Select Publications


Heffernan T; Stewart K; Shearing C; Sanderson D, 2024, Flipping the script: young people mobilise adults to increase participation in disaster risk reduction, AIDR, Melbourne,,

keen M; Sanderson D; osborne K; deo R; faith J; ride A, 2021, Putting People First; Area based approaches for better disaster recovery in the Pacific. Fiji, Vanuatu and Solomon Islands Regional Synthesis,

keen M; Sanderson D; osborne K; deo R, 2021, Putting People First: Area Based Approaches to Disaster Response in The Pacific, Fiji discussion paper,

keen M; Sanderson D; osborne K; ride A, 2021, Putting People First: Area Based Approaches to Disaster Response in The Pacific, Solomon Islands discussion paper,

Sanderson D; Sitko P, 2020, Using the Sphere standards in urban settings (2nd edition),,

Sanderson D, 2019, Urban Humanitarian Response. Good Practice Review 12, Overseas Development Institute, London,,

Sanderson D; osborne K; patnaik D, 2019, Nepal earthquakes appeal meta-synthesis, DEC, London,,

sanderson DAVID, 2018, Science & Technology into Action Disaster Risk Reduction Perspectives from Asia, Asia Science Technology Academia Advisory Group (ASTAAG), Japan,

Sanderson D, 2018, Area-based approaches: Coping with urban complexity – but are agencies ready?, Global Shelter Cluster, Geneva, 13.1,,

Sanderson D; Sitko P, 2017, Urban area-based approaches in post-disaster contexts Guidance Note for Humanitarian Practitioners, IIED, London, Stronger Cities Consortium,

Patel R; King J; Phelps L; Sanderson D, 2017, What Practices Are Used to Identify and Prioritize Vulnerable Populations Affected by Urban Humanitarian Emergencies? Systematic review., Oxfam GB, Oxford, UK,

Sanderson D; Patel R; Phelps L, 2016, What are the practices to identify and prioritize vulnerable populations affected by urban humanitarian emergencies? A systematic review protocol of methods and specific tools used to target the most at–need individuals, households and/or communities in urban crises, Oxfam GB, UK,

Sanderson D; Sharma A, 2016, World Disasters Report 2016 Resilience: saving lives today, investing for tomorrow, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies,

Sanderson D; Rodericks A; Shresta N; Ramalingam B, 2015, Nepal Earthquake Appeal Response Review, ALNAP, ALNAP,

Sanderson D; Ramalingam B, 2015, Nepal earthquake response: lessons for operational agencies, ALNAP, UK,

Sanderson D; Willison Z, 2014, Philippines Typhoon Haiyan response review, ALNAP, ALNAP,

Morgan N; Naz S; Sanderson D, 2013, Pakistan floods response 2010-12, Christian Aid, London,

Russ C; Walker P; Sanderson D, 2012, Humanitarian Training and Education Snapshot Report, Qatar Shelter Initiative

Sanderson D; Knox-Clarke P; Campbell L, 2012, Responding to urban disasters: Learning from previous relief and recovery operations, London,

Sanderson D; Clermont C; Spraos H; Sharma A, 2011, Urban disasters - lessons from Haiti. Study of member agencies’ responses to the earthquake in Port au Prince, Haiti, January 2010, Disasters Emergency Committee, London,

Rodericks A; Sanderson D, 2002, A livelihoods context for disaster management, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Geneva, Chapter one, box 1.4,

Sanderson D, 2001, Ask the authorities for better services? How can we ask for anything when even the dogs bark at us?, Care International UK, London

Sanderson D; Westley K, 2001, Participatory livelihoods assessment, Kosovo, CARE International, CARE International,

Davis I; Sanderson D; Parker D; Stack J, 1998, The dissemination of warnings, IDNDR flagship programme – forecasts and warnings, Thomas Telford, London

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