Select Publications


Bossler JD; Campbell JB; McMaster RB; Rizos C, 2010, MANUAL OF GEOSPATIAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Second Edition,

Bossler JD; Campbell JB; McMaster RB; Rizos C, 2010, Preface

, 2010, Manual of Geospatial Science and Technology, Bossler J; Bossler J; Bossler J; Rizos C, (eds.), Taylor & Francis, USA

Plag H-P; Beutler G; Gross R; Herring TA; Rizos C; Rummel R; Sahagian D; Zumberge J, 2009, Global Geodetic Observing System Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020 Introduction, Plag HP; Pearlmann M, (ed.), SPRINGER,

, 2002, Manual of Geospatial Science and Technology, Rizos C, (ed.), Taylor & Francis, USA

Rizos C; Drane C, 1998, Positioning systems in intelligent transportation systems, Original, Artech House, Boston, London

Rizos C, 1997, Principles and practice of GPS surveying, Original, School of Geomatic Eng. UNSW, Sydney Australia

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