Select Publications

Journal articles

Cristaudo AT; Barat S; Ahmadi N; Morris D, 2025, 'Mutations of the CEACAM5 Gene PELPK Motif in Patients With Appendiceal or Colorectal Adenocarcinoma', In Vivo, 39, pp. 96 - 101,

Bhatt A; Villeneuve L; Sardi A; Souadka A; Buseck A; Moran BJ; Khannousi BE; de Pedro CG; Baratti D; Biacchi D; Morris D; Labow D; Levine EA; Mohamed F; Adeleke G; Goswami G; Bonnefoy I; Perry KC; Votanopoulos KI; Parikh L; Deraco M; Alyami M; Cohen N; Benzerdjeb N; Shah N; Bahaoui NE; Khajoueinejad N; Rousset P; Shen P; Barat S; Stanford S; Khouchoua S; Troob S; Shaikh S; Sarpel U; Gushchin V; Samuel VM; Kepenekian V; Sammartino P; Glehen O, 2024, 'Correlation of Morphological Appearance of Peritoneal Lesions at Laparotomy and Disease at Pathological Assessment in Patients Undergoing Cytoreductive Surgery for Peritoneal Malignancy: Results of Phase I of the PRECINCT Study in 707 Patients', Annals of Surgical Oncology, 31, pp. 8560 - 8571,

Sarofim M; Wijayawardana R; Ahmadi N; Barat S; Liauw W; Morris DL, 2024, 'Neoadjuvant chemotherapy does not improve survival for patients with high volume colorectal peritoneal metastases undergoing cytoreductive surgery', World Journal of Surgical Oncology, 22,

Sarofim M; Wijayawardana R; Ahmadi N; Morris DL, 2024, 'Repeat cytoreductive surgery with HIPEC for colorectal peritoneal metastases: a systematic review', World Journal of Surgical Oncology, 22,

Sarofim M; Zahid A; Wijayawardana R; Ahmadi N; Morris DL, 2024, 'Can rotational thromboelastometry predict venous thromboembolism in patients with peritoneal metastases?', British Journal of Surgery, 111,

Sarofim M; Morris DL, 2024, 'Surgeons can visually detect intraoperative coagulopathy: a pilot study', International journal of surgery (London, England), 110, pp. 7395 - 7396,

Valle N; Eapen MS; Pillai K; Morris R; Akhter J; Mekkawy AH; Morris DL; Valle SJ, 2024, 'Impact of Nebulized BromAc® on Mucus Plug Clearance in a Mechanically Ventilated Ex Vivo Ovine Lung Model of Obstructive Respiratory Conditions', Life, 14,

Erali RA; Wajih N; Morris DL; Votanopoulos KI, 2024, 'ASO Author Reflections: Innovative HIPEC Organoid Models and Mucolytics: Targeted Therapeutic Use of Bromelain for Appendiceal Cancer', Annals of Surgical Oncology, 31, pp. 5402 - 5403,

Wajih N; Erali RA; Forsythe SD; Schaaf CR; Shen P; Levine EA; Soker S; Morris DL; Votanopoulos KI, 2024, 'Enhancing the Efficacy of HIPEC Through Bromelain: A Preclinical Investigation in Appendiceal Cancer', Annals of Surgical Oncology, 31, pp. 5377 - 5389,

Fisher OM; Brown C; Esquivel J; Larsen SG; Liauw W; Alzahrani NA; Morris DL; Kepenekian V; Sourrouille I; Dumont F; Tuech JJ; Ceribelli C; Doussot B; Sgarbura O; Alhosni M; Quenet F; Glehen O; Cashin PH; Flatmark K; Graf W; Takala H; Lowy AM; Chua T; Pelz J; Baratti D; Baumgartner JM; Berri R; Bretcha-Boix P; Deraco M; Flores-Ayala G; Gomez-Portilla A; González-Moreno S; Goodman M; Halkia E; Kusamura S; Moller M; Passot G; Pocard M; Salti G; Sardi A; Senthil M; Spilioitis J; Torres-Melero J; Turaga K; Bereder JM; Bernard JL; Bakrin N; Carrère S; Coget J; Cotte E; Facy O; Gelli M; Gilly FN; Ortega-Deballon P; Rat P; Rousset P; Thibaudeau E; Vaudoyer D, 2024, 'Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy in colorectal cancer', BJS Open, 8,

Anthony P; Barat S; Ahmadi N; Morris DL, 2024, 'The CEA/PCI ratio is a superior prognosticator than mCOREP for colorectal cancer patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis', Surgery Open Science, 19, pp. 28 - 31,

Xu Z; Pappas C; Sarofim M; Wijayawardana R; Morris D, 2024, 'Diagnostic conundrum: massive portal vein pathology in a young patient – benign or malignant?', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 94, pp. 954 - 955,

Coelho-dos-Reis J; Marques Ferreira G; Reis E; Clarindo F; Lopes-Ribeiro Á; Gomes-de-Pontes L; Carvalho L; Martins-Filho O; Guimaraes da Fonseca F; Teixeira M; Sabino A; Eapen M; Morris D; Valle S, 2024, 'Harnessing a potent combination to address a pandemic virus: SARS-CoV-2-specific antiviral and anti-inflammatory activity of BromAc', The Journal of Immunology, 212, pp. 0882_6304 - 0882_6304,

Sarofim M; Ahmadi N; Morris DL, 2024, 'Shifting the paradigm of long-term total parenteral nutrition: Lessons from renal dialysis', Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 48, pp. 372 - 374,

Sun SL; Sarofim M; Morris DL, 2024, 'Transhepatic Bromelain and Acetylcysteine for Treatment of Posterior Gastric Pseudomyxoma Peritonei: A Case Report', Anticancer Research, 44, pp. 2239 - 2241,

Ataie-Kachoie P; Badar S; Morris DL; Pourgholami MH, 2024, 'Retraction: Minocycline Targets the NF-κB Nexus through Suppression of TGF-β1-TAK1-IκB Signaling in Ovarian Cancer', Molecular cancer research : MCR, 22, pp. 415,

Pillai K; Akhter J; Mekkawy AH; Valle SJ; Morris DL, 2024, 'Development and Validation of Micro-Azocasein Assay for Quantifying Bromelain', Methods and Protocols, 7,

Zohar N; Nevler A; Esquivel J; Yeo CJ; Benvenisti H; Elbaz N; Assaf D; Mor E; Bowne WB; Badgwell BD; Baratti D; Berger Y; Berri RN; Bhatt A; Guiral DC; Cusack JC; Dineen SP; Gangi A; Goéré D; Goodman MD; Gushchin VV; Gutman M; Hanna NN; De Hingh IHJT; Hoffman A; Johnston FM; Labow DM; Lambert LA; Lee B; Levine EA; Lowy AM; Moran BJ; Morris DL; Nash GM; Nizri E; Quadros CA; Raoof M; Senthil M; Somashekhar SP; Sugarbaker PH; Turaga KK; Woo Y; Yonemura Y, 2024, 'International Expert Consensus on Defining Textbook Oncologic Outcomes in Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for Colorectal Peritoneal Metastasis', Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 238, pp. 387 - 401,

Polikarpova A; Bains HK; Thomson S; Gao Y; Morris DL, 2024, 'An Incidental Discovery of the Intrathoracic Accessory Liver Lobe in a 72-Year-Old Man: Case Report and Literature Review', Surgeries (Switzerland), 5, pp. 84 - 91,

Cristaudo AT; Morris DL; Breakeit M, 2024, 'Comparison Of carcinoembryonic antigen levels between Portal and PERipheral blood in patients with appendiceal adenocarcinoma (COPPER) trial', British Journal of Surgery, 111,

Dewhurst SL; Sarofim M; Wijayawardana R; Morris DL, 2024, 'When all else fails: the colo-duodenal anastomosis', Journal of Surgical Case Reports, 2024,

Tong CW; Sarofim M; Wijayawardana R; Morris DL, 2024, 'Peritoneal Tuberculosis in Western Countries: A Rare Case With Concurrent Helminthic Infection', CUREUS JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE, 16,

Skalkos E; Sarofim M; Game S; Wijayawardana R; Ahmadi N; Morris DL, 2024, 'Prevalence and predictors of hypercoagulability detected by rotational thromboelastometry in peritoneal malignancy patients undergoing cytoreductive surgery', International Surgery Journal, 11, pp. 323 - 329,

Bhatt A; Rousset P; Moran BJ; Kazi M; Baratti D; Morris D; Labow D; Sardi A; Sammartino P; Glehen O; Buseck A; El Khannousi B; Gonzalez de Pedro C; Biacchi D; Deraco M; Souadka A; Levine EA; Mohamed F; Adeleke G; Goswami G; Bonnefoy I; Cummins Perry K; Votanopoulos KI; Parikh L; Alyami M; Cohen N; Benzerdjeb N; Shah N; El Bahaoui N; Khajoueinejad N; Shen P; Barat S; Khouchoua S; Troob S; Shaikh S; Sarpel U; Gushchin V; Samuel VM; Kepenekian V; Villeneuve L; Stanford S, 2024, 'Impact of Previous Abdominal Surgery and Timing of Peritoneal Metastases on Accuracy of Imaging in Predicting the Surgical PCI: A Report From the PRECINCT Study', Journal of Surgical Oncology,

Pappas CP; Xu Z; Hicks G; Sarofim M; Wijayawardana R; Morris DL, 2024, 'Massive peritoneal inclusion cyst with secondary abscessation', Surgical Practice,

Kusamura S; Cinquini M; Morris D; Piso P; Kindler H; Brandl A; Levine E; Glehen O; Kepenekian V; Sgarbura O; Sugarbaker PH; Baratti D; Marcello G; Marcello D, 2024, 'Multisocietal Consensus on the Use of Cytoreductive Surgery and HIPEC for the Treatment of Diffuse Malignant Peritoneal Mesothelioma: A GRADE Approach for Evidence Evaluation and Recommendation', Journal of Surgical Oncology,

Bhatt A; Rousset P; Moran BJ; Kazi M; Baratti D; Souadka A; Deraco M; Sammartino P; Sardi A; Glehen O; Buseck A; El Khannousi B; de Pedro CG; Biacchi D; Morris D; Labow D; Levine EA; Mohamed F; Adeleke G; Goswami G; Bonnefoy I; Perry KC; Votanopoulos KI; Parikh L; Alyami M; Cohen N; Benzerdjeb N; Shah N; Bahaoui NE; Khajoueinejad N; Shen P; Barat S; Stanford S; Khouchoua S; Troob S; Shaikh S; Sarpel U; Gushchin V; Samuel VM; Kepenekian V; Villeneuve L, 2024, 'The Significance of the Morphological Appearance of Peritoneal Lesions on Imaging in Patients With Peritoneal Malignancies—A Report From Phase 1 of the PRECINCT Study', Journal of Surgical Oncology,

Yang J; Glenn D; Lodh S; Valle S; Morris DL, 2023, 'Long-Term Treatment of Unresectable Pseudomyxoma Peritonei with Multiple Treatments of Intratumoural Bromelain and Acetylcysteine (BromAc®): A Case Report', Case Reports in Oncology, 16, pp. 1551 - 1556,

Kozman MA; Fisher OM; Liauw W; Morris DL; Cashin PH, 2023, 'External validation of prognostic scores and comparison of predictive accuracy for patients with colorectal cancer with peritoneal metastases considered for cytoreductive surgery and intraperitoneal chemotherapy', Journal of Surgical Oncology, 128, pp. 1150 - 1159,

Karpes JB; Shamavonian R; Dewhurst S; Cheng E; Wijayawardana R; Ahmadi N; Morris DL, 2023, 'Malignant Peritoneal Mesothelioma: An In-Depth and Up-to-Date Review of Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Management and Future Directions', Cancers, 15,

Cristaudo AT; Morris DL; Barat S, 2023, 'The 'Starburst' Sign: A Novel Description of PET Images in Carcinoma of Unknown Primary', Anticancer Research, 43, pp. 4237 - 4239,

Barat S; Wijayawardana R; Morris D, 2023, 'Outcomes for Colorectal Cancer Cases With Peritoneal Metastases Treated With Cytoreductive Surgery With or Without Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy: A Comparative Analysis of Survival Between Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Scores - PCI in a Single Centre', Anticancer Research, 43, pp. 3529 - 3538,

Torun BC; Glehen O; Kepenekian V; Sardi A; Arjona-Sanchez A; Yonemura Y; Barat S; Morris D; Spiliotis J; Coccolini F; Sommariva A; Bartos A; Raza S; Speteen KV; Akin L; Irez T; Canbay E; Bakrin N; Villeneuve L; Barrios-Campal R; Rodriguez-Ortiz L; Hațieganu L, 2023, 'Peritoneal metastasis of advanced epithelial ovarian carcinoma treated with cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy: A retrospective international multicentric data analysis', European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 49, pp. 1489 - 1494,

Tan CQY; Ho A; Robinson HA; Huang L; Ravindran P; Chan DL; Alzahrani N; Morris DL, 2023, 'A Systematic Review of Microwave Ablation for Colorectal Pulmonary Metastases', Anticancer Research, 43, pp. 2899 - 2907,

Mekkawy AH; Breakeit M; Pillai K; Badar S; Akhter J; Valle SJ; Morris DL, 2023, 'Intraperitoneal BromAc® Does Not Interfere with the Healing of Colon Anastomosis', Cancers, 15,

Huang F; Shamavonian R; Morris DL, 2023, 'Cytoreductive Surgery and HIPEC for Regionally Advanced Gallbladder Cancer: a Case Report', Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology, 14, pp. 127 - 130,

Cheng E; Shamavonian R; Mui J; Hayler R; Karpes J; Wijayawardana R; Barat S; Ahmadi N; Morris DL, 2023, 'Overall survival and morbidity are not associated with advanced age for cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy: A single centre experience', Pleura and Peritoneum, 8, pp. 83 - 90,

Kozman MA; Fisher OM; Liauw W; Morris DL, 2023, 'Use of Prognostic Factors and Scores in Selection of Patients with Colorectal Cancer Peritoneal Metastasis (CRPM) for Cytoreductive Surgery and Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (CRS/IPC): Results of an International Survey Among Oncologic Clinicians', Annals of Surgical Oncology, 30, pp. 3333 - 3345,

Eshmuminov D; Studer DJ; Lopez Lopez V; Schneider MA; Lerut J; Lo M; Sher L; Musholt TJ; Lozan O; Bouzakri N; Sposito C; Miceli R; Barat S; Morris D; Oehler H; Schreckenbach T; Husen P; Rosen CB; Gores GJ; Masui T; Cheung TT; Kim-Fuchs C; Perren A; Dutkowski P; Petrowsky H; Thiis-Evensen E; Line PD; Grat M; Partelli S; Falconi M; Tanno L; Robles-Campos R; Mazzaferro V; Clavien PA; Lehmann K, 2023, 'Controversy Over Liver Transplantation or Resection for Neuroendocrine Liver Metastasis: Tumor Biology Cuts the Deal', Annals of Surgery, 277, pp. E1063 - E1071,

Pillai K; Mekkawy AH; Akhter J; Morris DL, 2023, 'Effect of Nebulized BromAc on Rheology of Artificial Sputum: Relevance to Muco-Obstructive Respiratory Diseases', Advances in Respiratory Medicine, 91, pp. 146 - 163,

Garrett C; Wijayawardana R; Morris DL, 2023, 'Strangulated interstitial interparietal hernia following lower segment caesarean section: a case report', Journal of Surgical Case Reports, 2023,

Hayler R; Lockhart K; Barat S; Cheng E; Mui J; Shamavonian R; Ahmadi N; Alzahrani N; Liauw W; Morris D, 2023, 'Survival benefits with EPIC in addition to HIPEC for low grade appendiceal neoplasms with pseudomyxoma peritonei: A propensity score matched study', Pleura and Peritoneum, 8, pp. 27 - 35,

Mercado M; Shamavonian R; Cheng E; Ahmadi N; Morris DL, 2023, 'Comparing Survival Outcomes and Impact of EPIC in Patients Undergoing CRS/HIPEC for Mucinous Appendiceal Neoplasm', Anticancer Research, 43, pp. 817 - 822,

Skalkos E; Chen KL; Wijayawardana R; Morris DL, 2023, 'Effective Use of Bromelain and Acetylcysteine (BromAc®) for Treatment of Perigastric Pseudomyxoma Peritonei: A Case Report', Anticancer Research, 43, pp. 4735 - 4738,

Garrett C; Cristaudo A; Barat S; Morris DL, 2023, 'Increased Incidence of Liver Metastases in Colorectal Versus Appendiceal Adenocarcinoma Peritonectomy Patients Despite Equivocal Survival', Anticancer Research, 43, pp. 4657 - 4662,

Cashin PH; Esquivel J; Larsen SG; Liauw W; Alzahrani NA; Morris DL; Kepenekian V; Sourrouille I; Dumont F; Tuech JJ; Ceribelli C; Doussot B; Sgarbura O; Quenet F; Glehen O; Fisher OM, 2023, 'Perioperative chemotherapy in colorectal cancer with peritoneal metastases: A global propensity score matched study', eClinicalMedicine, 55,

Ferreira GM; Clarindo FA; Ribeiro ÁL; Gomes-de-Pontes L; de Carvalho LD; Martins-Filho OA; da Fonseca FG; Teixeira MM; Sabino ADP; Eapen MS; Morris DL; Valle SJ; Coelho-dos-Reis JGA, 2023, 'Taming the SARS-CoV-2-mediated proinflammatory response with BromAc®', Frontiers in Immunology, 14,

Wen HK; Valle SJ; Morris DL, 2023, 'Bromelain and acetylcysteine (BromAc®): a novel approach to the treatment of mucinous tumours', AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH, 13, pp. 1522 - 1532

Pillai K; Ke K; Mekkawy A; Akhter J; Morris DL, 2023, 'Enhancement of treatment efficacy of hepatic tumours using Trans-arterial-chemoembolization', AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH, 13, pp. 1623 - 1639

Tan C; Ho A; Robinson H; Ravindran P; Chan D; Alzharani N; Morris D, 2023, 'Microwave Ablation for Pulmonary Metastases: A Systematic Review', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 32, pp. S11 - S11,

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