Select Publications
Journal articles
2022, 'Obituary: Dr. William Z. Lidicker, Jr. (1932-2022)', JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY,
,2022, 'How habitat selection, succession, and assembly rules can influence landscape ecology in natural and disturbed areas', Therya, 13, pp. 5 - 16,
,2022, 'Special Issue in honor of Dr. William Z. Lidicker, Jr.', Therya, 13, pp. 1 - 4,
,2019, 'An emerging consensus in the evolution, phylogeny, and systematics of marsupials and their fossil relatives (Metatheria)', Journal of Mammalogy, 100, pp. 802 - 837,
,2017, 'Habitat Selection, Interspecific Competition, and Coexistence of a Habitat Generalist and Specialist in Temperate Rainforest of Southeastern Alaska', Northwest Science, 91, pp. 103 - 123,
,2011, 'Review of small mammal trophic structure in drylands: resource availability, use, and disturbance', Journal of Mammalogy, 92, pp. 1179 - 1192,
,2010, 'Responses of two species of heathland rodent to habitat manipulation: Vegetation density thresholds and the habitat accommodation model.', Austral Ecology, 35, pp. 334 - 347,
,2009, 'Separating the influences of environment and species interactions on patterns of distribution and abundance: Competition between large herbivores', Journal of Animal Ecology, 78, pp. 724 - 731
,2008, 'Post-fire vegetation succession in Taxandria linearifolia swamps in the northern jarrah forest of Western Australia', Conservation Science Western Australia, 7, pp. 35 - 42
,2007, 'A review of habitat selection by the swamp rat, Rattus lutreolus (Rodentia:Muridae)', Austral Ecology, 32, pp. 837 - 849
,2005, 'Differential use of habitat aids local coexistence of three species of wrens (Maluridae) and the White-browed Scrubwren Sericornis frontalis: Pardalotidae in Myall Lakes National Park', Australian Zoologist, 33, pp. 223 - 232,
,2005, 'Differential habitat use by a local population of subadult common dunnarts, Sminthopsis murina, following wildfire in coastal wet heath, New South Wales, Australia', Wildlife Research, 32, pp. 617 - 624
,2005, 'Distributions of lizard species across edges delimiting open-forest and sand-mined areas', Austral Ecology, 30, pp. 188 - 200
,2005, 'Using faecal pellet counts along transects to estimate quokka (Setonix brachyurus) population density', Wildlife Research, 32, pp. 503 - 507
,2004, 'Home range and movements of the quokka Setonix brachyurus (Macropodidae: Marsupialia), and its impact on the viability of the metapopulationon the Australian mainland', Journal of Zoology, 263, pp. 219 - 228
,2004, 'Interaction of multiple disturbances: importance of disturbanceinterval in the effects of fire on rehabilitating mined areas', Austral Ecology, 29, pp. 508 - 529
,2004, 'Monitoring and assessment of restoration of a rainforest remnant atWingham Brush, NSW', Austral Ecology, 29, pp. 489 - 507
,2003, 'Experimental manipulation of habitat structure: a retrogression of the small mammal succession', Journal of Animal Ecology, 72, pp. 927 - 940
,2003, 'Local population structure of a naturally occurring metapopulation of the quokka (Setonix brachyurus Macropodidae: Marsupialia)', Biological Conservation, 110, pp. 343 - 355
,2002, 'Assembly rules and competition in desert rodents', American Naturalist, 160, pp. 815 - 818
,2002, 'Changes to plant species richness in forest fragments: fragment age, disturbance and fire history may be as important as area', Journal of Biogeography, 29, pp. 749 - 765
,2001, 'Assessing the disturbance impact on vegetation and lizrd communities of fluoride pollution interacting with fire abd mining in eastern Australia', Austral Ecology, pp. 321 - 337
,2001, 'Disturbance effects from fire and mining produce different lizard communities in eastern Australian forests', Austral Ecology, pp. 193 - 204
,2001, 'The diet of the Pilliga Mouse, Pseudomys pilligaensis (Rodentia:Muridae) from the Pilliga Scrub, Northern New South Wales', Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 123, pp. 89 - 99
,2000, 'Assembly rules: Desert rodent communities are structured at scales from local to continental', American Naturalist, 156, pp. 314 - 321
,2000, 'Behavioural mechanisms of competition in small dasyurid marsupials', Australian Journal of Zoology, pp. 561 - 576
,2000, 'Does habitat structure mediate the effects of forest fragmentation and human-induced disturbance on the abundance of Antechinus stusartii?', Australian Journal of Zoology, pp. 577 - 595
,2000, 'Factors determining mammal species richness on habitat islands and isolates: habitat diversity, disturbance, species interactions and guild assembly rules', Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters, pp. 19 - 37
,2000, 'Habitat-dependent competition and the co-existence of Australian heathland rodents', Oikos, pp. 294 - 306
,2000, 'Small mammal succession is determined by vegetation density rather than time elapsed since disturbance', Austral Ecology, pp. 580 - 587
,1999, 'Habitat selection by female swamp rats (Rattus lutreolus) drives asymmetric competition and coexistence with long-tailed mice (Pseudomys higginsi)', Journal of Mammalogy, pp. 232 - 242
,1998, 'Competition between two Australian rodent species: a regression analysis', Journal of Mammalogy, pp. 962 - 971
,1998, 'Flowering of Xanthorrhoes fulva: the effect of fire and clipping', Australian Journal of Botany, pp. 241 - 251
,1997, 'Arthropods as indicators of the effects of fluoride pollution on the succession following sand mining', Journal of Applied Ecology, pp. 1239 - 1256
,1997, 'Habitat use by sympatric populations of Pseudomys novaehollandiae and Mus domesticus in coastal heathland', Australian Journal of Ecology, pp. 69 - 80
,1997, 'The impact of industrial fluoride fallout on faunal succession following sand mining of dry sclerophyll forest', Biological Conservation, pp. 63 - 81
,1997, 'The impact of industrial fluoride fallout on faunal succession following sand mining of dry sclerophyll forest at Tomago, N.S.W.: II Myobatrachid frog recolinsation', Biological Conservation, pp. 137 - 146
,1997, 'The impacts of animal invasions in Temperate Regions of Australia', Noticiero de la Sociedad de Biologia de Chile, pp. 70 - 70
,1997, 'Vegetation changes across edges of rainforest remnants', Biological Conservation, pp. 1 - 13
,1996, 'Estimating competition coefficients from census data: A re-examination of the regression technique.', OIKOS, 77, pp. 291 - 300,
,1996, 'A comparison of ground-dwelling small mammal communities in primary and secondary tropical rainforests in China', Journal of Tropical Ecology, 12, pp. 215 - 230
,1996, 'A review of the Mantel test in animal dietary studies: effect of sample size and inequalit of sample sizes', Wildlife Research, pp. 267 - 288
,1996, 'Comparison of regeneratin following burning, clearing or mineral sand mining at Tomago, NSW: II. Succession of ant assemblages in a coastal forest', Australian Journal of Ecology, pp. 200 - 216
,1996, 'Comparison of regeneration following burning, clearing or mineral sand mining at Tomago, NSW: I. Structure and growth of vegetation', Australian Journal of Ecology, pp. 184 - 199
,1996, 'Estimating competition coefficients in the field: a validity test of the regression method', Oikos, pp. 291 - 300
,1996, 'Seasonal and successinal dietary shifts of two sympatric rodents in coastal heathland: a possible mechanism for coexistence', Australian Journal of Ecology, pp. 121 - 132
,1996, 'The effects of fragmentation and distrubance of rainforests on ground-dwelling small mammals on the Robertson Plateau, NSW, Australia', Journal of Biogeography, pp. 187 - 201
,1995, 'Competitive effects of Rattus lutreolus presence on food resource use by pseudomys gracilicaudatus', Australian Journal of Ecology, 20, pp. 556 - 564
,1995, 'Habitat utilization patterns of sympatric populations of pseudomys gracilicaudatus and rattus lutreolus in coastal heathland: a multivariate analysis', Australian Journal of Ecology, 20, pp. 427 - 441
,1995, 'Reaffirming the validity of the assembly rule for functional groups or guilds', Oikos, pp. 125 - 132