Select Publications
Journal articles
2016, 'A context of risk: Uncovering the lived experiences of Chin refugee women who are negotiating a livelihood in Delhi, India.', Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees, 32, pp. 84 - 94,
,2016, 'Epistemic communities: Extending the social justice outcomes of community music for asylum seekers and refugees in Australia', International Journal of Community Music
,2016, 'University students from refugee backgrounds: Why should we care?', Higher Education Research & Development, 35
,2016, '‘They change us’: The social and emotional impacts on music facilitators of engaging in music and singing with asylum seekers.', Music and Arts in Action, 5, pp. 55 - 68,
,2016, 'Media coverage of refugees and asylum seekers in regional Australian press: A critical discourse analysis.', Media International Australia, pp. 1 - 12
,2016, 'Changing faces: Visual representations of asylum seekers in times of crisis.', Creative Approaches to Research, 9, pp. 68 - 83,
,2016, 'Performing freedom: Accidental communities and cultural spaces in detention', International Journal of Community Music
,2016, 'Writing with light: An iconographic-iconologic approach to refugee photography', Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 17,
,2015, 'Don’t Silence “the Dinosaurs”: Keeping Caution Alive With Regard to Social Work Distance Education', Journal of Teaching in Social Work: innovations in instruction, training and educational practice
,2015, ''They [do more than] interrupt us from sadness': Exploring the impact of participatory music making on social determinants of health and wellbeing for refugees in Australia.', Health, Culture and Society, 8,
,2015, 'Digital storytelling as a social work tool: Learning from ethnographic research with women from refugee backgrounds', British Journal of Social Work, 45, pp. 988 - 1005,
,2015, 'Where words fail, music speaks: the impact of participatory music on the mental health and wellbeing of asylum seekers.', Arts and Health: an international journal for research, policy and practice,
,2015, 'Mind the Gap! The growing chasm between funding-driven agencies, and social and community knowledge and practice', Community Development Journal, 50, pp. 88 - 103,
,2014, '“Will there be music for us?” Mapping the health and well-being potential of participatory music practice with asylum seekers and refugees across contexts of conflict and refuge', Arts and Health, 8, pp. 32 - 49,
,2014, ''I am a widow, mother and refugee': Narratives of two refugee widows resettled to Australia', Journal of Refugee Studies, 27, pp. 403 - 421,
,2014, ''Newstart' or 'Stop-Start'? The implications of recent welfare reforms on undergraduate students who are sole parents', Higher Education Research and Development, 33, pp. 627 - 630,
,2014, 'Teaching cultural diversity in first year human services and social work: The impetus for embedding a cultural safety framework. A Practice Report', Student Success, 5, pp. 117 - 123,
,2013, 'Mistrust and refugee women who are lone parents in resettlement contexts', Qualitative Social Work,
,2013, 'Everyday resilience: Narratives of single refugee women with children', Qualitative Social Work, 12, pp. 637 - 653,
,2013, 'Refugee women: beyond gender versus culture', GENDER PLACE AND CULTURE, 20, pp. 553 - 554,
,2013, '‘From ‘chopping up chicken’ to ‘cap and gown’: A university initiative to increase migrant and refugee pathways to employment', Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education
,2013, 'Visual ethnography and refugee women: Nuanced understandings of lived experiences', Qualitative Research Journal, 13, pp. 72 - 89,
,2012, 'The dishes can wait: a young mother’s reflection post-PhD', Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education, 14, pp. 153 - 161