Select Publications

Book Chapters

Kirby E; Newton G; Smith L; Strnadova I; Churchill B; Hoffstatter L; Judd-Lam S; Newman CE, 2024, 'When caring ends: Exploring the hidden aspects of loss in trajectories out of caring in Australia', in Understanding the Grief and Loss Experiences of Carers: Research, Practitioner and Personal Perspectives, pp. 110 - 122,

Newman CE; Smith AKJ; Duck-Chong E; Vivienne S; Davies C; Robinson KH; Aggleton P, 2024, 'Introduction – Waiting to be seen: social perspectives on trans health', in Social Perspectives on Trans Health, Routledge, pp. 1 - 8,

Smith L; Philipson L; Newman C; O'Shea A; Watson-Kirby E, 2024, 'Ageing, disability, dementia and gender and sexuality diversity: what do the intersections tell us about models of care?', in Ned L; Rivas Verlade M; Singh S; Swartz L; Soldatic K (ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Disability and Global Health, Routledge,

Smith A; Newman C, 2023, 'LGBTQ+ Health and social research', in Dew K; Donovan S (ed.), Encyclopedia of Health Research in the Social Sciences, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 181 - 186,

Cover R; Newman C, 2023, 'Gender and sexuality identities in social media and everyday life: The expansion and redefinition of non-binary gender and bisexuality', in Routledge Handbook of Sexuality, Gender, Health and Rights, Routledge, pp. 111 - 119,

Aggleton P; Cover R; Logie CH; Newman C; Parker R, 2023, 'Sexuality, gender, health and rights: An introduction', in Aggleton P; Cover R; Logie CH; Newman C; Parker R (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Sexuality, Gender, Health and Rights, Taylor & Francis, pp. 1 - 8,

Aggleton P; Sciortino R; Newman CE, 2023, 'Engaging with Omission: Promoting Concern for Gender and Sexuality Diverse People in SDG 5 and Beyond', in Pachauri S; Verma RK (ed.), Transforming Unequal Gender Relations in India and Beyond, Springer Nature, Singapore, pp. 315 - 326,

Smith AKJ; Haire B; Newman C; Holt M, 2022, 'Challenges of Using the Story Completion Method to Research Clinical Encounters', in SAGE Research methods, SAGE,

Newman C; Haire B, 2019, '‘A reckoning that is long overdue’: Reconfiguring the work of progressive sex advice post #MeToo', in Fileborn B; Loney-Howes R (ed.), #MeToo and the Politics of Social Change., Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 235 - 250,

Haire B; Newman C, 2019, 'Shitty media men', in Fileborn B; Rachel L-H (ed.), #MeToo and the Politics of Social Change, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 201 - 216,

Newman C, 2019, 'Waiting for the "Yes"', in Sapp J; Chamness Iida P (ed.), Negotiating Spiritual Violence in the Queer Community, IAP, Charlotte, North Carolina, pp. 25 - 32,

Nathan S; Newman C; Lancaster K, 2019, 'Qualitative interviewing', in Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences, Springer Nature, pp. 391 - 410,

Callander D; Holt M; Newman CE, 2017, 'Gay racism', in Riggs D (ed.), The Psychic Life of Racism in Gay Men’s Communities, Rowman & Littlefield, Maryland USA, pp. 1 - 13,'s-Communities

Fair C; Albright JA; Newman CE, 2017, 'Psychosocial Considerations for Children and Adolescents with HIV', in Chenneville T (ed.), A Clinical Guide to Pediatric HIV: Bridging the Gaps between Research and Practice, Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 73 - 94,

Newman CE; Persson AS; Ellard J, 2016, 'Pills, providers and partners: Exploring trust among serodiscordant couples in Australia', in Persson AS; Hughes S (ed.), Cross-cultural perspectives on couples with mixed HIV status: Beyond positive/negative, Springer, pp. 265 - 276,

Persson AS; Newman CE; Miller A, 2016, ''There's more to you than just this virus': Young people growing up with perinatally acquired HIV in Australia', in Liamputtong P (ed.), Children and Young People Living with HIV/AIDS : a cross-cultural perspective, Springer International Publishing, pp. 107 - 124,

Botfield J; Zwi A; Newman CE, 2016, 'Young migrants and sexual and reproductive health care', in Thomas F (ed.), Handbook of Migration and Health, Eldward Elgar Publishing, pp. 438 - 458,

Newman P; Newman CE, 2012, 'Cars', in Beilharz P; Hogan T (ed.), Sociology: Antipodean Perspectives, Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, pp. 358 - 362,

Newman CE; Newman P; Whitehead R, 2006, 'Campaign for Sydney: Media intervention for a sustainability agenda', in Innovation, education and communication for sustainable development: Vol. 24 Environmental education, communication and sustainability, Peter Lang, Frankfurt, pp. 627 - 647

Edited Books

Cover R; Newman C, (ed.), 2025, Elgar Encyclopedia of Queer Studies, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK,

Newman C; Smith AKJ; Duck-Chong E; Vivienne S; Davies C; Robinson K; Aggleton P, (eds.), 2024, Social Perspectives on Trans Health, Routledge,

Aggleton P; Cover R; Logie CH; Newman C; Parker R, (eds.), 2023, Routledge Handbook of Sexuality, Gender, Health and Rights, Routledge,

Journal articles

Klinner C; Young A; Strnadová I; O’Neill J; Newman CE; Wong H; Davies C; Vujovich-Dunn C; Skinner SR; Brogan D; Kang M; Danchin M; Guy R; Carter A, 2025, 'Vaccinating Adolescents With Intellectual and Developmental Disability at School: An Opportunity to Promote Supported Decision Making', Journal of School Nursing,

Carcel C; Vassallo A; Hallam L; Shanthosh J; Thompson K; Halliday L; Anderst J; Smith AKJ; McKenzie BL; Newman CE; Bennett-Brook K; Wainer Z; Woodward M; Norton R; Chappell L, 2024, 'Policies on the collection, analysis, and reporting of sex and gender in Australian health and medical research: a mixed methods study', Medical Journal of Australia, 221, pp. 374 - 380,

Smith AKJ; Storer D; Lancaster K; Haire B; Newman CE; Paparini S; MacGibbon J; Cornelisse VJ; Broady TR; Lockwood T; McNulty A; Delpech V; Holt M, 2024, 'Mpox Illness Narratives: Stigmatising Care and Recovery During and After an Emergency Outbreak', Qualitative Health Research, 34, pp. 1161 - 1174,

Carter A; Klinner C; Young A; Strnadová I; Wong H; Vujovich-Dunn C; Newman CE; Davies C; Skinner SR; Danchin M; Hynes S; Guy R, 2024, '“I Thought It Was Better to Be Safe Than Sorry”: Factors Influencing Parental Decisions on HPV and Other Adolescent Vaccinations for Students with Intellectual Disability and/or Autism in New South Wales, Australia', Vaccines, 12,

Smith L; Chesher I; Fredriksen-Goldsen K; Ward R; Phillipson L; Newman CE; Delhomme F, 2024, 'Investigating the lived experience of LGBT+ people with dementia and their care partners: A scoping review', Ageing and Society, 44, pp. 843 - 866,

Robinson S; Idle J; Fisher KR; Reedy K; Newman C; Purcal C; Giuntoli G; Byrne S; Nankivell R; Burner G; Touzeau R; Adam T; Armstrong P, 2024, 'How do self-advocates use community development to change attitudes to disability?', British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 52, pp. 87 - 100,

Newton G; Zappavigna M; Drysdale K; Newman CE, 2024, 'From lived experience to lived expertise: How donor-conceived witnesses claim and sustain epistemic authority', Journal of Pragmatics, 221, pp. 89 - 104,

McCormack H; Newman C, 2024, 'Collaborative, mixed-methods, strengths-based approaches to evaluating systems change in an Indigenous primary care service', Sage Research Methods Cases, 1, pp. 1 - 30,

Newton G; Kirby E; Hofstätter L; Judd-Lam S; Smith L; Churchill B; Strnadová I; Newman CE, 2024, '‘Is There Anything Else You’d Like to Tell Us About Your Experience?’ Orientations Towards Listening to Open-Ended Survey Responses', Sociological Research Online,

Mowbray E; Costello J; Morgan P; Persson A; Boydell K; Bateson D; Leane K; An A; Nathan S; Newman C; Carter A, 2024, '“Tears turning to diamonds:” creating empathic understanding toward women living with HIV through contemplative viewing of a virtual art exhibition', Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services,

Wojciechowski L; Harms L; Carter A; Hoy JF; Newman CE, 2024, 'Achieving better engagement with care and support for young people living with HIV in Australia: a mixed-method enquiry', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV,

Purcal C; Idle J; Fisher KR; Robinson S; Giuntoli G; Newman CE, 2024, 'Five Factors for Effective Policy to Improve Attitudes towards People with Disability', Social Policy and Society, pp. 1 - 14,

Martin K; Bryant J; Beetson K; Wilms J; Briggs T; Treloar C; Newman C, 2024, 'Normalising sex and resisting shame: young Aboriginal women’s views on sex and relationships in an urban setting in Australia', Journal of Youth Studies, 27, pp. 1460 - 1476,

Giuntoli G; Idle J; Newman C; Fisher KR; Edwards Y; Robinson S, 2024, 'Towards a More Inclusive Society: A Scoping Review of Interventions and Policies for Changing Attitudes Towards People with Disability', Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 26, pp. 315 - 334,

Bryant J; Bolt R; Martin K; Beadman M; Doyle M; Treloar C; Bell S; Murphy D; Newman C; Browne A; Aggleton P; Beetson K; Brooks M; Wilms J; Leece B; Stanbury L; Botfield J; Davis B; Graham S, 2024, 'Yarning as a method for building sexual wellbeing among urban Aboriginal young people in Australia', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 26, pp. 871 - 886,

Newman CE; Smith AKJ; Harvey S; Duck-Chong E, 2023, 'Gender diversity and social change: transgressions, translations, transformations', Culture, health & sexuality, 25, pp. 1758 - 1761,

Smith AKJ; Davis MDM; MacGibbon J; Broady TR; Ellard J; Rule J; Cook T; Duck-Chong E; Holt M; Newman CE, 2023, 'Engaging Stigmatised Communities in Australia with Digital Health Systems: Towards Data Justice in Public Health', Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 20, pp. 1220 - 1231,

Davis MDM; Schermuly A; Smith AKJ; Newman C, 2023, 'Diversity via datafication? Digital patient records and citizenship for sexuality and gender diverse people', BioSocieties, 18, pp. 451 - 472,

Holt M; MacGibbon J; Smith AKJ; Broady TR; Davis MDM; Newman CE, 2023, 'Knowledge of Australia’s My Health Record and factors associated with opting out: Results from a national survey of the Australian general population and communities affected by HIV and sexually transmissible infections', PLOS Digital Health, 2, pp. e0000200 - e0000200,

Valentine K; Smith AKJ; Persson A; Gray R; Bryant J; Hamilton M; Wallace J; Drysdale K; Newman CE, 2023, 'The freighted social histories of HIV and hepatitis C: exploring service providers' perspectives on stigma in the current epidemics', Medical Humanities, 49, pp. 48 - 54,

Graham S; Martin K; Gardner K; Beadman M; Doyle MF; Bolt R; Murphy D; Newman CE; Bell S; Treloar C; Browne AJ; Aggleton P; Beetson K; Brooks M; Botfield JR; Davis B; Wilms J; Leece B; Stanbury L; Bryant J, 2023, 'Aboriginal young people’s perspectives and experiences of accessing sexual health services and sex education in Australia: A qualitative study', Global Public Health, 18, pp. 2196561,

Newton G; Drysdale K; Newman CE, 2023, 'Embodied sociotechnical imaginaries: how donor-conceived people imagine identity, family and reprodigital futures beyond regulation', Frontiers in Global Women's Health, 4, pp. 1221913,

Smith AKJ; Schermuly A; Newman CE; Fitzgerald L; Davis MDM, 2023, 'Empowering Queer Data Justice', American Journal of Bioethics, 23, pp. 56 - 58,

Wong HTH; Wang P; Sun Y; Newman CE; Vujcich D; Vaughan C; O'Connor CC; Jin D; Ogilvie E; Zhang Y; Mao L; Carter A, 2023, 'Is sex lost in translation? Linguistic and conceptual issues in the translation of sexual and reproductive health surveys', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 25, pp. 1 - 17,

Bryant J; Smith AKJ; Persson A; Valentine K; Drysdale K; Wallace J; Hamilton M; Newman CE, 2023, 'Logics of control and self-management in narratives of people living with HIV, hepatitis C and hepatitis B', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 25, pp. 1214 - 1229,

McCormack H; Wand H; Newman CE; Bourne C; Kennedy C; Guy R, 2023, 'Exploring Whether the Electronic Optimization of Routine Health Assessments Can Increase Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections and Provider Acceptability at an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service: Mixed Methods Evaluation', JMIR Medical Informatics, 11, pp. e51387,

Del Tufo A; Foster R; Haire B; Newman CE; Smith AKJ; Crowley M; Burn D; McNulty A, 2023, 'Understanding the health care needs of transgender and gender diverse people engaging with rural Australian sexual health centres: a qualitative interview study', Sexual Health, 20, pp. 339 - 346,

Murdoch N; Stott AE; Gillier M; Hueso R; Lemmon M; Martinez G; Apestigue V; Toledo D; Lorenz RD; Chide B; Munguira A; Sanchez-Lavega A; Vicente-Retortillo A; Newman CE; Maurice S; de la Torre Juarez M; Bertrand T; Banfield D; Navarro S; Marin M; Torres J; Gomez-Elvira J; Jacob X; Cadu A; Sournac A; Rodriguez-Manfredi JA; Wiens RC; Mimoun D, 2022, 'The sound of a Martian dust devil', NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 13,

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