Select Publications


Mondol RK; Millar EKA; Graham PH; Browne L; Sowmya A; Meijering E, 2025, GRAPHITE: Graph-Based Interpretable Tissue Examination for Enhanced Explainability in Breast Cancer Histopathology,

Spooner A; Moridani MK; Safarchi A; Maher S; Vafaee F; Zekry A; Sowmya A, 2024, Multi-omics data integration for early diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) using machine learning,

Javed S; Khan TM; Qayyum A; Sowmya A; Razzak I, 2024, Region Guided Attention Network for Retinal Vessel Segmentation,

Javed S; Khan TM; Qayyum A; Alinejad-Rokny H; Sowmya A; Razzak I, 2024, Advancing Medical Image Segmentation with Mini-Net: A Lightweight Solution Tailored for Efficient Segmentation of Medical Images,

Mondol RK; Millar EKA; Sowmya A; Meijering E, 2024, MM-SurvNet: Deep Learning-Based Survival Risk Stratification in Breast Cancer Through Multimodal Data Fusion,

Mondol RK; Millar EKA; Sowmya A; Meijering E, 2024, BioFusionNet: Deep Learning-Based Survival Risk Stratification in ER+ Breast Cancer Through Multifeature and Multimodal Data Fusion,

Singh S; Stevenson G; Mein B; Welsh A; Sowmya A, 2024, Automatic 3D Multi-modal Ultrasound Segmentation of Human Placenta using Fusion Strategies and Deep Learning,

Zhang S; Gharleghi R; Singh S; Sowmya A; Beier S, 2023, Assessing Encoder-Decoder Architectures for Robust Coronary Artery Segmentation,

Rahman MA; Singh S; Shanmugalingam K; Iyer S; Blair A; Ravindran P; Sowmya A, 2023, Attention and Pooling based Sigmoid Colon Segmentation in 3D CT images,

Canepa L; Singh S; Sowmya A, 2023, Visual Question Answering in the Medical Domain,

Li J; Zhou Z; Yang J; Pepe A; Gsaxner C; Luijten G; Qu C; Zhang T; Chen X; Li W; Wodzinski M; Friedrich P; Xie K; Jin Y; Ambigapathy N; Nasca E; Solak N; Melito GM; Vu VD; Memon AR; Schlachta C; De Ribaupierre S; Patel R; Eagleson R; Chen X; Mächler H; Kirschke JS; de la Rosa E; Christ PF; Li HB; Ellis DG; Aizenberg MR; Gatidis S; Küstner T; Shusharina N; Heller N; Andrearczyk V; Depeursinge A; Hatt M; Sekuboyina A; Löffler M; Liebl H; Dorent R; Vercauteren T; Shapey J; Kujawa A; Cornelissen S; Langenhuizen P; Ben-Hamadou A; Rekik A; Pujades S; Boyer E; Bolelli F; Grana C; Lumetti L; Salehi H; Ma J; Zhang Y; Gharleghi R; Beier S; Sowmya A; Garza-Villarreal EA; Balducci T; Angeles-Valdez D; Souza R; Rittner L; Frayne R; Ji Y; Ferrari V; Chatterjee S; Dubost F; Schreiber S; Mattern H; Speck O; Haehn D; John C; Nürnberger A; Pedrosa J; Ferreira C; Aresta G; Cunha A; Campilho A; Suter Y; Garcia J; Lalande A; Vandenbossche V; Van Oevelen A; Duquesne K; Mekhzoum H; Vandemeulebroucke J; Audenaert E; Krebs C; van Leeuwen T; Vereecke E; Heidemeyer H; Röhrig R; Hölzle F; Badeli V; Krieger K; Gunzer M; Chen J; van Meegdenburg T; Dada A; Balzer M; Fragemann J; Jonske F; Rempe M; Malorodov S; Bahnsen FH; Seibold C; Jaus A; Marinov Z; Jaeger PF; Stiefelhagen R; Santos AS; Lindo M; Ferreira A; Alves V; Kamp M; Abourayya A; Nensa F; Hörst F; Brehmer A; Heine L; Hanusrichter Y; Weßling M; Dudda M; Podleska LE; Fink MA; Keyl J; Tserpes K; Kim M-S; Elhabian S; Lamecker H; Zukić D; Paniagua B; Wachinger C; Urschler M; Duong L; Wasserthal J; Hoyer PF; Basu O; Maal T; Witjes MJH; Schiele G; Chang T-C; Ahmadi S-A; Luo P; Menze B; Reyes M; Deserno TM; Davatzikos C; Puladi B; Fua P; Yuille AL; Kleesiek J; Egger J, 2023, MedShapeNet -- A Large-Scale Dataset of 3D Medical Shapes for Computer Vision,

Mondol RK; Millar EKA; Graham PH; Browne L; Sowmya A; Meijering E, 2023, hist2RNA: An efficient deep learning architecture to predict gene expression from breast cancer histopathology images,

de Belen RA; Eapen V; Bednarz T; Sowmya A, 2023, Using visual attention estimation on videos for automated prediction of autism spectrum disorder and symptom severity in preschool children,

Gharleghi R; Adikari D; Ellenberger K; Webster M; Ellis C; Sowmya A; Ooi S-Y; Beier S, 2022, Computed tomography coronary angiogram images, annotations and associated data of normal and diseased arteries,

Rana P; Sowmya A; Meijering E; Song Y, 2022, Imbalanced classification for protein subcellular localisation with multilabel oversampling,

Spooner A; Mohammadi G; Sachdev PS; Brodaty H; Sowmya A, 2022, Temporal Pattern Mining for Analysis of Longitudinal Clinical Data: Identifying Risk Factors for Alzheimer's Disease,

Rana P; Sowmya A; Meijering E; Song Y, 2022, Data augmentation for imbalanced blood cell image classification,

Spooner A; Mohammadi G; Sachdev PS; Brodaty H; Sowmya A, 2022, Ensemble feature selection with clustering for analysis of high-dimensional, correlated clinical data in the search for Alzheimer's disease biomarkers,

Spooner A; Mohammadi G; Sachdev PS; Brodaty H; Sowmya A, 2022, Ensemble feature selection with data-driven thresholding for Alzheimer's disease biomarker discovery,

Xu H; Wang D; Sowmya A, 2022, Multi-scale alignment and Spatial ROI Module for COVID-19 Diagnosis,

Rana P; Sowmya A; Meijering E; Song Y, 2022, Data augmentation for imbalanced blood cell image classification,

Vijayan A; Fatima S; Sowmya A; Vafaee F, 2022, Blood-based transcriptomic signature panel identification for cancer diagnosis: Benchmarking of feature extraction methods,

Iyer S; Blair A; Dawes L; Moses D; White C; Sowmya A, 2021, Organ localisation using supervised and semi supervised approaches combining reinforcement learning with imitation learning,

Aldausari N; Sowmya A; Marcus N; Mohammadi G, 2020, Video Generative Adversarial Networks: A Review,

Ghaffari M; Sowmya A; Oliver R, 2020, Brain tumour segmentation using cascaded 3D densely-connected U-net,

Zhou F; Li Z; Fan X; Wang Y; Sowmya A; Chen F, 2019, Scalable Inference for Nonparametric Hawkes Process Using P\'{o}lya-Gamma Augmentation,

Zhou F; Li Z; Fan X; Wang Y; Sowmya A; Chen F, 2019, Fast Multi-resolution Segmentation for Nonstationary Hawkes Process Using Cumulants,

Zhou F; Li Z; Fan X; Wang Y; Sowmya A; Chen F, 2019, Efficient EM-Variational Inference for Hawkes Process,

Goldsmith BE; Butcher CR; Semenovich D; Sowmya A, Elections and Political Instability: Ballots to Bullets, Voting to Violence?,

Goldsmith BE; Butcher CR; Semenovich D; Sowmya A, Forecasting the Onset of Genocide and Politicide: Annual Out-of-Sample Forecasts on a Global Dataset, 1988-2003,

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