Select Publications

Book Chapters

Ashcroft B, 2024, 'Postcolonial rationality', in Sociology of Rationality: Critiques and Creative Conversations, pp. 67 - 80,

Ashcroft B, 2024, 'Postcolonial Rationality', in Ashcroft B (ed.), Sociology of Rationality: Critiques and Creative Questions

Ashcroft B; Griffiths G; Tiffin H, 2024, 'INTRODUCTION', in Postcolonialism: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies: Volume I, pp. 47 - 56,

Ashcroft B, 2023, 'Colonialism and Disease: Smallpox in the Aboriginal Population', in Chatterjee A; Chatterjee N (ed.), Covid-19 in India, Disease, Health and Culture., Routledge, London and New York, pp. 23 - 35,

Ashcroft B, 2023, 'Oceans: the Space of Future Thinking', in Chatterjee S; Chojnicka J; Hornidge A-K; Knopf K (ed.), Postcolonial Oceans: Contradictions and Heterogeneities in the Epistemes of Salt Water,, Heidelberg University Publishing, Heidelberg, pp. 107 - 122,

Ashcroft B, 2022, 'Postcolonial Utopianism', in Marks P; Wagner-Lawler J; Viera F (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Utopian and Dystopian Literatures, Pakgrave Macmillan, Switzerland, pp. 371 - 382,

Ashcroft B, 2022, 'Postcolonialism', in The Palgrave Handbook of Utopian and Dystopian Literatures, pp. 397 - 408,

Ashcroft B, 2022, 'Humanities and Hope', in Anwar W; Yousaf N (ed.), Transcultural Humanities in South Asia, Routledge, London and New York, pp. 15 - 27,

Ashcroft B, 2022, 'On Postnational Belonging', in Althan K; Kern D; Neumeier B (ed.), Migrant Australia: From Botany Bay to Manus Island, WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Trier, pp. 12 - 24

Ashcroft B, 2022, 'Transformation as Resistance', in Nicolaides A; Eschenbacher S; Buergelt P; Gilpin-Jackson Y; Welch M; Misawa M (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Learning for Transformation., Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 555 - 570,

Ashcroft B, 2021, 'On Postnational Belonging', in Migrant Australia: From Botany Bay to Manus Island, pp. 11 - 24,

Ashcroft B, 2021, 'Unlocking the Future: Utopia and Postcolonial LIteratures', in Kim D (ed.), Reframing Postcolonial Studies Concepts, Methodologies, Scholarly Activisms, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 43 - 68,

Ashcroft B, 2020, 'Postcolonial Science Fiction and the Ethics of Empire', in Kendal Z; Smith A; Champion G; Milner A (ed.), Ethical Futures and Global Science Fiction, Palgrave Macmillan, Switzerland, pp. 165 - 186,

Ashcroft B, 2020, 'Postcolonial Futures: Literature, Transformation, Globalization', in Devi Murru R (ed.), Postcoloniality in Transition: Essays on Cosmopolitanism, Transnationalism and Globalization, Xpress Publishing, Chennai, India, pp. 29 - 48,

Ashcroft B, 2019, 'Singing the Spiral of Time: Albert Wendt's The Adventures of Vela', in Cross/Cultures, pp. 183 - 195,

Ashcroft B, 2019, 'Global Africa', in Other Globes, Springer International Publishing, pp. 149 - 164,

Ashcroft B, 2018, 'Singing the Spiral of Time: Albert Wendt's The Adventures of Vela', in Collette A; Dale L (ed.), Postcolonial Past and Present Negotiating Literary and Cultural Geographies, Brill / Rodopi, Leiden and Boston, pp. 183 - 195,

Ashcroft B, 2018, 'Re-writing History: Gould's Book of Fish', in Dixon R (ed.), Richard Flanagan Critical Essays, Sydney University Press, Sydney, pp. 87 - 102,

Ashcroft B, 2018, 'Postcolonialism', in The Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Literature, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 519 - 537,

Ashcroft B, 2017, 'Postcolonial Theory', in , Wiley, pp. 1 - 5,

Ashcroft B, 2017, 'Transformative Resistance and Aesthetics', in Fischer-Lichte E; Wihstutz B (ed.), Transformative Aesthetics, Routledge, London, pp. 191 - 207

Ashcroft B, 2017, 'Utopian Sites: Re-inventing the Asian Metropolis', in Sandten C; Bauer A (ed.), Re-Inventing the Postcolonial (in the) Metropolis, Brill/ Rodopi, The Hague, pp. 145 - 166

Ashcroft B, 2017, 'Transnation: the Transnational Within', in Ciocca R; Lamarra A; Laudando CM (ed.), Transnational Subjects: Cultural and Literary Encounters, Liguori Editore, Naples, pp. xxii - xxxvi

Ashcroft B, 2017, 'Writing Beyond Borders: Salman Rushdie and the Nation', in Ghosh TK; Bhattacharryya P (ed.), Mapping out the Rushdie Republic: Some Recent Surveys, Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle, pp. 2 - 18

Ashcroft B, 2016, 'Oceanic Hope', in Borg Barthet S; Callus I (ed.), Crosscurrents in Postcolonial Memory and Literature, Malta University Press, Malta, pp. 23 - 56

Ashcroft B, 2016, 'The Multiple Worlds of Mia Couto', in Hamilton G; Huddart (ed.), A Companion to Mia Couto, James Currey, Woodbridge, pp. 106 - 124

Ashcroft B, 2016, 'Utopian Sights: Re-Inventing the Asian Metropolis', in Sandten (ed.), Re-Inventing the Postcolonial (in the) Metropolis, rodopi, Leiden, pp. 145 - 166

Ashcroft B, 2016, 'Writing Beyond Borders: Salman Rushdie and the Nation', in Tapan Kumar Ghosh ; Prasanta Bhattacharyya (ed.), Mapping out the Rushdie Republic: Some Recent Surveys, Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle UK, pp. 2 - 18

Ashcroft B, 2015, 'Colonialism (Neocolonialism)', in , Wiley,

Ashcroft B, 2015, 'Critical histories: Postcolonialism, postmodernism, and race', in Postmodern Literature and Race, Cambridge University Press, pp. 13 - 30,

Ashcroft B, 2015, 'English Futures: the Function of Literature', in O'Sullivan M; Huddart D; Lee C (ed.), The Future of English in Asia: Perspectives on Language and Literature, Routledge, London and New York, pp. 111 - 127

Ashcroft B, 2015, 'Travel and Utopia', in Kuehn J; Smethurst P (ed.), New Directions in Travel Writing Studies, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 249 - 262,

Ashcroft B, 2015, 'A Borderless World: Literature, Nation, Transnation', in Ethnic Literatures and Transnationalism, Routledge, New York and London, pp. 163 - 176,

Ashcroft B, 2015, 'Subaltern', in Segal R; von Stuckrad K (ed.), Vocabulary for the Study of Religion, Brill, Leiden and Boston, pp. 423 - 426

Ashcroft B, 2014, 'Future Thinking: Postcolonial Utopianism', in Zabus C (ed.), The Future of Postcolonial Studies, Routledge, London, pp. 235 - 253,

Ashcroft B, 2014, 'INCLUDING CHINA', in The Postcolonial Studies Reader, Third Edition, pp. 64 - 68,

Ashcroft B, 2014, 'LANGUAGE AND TRANSFORMATION', in Introduction, pp. 330 - 334,

Ashcroft B, 2014, 'URBANISM, MOBILITY AND BOMBAY Reading the Postcolonial City', in The Postcolonial Studies Reader, Third Edition, pp. 442 - 447,

Ashcroft B, 2014, 'Bridging the Silence: Inner Translation and the Metonymic Gap', in Language and Translation in Postcolonial Literatures: Multilingual Contexts, Translational Texts, Routledge, London, pp. 17 - 31,

Ashcroft B, 2014, 'Future Thinking: The Utopian Function of the Creative Spirit', in Creativity and Revolution, Dept of English Language and Literature, Cairo, pp. 1 - 20

Ashcroft B, 2014, 'Horizons of Hope', in Vanden Driesen, C ; Ashcroft, B (ed.), Patrick White Centenary: The Legacy of a Prodigal Son, Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle, pp. 22 - 42

Ashcroft B, 2014, 'Knowing time: temporal epistemology in the African novel', in Cooper B; Morrell R (ed.), Africa-centred Knowledges: Crossing Fields and Worlds, James Curry, London, pp. 64 - 77,

Ashcroft B, 2014, 'Material Resonance: Knowing Before Meaning', in Neumeier B; Schaffer K (ed.), Decolonizing the Landscape: Indigenous Cultures in Australia, Rodopi, Amsterdam, New York, pp. 107 - 128,

Ashcroft B, 2014, 'Seeing Australia: Learning and Unlearning the Visible World', in Brosch R; Crane K (ed.), Visualising Australia: Images, Icons, Imaginations, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, Trier, Germany, pp. 19 - 38,

Ashcroft B, 2014, 'Threshold Theology', in Brett M; Have a J (ed.), Colonial Contexts and Postcolonial Theologies: Storyweaving in the Asia-Pacific, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp. 3 - 20,

Ashcroft B, 2014, 'Vanishing Borders: Boundaries, Habitation, Transnation', in Vanden Driesen C; Kumar TV (ed.), Globalization: Australia-Asian Perspectives, Atlantic Publishers, Chennai, pp. 143 - 163

Ashcroft B, 2014, 'Water', in McCredden L; O'Reilly N (ed.), Tim Winton: Critical Essays, University of Western Australia Press, Crawley WA, pp. 16 - 48,

Ashcroft B, 2013, 'Re-writing India', in Sen K; Roy R (ed.), WRITING INDIA ANEW: INDIAN ENGLISH FICTION 2000-2010, AMSTERDAM UNIV PRESS, pp. 29 - 46,

Ashcroft B, 2013, 'Beyond the Nation: Australian Literature as World Literature', in Dixon R; Rooney B (ed.), Scenes of Reading: Is Australian Literature a World Literature?, Australian Scholarly Press, Melbourne, pp. 34 - 46

Ashcroft B, 2013, 'Border Free: Amitav Ghosh as a Child of Midnight', in Volná L; Agarwal NK; Prasad M (ed.), Children of Midnight: Contemporary Indian Novel in English, Pencraft International, Delhi, pp. 20 - 35

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