Select Publications

Journal articles

Thompson PW; Meredith I; Leung DY; et A, 2004, 'Effects of pravastatin compared with placebo initiated within 24 hours of onset of acute myocardial infarction or unstable angina: The Pravastatin in Acute Coronary Treatment (PACT) trial', American Heart Journal, 148, pp. e2,

Juergens CP; Leung DY; Crozier JA; Wong A; Robinson J; Lo ST; Kachwalla H; Hopkins AP, 2004, 'Patient tolerance and resource utilization associated with an arterial closure versus an external compression device after percutaneous coronary intervention', Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 63, pp. 166 - 170,

Hallani H; Wong A; Crozier JA; Robinson J; Hopkins AP; Lo ST; Fernandes C; Leung DY; Juergens CP, 2004, 'Percutaneous coronary intervention using six or seven French catheters. Results of a prospective randomised trial', Heart Lung and Circulation, 13 S2, pp. 44 (S) - 45 (S)

Moir S; Haluska B; Leung DY; Lim RP; Garrahy P; Marwick TH, 2004, 'Quantitative myocardial contrast echocardiography for prediction of Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction flow in acute myocardial infarction', American Journal of Cardiology, 93, pp. 1212 - 1217,

Hallani H; Leung DY; Newland E; Juergens CP, 2004, 'The utiliti of the quantitative point of care test for the detection of serum cardiac Troponin T', Heart Lung and Circulation, 13, pp. 41 (S) - 41 (S)

Martínez-Sellés M, 2003, 'Defining stent thrombosis: whose definition to use?', J Am Coll Cardiol, 41, pp. 1420,

Rossi A; Thomas L; Leung DYC; Schiller NB; Ross DL, 2003, 'Calculating the absolute value of the mean left atrial maximal and minimal volume [2] (multiple letters)', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 41, pp. 1420 - 1421,

Thomas L; Levett K; Boyd A; Leung DYC; Schiller NB; Ross DL, 2003, 'Changes in regional left atrial function with aging: Evaluation by doppler tissue imaging', European Journal of Echocardiography, 4, pp. 92 - 100,

Leung DY; Allman C; Rajaratnam R; Kachwalla H; Hughes C; Bannon P, 2003, 'An unusual cause of hemolysis in a patient with aortic valved conduit replacement', Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 16, pp. 188 - 190,

Thomas L; Levett K; Leung DY; Schiller NB; Ross DL, 2003, 'Changes in regional left atrial function with aging: Evaluation by Dopker Tissue Imaging', European Journal of Echocardiography, 4, pp. 92 - 100,

Leung DY, 2003, 'Diastolic heart failure: Can we afford to be in diastole?', Heart Lung and Circulation, 12, pp. 119 - 122,

Thomas L; Levett K; Leung DY; Ross DL, 2003, 'Doppler tissue velocity of atrial contraction can estimate atrial function', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 12, pp. A30 - A30,

Tan H; Allman C; Liew CT; Kashwalla H; Hopkins AP; Leung DY, 2003, 'Exercise training reverses left ventricular remodelling in patients with ventricular dysfunction and functional mitral regurgitation', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 12, pp. A63 - A64,

Leung DY; Liew CT; Wong A; Molyneux I; Juergens CP; Lo ST; Hopkins AP, 2003, 'Low utilisation of functional tests prior to coronary angiography in patients with low to moderate pretest probability of coronary disease', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 12, pp. A72 - A72,

Allman C; Thomas L; Hopkins AP; Mowat D; Morgan G; Pedersen R; Leung DY, 2003, 'No evidence for left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in asymptomatic carriers of Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 12, pp. A81 - A82,

Leung DY; Ghaffari S; Moliterno D; Allman C; Gallagher D; Hopkins AP, 2003, 'Post-exercise left ventricular end systolic volume is correlated with end systolic elastance and preload recruitable stroke work relationship in mitral regurgitation', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 12, pp. A79 - A79,

Thomas L; Leung DYC; Schiller NB; Ross DL, 2003, 'Reply', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 41, pp. 1424 - 1424,

Leung DY; Davidson P; Nancock K; Ang E; Chang E; Thompson DR; Daly J, 2003, 'Traditional Chinese Medicine and heart disease: what does Western Medicine and Nursing Science know about it?', European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2, pp. 171 - 181,

Tan HC; Cranney GB; French BF; Chow EK; Chow F; Leung DY, 2002, 'An unusual case of partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage', JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, 15, pp. 997 - 999,

Thomas L; Levett K; Leung DYC; Schiller NB; Ross DL, 2002, 'Compensatory changes in atrial function with aging', JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, 39, pp. 195A - 195A,

Tan H; Cranney G; French B; Chow K; Chow F; Leung DY, 2002, 'An unusual case of partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage', Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 15, pp. 997 - 999,

Thomas L; Levett A; Boyd A; Leung DY; Schiller NB; Ross DL, 2002, 'Compensatory volumetric atrial changes with normal aging: is atrial enlargement inevitable?', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 40, pp. 1630 - 1635,

Leung DY; Juergens CP; Lo S; Hopkins AP, 2001, 'Who refers negative coronary angiograms?', JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, 37, pp. 375A - 375A,

Klein A; Leung DY; Murray R; Urban L; Baily K; Tajik A, 1999, 'Effects of age and physiologic variables on right ventricular filling dynamics in 115 normal subjects', American Journal of Cardiology, 84, pp. 440 - 448,

Leung DY; Armstrong G; Griffin B; Thomas J; Marwick TH, 1999, 'Latent left ventricular dysfunction in patients with mitral regurgitation: Feasibility of measuring diminished contractile reserve from a simplified model of non-invasively derived left ventricular pressure - volume loops', American Heart Journal, 137, pp. 427 - 434,

Wahi S; Haluska BA; Armstrong GP; Leung DY; Marwick TH, 1998, 'Exercise echo predicts outcome in asymptomatic patients with severe aortic regurgitation.', CIRCULATION, 98, pp. 91 - 91,

Leung DY; Marwick TH, 1998, 'The use of stress echocardiography in women with known or suspected coronary artery disease', Cardiovascular Reviews and Reports, 19, pp. 16 - 24

Leung DY; Wong JK; Vandervoort PM; Rodriguez LL; Pu M; Thomas J, 1998, 'Application of color Doppler flow mapping to calculate orifice area of St Jude mitral valve', Circulation, 98, pp. 1205 - 1211,

Nashed G; French B; Gallagher D; Hopkins AP; Juergens CP; Leung DY; Lowe H, 1998, 'Right ventricular perforation with cardiac tamponade associated with use of a temporary pacing wire and abciximab during complex coronary angiogplasty', Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 48, pp. 388 - 389,;2-K

Leung DY; Marwick TH, 1998, 'The use of exercise echocardiography in women with suspected or known coronary artery disease.', Cardiovascular Reviews and Reports, 19, pp. 16 - 24

Marwick TH; Heupler S; Leung DY, 1998, 'Using exercise echocardiography to improve prognostic accuracy for women', Cardiology Review, 15, pp. 40 - 44

Leung DY; Griffin BP; Marwick TH, 1997, 'Predicting left ventricular dysfunction after valve repair for chronic mitral regurgitation', Cardiology Review, 14, pp. 43 - 46

Klein AL; Grimm RA; Black IW; Leung DY; Chung MK; Vaughn SE; Murray RD; Miller DP; Arheart KL, 1997, 'Cardioversion guided by transesophageal echocardiography: The ACUTE Pilot Study: A randomized, controlled trial', Annals of Internal Medicine, 126, pp. 200 - 209,

Fatkin D; Feneley MP; Klein AL; Murray RD; Grimm RA; D'Sa A; Leung DY; Black IW; Thomas JD, 1997, 'Qualitative or quantitative assessment of spontaneous echo contrast? [2]', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 29, pp. 222 - 224,

Leung DY; Dawson I; Haluska B; Marwick TH, 1997, 'Accuracy and cost-effectiveness of exercise echocardiography for detection of coronary artery disease in patients with mitral valve prolapse', American Heart Journal, 134, pp. 1052 - 1057,

Klein A; Grimm R; Black ID; Leung DY; et A, 1997, 'Cardioversion guided by transesophageal echocardiography: the ACUTE Pilot Study. A randomized, controlled trial. Assessment of Cardioversion Using Transesophageal Echocardiography', Annals of Internal Medicine, 126, pp. 200 - 209

Leung DY; Griffin B; Snader C; Luthern L; Thomas J; Marwick TH, 1997, 'Determinants of functional capacity in chronic mitral regurgitation unaccompanied by coronary artery disease or left ventricular dysfunction', American Journal of Cardiology, 79, pp. 914 - 920,

Leung DY; Griffin B; Marwick TH, 1997, 'Prediction of left ventricular dysfunction after mitral valve repair', Cardiology Board Review, 14, pp. 43 - 46

Heupler S; Mehta A; Lobo A; Leung DY; Marwick TH, 1997, 'Prognostic implications of stress echocardiography in women with known or suspected coronary artery disease', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 30, pp. 414 - 420,

LEUNG DY; STEWART WJ, 1997, 'Stress Echocardiography in Valvular Heart Disease', Cardiology in Review, 5, pp. 5 - 13,

Leung DY; Stewart W, 1997, 'The role of exercise echocardiography in valvular heart disease', Cardiology in Review, January

Leung DY; Davidson PM; Cranney GB; Walsh WF, 1997, 'Thromboembolic risks of left atrial thrombus detected by transesophageal echocardiogram', American Journal of Cardiology, 79, pp. 626 - 629,

Fatkin D; Scalia G; Jacobs N; Burstow D; Leung DY; Walsh WF; Feneley MP, 1996, 'Accuracy of biplane transesophageal echocardiography in detecting left atrial thrombus', American Journal of Cardiology, 77, pp. 321 - 323,

Fatkin D; Scalia G; Jacobs N; Burstow D; Leung DY; et A, 1996, 'Diagnostic accuracy of biplane transesophageal echocardiography for left atrial thrombus', Diagnostic accuracy of biplane transesophageal echocardiography for left atrial thrombus, 77, pp. 321 - 323,

Leung DY; Griffin BP; Haluska B; Stewart WJ; Thomas JD; Marwick TH, 1996, 'Diminished contractile reserve in latent left ventricular dysfunction in mitral regurgitation: Evidence from a simplified model of pressure-volume loop', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 27, pp. 143 - 143,

Klein A; Murray D; Black ID; Chandas S; Grimm R; Alwyn D; Leung DY; et A, 1996, 'Integrated backscatter for quantification of left atrial spontaneous echo contrast', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 28, pp. 222 - 231,

Leung DY; Griffin BP; Stewart WJ; Haluska B; Cosgrove D; Thomas JD; Marwick TH, 1996, 'Late recovery of left ventricular dysfunction after mitral repair: Predictive value of preoperative exercise echocardiography', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 27, pp. 142 - 142,

Leung DY; Griffin B; Stewart W; Cosgrove D; Thomas J; Marwick TH, 1996, 'Left ventricular function after mitral valve repair for chronic mitral regurgitation: predictive value of preoperative assessment of contractile reserve by exercise echocardiography', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 28, pp. 1198 - 1205,

Leung DY; Grimm R; Klein A, 1996, 'Transesophageal echocardiography-guided approach to cardioversion of atrial fibrillation', Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 39, pp. 21 - 32,


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