Select Publications

Journal articles

O'Brien T; Warton D; Falster D, 2025, 'Yes, they're all individuals: Hierarchical models for repeat survey data improve estimates of tree growth and size', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 16, pp. 183 - 196,

Williams C; Yang Y; Lagisz M; Morrison K; Ricolfi L; Warton DI; Nakagawa S, 2024, 'Transparent reporting items for simulation studies evaluating statistical methods: Foundations for reproducibility and reliability', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 15, pp. 1926 - 1939,

Chow BVY; Morgan C; Rae C; Warton DI; Novak I; Davies S; Lancaster A; Popovic GC; Rizzo RRN; Rizzo CY; Kyriagis M; Herbert RD; Bolsterlee B, 2024, 'Human lower leg muscles grow asynchronously', Journal of Anatomy, 244, pp. 476 - 485,

Hartig F; Abrego N; Bush A; Chase JM; Guillera-Arroita G; Leibold MA; Ovaskainen O; Pellissier L; Pichler M; Poggiato G; Pollock L; Si-Moussi S; Thuiller W; Viana DS; Warton DI; Zurell D; Yu DW, 2024, 'Novel community data in ecology-properties and prospects', Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 39, pp. 280 - 293,

Dovers E; Popovic GC; Warton DI, 2024, 'A fast method for fitting integrated species distribution models', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 15, pp. 191 - 203,

Dovers E; Stoklosa J; Warton DI, 2024, 'Fitting Log-Gaussian Cox Processes Using Generalized Additive Model Software', American Statistician, 78, pp. 418 - 425,

Hui FKC; Warton DI; Foster SD; Haak CR, 2023, 'Spatiotemporal joint species distribution modelling: A basis function approach', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14, pp. 2150 - 2164,

Maslen B; Popovic G; Lim M; Marzinelli E; Warton D, 2023, 'How many sites? Methods to assist design decisions when collecting multivariate data in ecology', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14, pp. 1564 - 1573,

Stoklosa J; Hwang WH; Warton DI, 2023, 'A general algorithm for error-in-variables regression modelling using Monte Carlo expectation maximization', PLoS ONE, 18,

Wang H; Colin Prentice I; Wright IJ; Warton DI; Qiao S; Xu X; Zhou J; Kikuzawa K; Stenseth NC, 2023, 'Leaf economics fundamentals explained by optimality principles', Science Advances, 9,

Luo M; Ji Y; Warton D; Yu DW, 2023, 'Extracting abundance information from DNA-based data', Molecular Ecology Resources, 23, pp. 174 - 189,

Dovers E; Brooks W; Popovic GC; Warton DI, 2023, 'Fast, Approximate Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Log-Gaussian Cox Processes', Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 32, pp. 1660 - 1670,

Warton DI, 2023, 'Global Simulation Envelopes for Diagnostic Plots in Regression Models', American Statistician, 77, pp. 425 - 431,

Kidziński Ł; Hui FKC; Warton DI; Hastie TJ, 2022, 'Generalized Matrix Factorization: efficient algorithms for fitting generalized linear latent variable models to large data arrays', Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23

Popovic GC; Hui FKC; Warton DI, 2022, 'Fast model-based ordination with copulas', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 13, pp. 194 - 202,

Sentinella AT; Warton D; Sherwin WB; Offord CA; Moles AT, 2022, 'Corrigendum', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31, pp. 1461 - 1464,

Niku J; Hui FKC; Taskinen S; Warton DI, 2021, 'Analyzing environmental-trait interactions in ecological communities with fourth-corner latent variable models', Environmetrics, 32,

Noghrehchi F; Stoklosa J; Penev S; Warton DI, 2021, 'Selecting the model for multiple imputation of missing data: Just use an IC!', Statistics in Medicine, 40, pp. 2467 - 2497,

Renner IW; Warton DI; Hui FKC, 2021, 'What is the effective sample size of a spatial point process?', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 63, pp. 144 - 158,

Griffin KJ; Hedge LH; Warton DI; Astles KL; Johnston EL, 2021, 'Modeling recreational fishing intensity in a complex urbanised estuary', Journal of Environmental Management, 279,

Sentinella AT; Warton DI; Sherwin WB; Offord CA; Moles AT, 2020, 'Tropical plants do not have narrower temperature tolerances, but are more at risk from warming because they are close to their upper thermal limits', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29, pp. 1387 - 1398,

Nguyen R; Day J; Warton D; Lane O, 2020, 'fitzRoy - An R Package to Encourage Reproducible Sports Analysis', R JOURNAL, 12, pp. 155 - 162

Niku J; Hui FKC; Taskinen S; Warton DI, 2019, 'gllvm: Fast analysis of multivariate abundance data with generalized linear latent variable models in r', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10, pp. 2173 - 2182,

Popovic GC; Warton DI; Thomson FJ; Hui FKC; Moles AT, 2019, 'Untangling direct species associations from indirect mediator species effects with graphical models', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10, pp. 1571 - 1583,

Norberg A; Abrego N; Blanchet FG; Adler FR; Anderson BJ; Anttila J; Araújo MB; Dallas T; Dunson D; Elith J; Foster SD; Fox R; Franklin J; Godsoe W; Guisan A; O'Hara B; Hill NA; Holt RD; Hui FKC; Husby M; Kålås JA; Lehikoinen A; Luoto M; Mod HK; Newell G; Renner I; Roslin T; Soininen J; Thuiller W; Vanhatalo J; Warton D; White M; Zimmermann NE; Gravel D; Ovaskainen O, 2019, 'A comprehensive evaluation of predictive performance of 33 species distribution models at species and community levels', Ecological Monographs, 89,

Niku J; Brooks W; Herliansyah R; Hui FKC; Taskinen S; Warton DI, 2019, 'Efficient estimation of generalized linear latent variable models', PLoS ONE, 14,

Hui FKC; Tanaka E; Warton DI, 2018, 'Order selection and sparsity in latent variable models via the ordered factor LASSO', Biometrics, 74, pp. 1311 - 1319,

Wu YQ; Arsecularatne JA; Warton DI; Hoffman M, 2018, 'Effect of contact load upon attrition-corrosion of human dental enamel', Wear, 414-415, pp. 101 - 108,

Dormann CF; Calabrese JM; Guillera-Arroita G; Matechou E; Bahn V; Bartoń K; Beale CM; Ciuti S; Elith J; Gerstner K; Guelat J; Keil P; Lahoz-Monfort JJ; Pollock LJ; Reineking B; Roberts DR; Schröder B; Thuiller W; Warton DI; Wintle BA; Wood SN; Wüest RO; Hartig F, 2018, 'Model averaging in ecology: a review of Bayesian, information-theoretic, and tactical approaches for predictive inference', Ecological Monographs, 88, pp. 485 - 504,

Popovic GC; Hui FKC; Warton DI, 2018, 'A general algorithm for covariance modeling of discrete data', Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 165, pp. 86 - 100,

Warton DI, 2018, 'Why you cannot transform your way out of trouble for small counts', Biometrics, 74, pp. 362 - 368,

Stoklosa J; Warton DI, 2018, 'A Generalized Estimating Equation Approach to Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines', Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 27, pp. 245 - 253,

Niku J; Warton DI; Hui FKC; Taskinen S, 2017, 'Generalized Linear Latent Variable Models for Multivariate Count and Biomass Data in Ecology', Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 22, pp. 498 - 522,

Dawson SK; Warton DI; Kingsford RT; Berney P; Keith DA; Catford JA, 2017, 'Plant traits of propagule banks and standing vegetation reveal flooding alleviates impacts of agriculture on wetland restoration', Journal of Applied Ecology, 54, pp. 1907 - 1918,

Warton DI; Hui FKC, 2017, 'The central role of mean-variance relationships in the analysis of multivariate abundance data: a response to Roberts (2017)', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8, pp. 1408 - 1414,

Roberts DR; Bahn V; Ciuti S; Boyce MS; Elith J; Guillera-Arroita G; Hauenstein S; Lahoz-Monfort JJ; Schröder B; Thuiller W; Warton DI; Wintle BA; Hartig F; Dormann CF, 2017, 'Cross-validation strategies for data with temporal, spatial, hierarchical, or phylogenetic structure', Ecography, 40, pp. 913 - 929,

Dawson SK; Kingsford RT; Berney P; Keith DA; Hemmings FA; Warton DI; Waters C; Catford JA, 2017, 'Frequent inundation helps counteract land use impacts on wetland propagule banks', Applied Vegetation Science, 20, pp. 459 - 467,

Warton DI; Thibaut L; Wang YA, 2017, 'The PIT-trap — A “model-free” bootstrap procedure for inference about regression models with discrete, multivariate responses', PLoS ONE, 12,

Warton DI; Stoklosa J; Guillera-Arroita G; MacKenzie DI; Welsh AH, 2017, 'Graphical diagnostics for occupancy models with imperfect detection', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8, pp. 408 - 419,

Warton DI; McGeoch MA, 2017, 'Technical advances at the interface between ecology and statistics: improving the biodiversity knowledge generation workflow', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8, pp. 396 - 397,

Barrett KB; Haynes JM; Warton DI, 2017, 'Thirty years of change in a benthic macroinvertebrate community of southwestern Lake Ontario after invasion by four Ponto-Caspian species', Freshwater Science, 36, pp. 90 - 102,

Hui FKC; Warton DI; Ormerod JT; Haapaniemi V; Taskinen S, 2017, 'Variational Approximations for Generalized Linear Latent Variable Models', Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 26, pp. 35 - 43,

Warton DI; Blanchet FG; O'Hara R; Ovaskainen O; Taskinen S; Walker SC; Hui FKC, 2016, 'Extending Joint Models in Community Ecology: A Response to Beissinger et al.', Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 31, pp. 737 - 738,

Warton DI; Lyons M; Stoklosa J; Ives AR, 2016, 'Three points to consider when choosing a LM or GLM test for count data', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7, pp. 882 - 890,

Lyons MB; Keith DA; Warton DI; Somerville M; Kingsford RT, 2016, 'Model-based assessment of ecological community classifications', Journal of Vegetation Science, 27, pp. 704 - 715,

Warton DI; Blanchet FG; O'Hara RB; Ovaskainen O; Taskinen S; Walker SC; Hui FKC, 2015, 'So Many Variables: Joint Modeling in Community Ecology', Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 30, pp. 766 - 779,

Hui FKC; Warton DI; Foster SD, 2015, 'Order selection in finite mixture models: Complete or observed likelihood information criteria?', Biometrika, 102, pp. 724 - 730,

Hui FKC; Warton DI; Foster SD, 2015, 'Community level models, finite mixture models, penalized likelihood, regularization, species archetype models, variable selection', Annals of Applied Statistics, 9, pp. 866 - 882,

Warton DI; Foster SD; De’ath G; Stoklosa J; Dunstan PK, 2015, 'Model-based thinking for community ecology', Plant Ecology, 216, pp. 669 - 682,

Gibb H; Muscat D; Binns MR; Silvey CJ; Peters RA; Warton DI; Andrew NR, 2015, 'Responses of foliage-living spider assemblage composition and traits to a climatic gradient in Themeda grasslands', Austral Ecology, 40, pp. 225 - 237,

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