Select Publications


Arns CH, 2009, Structure-property Relationships from Digital Images, VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller, Saarbruecken, Germany.

Book Chapters

Arns CH; Knackstedt MA; Mecke KR, 2002, 'Characterising the morphology of disordered materials', in Mecke K; Stoyan D (ed.), Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Berlin, Germany, pp. 37 - 74,

Journal articles

Faradilla RF; Arns JY; Stenzel MH; Arcot J; Arns CH, 2024, '3D structural analysis of the biodegradability of banana pseudostem nanocellulose bioplastics', Scientific Reports, 14, pp. 23210,

Gao H; Shikhov I; Hamed E; Hajimohammadi A; Al-Damad I; Arns C; Foster SJ, 2024, 'New insights on the basic creep mechanism of one-part alkali activated slag and fly ash paste', Cement and Concrete Research, 186,

Liu S; Shikhov I; Arns C, 2024, 'Mechanisms of Pore-Clogging Using a High-Resolution CFD-DEM Colloid Transport Model', Transport in Porous Media, 151, pp. 831 - 851,

Jiang H; Arns C; Yuan Y; Qin CZ, 2024, 'SVM-based fast 3D pore-scale rock-typing and permeability upscaling for complex rocks using Minkowski functionals', Advances in Water Resources, 183,

Stapf S; Shikhov I; Arns C; Gizatullin B; Mattea C, 2023, 'Dipolar NMR relaxation of adsorbates on surfaces of controlled wettability', Magnetic Resonance Letters, 3, pp. 220 - 231,

Liu S; Shikhov I; Cui Y; Arns CH, 2023, 'Pore-scale morphology effects on colloid deposition by trajectory tracking simulations', Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 227,

Li R; Shikhov I; Arns C, 2023, 'A Bayesian Optimization Approach to the Simultaneous Extraction of Intrinsic Physical Parameters from T1 and T2 Relaxation Responses', SPE Journal, 28, pp. 319 - 341,

Cui Y; Shikhov I; Arns C, 2023, 'Numerical study of NMR relaxation responses in synthetic clayey sandstone by dual-scale modeling', E3S Web of Conferences, 367,

Li R; Shikhov I; Arns C, 2023, 'A Bayesian Optimization Approach to the Simultaneous Extraction of Intrinsic Physical Parameters from T1 and T2 Relaxation', SPE JOURNAL, 28, pp. 319 - 341,

Qajar J; Arns CH, 2022, 'A comparative study of micro-CT and mercury intrusion techniques for predicting permeability and surface area evolution during chemical dissolution', Advances in Water Resources, 168,

Gizatullin B; Mattea C; Shikhov I; Arns C; Stapf S, 2022, 'Modeling Molecular Interactions with Wetting and Non-Wetting Rock Surfaces by Combining Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and NMR Relaxometry', Langmuir, 38, pp. 11033 - 11053,

Li R; Shikhov I; Arns CH, 2022, 'Bayesian Optimization With Transfer Learning: A Study on Spatial Variability of Rock Properties Using NMR Relaxometry', Water Resources Research, 58,

Tahery S; Munroe P; Marjo CE; Rawal A; Horvat J; Mohammed M; Webber JBW; Arns JY; Arns CH; Pan G; Bian R; Joseph S, 2022, 'A comparison between the characteristics of a biochar-NPK granule and a commercial NPK granule for application in the soil', Science of the Total Environment, 832, pp. 155021,

Rybin I; Shikhov I; Arns C, 2022, 'Lattice Boltzmann framework for accurate NMR simulation in porous media', Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 105, pp. 055304 - 055304,

Cui Y; Shikhov I; Arns CH, 2022, 'NMR Relaxation Modelling in Porous Media with Dual-Scale-Resolved Internal Magnetic Fields', Transport in Porous Media, 142, pp. 453 - 474,

Qajar J; Arns CH, 2022, 'Chemically Induced Evolution of Morphological and Connectivity Characteristics of Pore Space of Complex Carbonate Rock via Digital Core Analysis', Water Resources Research, 58,

Fu J; Bligh MW; Shikhov I; Jones AM; Holt C; Keyte LM; Moghaddam F; Arns CH; Foster SJ; Waite TD, 2021, 'A microstructural investigation of a Na2SO4 activated cement-slag blend', Cement and Concrete Research, 150, pp. 106609,

Liang J; Lebedev M; Gurevich B; Arns CH; Vialle S; Glubokovskikh S, 2021, 'High-Precision Tracking of Sandstone Deformation From Micro-CT Images', Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126,

Callens SJP; Arns CH; Kuliesh A; Zadpoor AA, 2021, 'Decoupling Minimal Surface Metamaterial Properties Through Multi-Material Hyperbolic Tilings', Advanced Functional Materials, 31,

Wang Y; Alzaben A; Arns CH; Sun S, 2021, 'Image-based rock typing using local homogeneity filter and Chan-Vese model', Computers and Geosciences, 150, pp. 104712,

Li R; Shikhov I; Arns CH, 2021, 'Solving Multiphysics, Multiparameter, Multimodal Inverse Problems: An Application to NMR Relaxation in Porous Media', Physical Review Applied, 15,

Dai H; Shikhov I; Li R; Arns J-Y; Arns CH, 2021, 'Mechanisms of Confining Pressure Dependence of Resistivity Index for Tight Sandstones by Digital Core Analysis', SPE Journal, 26, pp. 883 - 896,

Lamei Ramandi H; Pirzada MA; Saydam S; Arns C; Roshan H, 2021, 'Digital and experimental rock analysis of proppant injection into naturally fractured coal', Fuel, 286, pp. 119368,

Jiang H; Arns CH, 2021, 'Pore‐scale multi‐resolution rock‐typing of layered sandstones via Minkowski maps', Water Resources Research, 57,

Arns JY; Oromiehie E; Arns C; Prusty BG, 2021, 'Micro-CT analysis of process-induced defects in composite laminates using AFP', Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 36, pp. 1561 - 1570,

Cui Y; Shikhov I; Li R; Liu S; Arns CH, 2021, 'A numerical study of field strength and clay morphology impact on NMR transverse relaxation in sandstones', Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 202, pp. 108521 - 108521,

Jiang H; Arns CH, 2020, 'A Pore-Scale Upscaling Approach for Laminated Sandstones using Minkowski Maps and Hydraulic Attributes', Water Resources Research, 56,

Sun Y; Gurevich B; Glubokovskikh S; Lebedev M; Squelch A; Arns C; Guo J, 2020, 'A solid/fluid substitution scheme constrained by pore-scale numerical simulations', Geophysical Journal International, 220, pp. 1804 - 1812,

Jiang H; Arns CH, 2020, 'Fast Fourier transform and support-shift techniques for pore-scale microstructure classification using additive morphological measures', Physical Review E, 101, pp. 033302,

Miletić M; Kumar LM; Arns JY; Agarwal A; Foster SJ; Arns C; Perić D; Lakshminarayanan Mohana Kumar , 2020, 'Gradient-based fibre detection method on 3D micro-CT tomographic image for defining fibre orientation bias in ultra-high-performance concrete', Cement and Concrete Research, 129, pp. 105962,

Armstrong RT; McClure JE; Robins V; Liu Z; Arns CH; Schlüter S; Berg S, 2019, 'Porous Media Characterization Using Minkowski Functionals: Theories, Applications and Future Directions', Transport in Porous Media, 130, pp. 305 - 335,

Shikhov I; Thomas DS; Arns CH, 2019, 'On the Optimum Aging Time: Magnetic Resonance Study of Asphaltene Adsorption Dynamics in Sandstone Rock', Energy and Fuels, 33, pp. 8184 - 8201,

Hossain MM; Arns JY; Liang Z; Chen Z; Arns CH, 2019, 'Humidity Effects on Effective Elastic Properties of Rock: An Integrated Experimental and Numerical Study', Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124, pp. 7771 - 7791,

Gizatullin B; Shikhov I; Arns C; Mattea C; Stapf S, 2019, 'On the influence of wetting behaviour on relaxation of adsorbed liquids – A combined NMR, EPR and DNP study of aged rocks', Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 56, pp. 63 - 69,

Shikhov I; Thomas DS; Rawal A; Yao Y; Gizatullin B; Hook JM; Stapf S; Arns C, 2019, 'Application of low-field, 1H/13C high-field solution and solid state NMR for characterisation of oil fractions responsible for wettability change in sandstones', Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 56, pp. 77 - 85,

Wang Y; Yuan Y; Rahman SS; Arns C, 2018, 'Semi-quantitative multiscale modelling and flow simulation in a nanoscale porous system of shale', Fuel, 234, pp. 1181 - 1192,

Wang Y; Arns J-Y; Rahman S; Arns C, 2018, 'Three-dimensional porous structure reconstruction based on structural local similarity via sparse representation on micro-computed-tomography images', Physical Review E, 98, pp. 043310-1 - 043310-16,

Wang J; Xiao L; Liao G; Zhang Y; Guo L; Arns C; Sun Z, 2018, 'Theoretical investigation of heterogeneous wettability in porous media using NMR', Scientific Reports, 8, pp. 13450 - 13450,

Yu M; Hussain F; Arns JY; Bedrikovetsky P; Genolet L; Behr A; Kowollik P; Arns CH, 2018, 'Imaging Analysis of Fines Migration during Water Flow with Salinity Alteration', Advances in Water Resources, 121, pp. 150 - 161,

D'Eurydice MN; Arns CH; Arns JY; Armstrong RT, 2018, 'Dynamic imaging of multiphase flow through porous media using 4D cumulative reconstruction', Journal of Microscopy, 272, pp. 12 - 24,

Timms WA; Acworth RI; Crane RA; Arns CH; Arns JY; Mcgeeney DE; Rau GC; Cuthbert MO, 2018, 'The Influence of Syndepositional Macropores on the Hydraulic Integrity of Thick Alluvial Clay Aquitards', Water Resources Research, 54, pp. 3122 - 3138,

Wang Y; Arns C; Rahman S; Arns JY, 2018, 'Porous Structure Reconstruction Using Convolutional Neural Networks', Mathematical Geosciences,

Shikhov I; Li R; Arns C, 2018, 'Relaxation and relaxation exchange NMR to characterise asphaltene adsorption and wettability dynamics in siliceous systems', Fuel, 220, pp. 692 - 705,

Zou S; Armstrong RT; Arns JY; Arns CH; Hussain F, 2018, 'Experimental and Theoretical Evidence for Increased Ganglion Dynamics During Fractional Flow in Mixed-Wet Porous Media', Water Resources Research, 54, pp. 3277 - 3289,

Bortolotti V; Fantazzini P; Arns C; Galvosas P, 2018, 'Proceeding of the 13 th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media (MRPM13)', Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 269,

Wang Y; Rahman S; Arns CH, 2018, 'Super resolution reconstruction of μ-CT image of rock sample using neighbour embedding algorithm', Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 493, pp. 177 - 188,

Arns C; Adler PM, 2018, 'Fast Laplace solver approach to pore-scale permeability', Physical Review E, 97, pp. 023303-1 - 023303-9,

Zheng Y; Shikhov I; Gbayan LK; Arns JY; Arns CH, 2017, 'About the connectivity of dual-scale media based on micro-structure based regional analysis of NMR flow propagators', Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 212, pp. 143 - 151,

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