Select Publications

Journal articles

Zhao Z; Wang J; Chen M; Zhang J; Wang F; Young DJ, 2022, 'Comparative study on the initial oxidation behavior of conventional and nanocrystalline MCrAlY coatings - effect of microstructure evolution and dynamic mechanisms', Acta Materialia, 239,

Nguyen TD; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2022, 'Silicon Contamination During Alloy Oxidation in Water Vapour at 650 °C', Oxidation of Metals, 97, pp. 559 - 574,

Aye KK; Cai Y; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2022, 'Effect of Temperature on Corrosion Behaviour of Fe–Cr Alloys in Wet CO2 With and Without HCl Gases', Oxidation of Metals, 97, pp. 371 - 400,

Cai Y; Nguyen TD; Zhang J; Gleeson B; Young DJ, 2022, 'Corrosion behaviour of Fe-25Cr alloy in wet CO2 gas at 650 °C: Effects of chloride deposits and Si+Mn alloying addition', Corrosion Science, 195,

Xi X; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2021, 'Corrosion Behavior of Cr-Containing Alloys under Cyclic Reaction in Wet CO2 Gas at 650°C', Oxidation of Metals, 96, pp. 105 - 116,

Jiang C; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2021, 'The Effect of Water Vapor on NiO Formation by Ni–Cr Alloys at 650 °C (HTCPM Focus Issue, FNS-111)', Oxidation of Metals, 96, pp. 57 - 68,

Young DJ; Zhang J, 2021, 'Corrosion by Hot CO2 Gases', Electrochemical Society Interface, 30, pp. 73 - 77,

Xie Y; Cai Y; Zhang J; Gleeson B; Young DJ, 2021, 'Effects of sulphate deposits on corrosion behaviour of Ni-base alloys in wet CO2 gas at 750 °C', Corrosion Science, 181,

Aye KK; Nguyen TD; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2021, 'Effect of silicon on corrosion of Fe-20Cr and Fe-20Cr-20Ni alloys in wet CO2 with and without HCl at 650 °C', Corrosion Science, 179,

Xie Y; Cai Y; Zhang J; Gleeson B; Young DJ, 2021, 'Effects of Sulphate Deposits on Corrosion Behaviour of Fe-Based Alloys in Wet CO2 Gas at 750 °C', Oxidation of Metals, 95, pp. 23 - 43,

Rouillard F; Young DJ, 2021, 'Benefits of gas phase analysis facility using isotopically labelled gases for the understanding of gas–solid reactions: Reactivity of iron and mild steel in O2, CO2 and CO2/O2 environments', Corrosion Science, 178,

Solimani A; Nguyen T; Zhang J; Young DJ; Schütze M; Galetz MC, 2020, 'Morphology of oxide scales formed on chromium-silicon alloys at high temperatures', Corrosion Science, 176,

Xie Y; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2020, 'Effects of Fe on Oxidation of Ni-20Cr and Ni-30Cr Alloys at 800 °C in Wet CO2 Gas', Oxidation of Metals, 94, pp. 219 - 233,

Jiang C; Xie Y; Kong C; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2020, 'Corrosion behaviour of Ni-Cr alloys in mixed oxidising gases at 650 °C', Corrosion Science, 174,

Xie Y; Liang T; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2020, 'Effects of Fe on oxidation of Ni-20Cr and Ni-30Cr alloys at 800 °C in dry CO2 gas', Corrosion Science, 173,

Gong Y; Young DJ; Atkinson C; Olszewski T; Quadakkers WJ; Reed RC, 2020, 'Modelling of the degradation of martensitic stainless steels by the Boudouard reaction', Corrosion Science, 173,

Aye KK; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2020, 'Effect of Hydrogen Chloride on Corrosion Behaviour of Fe–Cr Alloys in Wet CO2 Gas at 650 °C', Oxidation of Metals, 94, pp. 51 - 80,

Nguyen TD; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2020, 'Effects of Si, Al and Ti on corrosion of Ni-20Cr and Ni-30Cr alloys in Ar-20CO2-20H2O gas at 700 °C', Corrosion Science, 170,

Martinelli L; Young DJ; Gossé S; Bosonnet S, 2019, 'Corrosion of 316L in liquid tellurium at 551°C', Corrosion Science, 151, pp. 35 - 43,

Li M; Kong C; Zhang J; Zhou C; Young DJ, 2019, 'Oxidation behavior of Ni-Al coating with and without a Ni-Re diffusion barrier in dry CO 2 gas at 650 ºC', Corrosion Science, 149, pp. 236 - 243,

Xie Y; Nguyen TD; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2018, 'Corrosion behaviour of Ni-Cr alloys in wet CO2 atmosphere at 700 and 800 °C', Corrosion Science, 146, pp. 28 - 43,

Young DJ; Zhang J, 2018, 'Alloy Corrosion by Hot CO2 Gases', JOM, 70, pp. 1493 - 1501,

Olivares RI; Young DJ; Nguyen TD; Marvig P, 2018, 'Resistance of High-Nickel, Heat-Resisting Alloys to Air and to Supercritical CO2 at High Temperatures', Oxidation of Metals, 90, pp. 1 - 25,

McCarroll IE; La Fontaine A; Nguyen TD; Smith AF; Zhang J; Young DJ; Cairney JM, 2018, 'Performance of an FeCrAl alloy in a high-temperature CO2 environment', Corrosion Science, 139, pp. 267 - 274,

Huczkowski P; Young DJ; Olszewski T; Chyrkin A; Quadakkers WJ, 2018, 'Effect of Sulphur on the Oxidation Behaviour of Possible Construction Materials for Heat Exchangers in Oxyfuel Plants in the Temperature Range 550–700 °C', Oxidation of Metals, 89, pp. 651 - 681,

Xie Y; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2018, 'Water vapour effects on corrosion of Ni-Cr alloys in CO2 gas at 650 °C', Corrosion Science, 136, pp. 311 - 325,

Nguyen TD; La Fontaine A; Cairney JM; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2018, 'Effects of Si, Mn, and water vapour on the microstructure of protective scales grown on Fe–20Cr in CO2 gas', Materials at High Temperatures, 35, pp. 22 - 29,

Xie Y; Yu C; Nguyen TD; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2018, '(Invited) High Temperature Corrosion of Chromia-Forming Alloys By CO2: Effects of H2o and so2', ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2018-01, pp. 1104 - 1104,

Nguyen TD; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2018, 'Growth of Cr2O3 blades during alloy scaling in wet CO2 gas', Corrosion Science, 133, pp. 432 - 442,

Nguyen TD; La Fontaine A; Yang L; Cairney JM; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2018, 'Atom probe study of impurity segregation at grain boundaries in chromia scales grown in CO2 gas', Corrosion Science, 132, pp. 125 - 135,

Jullian D; Zhang J; Hibbert DB; Young DJ, 2018, 'Oxygen solubility in austenitic Fe-Ni alloys at high temperatures', Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 732, pp. 646 - 654,

Nguyen TD; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2018, 'Effects of Si, Al and Ti on corrosion of Ni-20Cr and Ni-30Cr alloys in Ar-20CO2 at 700 °C', Corrosion Science, 130, pp. 161 - 176,

Yu C; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2017, 'Corrosion Behaviour of Fe–Cr–(Mn, Si) Ferritic Alloys in Wet and Dry CO2–SO2Atmospheres at 650 °C', Oxidation of Metals, pp. 1 - 22,

Nguyen TD; Xie Y; Ding S; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2017, 'Oxidation Behavior of Ni–Cr Alloys in CO2 at 700 °C', Oxidation of Metals, 87, pp. 605 - 616,

Nguyen TD; Peng X; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2017, 'Corrosion resistance of chromised and aluminised coatings in wet CO2 gas at 650 °C', Surface and Coatings Technology, 316, pp. 226 - 238,

Nguyen TD; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2017, 'Effects of Silicon and Water Vapour on Corrosion of Fe–20Cr and Fe–20Cr–20Ni Alloys in CO2 at 650 °C', Oxidation of Metals, 87, pp. 541 - 573,

Prillieux A; Jullian D; Zhang J; Monceau D; Young DJ; Jullian Fabres D, 2017, 'Internal Oxidation in Dry and Wet Conditions for Oxygen Permeability of Fe–Ni Alloys at 1150 and 1100 °C', Oxidation of Metals, 87, pp. 273 - 283,

Young DJ; Gong Y; Kontis P; Chiu YL; Larsson H; Shin A; Pearson JM; Moody MP; Reed RC, 2017, 'Breakaway oxidation of Fe9Cr1Si steel in CO2: characterisation and modelling', Acta Materialia, 130, pp. 361 - 374,

Nowak WJ; Naumenko D; Jałowicka A; Young DJ; Nischwitz V; Quadakkers WJ, 2017, 'Effect of alloy composition on the oxidation-induced boron depletion in cast Ni-base superalloy components', Materials and Corrosion, 68, pp. 171 - 185,

Jullian D; Prillieux A; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2017, 'Oxygen permeability of Fe-Ni-Cr alloys at 1100 and 1150 °C under carbon-free and carbon-containing gases', Materials and Corrosion, 68, pp. 197 - 204,

Xie Y; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2017, 'Effect of temperature on oxidation behavior of Ni-Cr alloys in CO2', ECS Transactions, 68, pp. 171 - 185

Young DJ; Connetable D; Matthieu D; Prillieux A; Monceau D, 2017, 'Impact of clusterization on the solubility of oxygen and vacancy concentration in nickel: a multi-scale approach', Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 708, pp. 1063 - 1072,

Xie Y; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2017, 'Temperature Effect on Oxidation Behaviour of Ni-Cr Alloys in CO2 Gas Atmosphere', Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 164, pp. C285 - C293,

Nguyen TD; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2016, 'Effect of Mn on oxide formation by Fe-Cr and Fe-Cr-Ni alloys in dry and wet CO2 gases at 650 °C', Corrosion Science, 112, pp. 110 - 127,

Yu C; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2016, 'High temperature corrosion of Fe-Cr-(Mn/Si) alloys in CO2-H2O-SO2 gases', Corrosion Science, 112, pp. 214 - 225,

Yu C; Nguyen TD; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2016, 'Sulfur Effect on Corrosion Behavior of Fe-20Cr-(Mn, Si) and Fe-20Ni-20Cr-(Mn, Si) in CO2-H2O at 650°C', Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 163, pp. C106 - C115,

La Fontaine A; Gault B; Breen A; Stephenson L; Ceguerra AV; Yang L; Dinh Nguyen T; Zhang J; Young DJ; Cairney JM; Nguyen T, 2015, 'Interpreting atom probe data from chromium oxide scales', Ultramicroscopy, 159, pp. 354 - 359,

Nguyen TD; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2015, 'Effects of cerium and manganese on corrosion of Fe-Cr and Fe-Cr-Ni alloys in Ar-20CO2 and Ar-20CO2-20H2O gases at 650°C', Corrosion Science, 100, pp. 448 - 465,

Olivares RI; Young DJ; Marvig P; Stein W, 2015, 'Alloys SS316 and Hastelloy-C276 in Supercritical CO2 at High Temperature', Oxidation of Metals, 84, pp. 585 - 606,

Yu C; Nguyen TD; Zhang J; Young DJ, 2015, 'Corrosion of Fe-9Cr-(Mn, Si) alloys in CO2-H2O-SO2 gases', Corrosion Science, 98, pp. 516 - 529,

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