Select Publications

Journal articles

Sharbeen G; McCarroll J; Liu J; Youkhana J; Limbri LF; Biankin AV; Johns A; Kavallaris M; Goldstein D; Phillips PA, 2016, 'Delineating the Role of βIV-Tubulins in Pancreatic Cancer: βIVb-Tubulin Inhibition Sensitizes Pancreatic Cancer Cells to Vinca Alkaloids', Neoplasia (United States), 18, pp. 753 - 764,

Goldstein D; Von Hoff DD; Moore M; Greeno E; Tortora G; Ramanathan RK; Macarulla T; Liu H; Pilot R; Ferrara S; Lu B, 2016, 'Development of peripheral neuropathy and its association with survival during treatment with nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine for patients with metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pancreas: A subset analysis from a randomised phase III trial (MPACT)', European Journal of Cancer, 52, pp. 85 - 91,

Goldstein D; Rosenberg JE; Figlin RA; Townsend RR; McCann L; Carpenter C; Pandite L, 2016, 'Is change in blood pressure a biomarker of pazopanib and sunitinib efficacy in advanced/metastatic renal cell carcinoma?', European Journal of Cancer, 53, pp. 96 - 104,

Pothula SP; Xu Z; Goldstein D; Pirola RC; Wilson JS; Apte MV, 2016, 'Key role of pancreatic stellate cells in pancreatic cancer', Cancer Letters,

Bridgewater J; Lopes A; Wasan H; Malka D; Jensen L; Okusaka T; Knox J; Wagner D; Cunningham D; Shannon J; Goldstein D; Moehler M; Bekaii-Saab T; McNamara MG; Valle JW, 2016, 'Prognostic factors for progression-free and overall survival in advanced biliary tract cancer', Annals of Oncology, 27, pp. 134 - 140,

McCarroll JA; Teo J; Boyer C; Youkhana J; Sagnella S; Duong H; Sharbeen G; Goldstein D; Davis T; Kavallaris M; Phillips P; Liu J, 2016, 'A rationally optimized nanoparticle system for the delivery of RNA interference therapeutics into pancreatic tumors in vivo.', Biomacromolecules, 17, pp. 2337 - 2351,

Beesley VL; Janda M; Goldstein D; Gooden H; Merrett ND; O'Connell DL; Rowlands IJ; Wyld D; Neale RE, 2016, 'A tsunami of unmet needs: Pancreatic and ampullary cancer patients' supportive care needs and use of community and allied health services', Psycho-Oncology, 25, pp. 150 - 157,

Sharbeen G; Youkhana J; McCarroll J; Akerman A; Goldstein D; Phillips P, 2016, 'MutY-Homolog modulates pancreatic cancer cell survival and chemoresistance', Pancreatology, 16, pp. S5 - S5,

Oar AJ; Wong W; Chen C; Haghighi KS; Thompson S; Goldstein D, 2016, 'Stereotactic body hypofractionated radiotherapy for inoperable pancreatic cancer, with or without metastases', HPB, 18, pp. e359 - e359,

He EY; Hawkins NJ; Mak G; Roncolato F; Goldstein D; Liauw W; Clingan P; Chin M; Ward RL, 2016, 'The Impact of Mismatch Repair Status in Colorectal Cancer on the Decision to Treat With Adjuvant Chemotherapy: An Australian Population-Based Multicenter Study', ONCOLOGIST, 21, pp. 618 - 625,

Casali PG; Le Cesne A; Velasco AP; Kotasek D; Rutkowski P; Hohenberger P; Fumagalli E; Judson IR; Italiano A; Gelderblom H; Adenis A; Hartmann JT; Duffaud F; Goldstein D; Broto JM; Gronchi A; Dei Tos AP; Marréaud S; Van Der Graaf WTA; Zalcberg JR; Litière S; Blay JY, 2015, 'Time to definitive failure to the first tyrosine kinase inhibitor in localized GI stromal tumors treated with imatinib as an adjuvant: A European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group Intergroup Randomized Trial in collaboration with the Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group, UNICANCER, French Sarcoma Group, Italian Sarcoma Group, and Spanish Group for Research on Sarcomas', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 33, pp. 4276 - 4283,

Donskov F; Michaelson MD; Puzanov I; Davis MP; Bjarnason GA; Motzer RJ; Goldstein D; Lin X; Cohen DP; Wiltshire R; Rini BI, 2015, 'Sunitinib-associated hypertension and neutropenia as efficacy biomarkers in metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients', British Journal of Cancer, 113, pp. 1571 - 1580,

Chandrasegaram MD; Goldstein D; Simes J; Gebski V; Kench JG; Gill AJ; Samra JS; Merrett ND; Richardson AJ; Barbour AP; Fawcett J; Grimison PS; Christophi C; Padbury R; Haghighi KS; Chen JW; Nikfarjam M; O'Rourke N; Spry N, 2015, 'Meta-analysis of radical resection rates and margin assessment in pancreatic cancer', British Journal of Surgery, 102, pp. 1459 - 1472,

Goldstein D; Fawcett J; Bridgewater J; Choti M; Wilson K; Gebski V; Aiken C; Eminton Z; Falk S; Stanton L; Primrose J, 2015, 'Feasibility of trials to assess safety and toxicity of peri-operative and post-operative adjuvant therapy for hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer', EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER, 51, pp. S343 - S343,

Stein A; Arnold D; Bridgewater J; Goldstein D; Jensen LH; Klümpen HJ; Lohse AW; Nashan B; Primrose J; Schrum S; Shannon J; Vettorazzi E; Wege H, 2015, 'Adjuvant chemotherapy with gemcitabine and cisplatin compared to observation after curative intent resection of cholangiocarcinoma and muscle invasive gallbladder carcinoma (ACTICCA-1 trial) - a randomized, multidisciplinary, multinational phase III trial', BMC Cancer, 15, pp. 564,

Jaeger U; Trneny M; Melzer H; Praxmarer M; Nawarawong W; Yehuda DB; Goldstein D; Mihaljevic B; Ilhan O; Ballova V; Hedenus M; Hsiao LT; Au WY; Burgstaller S; Weidinger G; Keil F; Dittrich C; Skrabs C; Klingler A; Chott A; Fridrik MA; Greil R, 2015, 'Rituximab maintenance for patients with aggressive B-cell lymphoma in first remission: Results of the randomized NHL13 trial', Haematologica, 100, pp. 955 - 963,

Apte MV; Xu Z; Pothula S; Goldstein D; Pirola RC; Wilson JS, 2015, 'Pancreatic cancer: The microenvironment needs attention too!', Pancreatology, 15, pp. S32 - S38,

Davis ID; Long A; Yip S; Espinoza D; Thompson JF; Kichenadasse G; Harrison M; Lowenthal RM; Pavlakis N; Azad A; Kannourakis G; Steer C; Goldstein D; Shapiro J; Harvie R; Jovanovic L; Hudson AL; Nelson CC; Stockler MR; Martin A, 2015, 'EVERSUN: A phase 2 trial of alternating sunitinib and everolimus as first-line therapy for advanced renal cell carcinoma', Annals of Oncology, 26, pp. 1118 - 1123,

Sandler C; Goldstein D; Horsfield S; Bennett BK; Friedlander M; Bastick PA; Lewis CR; Segelov E; Boyle FM; Chin MTM; Barry BK; Webber K; Lloyd AR, 2015, 'TOPS: A randomised controlled trial of a multidisciplinary intervention for post-cancer fatigue.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 33, pp. 9571 - 9571,

Pantaleo MA; Lolli C; Nannini M; Astolfi A; Indio V; Saponara M; Urbini M; La Rovere S; Gill A; Goldstein D; Ceccarelli C; Santini D; Rossi G; Fiorentino M; Di Scioscio V; Fusaroli P; Mandrioli A; Gatto L; Catena F; Basso U; Ercolani G; Pinna AD; Biasco G, 2015, 'Good survival outcome of metastatic SDH-deficient gastrointestinal stromal tumors harboring SDHA mutations', Genetics in Medicine, 17, pp. 391 - 395,

Lee CK; Goldstein D; Gibbs E; Joensuu H; Zalcberg J; Verweij J; Casali PG; Maki RG; Cioffi A; McArthur G; Lord SJ; Yip D; Kanjanapan Y; Rutkowski P, 2015, 'Development and validation of prognostic nomograms for metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumour treated with imatinib', European Journal of Cancer, 51, pp. 852 - 860,

Tebbutt N; Kotasek D; Burris HA; Schwartzberg LS; Hurwitz H; Stephenson J; Warner DJ; Chen L; Hsu CP; Goldstein D, 2015, 'Motesanib with or without panitumumab plus FOLFIRI or FOLFOX for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer', Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 75, pp. 993 - 1004,

Sharbeen G; McCarroll J; Goldstein D; Phillips PA, 2015, 'Exploiting Base Excision Repair to Improve Therapeutic Approaches for Pancreatic Cancer', Frontiers in Nutrition, 2, pp. 10,

Sze M; Butow P; Bell M; Vaccaro L; Dong S; Eisenbruch M; Jefford M; Girgis A; King M; McGrane J; Ng W; Asghari R; Parente P; Liauw W; Goldstein D; Psycho-oncology Co-operative Research Group Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) TEAM , 2015, 'Migrant health in cancer: outcome disparities and the determinant role of migrant-specific variables', Oncologist, 20, pp. 523 - 531,

Chan DL; Goldstein D; Zalcberg JR, 2015, 'Neuroendocrine tumours - Models for rare tumour management', Cancer Forum, 39, pp. 13 - 16

Goldstein D; El-Maraghi RH; Hammel P; Heinemann V; Kunzmann V; Sastre J; Scheithauer W; Siena S; Tabernero J; Teixeira L; Tortora G; Van Laethem JL; Young R; Penenberg DN; Lu B; Romano A; Von Hoff DD, 2015, 'Nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine for metastatic pancreatic cancer: Long-term survival from a phase III trial', Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 107,

Murphy C; Sabesan S; Steer C; Yates P; Booms A; Jones V; Simpson A; Clarke K; Eek R; Ashley D; Goldstein D; Packer C; Tuthill F; Boyce A; Underhill C, 2015, 'Oncology service initiatives and research in regional Australia', Australian Journal of Rural Health, 23, pp. 40 - 48,

Wang X; Batty KM; Crowe PJ; Goldstein D; Yang JL, 2015, 'The Potential of panHER Inhibition in Cancer', Frontiers in Oncology, 5, pp. 2,

Pavlakis N; Sjoquist KM; Tsobanis E; Martin A; Kang Y-K; Bang Y-J; O'Callaghan CJ; Tebbutt NC; Rha SY; Lee J; Cho JY; Lipton LR; Burnell MJ; Alcindor T; Strickland A; Wong M; Kim JW; Simes J; Zalcberg JR; Goldstein D, 2015, 'INTEGRATE: A randomized phase II double-blind placebo-controlled study of regorafenib in refractory advanced oesophagogastric cancer (AOGC)-A study by the Australasian Gastrointestinal Trials Group (AGITG), first results', JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 33,

Vernerey D; Hammel P; Paget-Bailly S; Huguet F; Van Laethem JL; Goldstein D; Glimelius B; Artru P; Moore MJ; Andre T; Mineur L; Chibaudel B; Louvet C; Bonnetain F, 2015, 'Prognosis model for overall survival in locally advanced unresecable pancreatic carcinoma: An ancillary study of the LAP 07 trial', JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 33,

Kunzmann V; Ramanathan RK; Goldstein D; Penenberg DN; Ferrara S; Lu B; Von Hoff DD, 2015, 'Tumor reduction in pancreatic versus metastatic sites in a randomized phase III study (MPACT) of weekly nab-paclitaxel (nab-P) plus gemcitabine (Gem) versus Gem alone.', JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 33,

Tabernero J; Gabrielachiorean E; Infante JR; Hingorani SR; Ganju V; Weekes C; Scheithauer W; Ramanathan RK; Goldstein D; Penenberg DN; Romano A; Ferrara S; Von Hoff DD, 2015, 'Prognostic factorsofsurvival inarandomizedphaseIIItrial (MPACT)of weekly nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine versus gemcitabine alone in patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer', Oncologist, 20, pp. 143 - 150,

Vajdic CM; Goldstein D, 2015, 'Cancer of unknown primary site', Australian Family Physician, 44, pp. 640 - 643

Burmeister EA; O'Connell DL; Beesley VL; Goldstein D; Gooden HM; Janda M; Jordan SJ; Merrett ND; Payne ME; Wyld D; Neale RE, 2015, 'Describing patterns of care in pancreatic cancer a population-based study', Pancreas, 44, pp. 1259 - 1265,

McCarroll JA; Sharbeen G; Liu J; Youkhana J; Goldstein D; McCarthy N; Limbri LF; Dischl D; Ceyhan GO; Erkan M; Johns AL; Biankin AV; Kavallaris M; Phillips PA; Johns A, 2015, 'βIII-Tubulin: A novel mediator of chemoresistance and metastases in pancreatic cancer', Oncotarget, 6, pp. 2235 - 2249,

Neale R; Burmeister E; O'Connell D; Beesley V; Goldstein D; Gooden H; Janda M; Jordan S; Merrett N; Payne M; Wyld D, 2015, 'Describing patterns of care in pancreatic cancer – A population-based study', Pancreatology, 15, pp. S83 - S83,

Burmeister E; Jordan S; O'Connell D; Beesley V; Goldstein D; Gooden H; Janda M; Merrett N; Wyld D; Neale R, 2015, 'Determinants of attempted resection for patients with non-metastatic pancreatic cancer', Pancreatology, 15, pp. S84 - S85,

Neale R; Waterhouse M; Burmeister E; Ballard E; O'Connell D; Beesley V; Goldstein D; Gooden H; Janda M; Jordan S; Merrett N; Payne M; Wyld D, 2015, 'Determinants of outcomes following resection for pancreatic cancer – An Australian population-based study', Pancreatology, 15, pp. S85 - S85,

Tirosh D; Tirosh NB; Goldstein D; Sheizaf B, 2015, 'Large Parasitic Myoma Post Laparoscopic Subtotal Hysterectomy with Morcellation: Case Report and Literature Review', JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGIC SURGERY, 31, pp. 162 - 165,

Pavlakis N; Sjoquist KM; Tsobanis E; Martin AJ; Kang Y-K; Bang Y-J; O'Callaghan CJ; Tebbutt NC; Rha SY; Lee J; Cho JY; Lipton LR; Burnell MJ; Alcindor T; Strickland A; Kim JW; Yip S; Simes J; Zalcberg JR; Goldstein D, 2015, 'LBA-06 INTEGRATE: A randomized phase II double-blind placebo-controlled study of regorafenib (REG) in refractory advanced oesophagogastric cancer (AOGC) - A study by the Australasian Gastrointestinal Trials Group (AGITG): Final overall and subgroup results', Annals of Oncology, 26, pp. iv119 - iv119,

Tempero M; Cardin D; Biankin A; Goldstein D; Moore M; O'Reilly E; Philip P; Riess H; Macarulla T; Yung L; Li M; Lu B, 2015, 'P-185 Randomized phase III trial of nab-paclitaxel (nab-P) plus gemcitabine (Gem) vs Gem alone as adjuvant therapy for patients with resected pancreatic cancer: APACT', Annals of Oncology, 26, pp. iv54 - iv54,

Vernerey D; Goldstein D; Huguet F; Paget-Bailly S; Van Laethem J-L; Glimelius B; Artru P; Moore MJ; André T; Mineur L; Chibaudel B; Louvet C; Hammel P; Bonnetain F, 2015, 'Prognostic score and nomogram to predict overall survival in locally advanced pancreatic cancer', Pancreatology, 15, pp. S107 - S107,

Goldstein D; Giver M; Chakraborty B, 2015, 'Synchronization patterns in geometrically frustrated rings of relaxation oscillators', CHAOS, 25,

Tempero M; Cardin D; Biankin AV; Goldstein D; Moore M; O'Reilly E; Philip P; Riess H; Macarulla T; Yung L; Li M; Lu B, 2015, 'Tu1953 Nab-Paclitaxel Plus Gemcitabine vs Gemcitabine Alone for Resected Pancreatic Cancer in a Phase III Trial (APACT)', Gastroenterology, 148, pp. S - 944,

Park SB; Kwok JB; Loy CT; Friedlander ML; Lin CSY; Krishnan AV; Lewis CR; Kiernan MC; Goldstein D, 2014, 'Paclitaxel-induced neuropathy: Potential association of MAPT and GSK3B genotypes', BMC Cancer, 14, pp. 993,

McGrane JA; Butow PN; Sze M; Eisenbruch M; Goldstein D; King MT, 2014, 'Assessing the invariance of a culturally competent multi-lingual unmet needs survey for immigrant and Australian-born cancer patients: a Rasch analysis', Quality of Life Research, 23, pp. 2819 - 2830,


Wang X; Goldstein D; Crowe PJ; Yang JL, 2014, 'Impact of STAT3 inhibition on survival of osteosarcoma cell lines', Anticancer Research, 34, pp. 6537 - 6545

McGrane J; Butow P; Sze M; Eisenbruch M; Goldstein D; King M, 2014, 'Assessing the Invariance of a Culturally Competent Multi-lingual Unmet Needs Survey for Immigrant and Australian-born Cancer Patients: A Rasch Analysis', PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY, 23, pp. 153 - 153,

Hillman RJ; Garland SM; Gunathilake MPW; Stevens M; Kumaradevan N; Lemech C; Ward RL; Meagher A; McHugh L; Jin F; Carroll S; Goldstein D; Grulich AE; Tabrizi SN, 2014, 'Human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes in an Australian sample of anal cancers', International Journal of Cancer, 135, pp. 996 - 1001,

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