Select Publications

Journal articles

Baée J; Draper B; Wijeratne C, 2025, 'A systematic review of reasons for and against euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide in older people with a non-terminal condition', Australasian Psychiatry,

Draper B; Wijeratne C, 2024, 'Electroconvulsive therapy use in New South Wales between 1944 and 1949', AUSTRALASIAN PSYCHIATRY,

Nguyen HXT; Hyde Z; McNamara BJ; Hughson JA; Radford K; Russell S; Flicker L; Quigley R; Malay R; Strivens E; Withall A; Lavrencic L; Draper B; Delbaere K; Cumming R; LoGiudice D, 2024, 'Strength together: examining risk and protective factors associated with dementia and cognitive impairment in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through harmonisation of landmark studies', BMC Neurology, 24, pp. 185,

Yates MW; Bail K; MacDermott S; Skvarc D; Theobald M; Morvell M; Jebramek JC; Tebbut I; Draper B; Brodaty H, 2024, 'The impact of the Dementia Care in Hospitals Program on hospital acquired complications – a non-randomised stepped wedge hybrid effectiveness-implementation study', BMC Geriatrics, 24,

Walker AR; Srasuebkul P; Trollor JN; Wand APF; Draper B; Cvejic RC; Moxey A; Reppermund S, 2024, 'Mortality in people living with dementia who self-harmed: An Australian data linkage study', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 58, pp. 990 - 1000,

Draper BM; Loi S, 2024, 'Young Onset Dementia in New South Wales, Australia in 1891: What has Changed Since Then?', International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 39,

Sharwood LN; Waller M; Draper B; Shand F, 2024, 'Exploring community mental health service use following hospital-Treated intentional self-harm among older Australians: A survival analysis', International Psychogeriatrics, 36, pp. 405 - 414,

Mewton L; Visontay R; Hughes G; Browning C; Wen W; Topiwala A; Draper B; Crawford JD; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, 2024, 'Longitudinal alcohol-related brain changes in older adults: The Sydney Memory and Ageing Study', Addiction Biology, 29,

Hopkins RE; Bharat C; Buizen L; Close J; Ivers R; Draper B; Pearson SA; Degenhardt L; Gisev N, 2024, 'Age-Related Risk of Serious Fall Events and Opioid Analgesic Use', JAMA Internal Medicine, 184, pp. 394 - 401,

Lim ML; Perram A; Radford K; Close J; Draper B; Lord SR; Anstey KJ; O'Dea B; Ambrens M; Hill TY; Brown A; Miles L; Ngo M; Letton M; Van Schooten KS; Delbaere K, 2024, 'Protocol of a 12-week eHealth programme designed to reduce concerns about falling in community-living older people: Own Your Balance randomised controlled trial', BMJ Open, 14, pp. e078486,

Reily NM; Tang S; Batterham PJ; Aadam B; Draper B; Shand F; Han J; Nicholas A; Christensen H, 2024, 'Help-Seeking and Barriers to Service Use amongst Men with Past-Year Suicidal Ideation and not in Contact with Mental Health Services', Archives of Suicide Research, 28, pp. 482 - 498,

Chakraborty M; Dhiman K; Sachdev PS; Brodaty H; Draper B; Trollor JN; Reppermund S; Kang K; Mather KA; Poljak A; Wen W; Numbers KT; Kochan NA; Catts VS; Gupta V, 2024, 'Glutaric acid associates with early detection of cognitive impairment deciphering the association with depression', Alzheimer's & Dementia, 20,

Cooper M; Couzner L; Smith-Merry J; Draper B; Low L-F; Cations M, 2024, 'The role of dementia and mild cognitive impairment in deaths by suicide in Australia: A retrospective study of coronial records', International Psychogeriatrics, pp. 100002 - 100002,

Cations M; Lang C; Draper B; Caughey GE; Evans K; Wesselingh S; Crotty M; Whitehead C; Inacio MC, 2023, 'Death by suicide among aged care recipients in Australia 2008-2017', International Psychogeriatrics, 35, pp. 724 - 735,

Walker AR; Srasuebkul P; Trollor JN; Wand APF; Draper B; Cvejic RC; Moxey A; Reppermund S, 2023, 'Risk factors for dementia and self-harm: A linkage study', Alzheimer's and Dementia, 19, pp. 5138 - 5150,

Lee W; Sheehan C; Chye R; Chang S; Bayes A; Loo C; Draper B; Agar MR; Currow DC, 2023, 'Subcutaneous ketamine infusion in palliative patients for major depressive disorder (SKIPMDD)—Phase II single-arm open-label feasibility study', PLoS ONE, 18, pp. e0290876,

Draper B, 2023, 'Attempted suicide in older people in New South Wales, Australia, 1870–1908', History of Psychiatry, 34, pp. 305 - 319,

Pathmanathan G; Wand A; Draper B, 2023, 'Recent Trends and Developments in Suicide Prevention for Older Adults', Advances in Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, 3, pp. 177 - 186,

Giebel C; Cations M; Draper B; Komuravelli A, 2023, 'Ethnic disparities in the uptake of anti-dementia medication in young and late-onset dementia', International Psychogeriatrics, 35, pp. 381 - 390,

Cations M; Wilton-Harding B; Laver KE; Brodaty H; Low LF; Collins N; Lie D; McKellar D; Macfarlane S; Draper B, 2023, 'Psychiatric service delivery for older people in hospital and residential aged care: An updated systematic review', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57, pp. 811 - 833,

Veinovic M; Hill TY; Lavrencic L; Broe GA; Delbaere K; Donovan T; Draper B; Lasschuit D; Mann R; Sullivan K; Timbery A; Radford K, 2023, 'Telephone cognitive screening with older Aboriginal Australians: A preliminary study', Australasian Journal on Ageing, 42, pp. 311 - 316,

Rowland G; Hindman E; Hassmén P; Radford K; Draper B; Cumming R; Daylight G; Garvey G; Delbaere K; Broe T, 2023, 'Depression, childhood trauma, and physical activity in older Indigenous Australians', International Psychogeriatrics, 35, pp. 259 - 269,

Tang S; Reily NM; Batterham PJ; Draper B; Shand F; Han J; Aadam B; Christensen H, 2023, 'Correlates of non-receipt of formal mental health services among Australian men experiencing thoughts of suicide', Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 11,

Lavrencic L; Mack H; Withall A; Delbaere K; Broe GA; Daylight G; Draper B; Lasschuit D; Radford K, 2023, 'Culturally relevant protective factors and relationships with cognitive decline in First Nations Australians', Alzheimer's & Dementia, 19,

Reppermund S; Walker A; Cvejic R; Srasuebkul P; Wand A; Draper B; Trollor JN, 2023, 'Self‐harm in people with dementia – assessing risk factors, health profiles and healthcare pathways using big data', Alzheimer's & Dementia, 19,

Lee W; Chang S; DiGiacomo M; Draper B; Agar MR; Currow DC, 2022, 'Caring for depression in the dying is complex and challenging – survey of palliative physicians', BMC Palliative Care, 21,

Cvejic RC; Watkins TR; Walker AR; Reppermund S; Srasuebkul P; Draper B; Withall A; Winkler D; Honan I; Mackechnie D; Trollor J, 2022, 'Factors associated with discharge from hospital to residential aged care for younger people with neuropsychiatric disorders: An exploratory case-control study in New South Wales, Australia', BMJ Open, 12, pp. e065982,

Draper B, 2022, 'Melancholia in late life in New South Wales and Victoria, Australia, 1871–1905: symptoms, behaviours and outcomes', History of Psychiatry, 33, pp. 467 - 474,

Couzner L; Day S; Draper B; Withall A; Laver KE; Eccleston C; Elliott KE; McInerney F; Cations M, 2022, 'What do health professionals need to know about young onset dementia? An international Delphi consensus study', BMC Health Services Research, 22,

Day S; Couzner L; Laver KE; Withall A; Draper B; Cations M, 2022, 'Cross-sector learning collaboratives can improve post-diagnosis care integration for people with young onset dementia', Health and Social Care in the Community, 30, pp. e6135 - e6144,

Lee W; DiGiacomo M; Draper B; Agar MR; Currow DC, 2022, 'A Focus Group Study of Palliative Physician and Consultation-Liaison Psychiatrist Perceptions of Dealing with Depression in the Dying', Journal of Palliative Care, 37, pp. 535 - 544,

Lappin JM; Zahra E; Darke S; Shand F; Sharma S; Draper B; Connors MH; Dear B; Titov N; Campbell G, 2022, 'Presentations to the emergency department with self-harm or suicidal behaviours: A role for digital mental health services?', Journal of Psychiatric Research, 154, pp. 50 - 55,

Numbers K; Jang S; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Draper B; Reppermund S, 2022, 'Instrumental Activities of Daily Living by Subjective and Objective Measures: The Impact of Depression and Personality', Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 14, pp. 829544,

Chen JTH; Wuthrich VM; Rapee RM; Draper B; Brodaty H; Cutler H; Low LF; Georgiou A; Johnco C; Jones M; Meuldijk D; Partington A, 2022, 'Improving mental health and social participation outcomes in older adults with depression and anxiety: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial', PLoS ONE, 17, pp. e0269981,

Draper B, 2022, 'G Vernon Davies: unsung pioneer of old age psychiatry in Victoria', Australasian Psychiatry, 30, pp. 203 - 205,

Lavrencic LM; Delbaere K; Broe GA; Daylight G; Draper B; Cumming RG; Garvey G; Allan W; Hill TY; Lasschuit D; Schofield PR; Radford K, 2022, 'Dementia incidence, APOE genotype, and risk factors for cognitive decline in Aboriginal Australians', Neurology, 98, pp. E1124 - E1136,

Tang S; Reily NM; Arena AF; Sheanoda V; Han J; Draper B; Batterham PJ; Mackinnon AJ; Christensen H, 2022, 'Predictors of not receiving mental health services among people at risk of suicide: A systematic review', Journal of Affective Disorders, 301, pp. 172 - 188,

Lee W; Pulbrook M; Sheehan C; Kochovska S; Chang S; Hosie A; Lobb E; Draper B; Agar MR; Currow DC, 2022, 'Evidence of Effective Interventions for Clinically Significant Depressive Symptoms in Individuals with Extremely Short Prognoses Is Lacking: A Systematic Review', Journal of Palliative Medicine, 25, pp. 341 - 342,

Cations M; Day S; Laver K; Withall A; Draper B, 2022, 'Post-diagnosis young-onset dementia care in the National Disability Insurance Scheme', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 56, pp. 270 - 280,

Mate K; Kerr K; Priestley A; Weaver N; Broe GA; Daylight G; Draper B; Cumming R; Robinson-Kingi H; Delbaere K; Radford K, 2022, 'Use of tricyclic antidepressants and other anticholinergic medicines by older Aboriginal Australians: Association with negative health outcomes', International Psychogeriatrics, 34, pp. 71 - 78,

Day S; Roberts S; Launder NH; Goh AMY; Draper B; Bahar-Fuchs A; Loi SM; Laver K; Withall A; Cations M, 2022, 'Age of Symptom Onset and Longitudinal Course of Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease, Frontotemporal Dementia, and Vascular Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis', Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 85, pp. 1819 - 1833,

Strutt PA; Barnier AJ; Savage G; Picard G; Kochan NA; Sachdev P; Draper B; Brodaty H, 2022, 'Hearing loss, cognition, and risk of neurocognitive disorder: evidence from a longitudinal cohort study of older adult Australians', Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 29, pp. 121 - 138,

Kochan NA; Croot K; Crawford JD; Allison KC; Rossie M; Brodaty H; Lam BCP; Henry JD; Lee T; Draper B; Close J; Ong MY; Bentvelzen A; Sachdev PS, 2022, 'Computer‐administered neuropsychological assessment batteries: Validity, reliability, and user experience in an Australian sample of community‐living older adults in the CogSCAN Study', Alzheimer's & Dementia, 18,

Do VQ; Draper B; Harvey L; Driscoll T; Braithwaite J; Brodaty H; Mitchell R, 2021, 'Examining trajectories of hospital readmission in older adults hospitalised with hip fracture from residential aged care and the community', Archives of Osteoporosis, 16,

Draper B, 2021, 'Older people in hospitals for the insane in New South Wales, Australia, 1849–1905', History of Psychiatry, 32, pp. 436 - 448,

Kwan E; Draper B; Endre ZH; Harvey SB; Brown MA, 2021, 'Prevalence, types and recognition of cognitive impairment in dialysis patients in South Eastern Sydney', Internal Medicine Journal, 51, pp. 2034 - 2041,

Wijeratne C; Johnco C; Draper B; Earl J, 2021, 'Doctors' reporting of mental health stigma and barriers to help-seeking', Occupational Medicine, 71, pp. 366 - 374,

Haber PS; Riordan BC; Winter DT; Barrett L; Saunders J; Hides L; Gullo M; Manning V; Day CA; Bonomo Y; Burns L; Assan R; Curry K; Mooney-Somers J; Demirkol A; Monds L; McDonough M; Baillie AJ; Clark P; Ritter A; Quinn C; Cunningham J; Lintzeris N; Rombouts S; Savic M; Norman A; Reid S; Hutchinson D; Zheng C; Iese Y; Black N; Draper B; Ridley N; Gowing L; Stapinski L; Taye B; Lancaster K; Stjepanović D; Kay-Lambkin F; Jamshidi N; Lubman D; Pastor A; White N; Wilson S; Jaworski AL; Memedovic S; Logge W; Mills K; Seear K; Freeburn B; Lea T; Withall A; Marel C; Boffa J; Roxburgh A; Purcell-Khodr G; Doyle M; Conigrave K; Teesson M; Butler K; Connor J; Morley KC, 2021, 'New Australian guidelines for the treatment of alcohol problems: an overview of recommendations', Medical Journal of Australia, 215, pp. S3 - S32,

Day CA; Bonomo Y; Burns L; Assan R; Curry K; Mooney--Somers J; Demirkol A; Monds L; Reid S; Norman A; Hutchinson D; Zheng C; Iese Y; Black N; Memedovic S; Draper BM; Ridley N; White N; Pastor A; Wilson S; Freeburn B; Boffa JD; Purcell-Khodr G; Doyle M; Jaworski AL; Lea T; Roxburgh A; Logge W; Withall A; Conigrave KM, 2021, 'Providing appropriate treatment and care to people with alcohol problems: a summary for key specific populations', MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA, 215, pp. S21 - S27

Cations M; Loi SM; Draper B; Swaffer K; Velakoulis D; Goh AMY; Withall A, 2021, 'A call to action for the improved identification, diagnosis, treatment and care of people with young onset dementia', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 55, pp. 837 - 840,

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