Select Publications

Journal articles

Young AL; McEnallay M; Day F; Vinod SK; Stone E; Morris S; Stefanovska E; Devitt B; Yip PY; Kukard C; Pal A; Thawal V; Wright G; Hofman A; Sareen H; McLennan J; Wong SO; Rubio C; Liu J; Smith A; Betts D; Mack J; Donnelly J; Barker D; Paul C, 2025, 'A Comparison of Australian Oncology Clinicians' Smoking Cessation Care Practices for People Who Currently Smoke Versus Those Who Report Recently Stopping Smoking', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology,

Bonney A; Chua M; McCusker MW; Pascoe D; Joshi SB; Steinfort D; Marshall H; Silver JD; Xie C; Yang S; Watson J; Fogarty P; Stone E; Brims F; McWilliams A; Hu XX; Rofe C; Milner B; Lam S; Fong KM; Manser R, 2025, 'Coronary artery calcification detected on low-dose computed tomography in high-risk participants of an Australian lung cancer screening program: A prospective observational study', Respirology, 30, pp. 62 - 69,

Laidsaar-Powell R; Butow P; Brown BB; Mander K; Young J; Stone E; Chin V; Banks E; Lim CYS; Rankin NM, 2024, 'Application of a revised model for coping with advanced cancer to qualitatively explore lung cancer survivors’ experiences of ongoing physical effects, novel treatments, uncertainty, and coping', Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 18, pp. 1754 - 1770,

Banham D; Roder D; Stone E; Quayle S; Rushton S; O’Brien T, 2024, 'Demographic, health and socioeconomic characteristics related to lung cancer diagnosis: a population analysis in New South Wales, Australia', Discover Social Science and Health, 4,

Bonney A; Brodersen J; Siersma V; See K; Marshall HM; Steinfort D; Irving L; Lin L; Li J; Pang S; Fogarty P; Brims F; McWilliams A; Stone E; Lam S; Fong KM; Manser R, 2024, 'Validation of the psychosocial consequences of screening in lung cancer questionnaire in the international lung screen trial Australian cohort', Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 22,

Marjanovic S; Page A; Stone E; Currie DJ; Rankin NM; Myers R; Brims F; Navani N; McBride KA, 2024, 'Systems mapping: a novel approach to national lung cancer screening implementation in Australia', Translational Lung Cancer Research, 13, pp. 2466 - 2478,

Harrison NJ; Dodd RH; Sharman AR; Marshall HM; Stone E; Rhee JJ; Yap ML; Mccullough S; Paul C; Bowden JA; Bonevski B; Rankin NM, 2024, '"Because That is the Right Thing to do": A Focus Group Study of Australian Expert Perspectives on Offering Smoking Cessation Support in Lung Cancer Screening', NICOTINE & TOBACCO RESEARCH,

Stone E; Evison M; van Zyl-Smit RN; Andarini S; Shah S; Vandeleur M, 2024, 'Recreational vaping ban in Australia—policy failure or masterstroke?', The Lancet, 404, pp. 504 - 506,

Hu X; Stone E, 2024, 'Lung cancer screening: an update for primary care', Medicine Today, 25, pp. 26 - 30

Nash J; Leong T; Dawkins P; Stone E; Marshall H; Brims F, 2024, 'The TSANZ and Lung Foundation Australia 2023 landscape survey of lung cancer care across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand', Respirology, 29, pp. 405 - 412,

Bonney A; Granger CL; Steinfort D; Marshall HM; Stone E; McWilliams A; Brims F; Fogarty P; Lin L; Li J; Pang S; Lam S; Fong KM; Manser R, 2024, 'A Prospective Observational Study of Physical Activity Levels and Physical Fitness of People at High Risk for Lung Cancer', JTO Clinical and Research Reports, 5,

Dodd RH; Sharman AR; Yap ML; Stone E; Marshall H; Rhee J; McCullough S; Rankin NM, 2024, '“We need to work towards it, whatever it takes.”—participation factors in the acceptability and feasibility of lung cancer screening in Australia: the perspectives of key stakeholders', Translational Lung Cancer Research, 13, pp. 240 - 255,

Laidsaar-Powell R; Butow P; Brown B; Mander K; Young J; Stone E; Chin V; Banks E; Lim CYS; Rankin NM, 2024, 'Carrying on with life as a lung cancer survivor: a qualitative study of Australian survivors’ employment, finances, relationships, and healthcare experiences', Translational Lung Cancer Research, 13, pp. 785 - 798,

Wurzel DF; Montgomery BD; Anderson N; Schneider-Futschik EK; George J; Bosnic-Anticevich S; Stone E; Hancox RJ; Fingleton J; Kuek S; Tope H; Blakey J, 2024, 'Environmental impact of inhaled medicines: A Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand position statement', Respirology,

Nash J; Stone E; Vinod S; Leong T; Dawkins P; Stirling RG; Harden S; Bolton A; McWilliams A; O'Byrne K; Wright GM; Brunelli VN; Guan T; Philpot S; Navani N; Brims F, 2024, 'Lung cancer (internet-based) Delphi (LUCiD): A modified eDelphi consensus process to establish Australasian clinical quality indicators for thoracic cancer', Respirology,


Kumarasamy C; Betts K; Norman R; McWilliams A; Stone E; Lam DC-L; Manser R; Fogarty P; Marshall H; Lam S; Tammemägi MC; Fong KM; Atkar-Khattra S; Brims F, 2024, 'MA18.03 Participant Eligibility for Lung Cancer Screening in Australia: An Analysis of Proposed Criteria', Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 19, pp. S128 - S129,

York S; Bartlett G; Harrison NJ; Marshall HM; Stone E; McCullough S; Paul C; Bonevski B; Rhee J; Weber M; McWilliams A; Brims F; Lim KP; Byrne T; Rankin NM, 2024, 'P1.01C.04 Key Stakeholder Priorities on Embedding Smoking Cessation Into Lung Cancer Screening: National Australian Consensus Workshop', Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 19, pp. S144 - S144,

York S; Yap ML; Rhee J; Pitts L; Troiani JP; Stanoevska B; Harrison N; Dodd R; McWilliams A; Marshall H; Stone E; Rankin N, 2024, 'P2.04B.05 Engaging Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities to Prepare for Lung Cancer Screening Implementation in Australia', Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 19, pp. S220 - S220,

Dodd RH; McFadden K; Dickson M; Sherriff S; Stone E; Rankin NM, 2024, 'P2.04B.15 Co-Design of Decision Support Tools for Lung Cancer Screening in Australia', Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 19, pp. S225 - S225,

Hu X; Rofe C; Fong K; Marshall H; Brims F; McWilliams A; Manser R; Fogarty P; Lam S; Atkar-Khattra S; Myers R; Silverstone E; Milner B; Hsu E; Stone E, 2024, 'P4.04D.05 Family History is an Independent Predictor of Lung Cancer Detection in Women in a Predominantly Caucasian Screening Cohort', Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 19, pp. S373 - S373,

Kumarasamy C; Betts K; Norman R; McWilliams A; Stone E; Lam DC-L; Manser R; Fogarty P; Marshall H; Lam S; Tammemägi MC; Fong KM; Atkar-Khattra S; Brims F, 2024, 'P4.04D.06 Improving Lung Cancer Risk Prediction in Asbestos Exposed Individuals: An Ensemble Approach', Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 19, pp. S373 - S374,

Young AL; Stefanovska E; Paul C; McCarter K; McEnallay M; Tait J; Vinod S; White K; Day F; Stone E, 2023, 'Implementing Smoking Cessation Interventions for Tobacco Users Within Oncology Settings: A Systematic Review', JAMA Oncology, 9, pp. 981 - 1000,

Stone E; Myers R, 2023, 'Advances in lung cancer: a ground-breaking decade', The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 11, pp. 407 - 409,

Dodd RH; Sharman AR; Marshall HM; Yap ML; Stone E; Rhee J; McCullough SAOM; Rankin NM, 2023, '"What do i think about implementing lung cancer screening? It all depends on how." Acceptability and feasibility of lung cancer screening in Australia: The view of key stakeholders about health system factors', PLoS ONE, 18, pp. e0283939,

Dodd RH; Sharman AR; McGregor D; Stone E; Donnelly C; Lourenco RDA; Marshall H; Rankin NM, 2023, 'Education messages and strategies to inform the public, potential screening candidates and healthcare providers about lung cancer screening: A systematic review', Preventive Medicine, 169,

Stone E; Dodd RH; Marshall H; Bonevski B; Rankin NM, 2023, 'Lung cancer screening: The hidden public health emergency', Public Health Research and Practice, 33,

Adams SJ; Stone E; Baldwin DR; Vliegenthart R; Lee P; Fintelmann FJ, 2023, 'Lung cancer screening', The Lancet, 401, pp. 390 - 408,

Cressman S; Weber MF; Ngo PJ; Wade S; Behar Harpaz S; Caruana M; Tremblay A; Manser R; Stone E; Atkar-Khattra S; Karikios D; Ho C; Fernandes A; Yi Weng J; McWilliams A; Myers R; Mayo J; Yee J; Yuan R; Marshall HM; Fong KM; Lam S; Canfell K; Tammemägi MC, 2023, 'Economic impact of using risk models for eligibility selection to the International lung screening Trial', Lung Cancer, 176, pp. 38 - 45,

Donnelly C; Janssen A; Vinod S; Stone E; Harnett P; Shaw T, 2023, 'A Systematic Review of Electronic Medical Record Driven Quality Measurement and Feedback Systems', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20,

Schiavone B; Dore GJ; Stone E; Matthews GV; Darley DR, 2023, 'An update on long COVID and its management', Medicine Today, 24, pp. 37 - 43

Stone E, 2023, 'Building on a Legacy', JTO Clinical and Research Reports, 4,

Nightingale C; Bavor C; Stone E; Rankin NM, 2023, 'Lung Cancer Screening: Implementation Challenges and Health Equity Considerations for the Western Pacific Region', JCO Global Oncology, 9,

Rankin N; Dodd R; Dunlop K; Marshall H; Yap ML; Rhee J; McCullough S; York S; Stone E, 2023, 'Accelerating implementation of lung cancer screening in Australia: what evidence-based strategies are recommended?', LUNG CANCER, 178, pp. S66 - S66

Nash J; Swann T; McWilliams A; Stone E; Marshall H; Stirling R; Leong T; Philpot S; Brims F, 2023, 'EP17.01-01 The Lung Cancer Clinical Quality Data Platform (LUCAP): Results from a Western Australia Pilot Study', Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 18, pp. S733 - S734,

Nash J; Stone E; Vinod S; Leong T; Dawkins P; Stirling R; Brims F, 2023, 'EP17.01-05 Lung Cancer (Internet-Based) Delphi (LuCiD): a Delphi Consensus to Develop Australasian Thoracic Oncology Quality Indicators', Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 18, pp. S735 - S736,

Harrison NJ; Riddiford-Harland D; York S; Marshall H; Rhee J; Stone E; Yap ML; Sharman AR; Weber M; McCullough S; Byrne T; Paul C; Bowden JA; Bonevski B; Rankin NM, 2023, 'MA03.09 Embedding Smoking Cessation into a Potential Lung Cancer Screening Program: Australian Tobacco Control Expert Perspectives', Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 18, pp. S108 - S108,

Kumarasamy C; Betts K; Norman R; McWilliams A; Stone E; Manser R; Fogarty P; Marshall H; Lam S; Tammemagi M; Fong K; Brims F, 2023, 'OA07.05 Pre-Recruitment as a Strategy to Address “Near-Miss” Cases in Risk-Based Lung Cancer Screening Selection: An Analysis of ILST Data', Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 18, pp. S59 - S60,

Harrison N; Dodd RH; Sharman AR; Marshall H; Stone E; Rhee J; Yap ML; McCullough S; Paul C; Bowden JA; Bonevski B; Rankin NM, 2023, 'P1.01-12 “A Core Part of the Whole Thing...”: Stakeholder Views on Offering Smoking Cessation Support in Lung Cancer Screening', Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 18, pp. S186 - S187,

Stone E; Leong TL, 2022, 'Contemporary Concise Review 2021: Pulmonary nodules from detection to intervention', Respirology, 27, pp. 776 - 785,

Dunlop KLA; Marshall HM; Stone E; Sharman AR; Dodd RH; Rhee JJ; McCullough S; Rankin NM, 2022, 'Motivation is not enough: A qualitative study of lung cancer screening uptake in Australia to inform future implementation', PLoS ONE, 17,

Pham JP; Beale G; Gorji M; Thompson B; Al-Soufi S; Stone E, 2022, 'Severe disseminated primary varicella in a patient on long term inhaled corticosteroids', Respirology Case Reports, 10,

Stone E; Paul C, 2022, 'The Tobacco Endgame—A New Paradigm for Smoking Cessation in Cancer Clinics', Current Oncology, 29, pp. 6325 - 6333,

Smith S; Brand M; Harden S; Briggs L; Leigh L; Brims F; Brooke M; Brunelli VN; Chia C; Dawkins P; Lawrenson R; Duffy M; Evans S; Leong T; Marshall H; Patel D; Pavlakis N; Philip J; Rankin N; Singhal N; Stone E; Tay R; Vinod S; Windsor M; Wright GM; Leong D; Zalcberg J; Stirling RG, 2022, 'Development of an Australia and New Zealand Lung Cancer Clinical Quality Registry: a protocol paper', BMJ Open, 12,

Stone E; Irving LB; Tonga KO; Thompson B, 2022, 'Sustaining the Australian respiratory workforce through the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping literature review', Internal Medicine Journal, 52, pp. 1115 - 1122,

Brims FJH; Kumarasamy C; Nash J; Leong TL; Stone E; Marshall HM, 2022, 'Hospital-based multidisciplinary lung cancer care in Australia: A survey of the landscape in 2021', BMJ Open Respiratory Research, 9,

Tammemägi MC; Ruparel M; Tremblay A; Myers R; Mayo J; Yee J; Atkar-Khattra S; Yuan R; Cressman S; English J; Bedard E; MacEachern P; Burrowes P; Quaife SL; Marshall H; Yang I; Bowman R; Passmore L; McWilliams A; Brims F; Lim KP; Mo L; Melsom S; Saffar B; Teh M; Sheehan R; Kuok Y; Manser R; Irving L; Steinfort D; McCusker M; Pascoe D; Fogarty P; Stone E; Lam DCL; Ng MY; Vardhanabhuti V; Berg CD; Hung RJ; Janes SM; Fong K; Lam S, 2022, 'USPSTF2013 versus PLCOm2012 lung cancer screening eligibility criteria (International Lung Screening Trial): interim analysis of a prospective cohort study', The Lancet Oncology, 23, pp. 138 - 148,

Dodd RH; Sharman AR; McGregor D; Stone E; Kielly-Carroll C; De Abreu Lourenco R; Marshall H; Rankin NM, 2022, 'EP01.02-004 Education Messages and Strategies About Lung Cancer Screening: A Systematic Review', Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 17, pp. S168 - S168,

Dunlop KLA; Marshall HM; Stone E; Sharman AR; Dodd R; Rhee J; McCullough S; Rankin NM, 2022, 'EP01.03-006 Potential Drivers of Lung Cancer Screening Participation in Australia: A Qualitative Study to Inform Future Implementation', Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 17, pp. S174 - S174,

Dodd RH; Sharman AR; Rhee J; Marshall H; Stone E; Yap ML; McCullough S; McWilliams A; Rankin NM, 2022, 'EP01.03-012 Acceptability and Feasibility of Lung Cancer Screening in Australia: The View of Key Stakeholders', Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 17, pp. S177 - S177,

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