Select Publications

Book Chapters

Harmon-Jones E; Harmon-Jones C, 2023, 'Dissonance motivation from an action-based perspective: An updated review', in Advances in Motivation Science, Elsevier, pp. 1 - 36,

Harmon-Jones E; Harmon-Jones C, 2023, 'Anger: Causes and Components', in Anger, Aggression, and Interventionsfor Interpersonal Violence, pp. 99 - 117,

Harmon-Jones E; Amodio DM; Gable PA; Dikker S, 2023, 'Electro- and magnetoencephalographic methods in psychology.', in APA handbook of research methods in psychology: Foundations, planning, measures, and psychometrics (Vol. 1) (2nd ed.)., American Psychological Association, pp. 581 - 604,

Harmon-Jones E; Popp T; Gable PA, 2022, 'Theory and Research on Asymmetric Frontal Cortical Activity as Assessed by EEG Frequency Analyses', in The Oxford Handbook of EEG Frequency, Oxford University Press, pp. 220 - 258,

Harmon-Jones E, 2020, 'Harmon-Jones, Eddie', in Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1888 - 1892,

Harmon-Jones E, 2019, 'An introduction to Cognitive Dissonance Theory and an Overview of Current Perspectives on the Theory', in Harmon-Jones E (ed.), Cognitive Dissonance Reexamining a Pivotal Theory in Psychology, American Psychological Association (APA), pp. 3 - 24,

Harmon-Jones E; Armstrong J; Olson JM, 2019, 'THE INFLUENCE OF BEHAVIOR ON ATTITUDES', in Albarracin D; Johnson BT (ed.), The handbook of attitudes. Volume 1, Basic principles, ROUTLEDGE, pp. 404 - 449

Harmon-Jones E; Devine P, 2019, 'Moving beyond attitude change in the study of dissonance-related processes: An update on the role of discomfort.', in Harmon-Jones E (ed.), Cognitive Dissonance Reexamining a Pivotal Theory in Psychology, pp. 247 - 269

Harmon-Jones E; Harmon-Jones C, 2019, 'Understanding the motivation underlying dissonance effects: The action-based model.', in Harmon-Jones E (ed.), Cognitive Dissonance Reexamining a Pivotal Theory in Psychology, American Psychological Association (APA), pp. 63 - 89,

Amodio DM; Harmon-Jones E; Berkman E, 2018, 'Neuroscience Approaches in Social and Personality Psychology', in Deaux K; Snyder M (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology, Oxford University Press (OUP), pp. 97 - 132,

Harmon-Jones E; Harmon-Jones C, 2018, 'On the relationship of motivational and affective valence', in Burton L (ed.), Psychology 5E Australian and New Zealand Hybrid, pp. 668 - 669

Harmon-Jones C; Harmon-Jones E, 2018, 'A selective review of research and theory on adult rivalry: Considering anger, jealousy, and dominance motives', in The Psychology of Rivalry, pp. 119 - 215

Harmon-Jones E; Harmon-Jones C, 2016, 'Anger', in Barrett LF; Lewis M; Haviland-Jones JM (ed.), Handbook of Emotions, Guilford Publications, New York, pp. 774 - 791

Harmon-Jones E; Inzlicht M, 2016, 'A brief Overview of Social Neuroscience', in Social Neuroscience, Routledge, pp. 1 - 9,

Harmon-Jones E; Inzlicht M, 2016, 'A brief overview of social neuroscience: Biological perspectives on social psychology', in Harmon-Jones E; Inzlicht M (ed.), Social Neuroscience: Biological Approaches to Social Psychology, Psychology Press, pp. 1 - 9,

Angus DJ; Schutter DJLG; Terburg D; van Honk J; Harmon-Jones E, 2016, 'A review of social neuroscience research on anger and aggression', in Social Neuroscience: Biological Approaches to Social Psychology, pp. 223 - 246,

Angus DJ; Schutter DJLG; Terburg D; van Honk J; Harmon-Jones E, 2016, 'A Review of Social Neuroscience Research on Anger and Aggression', in Social Neuroscience, Routledge, pp. 223 - 246,

Price TF; Harmon-Jones E, 2016, 'Embodying Approach Motivation: A Review of Recent Evidence', in Elliot AJ (ed.), , pp. 81 - 111,

Price TF; Harmon-Jones E, 2016, 'Chapter Three Embodying Approach Motivation A Review of Recent Evidence∗∗Portions of this work were funded by a grant from the Australian Research Council (DP150104514).', in , Elsevier, pp. 81 - 111,

Harmon-Jones E, 2016, 'Harmon-Jones, Eddie', in Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1 - 5,

Gable PA; Browning L; Harmon-Jones E, 2015, 'Affect, motivation, and cognitive scope', in Motivation and Cognitive Control, pp. 164 - 187,

Harmon-Jones E; Harmon-Jones C, 2015, 'Neural Foundations of Motivational Orientations', in Gendolla G; Tops M; Koole S (ed.), Handbook of biobehavioral approaches to self-regulation, Springer, New York, pp. 175 - 187

Kemp AH; Krgier J; Harmon-Jones E, 2015, 'Neuroscientific perspectives of emotion', in Calvo R; D'Mello S; Gratch J; Kappas A (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Affective Computing, Oxford University Press,

Harmon-Jones E; Forgas JP, 2014, 'Motivation and its control: Introduction and overview', in Motivation and Its Regulation: The Control Within, pp. 1 - 18

Harmon-Jones E; Price TF; Harmon-Jones C, 2014, 'The embodiment of approach motivation', in Motivation and Its Regulation: The Control Within, pp. 213 - 230

Forgas JP; Harmon-Jones E, 2014, 'Motivation and its control: Introduction and overview', in Motivation and Its Regulation: The Control Within, pp. 1 - 20,

Harmon-Jones E; Price TF; Gable PA; Peterson CK, 2014, 'Approach motivation and its relationship to positive and negative emotions.', in In M. Tugade, M. L. Shiota, & L. D. Kirby (ed.), Handbook of Positive Emotions, Guilford, New York, pp. 103 - 118

Tang D; Kelley NJ; Hicks JA; Harmon-Jones E, 2013, 'Emotions and meaning in life: A motivational perspective', in Hicks JA; Routledge C (ed.), The Experience of Meaning in Life:Classical perspectives, emerging themes, and controversies, Springer Press, New York, pp. 117 - 128,

Harmon-Jones E; Peterson C; Gable PA; Harmon-Jones C, 2013, 'Anger and Approach-Avoidance Motivation', in Handbook of Approach and Avoidance Motivation, pp. 399 - 413,

Robinson MD; Watkins ER; Harmon-Jones E, 2013, 'Cognition and Emotion; An introduction', in Robinson MD; Watkins ER; Harmon-Jones E (ed.), Handbook of Cognition and Emotion, Guilford Publication, New York, pp. 3 - 16,

Harmon-Jones E, 2013, 'Cognitive dissonance', in Pashler HE; Crane F; Kinsbourne M; Zemel R (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Mind, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 153 - 156

, 2013, 'Cognitive Dissonance', in , SAGE Publications, Inc.,

Harmon-Jones E, 2013, 'Handbook of Cognition and Emotion', in Robinson MD; Watkins ER; Harmon-Jones E (ed.), Handbook of Cognition and Emotion, Guilford Press

Forgas JP; Koch A, 2013, 'Mood effects on cognition', in Robinson M; Watkins E; Harmon-Jones E (ed.), Handbook of Cognition and Emotion, Guildford, New York, pp. 231 - 251

Harmon-Jones E; Price T; Peterson CK; Gable PA; Harmon-Jones C, 2013, 'The influence of behavioral approach and behavioral inhibition sensitivities on emotive cognitive processes', in Robinson MD; Watkins ER; Harmon-Jones E (ed.), Handbook of Cognition and Emotion, Guilford Publications, New York, pp. 329 - 346,

Amodio DM; Harmon-Jones E, 2012, 'Neuroscience Approaches in Social and Personality Psychology', in The Oxford Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology,

Harmon-Jones E; Harmon-Jones ; Amodio , 2012, 'A neuroscientific perspective on dissonance, guided by the action-based model.', in Gawronski B; Strack F (ed.), Cognitive Consistency: A Fundamental Principle in Social Cognition, edn. Original, The Guildford Press, New York, pp. 47 - 65

Harmon-Jones E, 2012, 'Cognitive dissonance theory.', in Ramachandran V (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 543 - 549

Harmon-Jones E; Amodio D, 2012, 'Electroencephalographic methods in psychology', in Cooper H; Camic P; Gonzalez R; Long D; Panter A; Sher K (ed.), APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology, American Psychological Association, Washington

Harmon-Jones E; Harmon-Jones C, 2011, 'Social Neuroscience of Asymmetrical Frontal Cortical Activity: Considering Anger and Approach Motivation', in Social Neuroscience: Toward Understanding the Underpinnings of the Social Mind,

Harmon-Jones E, 2011, 'Decisions, action, and neuroscience: A contemporary perspective on cognitive dissonance', in The Scientist and the Humanist: A Festschrift in Honor of Elliot Aronson, pp. 109 - 131

Harmon-Jones E; Amodio DM; Harmon-Jones C, 2011, 'Attitudes and persuasion action-based model of dissonance on cognitive conflict and attitude change', in The Psychology of Attitudes and Attitude Change, pp. 142 - 163,

Harmon-Jones E; Peterson CK; Harmon-Jones C, 2010, 'Anger, Motivation, and Asymmetrical Frontal Cortical Activations', in Potegal M; Stemmler G; Spielberger C (ed.), INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF ANGER, SPRINGER, pp. 61 - 78,

, 2009, 'Cognitive Dissonance Theory', in , SAGE Publications, Inc.,

Harmon-Jones E; Peterson C; Gable PA; Harmon-Jones C, 2008, 'Anger and Approach-Avoidance Motivation', in Elliot AJ (ed.), HANDBOOK OF APPROACH AND AVOIDANCE MOTIVATION, PSYCHOLOGY PRESS, pp. 399 - 413,

Harmon-Jones E; Amodio DM; Zinner LR, 2007, 'Social Psychological Methods of Emotion Elicitation', in Handbook of Emotion Elicitation and Assessment, Oxford University PressNew York, NY, pp. 91 - 105,

, 2007, 'Spreading of Alternatives', in , SAGE Publications, Inc.,

Harmon-Jones E, 2004, 'From cognitive dissonance to the motivational functions of emotions', in Motivational Analyses of Social Behavior: Building on Jack Brehm's Contributions to Psychology, pp. 39 - 56,

HARMON-JONES E, 2002, 'A Cognitive Dissonance Theory Perspective on Persuasion', in The Persuasion Handbook: Developments in Theory and Practice, SAGE Publications, Inc., pp. 99 - 116,

Harmon-Jones E, 2000, 'A cognitive dissonance theory perspective on the role of emotion in the maintenance and change of beliefs and attitudes', in Emotions and Beliefs, Cambridge University Press, pp. 185 - 211,

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