Select Publications

Journal articles

Lee CK, 2003, 'Automatic metric 3D surface mesh generation using subdivision surface geometrical model. Part 1: Construction of underlying geometrical model', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 56, pp. 1593 - 1614,

Lee CK, 2003, 'Automatic metric 3D surface mesh generation using subdivision surface geometrical model. Part 2: Mesh generation algorithm and examples', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 56, pp. 1615 - 1646,

Lee CK; Liu X; Fan SC, 2003, 'Local multiquadric approximation for solving boundary value problems', Computational Mechanics, 30, pp. 396 - 409,

Lie ST; Lee CK; Wong SM, 2003, 'Model and mesh generation of cracked tubular Y-joints', Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 70, pp. 161 - 184,

Lee CK; Liu X; Fan SC, 2003, 'On solving singular interface problems using the enriched partition-of-unity finite element methods', Engineering Computations (Swansea, Wales), 20, pp. 998 - 1022,

Lee YK; Lee CK, 2002, 'Automatic generation of anisotropic quadrilateral meshes on three-dimensional surfaces using metric specifications', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 53, pp. 2673 - 2700,

Liu X; Lee CK; Fan SC, 2002, 'On using enriched cover function in the partition-of-unity method for singular boundary-value problems', Computational Mechanics, 29, pp. 212 - 225,

Chiew SP; Lie ST; Lee CK; Huang ZW, 2001, 'Stress intensity factors for a surface crack in a tubular T-joint', International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 78, pp. 677 - 685,

Lie ST; Lee CK; Wong SM, 2001, 'Modelling and mesh generation of weld profile in tubular Y-joint', Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 57, pp. 547 - 567,

Lee CK, 2001, 'On curvature element-size control in metric surface mesh generation', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 50, pp. 787 - 807,<787::AID-NME51>3.0.CO;2-O

Lee CK; Wong SM; Lie ST, 2001, 'On increasing the order and density of 3D finite element meshes', Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 17, pp. 55 - 68,<55::AID-CNM389>3.0.CO;2-O

Lee CK, 2000, 'A new finite point generation scheme using metric specifications', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 48, pp. 1423 - 1444,<1423::AID-NME948>3.0.CO;2-T

Lee CK, 2000, 'A new finite point generation scheme using metric specifications', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 48, pp. 1423 - 1444,<1423::aid-nme948>;2-t

Lee CK, 2000, 'Automatic metric advancing front triangulation over curved surfaces', Engineering Computations (Swansea, Wales), 17, pp. 48 - 74,

Lee CK; Wu GJ, 2000, 'Shear lag analysis by the adaptive finite element method - 1. Analysis of simple plated structures', Thin-Walled Structures, 38, pp. 285 - 309,

Lee CK; Wu GJ, 2000, 'Shear lag analysis by the adaptive finite element method - 2. Analysis of complex plated structures', Thin-Walled Structures, 38, pp. 311 - 336,

Lee CK; Sze KY; Lo SH, 1999, 'On using degenerated solid shell elements in adaptive refinement analysis', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 45, pp. 627 - 659,<627::AID-NME602>3.0.CO;2-Q

Lee CK; Lo SH, 1999, 'A full 3D finite element analysis using adaptive refinement and PCG solver with back interpolation', Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 170, pp. 39 - 64,

Lee CK, 1999, 'Automatic adaptive mesh generation using metric advancing front approach', Engineering Computations (Swansea, Wales), 16, pp. 230 - 263,

Lee CK; Hobbs RE, 1999, 'Automatic adaptive finite element mesh generation over arbitrary two-dimensional domain using advancing front technique', Computers and Structures, 71, pp. 9 - 34,

Wong SC; Lee CK; Tong CO, 1998, 'Finite element solution for the continuum traffic equilibrium problems', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 43, pp. 1253 - 1273,<1253::AID-NME468>3.0.CO;2-B

Lo SH; Lee CK, 1998, 'On using different recovery procedures for the construction of smoothed stress in finite element method', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 43, pp. 1223 - 1252,<1223::AID-NME466>3.0.CO;2-K

Lo SH; Lee CK, 1998, 'On constructing accurate recovered stress fields for the finite element solution of Reissner-Mindlin plate bending problems', Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 160, pp. 175 - 191,

Lee CK; Hobbs RE, 1998, 'Corrigendum: Automatic adaptive refinement for shell analysis using nine-node assumed strain element', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 41, pp. 777 - 777,<777::aid-nme339>;2-l

Lee CK; Hobbs RE, 1998, 'Automatic adaptive finite element mesh generation over rational B-spline surfaces', Computers and Structures, 69, pp. 577 - 608,

Lee CK; Hobbs RE, 1998, 'On solving nearly incompressible 2D problems using an adaptive refinement procedure', Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 14, pp. 409 - 418,<409::AID-CNM152>3.0.CO;2-U

Lo SH; Lee CK, 1998, 'Selective regional refinement procedure for adaptive finite element analysis', Computers and Structures, 68, pp. 325 - 341,

Lee CK; Hobbs RE, 1998, 'Automatic adaptive refinement for plate bending problems using Reissner-Mindlin plate bending elements', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 41, pp. 1 - 63,

Lee CK; Hobbs RE, 1998, 'Closed form stiffness matrix solutions for some commonly used hybrid finite elements', Computers and Structures, 67, pp. 463 - 482,

Lau TS; Lo SH; Lee CK, 1997, 'Generation of quadrilateral mesh over analytical curved surfaces', Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 27, pp. 251 - 272,

Lee CK; Lo SH, 1997, 'Automatic adaptive refinement finite element procedure for 3D stress analysis', Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 25, pp. 135 - 166,

Lee CK; Lo SH, 1997, 'Automatic adaptive 3-D finite element refinement using different-order tetrahedral elements', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 40, pp. 2195 - 2226,<2195::AID-NME153>3.0.CO;2-3

Lee CK; Hobbs RE, 1997, 'Automatic adaptive refinement for shell analysis using nine-node assumed strain element', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 40, pp. 3601 - 3638,<3601::AID-NME230>3.0.CO;2-D

Lee CK; Hobbs RE, 1997, 'On using different finite elements with an automatic adaptive refinement procedure for the solution of 2-D stress analysis problems', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 40, pp. 4547 - 4576,<4547::AID-NME272>3.0.CO;2-J

Lee CK; Lo SH, 1995, 'An automatic adaptive refinement procedure using triangular and quadrilateral meshes', Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 50, pp. 671 - 686,

Lee CK; Lo SH, 1994, 'A new scheme for the generation of a graded quadrilateral mesh', Computers and Structures, 52, pp. 847 - 857,

Lo SH; Lee CK, 1994, 'Generation of gradation meshes by the background grid technique', Computers and Structures, 50, pp. 21 - 32,

Lo SH; Lee CK, 1992, 'On using meshes of mixed element types in adaptive finite element analysis', Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 11, pp. 307 - 336,

Lo SH; Lee CK, 1992, 'Solving crack problems by an adaptive refinement procedure', Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 43, pp. 147 - 163,


Conference Papers

Wijesooriya K; Zhu S; Rawat S; Lee CK; Mohotti D, 2023, 'Engineered cementitious composite beams in impact damage mitigation for bridge piers', in Proceeding of the International Association for Bridge Maintenance and Safety Symposium 2023, Kandy, Sri Lanka, presented at The International Association for Bridge Maintenance and Safety Symposium 2023, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 15 December 2023 - 17 December 2023

Widanage C; Wijesooriya K; Lee CK; Mohotti D, 2023, 'Prediction of blast-induced positive peak incident pressure using artificial neural networks', in Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Impact Engineering (ISIE2023), Perth, presented at 11th International Symposium on Impact Engineering (ISIE2023), Perth, 03 December 2023 - 05 December 2023

Lee CK, 2023, 'Graphene oxide incorporated smart concrete: Its performance in concrete applications', in Concrete Institute of Australia’s Biennial National Conference (CIA-2023), Perth, presented at Concrete Institute of Australia’s Biennial National Conference (CIA-2023), Perth, 10 September 2023 - 13 September 2023

Linz P; Riedel W; Lee CK; Fung TC, 2023, 'VARIABILITY OF DAMAGE ON CONCRETE TARGETS FROM COMBINED BLAST AND FRAGMENT LOADING', in 14th International Conference on Shock & Impact Loads on Structures, NUSS Suntec City Guild House, Singapore, presented at 14th International Conference on Shock & Impact Loads on Structures, NUSS Suntec City Guild House, Singapore, 29 March 2023 - 31 March 2023

Fonseka I; Ginigaddara T; Wijesooriya K; Mohotti D; Mendis P; Lee CK, 2022, 'Producing sustainable rigid pavements with the addition of graphene oxide', in ICSBE 2022: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment, Springer Singapore, Earl’s Regent Hotel, Kandy, Sri Lanka, presented at International Conference On Sustainable Built Environment 2022 (ICSBE 2022), Earl’s Regent Hotel, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 16 December 2022 - 18 December 2022,

Lee CK; Zhang YX; Qasim M, 2021, 'Numerical modelling of interface bond behavior between steel-PVA hybrid engineered cementitious composite and concrete', in The Fifth Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics, Western Sydney University, Parramatta South Campus, presented at The Fifth Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics, Western Sydney University, Parramatta South Campus, 13 December 2021 - 15 December 2021

Lee CK; Zhu S; Zhang YX, 2021, 'Finite element analysis of Engineered Cementitious Composite Link Slabs', in The Fifth Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics, Western Sydney University, Parramatta South Campus, presented at The Fifth Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics, Western Sydney University, Parramatta South Campus, 13 December 2021 - 15 December 2021

Lee CK; Nguyen CL, 2021, 'Experimental study of flexural behaviour of high strength steel (HSS) - Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) composite beam with profiled steel sheeting', University of Sheffield, UK, presented at Eurosteel 2021, University of Sheffield, UK, 01 September 2021 - 03 September 2021

Khan MKI; Rana MM; Zhang YX; Lee CK, 2020, 'Behaviour of ECC encased concrete-steel composite columns with high strength materials', in Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2020: Concrete Structures for Resilient Society, pp. 384 - 391

Khan MKI; Rana MM; Zhang YX; Lee CK, 2020, 'Behaviour of ECC encased concrete-steel composite columns with high strength materials', in fib Symposium, pp. 384 - 391

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