Select Publications


Deady M; Teesson M; Mills K; Kay-Lambkin F; Baker A; Baillie A; Shand F; Manns L; Christensen H; Haber P, 2013, One person, diverse needs:living with mental and alcohol drug difficulties

Jarvis TJ; Tebbutt J; Mattick RP; Shand FL, 2004, Treatment Approaches for Alcohol and Drug Dependence -An Introductory Guide, John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex, England, UK

Shand FL; Stafford JA; Fawcett J; Mattick RP, 2003, Guidelines for the Treatment of Alcohol Problems, Pulication Production Unit, ACT, Canberra, Australia

Shand FL; Stafford JA; Fawcett J; Mattick RP, 2003, The Treatment of Alcohol Problems: A review of the evidence, Publication Production Unit, Canberrs, ACT, Australia

Tebbutt J; Mattick RP, 1995, Treatment Approaches for Alcohol and Drug Dependence -An Introductory Guide, John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex, England, UK

Book Chapters

Newton NC; Teesson M; Stapinski L; Perry Y; Shand F; Christensen H, 2016, 'Innovative approaches to preventing and reducing substance use and mental health problems', in Menzies RG; Kyrios M; Kazantzis N (ed.), Innovations and future directions in the behavioural and cognitive therapies, Australian Academic Press, Samford Valley, Qld, pp. 39 - 43

Journal articles

Giugni M; Morse AR; Fitzpatrick SJ; Lamb H; Gulliver A; Calear AL; Bliokas V; Shand F; Chakouch C; Edwards B; Ellis LA; Goj P; Lee M; Main M; Miller B; Webb G; Sargent G; Skeat H; Stewart K; Wells K; McKay C; Team SSS; Stewart E; Banfield M, 2025, 'Reinventing the evaluation wheel: COGwheel's co-designed digital innovation using the Qualtrics heat map', MethodsX, 14,

Batterham PJ; Shand F; O'dea B, 2025, 'Prediction of suicidal behaviour as a three-body problem', British Journal of Psychiatry, 226, pp. 49 - 50,

Han J; Slade A; Fujimoto H; Zheng WY; Shvetcov A; Hoon L; Funke Kupper J; Senadeera M; Gupta S; Venkatesh S; Mouzakis K; Gu Y; Bilgrami A; Saba N; Cutler H; Batterham P; Boydell K; Shand F; Whitton A; Christensen H, 2024, 'A web-based video messaging intervention for suicide prevention in men: study protocol for a five-armed randomised controlled trial', Trials, 25,

Fitzpatrick SJ; Lamb H; Oldman E; Giugni M; Chakouch C; Morse AR; Gulliver A; Stewart E; Oni HT; Miller B; Edwards B; Stewart K; Bliokas V; Ellis LA; Shand F; Calear AL; Banfield M, 2024, 'Co-Creation in Research: Further Reflections From the ‘Co-Creating Safe Spaces’ Project', Health Expectations, 27,

Finch TL; Potthoff S; May CR; Girling M; Perkins N; Vis C; Bührmann L; Etzelmueller A; van Genugten CR; Schuurmans J; Piera-Jiménez J; Rapley T; Hoogendoorn A; O’Connor A; Whitton A; Calear A; Meksi A; Rømer AS; Etzelmüller A; Yrondi A; Cerga-Pashoja A; Loshaj B; O’Dea B; Aouizerate B; Stryhn C; Ceinos C; Oehler C; Pope C; Marking C; Pedersen CD; Gumbmann C; Menist D; Ebert DD; Hanssen D; Heber E; Dozeman E; Brysting E; Haffen E; Zanalda E; Nelaj E; Van der Eycken E; Fris E; Shand F; Qirjako G; Visentin G; Riper H; Christensen H; Titzler I; Weber I; Zbukvic I; Ruwaard J; Holtzmann J; Freund J; Smit JH; Penya J; Kreutzer J; Rosmalen J; Hug J; Mathiasen K; Kidholm K; Tarp K; Lisberg L; Samalin L; Arrillaga M; Fleuren M; Chovet M; Leboyer M; Craggs MA; Skjøth MM; Fanaj N; Cockayne N; Batterham PJ; Driessen P; Llorca PM; Wilson R; Araya R; Kok R; Redondo SG; Mustafa S; Nielsen SL; Hegerl U; Tsilibaris V; Elhage W; Sacco Y, 2024, 'How is tailored implementation undertaken using a self-guided toolkit? Qualitative study of the ItFits-toolkit in the ImpleMentAll project', Implementation Science, 19,

Moran P; Chandler A; Dudgeon P; Kirtley OJ; Knipe D; Pirkis J; Sinyor M; Allister R; Ansloos J; Ball MA; Chan LF; Darwin L; Derry KL; Hawton K; Heney V; Hetrick S; Li A; Machado DB; McAllister E; McDaid D; Mehra I; Niederkrotenthaler T; Nock MK; O'Keefe VM; Oquendo MA; Osafo J; Patel V; Pathare S; Peltier S; Roberts T; Robinson J; Shand F; Stirling F; Stoor JPA; Swingler N; Turecki G; Venkatesh S; Waitoki W; Wright M; Yip PSF; Spoelma MJ; Kapur N; O'Connor RC; Christensen H, 2024, 'The Lancet Commission on self-harm', The Lancet, 404, pp. 1445 - 1492,

Hocknull K; Geiger B; Bartlett M; Colledge-Frisby S; Shand F; Day CA; Jauncey M; Roxburgh A, 2024, 'Improving assessment and management of suicide risk among people who inject drugs: A mixed methods study conducted at the Medically Supervised Injecting Centre, Sydney', Drug and Alcohol Review, 43, pp. 1597 - 1606,

Calear AL; McCallum SM; Kazan D; Torok M; Werner-Seidler A; O'Dea B; Morse A; Farrer L; Shand F; Batterham PJ, 2024, 'Randomised controlled trial of an online mental health and suicide gatekeeper resource for parents and caregivers: study protocol', BMJ Open, 14,

Sharwood LN; Waller M; Draper B; Shand F, 2024, 'Exploring community mental health service use following hospital-Treated intentional self-harm among older Australians: A survival analysis', International Psychogeriatrics, 36, pp. 405 - 414,

Petrie K; Gayed A; Spittal MJ; Glozier N; Shand F; Harvey SB, 2024, 'Work-related factors and the risk of common mental disorder 1 year later: A prospective cohort study among junior doctors', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 58, pp. 227 - 237,

Reily NM; Tang S; Batterham PJ; Aadam B; Draper B; Shand F; Han J; Nicholas A; Christensen H, 2024, 'Help-Seeking and Barriers to Service Use amongst Men with Past-Year Suicidal Ideation and not in Contact with Mental Health Services', Archives of Suicide Research, 28, pp. 482 - 498,

Dhungel B; Shand F; Nguyen P; Wang Y; Fujita-Imazu S; Maung Soe JK; Xie J; Wang X; Li J; Gilmour S, 2024, 'Method-Specific Suicide Mortality in the United States in the 21st Century', Annals of Internal Medicine, 177, pp. 110 - 113,

Onie S; Armstrong SO; Josifovski N; Berlinquette P; Livingstone N; Holland S; Finemore C; Gale N; Elder E; Laggis G; Heffernan C; Theobald A; Torok M; Shand F; Larsen M, 2024, 'The Effect of Explicit Suicide Language in Engagement With a Suicide Prevention Search Page Help-Seeking Prompt: Nonrandomized Trial', JMIR Mental Health, 11,

Povey J; Raphiphatthana B; Torok M; Nagel T; Mills PPJR; Sells JRH; Shand F; Sweet M; Lowell A; Dingwall K, 2023, 'An emerging framework for digital mental health design with Indigenous young people: a scoping review of the involvement of Indigenous young people in the design and evaluation of digital mental health interventions', Systematic Reviews, 12,

Ellis LA; Zurynski Y; Long JC; Clay-Williams R; Ree E; Sarkies M; Churruca K; Shand F; Pomare C; Saba M; Haraldseid-Driftland C; Braithwaite J, 2023, 'Systems resilience in the implementation of a large-scale suicide prevention intervention: a qualitative study using a multilevel theoretical approach', BMC Health Services Research, 23,

Batterham PJ; Gendi M; Christensen H; Calear AL; Shand F; Sunderland M; Borschmann R; Banfield M; O’Dea B; Larsen M; Heffernan C; Kazan D; Werner-Seidler A; Mackinnon AJ; Hielscher E; Han J; Boydell KM; Leach L; Farrer LM, 2023, 'Understanding suicidal transitions in Australian adults: protocol for the LifeTrack prospective longitudinal cohort study', BMC Psychiatry, 23,

Pilbrow S; Staniland L; Uren HV; Shand F; McGoldrick J; Thorp E; MacKrill M; Moullin JC, 2023, 'Evaluation of an online advanced suicide prevention training for pharmacists', International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 45, pp. 1203 - 1211,

Petrie K; Spittal M; Zeritis S; Phillips M; Deady M; Forbes D; Bryant R; Shand F; Harvey SB, 2023, 'Suicide among emergency service workers: a retrospective mortality study of national coronial data, 2001–2017', Psychological Medicine, 53, pp. 5470 - 5477,

Rheinberger D; Shand F; McGillivray L; McCallum S; Boydell K, 2023, 'Parents of Adolescents Who Experience Suicidal Phenomena—A Scoping Review of Their Experience', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20,

Petrie K; Zeritis S; Phillips M; Chen N; Shand F; Spittal MJ; Harvey SB, 2023, 'Suicide among health professionals in Australia: A retrospective mortality study of trends over the last two decades', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57, pp. 983 - 993,

Petrie K; Sanatkar S; Shand F; Harvey SB, 2023, 'Common mental disorder and suicidality among doctors: Differences by specialty', Occupational Medicine, 73, pp. 249 - 256,

Sharwood LN; Calear AL; Batterham PJ; Torok M; McGillivray L; Rheinberger D; Zeritis S; Esgin T; Shand F, 2023, 'Exploring Sociodemographic Correlates of Suicide Stigma in Australia: Baseline Cross-Sectional Survey Findings from the Life-Span Suicide Prevention Trial Studies', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20, pp. 2610,

Tang S; Reily NM; Batterham PJ; Draper B; Shand F; Han J; Aadam B; Christensen H, 2023, 'Correlates of non-receipt of formal mental health services among Australian men experiencing thoughts of suicide', Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 11,

Dingwall KM; Povey J; Sweet M; Friel J; Shand F; Titov N; Wormer J; Mirza T; Nagel T, 2023, 'Feasibility and Acceptability of the Aboriginal and Islander Mental Health Initiative for Youth App: Nonrandomized Pilot With First Nations Young People', JMIR Human Factors, 10,

Rainbow C; Baldwin P; Hosking W; Gill P; Blashki G; Shand F, 2023, 'Psychological Distress and Suicidal Ideation in Australian Online Help-Seekers: The Mediating Role of Perceived Burdensomeness', Archives of Suicide Research, 27, pp. 439 - 452,

Onie S; Berlinquette P; Holland S; Livingstone N; Finemore C; Gale N; Elder E; Laggis G; Heffernan C; Armstrong SO; Theobald A; Josifovski N; Torok M; Shand F; Larsen M, 2023, 'Suicide Prevention Using Google Ads: Randomized Controlled Trial Measuring Engagement', JMIR Mental Health, 10,

Long JC; Ruane C; Ellis LA; Lake R; Le Roux A; Testa L; Shand F; Torok M; Zurynski Y, 2022, 'Networks to strengthen community social capital for suicide prevention in regional Australia: the LifeSpan suicide prevention initiative', International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 16,

Banfield M; Fitzpatrick SJ; Lamb H; Giugni M; Calear AL; Stewart E; Pavloudis M; Ellen L; Sargent G; Skeat H; Edwards B; Miller B; Gulliver A; Ellis LA; Bliokas V; Goj P; Lee M; Stewart K; Webb G; Main M; Lumby C; Wells K; McKay C; Batterham PJ; Morse AR; Shand F; Middleton J; Snars K; Jakubczak M; Sum M, 2022, 'Co-creating safe spaces: Study protocol for translational research on innovative alternatives to the emergency department for people experiencing emotional distress and/ or suicidal crisis', PLoS ONE, 17,

Lappin JM; Zahra E; Darke S; Shand F; Sharma S; Draper B; Connors MH; Dear B; Titov N; Campbell G, 2022, 'Presentations to the emergency department with self-harm or suicidal behaviours: A role for digital mental health services?', Journal of Psychiatric Research, 154, pp. 50 - 55,

Maple M; Cerel J; Sanford R; Shand F; Batterham PJ; Bhullar N, 2022, 'Suicide exposure experience screener for use in therapeutic settings: A validation report', Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 52, pp. 975 - 982,

Rosebrock HY; Batterham PJ; Chen NA; McGillivray L; Rheinberger D; Torok MH; Shand FL, 2022, 'Nonwillingness to Return to the Emergency Department and Nonattendance of Follow-Up Care Arrangements Following an Initial Suicide-Related Presentation', Crisis, 43, pp. 442 - 451,

Rheinberger D; Wang J; McGillivray L; Shand F; Torok M; Maple M; Wayland S, 2022, 'Understanding Emergency Department Healthcare Professionals' Perspectives of Caring for Individuals in Suicidal Crisis: A Qualitative Study', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13,

Shand F; Torok M, 2022, 'Schools are important for preventing suicide, but more needs to be done', Medical Journal of Australia, 216, pp. 516 - 517,

Josifovski N; Shand F; Morley K; Chia J; Henshaw R; Petrie K; Reda B; Li E; Theobald A; Onie S; Torok M; Berrouiguet S; Batterham PJ; Carter G; Haber P; Christensen H; Larsen ME, 2022, 'A pilot study of a text message and online brief contact intervention following self-harm or a suicide attempt: A mixed methods evaluation', General Hospital Psychiatry, 76, pp. 1 - 2,

Burnett A; Chen N; Zeritis S; Ware S; McGillivray L; Shand F; Torok M, 2022, 'Machine learning algorithms to classify self-harm behaviours in New South Wales Ambulance electronic medical records: A retrospective study', International Journal of Medical Informatics, 161,

Povey J; Sweet M; Nagel T; Lowell A; Shand F; Vigona J; Dingwall KM, 2022, 'Determining Priorities in the Aboriginal and Islander Mental Health Initiative for Youth App Second Phase Participatory Design Project: Qualitative Study and Narrative Literature Review', JMIR Formative Research, 6,

Shand F; Duffy L; Torok M, 2022, 'Can government responses to unemployment reduce the impact of unemployment on suicide? A systematic review', Crisis, 43, pp. 59 - 66,

McGillivray L; Shand F; Calear AL; Batterham PJ; Chen NA; Rheinberger D; Rosebrock H; Torok M, 2022, 'Profiles of Passive and Active Suicidal Ideation and Attempts Among Secondary School Students in Australia: A Cross-Sectional Analysis', Archives of Suicide Research, 26, pp. 1880 - 1894,

Zbukvic I; Rheinberger D; Rosebrock H; Lim J; McGillivray L; Mok K; Stamate E; McGill K; Shand F; Moullin JC, 2022, 'Developing a tailored implementation action plan for a suicide prevention clinical intervention in an Australian mental health service: A qualitative study using the EPIS framework', IMPLEMENTATION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, 3,

Povey J; Raphiphatthana B; Torok M; Nagel T; Shand F; Sweet M; Lowell A; Mills PPJR; Dingwall K, 2021, 'Involvement of Indigenous young people in the design and evaluation of digital mental health interventions: a scoping review protocol', Systematic Reviews, 10,

McGillivray L; Shand F; Calear AL; Batterham PJ; Rheinberger D; Chen NA; Burnett A; Torok M, 2021, 'The Youth Aware of Mental Health program in Australian Secondary Schools: 3- and 6-month outcomes', International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 15,

Torok M; Konings P; Passioura J; Chen NA; Hewett M; Phillips M; Burnett A; Shand F; Christensen H, 2021, 'Spatial Errors in Automated Geocoding of Incident Locations in Australian Suicide Mortality Data', Epidemiology, 32, pp. 896 - 903,

Rimkeviciene J; Mok K; Shand F; Hawgood J; O'Gorman J, 2021, 'Validity of the Personal Suicide Stigma Questionnaire in a Community Sample', European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 37, pp. 450 - 459,

Rheinberger D; Macdonald D; McGillivray L; Maple M; Torok M; Nicolopoulos A; Shand F, 2021, '“A sustained, productive, constructive relationship with someone who can help”—A qualitative exploration of the experiences of help seekers and support persons using the emergency department during a suicide crisis', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, pp. 10262,

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