Select Publications

Journal articles

Harris JA; Arabzadeh E; Moore CA; Clifford CWG, 2007, 'Noninformative vision causes adaptive changes in tactile sensitivity', Journal of Neuroscience, 27, pp. 7136 - 7140,

Durant S; Clifford CWG; Crowder NA; Price NSC; Ibbotson MR, 2007, 'Characterizing contrast adaptation in a population of cat primary visual cortical neurons using Fisher information', Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 24, pp. 1529 - 1537,

Curran W; Clifford CWG; Benton CP, 2006, 'New binary direction aftereffect does not add up', Journal of Vision, 6, pp. 1451 - 1458,

Curran W; Clifford CWG; Benton CP, 2006, 'The direction aftereffect is driven by adaptation of local motion detectors', Vision Research, 46, pp. 4270 - 4278,

Watson TL; Clifford CWG, 2006, 'Orientation dependence of the orientation-contingent face aftereffect', Vision Research, 46, pp. 3422 - 3429,

Harris JA; Karlov L; Clifford CWG, 2006, 'Localization of tactile stimuli depends on conscious detection', Journal of Neuroscience, 26, pp. 948 - 952,

Verbeek EL; Spetch ML; Cheng K; Clifford CWG, 2006, 'Determinants of range effects in face recognition', Learning and Behavior, 34, pp. 229 - 240,

Crowder NA; Price NSC; Hietanen MA; Dreher B; Clifford CWG; Ibbotson MR, 2006, 'Relationship between contrast adaptation and orientation tuning in V1 and V2 of cat visual cortex', Journal of Neurophysiology, 95, pp. 271 - 283,

Durant S; Clifford CWG, 2006, 'Dynamics of the influence of segmentation cues on orientation perception.', Vision Res, 46, pp. 2934 - 2940,

Watson TL; Rhodes G; Clifford CWG, 2005, 'Face adaptation contingent on orientation', Journal of Vision, 5, pp. 826 - 826,

Forte JD; Clifford CWG, 2005, 'Inter-ocular transfer of the tilt illusion shows that monocular orientation mechanisms are colour selective', Vision Research, 45, pp. 2715 - 2721,

Clifford CWG; Harris JA, 2005, 'Contextual modulation outside of awareness', Current Biology, 15, pp. 574 - 578,

Clifford CWG; Weston E, 2005, 'Aftereffect of adaptation to Glass patterns', Vision Research, 45, pp. 1355 - 1363,

Ma-Wyatt A; Clifford CWG; Wenderoth P, 2005, 'Contrast configuration influences grouping in apparent motion', Perception, 34, pp. 669 - 685,

Holcombe AO; Clifford CWG; Eagleman DM; Pakarian P; Andrews TJ; Purves D; Simpson WA; Vanrullen R, 2005, 'Illusory motion reversal in tune with motion detectors (multiple letters)', Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9, pp. 559 - 560,

Badcock DR; Clifford CW; Khuu SK, 2005, 'Interactions between luminance and contrast signals in global form detection', Vision Research, 45, pp. 881 - 889

Pearson J; Clifford CWG, 2005, 'Mechanisms selectively engaged in rivalry: normal vision habituates, rivalrous vision primes', Vision Research, 45, pp. 707 - 714,

Taylor RP; Spehar B; Wise J; Clifford CW; Newell BR; Hagerhall CM, 2005, 'Perceptual and physiological responses to the visual complexity of fractal patterns', Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology and Life Sciences, 9, pp. 89 - 114

Pearson J; Clifford CWG, 2005, 'Suppressed patterns alter vision during binocular rivalry', Current Biology, 15, pp. 2142 - 2148,

Pearson J; Clifford CWG, 2005, 'When your brain decides what you see: Grouping across monocular, binocular, and stimulus rivalry', Psychological Science, 16, pp. 516 - 519,

Rhodes G; Jeffery L; Watson TL; Jaquet E; Winkler C; Clifford CWG, 2004, 'Orientation-contingent face aftereffects and implications for face-coding mechanisms', Current Biology, 14, pp. 2119 - 2123,

Spetch ML; Cheng K; Clifford CWG, 2004, 'Peak shift but not range effects in recognition of faces', Learning and Motivation, 35, pp. 221 - 241,

Harris JA; Thein T; Clifford CWG, 2004, 'Dissociating Detection from Localization of Tactile Stimuli', Journal of Neuroscience, 24, pp. 3683 - 3693,

Wakefield CE, 2004, 'v', , http://c/

Pearson J; Clifford CWG, 2004, 'Determinants of visual awareness following interruptions during rivalry', Journal of Vision, 4, pp. 196 - 202,

Pearson J; Clifford CWG; Holcombe AO, 2004, 'Dynamics of binding Global form', Journal of Vision, 4, pp. 1090 - 1101,

Clifford C; Spehar B; Pearson J, 2004, 'Motion transparency promotes synchronous perceptual binding', Vision Research, 44, pp. 3073 - 3080,

Watson TL; Pearson J; Clifford CWG, 2004, 'Perceptual grouping of biological motion promotes binocular rivalry', Current Biology, 14, pp. 1670 - 1674,

Clifford C; Scarfe P, 2004, 'Review: Colour Perception: Mind and the Physical World: Sight Unseen: An Exploration of Conscious and Unconscious Vision', Perception, 33, pp. 1399 - 1402,

Abbonizio G; Langley K; Clifford CWG, 2003, 'Contrast adaptation may enhance contrast discrimination', Spatial Vision, 16, pp. 45 - 58,

Clifford CWG; Arnold DH; Smith ST; Pianta M, 2003, 'Opposing views on orthogonal adaptation: A reply to Westheimer and Gee (2002)', Vision Research, 43, pp. 717 - 719,

Watson TL; Clifford CWG, 2003, 'Pulling faces: An investigation of the face-distortion aftereffect', Perception, 32, pp. 1109 - 1116,

Clifford CWG; Arnold DH; Pearson J, 2003, 'A paradox of temporal perception revealed by a stimulus oscillating in colour and orientation', Vision Research, 43, pp. 2245 - 2253,

Clifford C; Pearson J; Forte J; Spehar B, 2003, 'Colour and luminance selectivity of spatial and temporal interactions in orientation perception', Vision Research, 43, pp. 2885 - 2893,

Rhodes G; Jeffery L; Watson TL; Clifford CWG; Nakayama K, 2003, 'Fitting the mind to the world: face adaptation and attractiveness aftereffects.', Psychol Sci, 14, pp. 558 - 566,

Clifford C; Spehar B; Solomon SG; Martin P; Zaidi Q, 2003, 'Interactions between color luminance in the perception', Journal of Vision, 3, pp. 106 - 115

Spehar B; Clifford C; Newell BR; Taylor R, 2003, 'Universal Aesthetic of Fractals', Computers and Graphics - Uk, 27

Spehar B; Clifford C, 2003, 'When does illusory contour formation depend on contrast polarity?', Vision Research, 43, pp. 1915 - 1919

Arnold DH; Clifford CWG, 2002, 'Determinants of asynchronous processing in vision', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 269, pp. 579 - 583,

Clifford CWG, 2002, 'Perceptual adaptation: Motion parallels orientation', Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 6, pp. 136 - 143,

Clifford CWG; Ibbotson MR, 2002, 'Fundamental mechanisms of visual motion detection: Models, cells and functions', Progress in Neurobiology, 68, pp. 409 - 437,

Peters RA; Clifford CWG; Evans CS, 2002, 'Measuring the structure of dynamic visual signals', Animal Behaviour, 64, pp. 131 - 146,

Spehar B; Clifford C; Agostini T, 2002, 'Induction in variants of White`s effect: Common or separate mechanisms?', Perception, 31, pp. 189 - 196

Clifford C, 2002, 'Motion perception: tipping the microbalance?', Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 6, pp. 66 - 66,

Spehar B; Clifford C, 2002, 'Painting with light by Rob and Nick Carter: Dramatic failures of colour constancy in articulated scenes', Perception, 31, pp. 197 - 200

Clifford C, 2002, 'Response offset: the first sign of change?', Trends in Neurosciences, 25, pp. 346 - 346,

Ibbotson MR; Clifford CWG, 2001, 'Erratum: Characterising temporal delay filters in biological motion detectors (Vision Research (2001) 41 (2311-2323) PII: S004269890100126)', Vision Research, 41, pp. 3943,

Ibbotson MR; Clifford CWG, 2001, 'Characterising temporal delay filters in biological motion detectors', Vision Research, 41, pp. 2311 - 2323,

Smith S; Clifford CWG; Wenderoth P, 2001, 'Interaction between first- and second-order orientation channels revealed by the tilt illusion: Psychophysics and computational modelling', Vision Research, 41, pp. 1057 - 1071,

Arnold DH; Clifford CWG; Wenderoth P, 2001, 'Asynchronous processing in vision: Color leads motion', Current Biology, 11, pp. 596 - 600,

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