
My Expertise

Population ageing and the built environment

Housing and human behaviour

Urban and housing renewal


Fields of Research (FoR)

Urban and regional planning, Architectural design, Housing policy, Community planning, Population trends and policies

SEO tags


Following eight years in private architectural practice, Bruce joined UNSW in 1981 where his roles have included Head of the former Graduate School of the Built Environment, Director of Postgraduate Research, Director of the Master of Urban Development and Design Program, inaugural Director of the UNSW-UWS Centre of the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), inaugural Deputy Director of the City Futures Research Centre, and...view more


Room 3024, Level 3
Red Centre (West Wing)
City Futures Research Centre

Map reference (Google map)


+61 2 9385 6683
+61 2 9385 5935
