Select Publications

Book Chapters

Marceau FJ, 2011, 'Innovation and Creativity inIndustry and the Service Sectors', in Mann L; Chan J (ed.), Creativity and Innovation in Business and Beyond : Social Science Perspectives and Policy Implications, edn. 1st, Routledge, London, pp. 32 - 49

Marceau FJ, 2011, 'Space, Place and Innovation', in Mann L; Chan J (ed.), Creativity and Innovation in Business and Beyond : Social Science Perspectives and Policy Implications, edn. 1st, Routledge, London, pp. 50 - 63

Marceau FJ, 2008, 'Innovation', in Clegg SR; Bailey JR (ed.), International Encyclopaedia of organisation studies, edn. Original, Sage Publication, Thousand Oaks, California, USA, pp. 670 - 673

Marceau FJ; Turpin T; Woolley R, 2008, 'The heroes of innovation? Scientists and technologists in Australian business', in Mills S; Kennedy N (ed.), Inside the innovation matrix:Finding the hidden human dimensions, edn. 1st, Australian Business Foundation, North Sydney, pp. 96 - 111

Marceau FJ; Cook N, 2007, 'Environmentally Friendly Energy Development and Use: Key Capacities in the Building and Construction Industry in Australia', in Marinova D; Annandale D; Phillimore J (ed.), The International Handbook on Environmental Technology Management, edn. First, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 461 - 476

Journal articles

Marceau FJ; Turpin T; Woolley R; Hill S, 2008, 'Conduits of knowledge in the Asia Pacific Research training, networks and country work', Asian Population Studies, 4 issue 3, pp. 247 - 265

Pinnegar S; Marceau FJ; Randolph WG, 2008, 'Innovation for a carbon constrained city: Challenges for the built environment industry', INNOVATION:management, policy practice, 10, pp. 303 - 315

Marceau FJ, 2008, 'Innovation in the city and innovative cities INTRODUCTION', INNOVATION:management, policy practice, 10, pp. 136 - 145

Marceau FJ, 2008, 'Introduction:Innovation in the city and innocative cities', INNOVATION:management, policy practice, 10, pp. 136 - 145

Marceau FJ; Woolley R; Turpin T; Hill S, 2008, 'Mobility matters: Research training and network building in science', Comparative Technology Transfer and Society, 6 issue 3, pp. 159 - 184

Marceau FJ; Turpin T, 2007, 'Innovation agent and innovation tracks: CSIRO research scientists and their peers', INNOVATION:management, policy practice, 9, pp. 125 - 135

Marceau FJ, 2007, 'The knowledge tree: CSIRO in Australia`s innovation systems', INNOVATION:management, policy practice, 9, pp. 98 - 112

Marceau FJ, 2007, 'The knowledge tree:CSIRO in Australia`s innocation systems', INNOVATION:management, policy practice, 9, pp. 98 - 112

Conference Papers

Turpin T; Doloswala N; Woolley R; Marceau FJ, 2008, 'Learning, Leaving and linking:tapping the training careers and networks of knowledge workers for developing countries', in Proceedings of GLOBELICS(the Global Network for the Economics of Learning, Innovation and Competence Building Systems), 6th International Conference 2008 of GLOBELICS, Mexico City, presented at 6th International Conference 2008 of GLOBELICS, Mexico City, 22 September 2008 - 24 September 2008

Marceau FJ; Turpin T; Woolley R; Hill S, 2008, 'Innovation agents The inter-country if scientists and the growth of Knowledge hubs in Asia', in Proceedings of 25th DRUID celebration Conference 2008, 25th DRUID celebration Conference 2008, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, presented at 25th DRUID celebration Conference 2008, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, 17 June 2008 - 20 June 2008

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