Select Publications

Journal articles

Malik A; Rosenberger PJ; Fitzgerald M; Houlcroft L, 2016, 'Factors affecting smart working: evidence from Australia', International Journal of Manpower, 37, pp. 1042 - 1066,

Ismail M; Baki NU; Kamaruddin NAY; Malik A, 2016, 'Reverse Brain Drain: Career Aspirations of Malaysian Repatriates', Global Business and Management Research: an International Journal, 8, pp. 1 - 19

Pereira V; Malik A, 2015, 'Making sense and identifying aspects of Indian culture(s) in organisations: Demystifying through empirical evidence', Culture and Organization, 21, pp. 355 - 365,

Laleman F; Pereira V; Malik A, 2015, 'Understanding cultural singularities of ‘Indianness’ in an intercultural business setting', Culture and Organization, 21, pp. 427 - 447,

Lafferty G; Malik A, 2015, 'Editorial commentary: Employment relations in today's India', International Journal of Employment Studies, 23, pp. 3 - 7

Pereira V; Malik A, 2015, 'Employment relations in the Indian Railways - A strong tripod?', International Journal of Employment Studies, 23, pp. 43 - 61

Malik A, 2013, 'Transcribe and Tally: jugaad in action', Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 3, pp. 1 - 8,

Malik A, 2013, 'Post-GFC people management challenges: A study of India's information technology sector', Asia Pacific Business Review, 19, pp. 230 - 246,

Pereira V; Malik A, 2013, 'East is east? Understanding aspects of indian culture(s) within organisations', Culture and Organization, 19, pp. 453 - 456,

Malik A, 2013, 'Connecting work design and business ecosystems: Fostering innovation in information technology firms', Journal of Economic and Social Policy, 15

Ashish M; Martin F, 2012, 'Training and development at BPOLAND', Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 2, pp. 1 - 13,

Malik A; Blumenfeld S, 2012, 'Six Sigma, quality management systems and the development of organisational learning capability: Evidence from four business process outsourcing organisations in India', International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 29, pp. 71 - 91,

Malik A; Sinha A; Blumenfeld S, 2012, 'Role of quality management capabilities in developing market-based organisational learning capabilities: Case study evidence from four Indian business process outsourcing firms.', Industrial Marketing Management, 41, pp. 1 - 10,

Malik A; Nilakant V, 2011, 'Extending the "size matters" debate: Drivers of training in three business process outsourcing SMEs in India', Management Research Review, 34, pp. 111 - 132,

Malik A, 2009, 'Training drivers, competitive strategy and clients' needs: Case studies of three business process outsourcing organisations', Journal of European Industrial Training, 33, pp. 160 - 177,

Blumenfeld S; Malik A, 2007, 'Through the Outdoor: Drivers of Training Supported by New Zealand Organisations', New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 32, pp. 17 - 27

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