Select Publications

Journal articles

Stoddart JF, 1984, 'Chapter 15 Crown ethers as enzyme models', New Comprehensive Biochemistry, 6, pp. 529 - 561,

Allwood BL; Colquhoun HM; Crosby J; Pears DA; Stoddart JF; Williams DJ, 1984, 'Crown Ether Complexes of Phosphonium Salts — The X‐Ray Structure Analysis of [(Ph3PMe)2·[18]Crown‐6][PF6]2', Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English, 23, pp. 824 - 825,

Allwood BL; Crosby J; Pears DA; Stoddart JF; Williams DJ, 1984, 'Crown Ether Complexes of Sulfonium Salts—The X‐Ray Crystal Structures of [PhCOCH2SMe2·[18]Crown‐6]n[PF6]n and [(PhCOCHPhSMe2)2·[18]Crown‐6][PF6]2', Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English, 23, pp. 977 - 979,

Colquhoun HM; Jones G; Maud JM; Stoddart JF; Williams DJ, 1984, 'Crystal and supramolecular structures of complexes of BF3NH3 and BH3NH3 with 18-crown-6', Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, pp. 63 - 66,

Allwood BL; Shahriari-Zavareh H; Stoddart JF; Williams DJ, 1984, 'Enantioselective reductions of aromatic ketones with ammonia-borane complexes of chiral tetraphenyl-18-crown-6 derivatives', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 1461 - 1464,

Alston DR; Slawin AMZ; Stoddart JF; Williams DJ, 1984, 'Macrobicyclic Polyethers as V‐Shaped Hosts for cis‐Diammine‐Transition Metal Complexes', Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English, 23, pp. 821 - 823,

Colquhoun HM; Doughty SM; Stoddart JF; Williams DJ, 1984, 'Second Sphere Coordination of Cationic Rhodium Complexes by Dibenzo[3n]crown‐n Ethers', Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English, 23, pp. 235 - 236,

Allwood BL; Fuller SE; Ning PCYK; Slawin AMZ; Stoddart JF; Williams DJ, 1984, 'Stereospecific syntheses of macrobicyclic polyethers with carbon bridgeheads from chiral glycerol derivatives', Journal of the Chemical Society - Series Chemical Communications, pp. 1356 - 1360,

Maud JM; Stoddart JF; Colquhoun HM; Williams DJ, 1984, 'The isolation and x-ray crystal structure of a complex between sodium hexafluorophosphate and dibenzo-36-crown-12', Polyhedron, 3, pp. 675 - 679,

Colquhoun HM; Goodings EP; Maud JM; Stoddart JF; Williams DJ; Wolstenholme JB, 1983, 'Complex formation between dibenzo-3n-crown-n ethers and the diquat dication', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 1140 - 1142,

Colquhoun HM; Lewis DF; Stoddart JF; Williams DJ, 1983, 'Crown ethers as second-sphere ligands. The interactions of transition-metal ammines with 18-crown-6 and dibenzo-18-crown-6', Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, pp. 607 - 613,

Stoddart JF, 1983, 'Host-guest chemistry', Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry - Section B, 80, pp. 353 - 378,

Holland D; Stoddart JF, 1983, 'Regioselective and stereoselective methods for the synthesis of the pentitols', Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1, pp. 1553 - 1571,

Fuller SE; Mann BE; Stoddart JF, 1982, '1,3:4,6-Di-O-benzylidene-2,5-O-3,6,9,12-tetraoxatetradecane-l,14-diyl-D-mannitol and the solution state structure of its molecular complex with the benzylammonium cation. A variable-temperature 1H N.M.R. spectroscopic investigation', Journal of the Chemical Society - Series Chemical Communications, pp. 1096 - 1097,

Fuller SE; Stoddart JF; Williams DJ, 1982, 'A comparison between the solid state structures and solution behaviour of molecular complexes formed between primary alkylammonium salts and chiral crown ethers incorporating 1,2:4,6-diacetals of D-mannitol', Journal of the Chemical Society - Series Chemical Communications, pp. 1093 - 1096,

Holland D; Stoddart JF, 1982, 'A stereoselective synthesis of xylitol', Tetrahedron Letters, 23, pp. 5367 - 5370,

Guise GB; Ollis WD; Peacock JA; Stephanatou JS; Stoddart JF, 1982, 'Conformational behaviour of medium-sized rings. Part 10. Dithiosalicylides and trithiosalicylides', Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1, pp. 1637 - 1648,

Hoorfar A; Ollis WD; Price JA; Stephanatou JS; Stoddart JF, 1982, 'Conformational behaviour of medium-sized rings. part 11. dianthranilides and trianthranilides', Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1, pp. 1649 - 1699,

Edge SJ; Ollis WD; Stephanatou JS; Stoddart JF, 1982, 'Conformational behaviour of medium-sized rings. part 12. tri- 3-methyltrianthranilide', Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1, pp. 1701 - 1714,

Ollis WD; Stephanatou JS; Stoddart JF, 1982, 'Conformational behaviour of medium-sized rings. Part 13. 5,18- dihydro- and 5,11,12,18-tetrahydrotribenzo[b, f, j][1,4]diazacyclodode- cine-6,17-diones', Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1, pp. 1715 - 1720,

Hoorfar A; Ollis WD; Stoddart JF, 1982, 'Conformational behaviour of medium-sized rings. Part 14. tetra- anthranilides', Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1, pp. 1721 - 1726,

Elhadi FE; Ollis WD; Stoddart JF, 1982, 'Conformational behaviour of medium-sized rings. Part 15.1 1,9,17- triaza[2.2.2]metacyclophane-2,10,18-trione derivatives', Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1, pp. 1727 - 1732,

Ollis WD; Stephanatou JS; Stoddart JF, 1982, 'Conformational behaviour of medium-sized rings. Part 9. disalicylides and trisalicylides', Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1, pp. 1629 - 1636,

Colquhoun HM; Stoddart JF; Williams DJ, 1982, 'Coronation of Ligating Acetonitrile by 18-Crown-6. X-ray Crystal Structure of {[trans-Ir(CO)(CH3CN)(PPh3)2]2+-18-Crown-6}[PF6]2·2CH2Cl2', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 104, pp. 1426 - 1428,

Holland D; Fraser Stoddart J, 1982, 'Stereoselective epoxidation of divinylmethanol: A synthetic approach to the pentitols', Carbohydrate Research, 100, pp. 207 - 220,

Fuller SE; Stoddart JF; Williams DJ, 1982, 'The X-ray crystal structure of a 1:1 complex between 1,3:1′, 3′:4,6:4′,6′-tetra-O-methylene-2,2′:5,5′-bis-O- oxidiethylenedi-D-mannitol and water', Tetrahedron Letters, 23, pp. 1835 - 1836,

Metcalfe JC; Stoddart JF; Jones G; Crawshaw TH; Gavuzzo E; Williams DJ, 1981, 'Complexing properties of a bisdianhydro-D-mannitolo-30-crown-10 derivative in the solution and solid states; X-ray crystal structure', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 432 - 434,

Ollis WD; Stephanatou JS; Stoddart JF; Unal GG; Williams DJ, 1981, 'Conformational behaviour and inclusion compound forming properties of 5,18-disubstituted derivatives of 5, 11, 12, 18-tetrahydrotribenzo[b,f,j][1,4]diazacyclododecine-6, 17-dione', Tetrahedron Letters, 22, pp. 2225 - 2228,

Colquhoun HM; Stoddart JF; Williams DJ, 1981, 'Formation and x-ray crystal structure of [Pt(H<inf>2</inf>NCH <inf>2</inf>CH<inf>2</inf>NH<inf>2</inf>)<inf>2</inf>.18-crown-6] <inf>n</inf><sup>2+</sup>[PF<inf>6</inf>]<inf>2n</inf><sup>-</sup>. A hydrogen bonded stepped-chain copolymer', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 851 - 852,

Colquhoun HM; Stoddart JF; Williams DJ, 1981, 'Isolation and x-ray crystal structure of [Cu(NH3) 4H2O.18-crown-6]n2+[PF 6]2n- a linear face-to-face hydrogen bonded chain copolymer', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 849 - 850,

Colquhoun HM; Stoddart JF; Williams DJ; Wolstenholme JB; Zarzycki R, 1981, 'Second Sphere Coordination of Cationic Platinum Complexes by Crown Ethers— The X‐Ray Crystal Structure of [Pt(bpy)(NH3)2. Dibenzo[30]crown‐10]2+[PF6] 2−xH2O (x≈0.6)', Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English, 20, pp. 1051 - 1053,

Colquhoun HM; Stoddart JF, 1981, 'Second-sphere co-ordination of neutral and cationic transition metal complexes by crown ethers', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 612 - 613,

Edge SJ; Ollis WD; Stephanatou JS; Stoddart JE; Williams DJ; Woode KA, 1981, 'Synthesis and conformational behaviour of tri-3-methyltrianthranilides. A new example of spontaneous resolution and inclusion compound formation on crystallisation', Tetrahedron Letters, 22, pp. 2229 - 2232,

Colquhoun HM; Stoddart JF; Williams DJ, 1981, 'The binding of neutral platinum complexes by crown ethers. X-ray crystal structures of [trans-PtCl<inf>2</inf>(PMe<inf>3</inf>)NH<inf>3.</inf>dibenzo-18- crown-6] and [{trans-PtCl<inf>2</inf>(PMe<inf>3</inf>)NH<inf>3</inf>} <inf>2.</inf>18-crown-6]', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 847 - 849,

Metcalfe JC; Stoddart JF; Jones G; Crawshaw TH; Quick A; Williams DJ, 1981, 'The solid state and solution conformational behaviour of a chiral 30-crown-10 derivative synthesised from 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-D-mannitol; X-ray crystal structure', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 430 - 432,

Bruce Guise G; David Ollis W; Peacock JA; Stephanatou JS; Fraser Stoddart J, 1980, 'Dithiosalicylides and trithiosalicylides. Their conformational behaviour in solution', Tetrahedron Letters, 21, pp. 4203 - 4206,

Metcalfe JC; Stoddart JF; Jones G; Hull WE; Atkinson A; Kerr IS; Williams DJ, 1980, 'High-resolution 13C N.M.R. spectroscopy and x-ray crystallography of complexes formed by NN′-dimethyl-1,7-diaza-4,10- dioxacyclododecane', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 540 - 543,

Elhadi FE; David Ollis W; Fraser Stoddart J; Williams DJ; Woode KA, 1980, 'Synthesis and conformational behaviour of 1,9,17-triaza[2.2.2]metacyclophane-2, 10, 18-trione derivatives', Tetrahedron Letters, 21, pp. 4215 - 4218,

Hoorfar A; David Ollis W; Fraser Stoddart J; Williams DJ, 1980, 'Synthesis and conformational behaviour of tetra-anthranilides', Tetrahedron Letters, 21, pp. 4211 - 4214,

Beresford GD; Fraser Stoddart J, 1980, 'The syntheses and complexing properties of oxo-12-crown-3 and oxo-18-crown-5', Tetrahedron Letters, 21, pp. 867 - 870,

Pettman RB; Stoddart JF, 1979, 'Chiral asymmetric crowns incorporating the 4,6-O-benzylidene derivatives of methyl α-D-mannopyranoside and methyl α-D-altropyranoside. The influence of stereochemistry upon complexation of organic cations', Tetrahedron Letters, 20, pp. 461 - 464,

A. Laidler D; Stoddart JF; Wolstenholme JB, 1979, 'Chiral symmetric crowns incorporating the 4,6-O-benzylidene derivatives of methyl α-D-glucopyranoside and methyl α-D-galactopyranoside. A configurational impediment to complexation of organic cations by 18-crown-6 derivatives', Tetrahedron Letters, 20, pp. 465 - 468,

Pettman RB; Stoddart JF, 1979, 'Complexation selectivity by chiral asymmetric crowns incorporating the 4,6-O-benzylidene derivatives of methyl β-D-glucopyranoside and methyl β-D-galactopyranoside. A secondary anomeric effect?', Tetrahedron Letters, 20, pp. 457 - 460,


Haslegrave JA; Stoddart JF; Thompson DJ, 1979, 'The complexing properties of a chiral 18-crown-6 derivative incorporating a 2,5-anhydro-d-mannitol residue. A constitutional and stereochemical means of enhancing complexation', Tetrahedron Letters, 20, pp. 2279 - 2282,

Laidler DA; Stoddart JF, 1979, 'The complexing properties of chiral crown ethers incorporating 1,3:4,6-di-o-methylene-d-mannitol residues. A secondary dipole-induced dipole interaction.', Tetrahedron Letters, 20, pp. 453 - 456,

Andrews DG; Ashton PR; Laidler DA; Stoddart JF; Wolstenholme JB, 1979, 'The synthesis of a chiral receptor molecule containing three carbohydrate residues within a 20-crown-6 constitution', Tetrahedron Letters, 20, pp. 2629 - 2632,

Beckford HF; King RM; Stoddart JF; Newton RF, 1978, 'Complexes of primary alkylammonium salts and secondary dialkylammonium salts with diazaparacyclophanes', Tetrahedron Letters, 19, pp. 171 - 174,

Brickwood DJ; Ollis WD; Stoddart JF, 1978, 'Conformational behaviour of medium-sized rings. Part 4. Heterocyclic analogues of 7,8,13,14-tetrahydrobenzo[6,7]cyclonona[1,2,3-de]- naphthalene and 7,8,15,16-tetrahydrocyclodeca[l,2,3-de: 6,7,8-d'e']dinaphthalene', Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1, pp. 1385 - 1392,

Brickwood DJ; Hassan AM; Ollis WD; Stephanatou JS; Stoddart JF, 1978, 'Conformational behaviour of medium-sized rings. Part 5. Transannular reactions of (16z)-8,9-dihydro-8-methyl-7H-dinaphth- [1,8-cd:1',8'-hi]azacycloundecine and (12Z)-6,7-dihydro-6-methyl-5H-dibenz[c, g]azonine. Two examples of ‘reverse hofmann eliminations’', Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1, pp. 1393 - 1398,

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