postpartum physiology, psychology and paediatric follow up study (P4 Study) – Study protocol', Pregnancy Hypertension, 6, pp. 374 - 379,

Iqbal M; Velan GM; O'Sullivan AJ; Balasooriya C, 2016, 'Differential impact of student behaviours on group interaction and collaborative learning: Medical students' and tutors' perspectives', BMC Medical Education, 16, pp. 217,

Chwah S; Reilly A; Hall B; O'Sullivan A; Henry A, 2016, 'Engagement with and outcomes of a Midwifery-led intervention group for pregnant women of high body mass index', Obstetric Medicine

Abeysekera MV; Morris JA; Davis GK; O'Sullivan AJ, 2016, 'Alterations in energy homeostasis to favour adipose tissue gain: A longitudinal study in healthy pregnant women', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 56, pp. 42 - 48,

Simpson KA; Mavros Y; Kay S; Meiklejohn J; de Vos N; Wang Y; Guo Q; Zhao R; Climstein M; Baune BT; Blair S; O'Sullivan AJ; Simar D; Singh N; Fiatarone Singh MA, 2015, 'Graded Resistance Exercise And Type 2 Diabetes in Older adults (The GREAT2DO study): methods and baseline cohort characteristics of a randomized controlled trial', Trials, 16, pp. 512 - 512,

Scicluna HA; O'Sullivan AJ; Boyle P; Jones PD; McNeil HP, 2015, 'Peer learning in the UNSW Medicine program Assessment and evaluation of admissions, knowledge, skills and attitudes', BMC Medical Education, 15,

Abeysekera MV; Morris JA; Davis GK; O'Sullivan AJ, 2015, 'Alterations in energy homeostasis to favour adipose tissue gain: A longitudinal study in healthy pregnant women', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,

Katz IJ; Pirabhahar S; Kelly J; O'Sullivan A; Youssef G; Lane C; Ong S; Brennan F; Josland E; Mangos G; Shanmungasundaram P; Tranter S; Brown M, 2014, 'WEB-BASED CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE OUTREACH AND CONNECTING CARE PROGRAM', NEPHROLOGY, 19, pp. 73 - 73,

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