Select Publications

Journal articles

Beck B; Thorpe A; Timperio A; Giles-Corti B; William C; de Leeuw E; Christian H; Corben K; Stevenson M; Backhouse M; Ivers R; Hayek R; Raven R; Bolton S; Ameratunga S; Shilton T; Zapata-Diomedi B, 2022, 'Active transport research priorities for Australia', Journal of Transport and Health, 24,

Jock BW; Clavier C; de Leeuw E; Frohlich KL, 2022, 'Dismantling the status quo: promoting policies for health, well-being and equity: an IUHPE2022 prelude', Global Health Promotion, 29, pp. 86 - 91,

Jock BW; Clavier C; de Leeuw E; Frohlich KL, 2022, 'Il faut démanteler le statu quo et promouvoir des politiques pour la santé, le bien-être et l’équité : un prélude à l’ « IUHPE2022 »', Global Health Promotion, 29, pp. 139 - 144,

Wenniserí:iostha Jock B; Clavier C; de Leeuw E; Frohlich KL, 2022, 'Romper el statu quo al promover políticas para la salud, el bienestar y la equidad: un preludio a la UIPES 2022', Global Health Promotion, 29, pp. 172 - 177,

de Leeuw E, 2022, 'Intersectorality and health: a glossary', Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 76, pp. 206 - 208,

Richmond A; de Leeuw E; Bunde-Birouste A, 2022, 'Towards negotiation: A RAMESES narrative review of social enterprise to support sustainability in Sport for Social Change (S4SC)', Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 32, pp. 449 - 474,

Harris P; Fisher M; Friel S; Sainsbury P; Harris E; De Leeuw E; Baum F, 2022, 'City deals and health equity in Sydney, Australia', Health and Place, 73,

de Leeuw E, 2022, 'Policy and communication for equity–joyful levelling up during and beyond the pandemic', Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 15, pp. 7 - 10,

de Leeuw E; Harris P; Kim J; Yashadhana A, 2021, 'A health political science for health promotion', Global Health Promotion, 28, pp. 17 - 25,

Kim J; Harris-Roxas B; de Leeuw E; Lilley D; Crimeen A; Sainsbury P, 2021, 'Protocol for a meta-narrative review on research paradigms addressing the urban built environment and human health', Systematic Reviews, 10, pp. 311,

Gulis G; Aringazina A; Sangilbayeva Z; Zhan K; de Leeuw E; Allegrante JP, 2021, 'Population health status of the republic of kazakhstan: Trends and implications for public health policy', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, pp. 12235,

De Leeuw E, 2021, 'Unmasking leadership', Health Promotion International, 36, pp. 1209 - 1212,

Bjegovic-Mikanovic V; Wenzel H; de Leeuw E; Laaser U, 2021, 'Schools of public health in Europe: Common mission-different progress', Journal of Public Health and Emergency, 5,

de Leeuw E, 2021, 'intersectoral action', Oxford Bibliographies,

MacAuley M; Macintyre A; Yashadhana A; Cassola A; Harris P; Woodward C; Smith K; de Leeuw E; Palkovits M; Hoffman SJ; Fafard P, 2021, 'Under the spotlight: understanding the role of the Chief Medical Officer in a pandemic', Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 76, pp. 100 - 104,

de Leeuw E, 2021, 'One Health(y) Cities: Cities are pandemic ecosystems and that’s where the action ought to happen', Cities and Health, 5, pp. S26 - S31,

de Leeuw E, 2021, 'Public policy for health promotion: a special curated collection', Health Promotion International, 35, pp. 381 - 385,

Haigh F; Fletcher-Lartey S; Jaques K; Millen E; Calalang C; de Leeuw E; Mahimbo A; Hirono K, 2020, 'The health impacts of transformative infrastructure change: Process matters as much as outcomes', Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 85,

Lilley D; de Leeuw E, 2020, 'Health and urban planning policy: mistaking symbolism for outcomes in New South Wales (Australia)', EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 30,

Ma T; Ivers R; de Leeuw E; Clapham K; Kobel C, 2020, 'Health in cities: Getting out and about as we age', EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 30,

Crimeen A; de Leeuw E; Freestone R, 2020, 'Healthy settings in an airport planning context: Lessons from the Sydney experience', EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 30, pp. V584 - V584,

De Leeuw E, 2020, 'Mapping the future of health promotion', European Journal of Public Health, 30, pp. ckaa165.850,

De Leeuw E, 2020, 'Strengthening health promotion policy', European Journal of Public Health, 30,

De Leeuw E; Forbat J; Simos J, 2020, 'Theme cities for health: are they the superior Healthy Cities?', EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 30,

de Leeuw E; Simos J; Forbat J, 2020, 'Urban Health and Healthy Cities today', Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Global Health, Oxford University Press,

de Leeuw E, 2020, 'The Rise of the Consucrat', International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 10, pp. 1 - 5,

de Leeuw E, 2020, 'The quagmire of competence', Health promotion international, 35, pp. 172,

de Leeuw E, 2020, ''Collaborate now with worldwide physicians and scientists!'-the obscenity of predatory science', Health Promotion International, 35, pp. 633 - 638,

Kim J; Harris-Roxas B; de Leeuw E; Lilley D; Crimeen A; Sainsbury P, 2020, 'Protocol for a Meta-narrative Review on Research Paradigms Addressing the Urban Built Environment and Human Health', Systematic Reviews., accepted, in press,

Hoevenaar-Blom MP; Wielders JPM; Groeneveld H; de Leeuw E; Schmits RJH; Pepermans C; Pasker-de Jong PCM; Hogeman PHG, 2019, 'Prevalence and determinants of vitamin D deficiency in infants and toddlers in the Netherlands: a pilot study', ANNALS OF CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY, 56, pp. 613 - 618,

Rütten A; Frahsa A; Abel T; Bergmann M; De Leeuw E; Hunter D; Jansen M; King A; Potvin L, 2019, 'Co-producing active lifestyles as whole-system-approach: Theory, intervention and knowledge-to-action implications', Health Promotion International, 34, pp. 47 - 59,

De Leeuw E, 2019, 'The quagmire of competence', Health Promotion International, 34, pp. 1 - 4,

de Leeuw E, 2018, 'Global health disruptors: The urban planet', BMJ Opinion,

de Leeuw E; Browne J, 2018, 'Overlaying structure and frames in policy networks to enable effective boundary spanning', Evidence and Policy, 14, pp. 537 - 547,

de Leeuw E, 2018, 'Improving the health impacts of airports', Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 96, pp. 518 - 519,

de Leeuw EJ; Hoeijmakers M; Peters D, 2018, 'Editors’ choice best paper award for the years 2015-2017 "Juggling Multiple Networks in Multiple Streams"', European Policy Analysis (EPA), 2,|

Baum F; Graycar A; Delany-Crowe T; de Leeuw E; Bacchi C; Popay J; Orchard L; Colebatch H; Friel S; MacDougall C; Harris E; Phillips C; Fitzgerald J; McDermott D; Fisher M; Harris P; Lawless A, 2018, 'Understanding Australian policies on public health using social and political science theories: reflections from an Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia Workshop', Health Promotion International, 34, pp. 833 - 846,

de Leeuw E, 2018, 'Policy, Theory, and Evaluation: Stop Mixing the Fruit Salad', International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 7, pp. 763 - 765,

de Leeuw EJ, 2018, 'De beleidscontext van onrechtvaardige vermijdbare gezondheidsverschillen', Tijdschrift Gezondheidswetenschappen, 96, pp. 15 - 16,

De Leeuw E, 2018, 'The Short-Sighted Sycophant's Selfie', Health Promotion International, 33, pp. 1 - 3,

Crimeen A; de Leeuw E; Freestone R, 2018, 'Towards a health promotion paradigm for airport development', Cities and Health, 2, pp. 134 - 142,

De Leeuw E, 2017, 'Healthy Cities are back! (They were never gone)', Health Promotion International, 32, pp. 606 - 609,

De Leeuw E, 2017, 'Engagement of Sectors Other than Health in Integrated Health Governance, Policy, and Action', Annual Review of Public Health, 38, pp. 329 - 349,

Greer SL; Bekker M; De Leeuw E; Wismar M; Helderman JK; Ribeiro S; Stuckler D, 2017, 'Policy, politics and public health', European Journal of Public Health, 27, pp. 40 - 43,

Browne J; Leeuw ED; Gleeson D; Adams K; Atkinson P; Hayes R, 2017, 'A network approach to policy framing: A case study of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan', Social Science & Medicine, 172, pp. 10 - 18,

de Leeuw E, 2017, 'A tribute to Dr Halfdan Mahler, 1923–2016', Health Promotion International, 32, pp. 1 - 1,

de Leeuw EJ; Khayatzadeh-Mahani A; Labonté R; Ruckert A, 2017, 'Using sustainability as a collaboration magnet to encourage multi-sector collaborations for health', Global health promotion,

de Leeuw E; Harris-Roxas BF, 2016, 'L’ingénierie de la promotion de la santé : d’Ottawa à l’après-Shanghai', Environnement, Risques & Santé, 15, pp. 456 - 460,

de Leeuw E; Harris-Roxas BF, 2016, 'Crafting health promotion: from Ottawa to beyond Shanghai', Environnement, Risques & Santé, 15, pp. 461 - 464,

de Leeuw EJ; Hoeijmakers M; Peters DTJM, 2016, 'Juggling Multiple Networks in Multiple Streams', European Policy Analysis,

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