Select Publications
Book Chapters
2025, 'Delivering Sustainable, Resilient, and Low-Carbon-Built Environments', in Theory and Practice of Urban Sustainability Transitions, Springer Nature Singapore, pp. 93 - 115,
,2024, 'Development of Collective Intelligence for Building Energy Efficiency', in Multimodality in Architecture, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 175 - 196,
,2022, 'Climate Emergency, Actions and Environmental Sustainability', in He B; Prasad D; Jupesta J; Pignatta G (ed.), Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability, Springer Cham,
,2021, 'Numerical Simulation Modelling of Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Double-Skin Facades', in Recent Advances in Numerical Simulations, IntechOpen,
,2019, 'Decarbonising Commercial Buildings', in Newton P; Prasad D; Sproul A; White S (ed.), Decarbonising the Built Environment, Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 163 - 191,
,2019, 'Pathways to Low Carbon Living', in Newton P; Prasad D; Sproul A; White S (ed.), Decarbonising the Built Environment., Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore,
,2019, 'Rooftop Photovoltaics: Distributed Renewable Energy and Storage (or Low-Cost PV Changes Everything)', in Netwon P; Prasad D; Sproul A; White S (ed.), Decarbonising the Built Environment, Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 53 - 64,
,2019, 'Development of Low-Carbon Urban Forms — Concepts, Tools and Scenario Analysis', in Newton P; Prasad D; Sproul A; White S (ed.), Decarbonising the Built Environment: Charting the Transition, Springer, Singapore, pp. 227 - 244,
,2019, 'Energy futures for Australia', in Newton P; Prasad D; Sproul A; White S (ed.), Decarbonising the Built Environment: Charting the transition, Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 35 - 51,
,2019, 'Urban Heat Mitigation', in Decarbonising the Built Environment Charting the Transition, Springer
,2013, 'Global Warming and the Built Environment', in , Spon Press
,2012, 'Green technologies, performance and integration', in Bioclimatic Housing Innovative Designs for Warm Climates, pp. 367 - 425,
,2009, 'Case studies of existing urban areas with photovoltaics', in Photovoltaics in the Urban Environment: Lessons Learnt from Large Scale Projects, pp. 21 - 99,
,2009, 'Case Studies of Existing urban areas with Photovoltaics: Australia Newington Sydney Olympic Village', in Gaiddon B; Kaan H; Munro D (ed.), Photovoltaics in the Urban Environment, EarthScan, UK, pp. 21 - 27
,2006, 'Master planned communities and sustainability in Sydney', in Talking About Sydney: Population, community and culture in contemporary Sydney, University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, pp. 108 - 121
,2004, 'Case Studies on Integration of Innovative Technologies in Housing', in Solar Sustainable Housing: learning from innovative projects from moderate and hot climates, International Energy Agency
,2004, 'Photovoltaic Energy, Building Integrated', in Encyclopedia of Energy, Elsevier Science
,2003, 'Energy efficiency in commercial buildings', in Environment design guide
,2003, 'Progetti dal case studies report del task 7, International Energy Agency', in L' integrazione architettonica del fotovoltaico: esperienze compiute.
,2002, 'Environmental agenda and successes at Sydney Olympic games', in Staging the Sydney Games, UNSW Press
,2000, 'Photovoltaics (PV) Modelling For Cities', in 1999 ISES Solar World Congress, Elsevier, pp. 147 - 155,
,1999, 'Environment', in Staging the Olympics: The Event and its Impact, University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, pp. 83 - 92
,1998, 'Armstrong-Mobbs Sustainable House – a case study', in Environment Design Guide
,1998, 'Capricorn 151 – a case study', in Environment Design Guide
,1998, 'RAS Horse and Cattle Pavillions – a case study', in Environment Design Guide
,1998, 'The Nursing Faculty Building, University of Newcastle – a case study', in Environment Design Guide
,1996, 'Nemingha Public School: a case study in energy efficiency', in Environmental Design Guide, RAIA
,1996, 'Renewable Resources: energy generation', in Environmental Design Guide, RAIA
,1995, 'Advanced Technology Centre: a case study in energy efficiency', in Environmental Design Guide, RAIA
,1995, 'Brewarrina Aboriginal Cultural Museum: a case study in energy efficiency', in Environmental Design Guide, RAIA
,1995, 'Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings', in Environmental Design Guide, RAIA
,1995, 'Friendly Beaches Lodge: a case study in energy efficiency', in Environmental Design Guide, RAIA
,1995, 'Solar Energy Information Centre: a case study in energy efficiency', in Environmental Design Guide, RAIA
,1994, 'Energy efficiency and the non-residential building sector', in Global Warming and the Built Environment, Chapman Hall, London