Select Publications
2023, Rethinking Island Methodologies, Rowman & Littlefield
,2016, Islands, Identity and the Literary Imagination, Anthem Press, London and New York
,Book Chapters
2023, 'Decolonizing Literary Pedagogies in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand', in Quayson A; Mukherjee A (ed.), Decolonizing the English Literary Curriculum, Cambridge University Press, London, pp. 80 - 109
,2023, 'The Mid-Century Australian Novel and the End of World History.', in Carter D (ed.), The Cambridge History of the Australian Novel, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 236 - 254
,2022, 'Bioluminescence: Materiality, Metaphor and Trace in Sixty Lights', in Uhlmann A (ed.), Inner and Outer Worlds: Gail Jones' Fiction, Sydney University Press, Sydney, pp. 29 - 42
,2021, 'Introduction', in McMahon E; Olubas B (ed.), Antigone Kefala New Australian Modernities, University Of Western Australia Press, Perth, pp. 1 - 18
,2021, 'Worldly interiors in the Fiction of Antigone Kefala', in McMahon E; Olubas B (ed.), Antigone Kefala: New Australian Modernities, University of Western Australia Press, Perth, pp. 51 - 68
,2018, 'Literature and the Literary gaze', in Baldacchino G (ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Island Studies A World of Islands, Routledge, London and New York, pp. 296 - 311,
,2017, 'Moments of Being in the Fiction of Elizabeth Harrower', in McMahon E; Olubas B (ed.), Elizabeth Harrower: Critical Essays, Sydney University Press, Sydney, pp. 135 - 145
,2017, '"Rediscovering Again: Reading Elizabeth Harrower Across Time"', in McMahon EN; Olubas B (ed.), Elizabeth Harrower: Critical Essays, Sydney University Press, Sydney, pp. 1 - 7
,2017, 'Identity, Perversity and Literary Subjectivity: Teaching Patrick White's The Twyborn Affair', in Birns N; Moore N; Sheriff S (ed.), Teaching Australian and New Zealand Literature, Modern Languages Association, New York, pp. 133 - 144
,2016, 'Parallel: Parallax-the melancholy dialectics of Dionne Brand', in Literary Careers in the Modern Era, pp. 113 - 128,
,2012, 'Continental Heartlands and Alex Miller’s Geosophical Imaginary', in Dixon R (ed.), The Novels of Alex Miller, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, pp. 125 - 137
,2010, 'Author, Author! The Two Faces of Kate Grenville', in Kossew S (ed.), Lighting Dark Places: Essays on Kate Grenville, Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 39 - 54
,2010, 'The Lateness and the Queerness of The Twyborn Affair: White's Farewell to the Novel', in McMahon E; Olubas B (ed.), Remembering Patrick White: Contemporary Critical Essays, Rodopi, Amsterdam, New York, pp. 77 - 94
,2009, 'Homesick: Cloudstreet and the death drive', in Ways of Teaching, English Association Sydney, Sydney, pp. 35 - 46
,2006, 'Introduction: Women Making Time', in McMahon E; Olubas B (ed.), Women Making Time: Contemporary Feminist Critique and Cultural Analysis, University of WA Press, Perth, pp. 1 - 13
,2006, 'Wasted Memory and Generational History: Tasmania`s abandoned places', in McMahon E; Olubas B (ed.), Women Making Time: Contemporary Feminist Critique and Cultural Analysis, University of WA Press, Perth, pp. 43 - 62
,2003, 'The Gilded Cage: from utopia to monad in Australia`s island imaginary', in Edmond R; Smith V (ed.), Islands in History and Representation, Routledge Press, London, pp. 190 - 202
,Edited Books
Olubas B; McMahon E, (ed.), 2021, Antigone Kefala: New Australian Modernities, University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands WA
McMahon E; Olubas B, (ed.), 2017, Elizabeth Harrower: Critical Essays, Sydney University Press, Sydney
McMahon EN; Olubas B, (ed.), 2010, Remembering Patrick White: Contemporary Critical Essays, Rodopi, Amsterdam, New York
McMahon EN; Olubas B, (ed.), 2006, Women Making Time: Contemporary Feminist Critique and Cultural Analysis, University of WA Press, Perth
Journal articles
2023, 'Special section: Considering suitable research methods for islands', Geographical Research, 61, pp. 93 - 95,
,2020, 'B-Sides Jessica Anderson's 'The Impersonators', Public Books, na,
,2020, 'The Transvestite Adventure: Reading the Colonial Grotesque', Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 20, pp. 1 - 11,
,2020, 'Editorial', Southerly at 80!, 79, pp. 6 - 12
,2016, 'Editorial', Southerly: Words and Music, 76, pp. 6 - 11
,2016, 'Editorial', Southerly: War and Peace, 75, pp. 7 - 9
,2015, 'Editorial', Southerly: The Naked Writer 2, 2, pp. 6 - 8
,2015, 'Editorial', Southerly: Elemental, 75, pp. 6 - 10
,2014, 'Editorial', Southerly: Forward Thinking Utopia and Apocalypse, 57, pp. 271 - 273,
,2013, 'Archipelagic space and the uncertain future of national literatures.', Journal of the Association for Study of Australian Literature (JASAL), 13, pp. 1 - 20,
,2013, 'Editorial', Southerly: Islands and Archipelagos,
,2013, 'Reading the Planetary Archipelago of the Torres Strait -', Island Studies Journal, 8, pp. 55 - 66,
,2012, 'Editorial', Southerly: Mid-Century Women's Writers, 72, pp. 6 - 9
,2012, 'Mary Gaunt and the Modern Waning of Affect', Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature (JASAL), 12, pp. 1 - 11,
,2011, 'Editorial', Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature (JASAL), 11, pp. np - np,
,2011, 'Editorial', Southerly: Modern Mobilities, 71, pp. 6 - 9
,2011, 'Envisioning the Archipelago', Island Studies Journal, 6, pp. 113 - 130,
,2011, 'Reading Suvendrini Perera’s Australia and the Insular Imagination', Political Geography, 30, pp. 329 - 338
,2011, 'Review of Archipelagoes: Insular Fictions from Chivalric Romance to the Novel by Simone Pinet', Island Studies Journal, 6, pp. 267 - 269,
,2010, 'Australia, the Island Continent: How Contradictory Geography Shapes the National Imaginary', Space and Culture, 13, pp. 178 - 187,
,2010, 'Editorial', Southerly: Romance, 70, pp. 6 - 10
,2010, 'The Proximate Pleasure of Eve Sedgwick: A Legacy of Intimate Reading', Australian Humanities Review, 48, pp. na - na,
,2010, 'The Proximate Pleasure of Eve Sedgwick: A Legacy of Intimate Reading', AUSTRALIAN HUMANITIES REVIEW, pp. 17 - 29
,2009, 'Editorial', Southerly: Southerly at Seventy, 69
,2008, 'Editorial', Southerly: Sister Arts, 68, pp. 5 - 12
,2007, 'Judith Wright and the temporality of composition (The `Moving Image`)', Australian Literary Studies, 23, pp. 15 - 26
,2007, 'The Centaur and the Cyborg: Abject Becoming on the Colonial Frontier', Southerly, 67, pp. 211 - 225