Select Publications

Journal articles

Spehar B; Clifford CWG, 2001, 'Brightness induction in variants of White's effect', AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 53, pp. 66 - 66,

Wenderoth P; Clifford CWG; Wyatt AM, 2001, 'Hierarchy of spatial interactions in the processing of contrast-defined contours', Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 18, pp. 2190 - 2196,

Ibbotson MR; Clifford CWG, 2001, 'Interactions between on and off signals in directional motion detectors feeding the NOT of the wallaby', Journal of Neurophysiology, 86, pp. 997 - 1005,

Clifford CWG; Wyatt AM; Arnold DH; Smith ST; Wenderoth P, 2001, 'Orthogonal adaptation improves orientation discrimination', Vision Research, 41, pp. 151 - 159,

Clifford CWG, 2001, 'Motion in the real world', Trends in Neurosciences, 24, pp. 362 - 362,

Clifford CWG; Ibbotson MR, 2000, 'Response variability and information transfer in directional neurons of the mammalian horizontal optokinetic system', Visual Neuroscience, 17, pp. 207 - 215,

Clifford CWG; Langley K, 2000, 'Recursive implementations of temporal filters for image motion computation', Biological Cybernetics, 82, pp. 383 - 390,

Clifford C; Wenderoth P; Spehar B, 2000, 'A functional angle on some after-effects in cortical vision', Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological Sciences, pp. 1705 - 1710

Clifford CW; Arnold DH; Wenderoth P, 2000, 'Dissociable factors affect speed perception and discrimination.', Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 28, pp. 230 - 232,

Clifford CWG; Wenderoth P, 1999, 'Adaptation to temporal modulation can enhance differential speed sensitivity', Vision Research, 39, pp. 4324 - 4331,

Ibbotson MR; Clifford CWG; Mark RF, 1999, 'A quadratic nonlinearity underlies direction selectivity in the nucleus of the optic tract', Visual Neuroscience, 16, pp. 991 - 1000,

Clifford CW; Vaina LM, 1999, 'Anomalous perception of coherence and transparency in moving plaid patterns.', Brain Res Cogn Brain Res, 8, pp. 345 - 353,

Clifford CWG; Wenderoth P, 1999, 'Does cortical motion adaptation exhibit functional properties analogous to light adaptation in the retina?', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Ophthalmology, 27, pp. 258 - 260,

Clifford CWG; Beardsley SA; Vaina LM, 1999, 'The perception and discrimination of speed in complex motion', Vision Research, 39, pp. 2213 - 2227,

Clifford CW; Vaina LM, 1999, 'A computational model of selective deficits in first and second-order motion processing.', Vision Res, 39, pp. 113 - 130,

Ibbotson MR; Clifford CWG; Mark RF, 1998, 'Adaptation to visual motion in directional neurons of the nucleus of the optic tract', Journal of Neurophysiology, 79, pp. 1481 - 1493,

Clifford CW; Freedman JN; Vaina LM, 1998, 'First- and second-order motion perception in Gabor micropattern stimuli: psychophysics and computational modelling.', Brain Res Cogn Brain Res, 6, pp. 263 - 271,

Clifford CWG; Ibbotson MR; Langley K, 1997, 'An adaptive Reichardt detector model of motion adaptation in insects and mammals', Visual Neuroscience, 14, pp. 741 - 749,

Clifford CWG; Langley K, 1996, 'A model of temporal adaptation in fly motion vision', Vision Research, 36, pp. 2595 - 2608,

Clifford CWG; Langley K, 1996, 'Psychophysics of motion adaptation parallels insect electrophysiology', Current Biology, 6, pp. 1340 - 1342,

Johnston A; Clifford CWG, 1995, 'A unified account of three apparent motion illusions', Vision Research, 35, pp. 1109 - 1123,

Johnston A; Clifford CWG, 1995, 'Perceived motion of contrast-modulated gratings: Predictions of the multi-channel gradient model and the role of full-wave rectification', Vision Research, 35, pp. 1771 - 1783,

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