Select Publications

Working Papers

George Mulgan AD, 1994, The US-Japan Global Partnership: Expectations and Realities, Australia-Japan Research Centre, ANU, Canberra, 227,

George Mulgan AD; Rapkin D, 1993, GATT Negotiations and the Opening of Japan's Rice Market: A Two-Level Game Approach, Australia-Japan Research Centre, ANU, Canberra, 215,

George Mulgan AD, 1990, The Politics of Liberalisation in Japan: The Case of Rice, Australia-Japan Research Centre, ANU, Canberra, 188,

George Mulgan AD, 1988, Rice Politics in Japan, Australia-Japan Research Centre, ANU, Canberra, 159,

George Mulgan AD, 1984, Japan's Beef Import Policies 1978-84: The Growth of Bilateralism, Australia-Japan Research Centre, ANU, Canberra, 113,

George Mulgan AD, 1983, The Changing Pattern of Japan's Agricultural Import Trade: Implications for Australia, Australia-Japan Research Centre, ANU, Canberra, 100,

George Mulgan AD, 1982, The Comparative Study of Interest Groups in Japan: An Institutional Framework, Australia-Japan Research Centre, ANU, Canberra, 95,

George Mulgan AD, 1981, The Japanese Farm Lobby and Agricultural Policy Making, Australia-Japan Research Centre, ANU, Canberra, 80,

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