Select Publications

Journal articles

Liang A; Ming J; Zhu W; Guan H; Han X; Zhang S; Lin Y; Dong J; Huang Y; Qiu W; Lu H; Zheng H; Zhang Y; Yu J; Chen Z; Peng G, 2021, 'Tin disulfide-coated microfiber for humidity sensing with fast response and high sensitivity', Crystals, 11,

Yang X; Gong C; Wang Y; Luo Y; Rao YJ; Peng GD; Gong Y, 2021, 'A sequentially bioconjugated optofluidic laser for wash-out-free and rapid biomolecular detection', Lab on a Chip, 21, pp. 1686 - 1693,

Tafti G; Canning J; Wang S; Luo Y; Cook K; Peng GD, 2021, 'Pressure Effects on Structured Optical Fibre Drawing by Modified Single-Capillary Modelling', Optical Fiber Technology, 63,

Guo Q; Li M; Yue K; Yan Y; Xie F; Zhang C; Mou C; Peng GD, 2021, 'Characterization of YAG:Ce phosphor dosimeter by the co-precipitation method for radiotherapy', Applied Optics, 60, pp. 3044 - 3048,

Wei F; Liu D; Wang Z; Wang Z; Farrell G; Wu Q; Peng GD; Semenova Y, 2021, 'Enhancing the Visibility of Vernier Effect in a Tri-Microfiber Coupler Fiber Loop Interferometer for Ultrasensitive Refractive Index and Temperature Sensing', Journal of Lightwave Technology, 39, pp. 1523 - 1529,

Wen J; Wan Y; Dong Y; Zhan H; Luo Y; Tang F; West GD; Pang F; Peng G; Wang T, 2021, 'Spectroscopy of Pb/Bi co-doped silica optical fibers fabricated via atom layer deposition with modified chemical vapour deposition', Journal of Luminescence, 231,

Xiao G; Yan B; Luo Y; Wen J; Fan D; Fu X; Chu Y; Zhang J; Peng GD, 2021, 'Co-doping effect of lead or erbium upon the spectroscopic properties of bismuth doped optical fibres', Journal of Luminescence, 230,

Zhao Q; Qu J; Peng GD; Yu C, 2021, 'Endless single-mode photonics crystal fiber metalens for broadband and efficient focusing in near-infrared range', Micromachines, 12,

Lu M; Wei S; Luo Y; Zhang B; Peng GD, 2021, 'Impact of thermal quenching on bi active center photostability in bi/er co-doped fiber', IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 33, pp. 167 - 170,

Lin S; Wang Z; Li J; Chen S; Rao Y; Peng G; Gomes ASL, 2021, 'Nonlinear dynamics of four-wave mixing, cascaded stimulated Raman scattering and self Q-switching in a common-cavity ytterbium/raman random fiber laser', Optics and Laser Technology, 134,

Wang Y; Wei S; Cavillon M; Sapaly B; Poumellec B; Peng GD; Canning J; Lancry M, 2021, 'Thermal stability of type ii modifications inscribed by femtosecond laser in a fiber drawn from a 3D printed preform', Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11, pp. 1 - 11,

Yao K; Lin Q; Jiang Z; Zhao N; Tian B; Peng GD, 2021, 'Design and Analysis of a Combined FBG Sensor for the Measurement of Three Parameters', IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70,

Yao K; Lin Q; Jiang Z; Zhao N; Tian B; Peng GD, 2021, 'Joint-peaks demodulation method based on multireflection peaks of a few-mode fiber Bragg grating for reducing sensing error', Optics Express, 29, pp. 4422 - 4430,

Guan X; Zhang R; Jia B; Wu LY; Zhou B; Fan L; Liu G; Wang Y; Lu P; Peng GD, 2020, 'Fluorine passivation of ODC defects in amorphous germanium dioxide', Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 550,

Zhao Q; Li H; Lv J; Liu X; Zhang F; Jiang S; Ma L; Wang C; Ni J; Peng G, 2020, 'Adhesive-free bonding fiber optic Fabry–Perot pressure sensor based on oxy-hydrogen flame welding and spiral tube', Optics Communications, 476,

Zhao Q; Hao Q; Yu C; Tan F; Luo Y; Peng GD, 2020, 'Influence of liquid nitrogen cooling on the spectral performance of BAC-P in bismuth-doped phosphosilicate fibers under liquid nitrogen temperature', Optical Materials Express, 10, pp. 3235 - 3244,

Xu H; Yan B; Luo Y; Deng S; Lu P; Wang K; Yuan J; Yang L; Sang X; Peng GD, 2020, 'Pump-induced photobleaching and thermal dependent recovery of BAC-Si in Bi/Er co-doped optical fiber by 830 nm laser irradiation', Optics Communications, 476,

Fan D; Luo Y; Yan B; Stancǎlie A; Ighigeanu D; Negut D; Sporea D; Zhang J; Wen J; Ma J; Lu P; Peng GD, 2020, 'Ionizing Radiation Effect upon Er/Yb Co-Doped Fibre Made by In-Situ Nano Solution Doping', Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38, pp. 6334 - 6344,

Guan H; Li H; Ming J; Hong J; Dong J; Qiu W; Zhu W; Yu J; Chen Z; Peng G; Lu H, 2020, 'Broadband light amplitude tuning characteristics of SnSe2coated microfiber', Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38, pp. 6089 - 6096,

Guo Q; Li M; Gu D; Yan Y; Yue K; Xie F; Zhang C; Mou C; Peng GD; Wang T, 2020, 'Luminescence characterizations of YAG:Ce crystal via sol-gel method for radiotherapy', Optical Materials, 109,

Chen Y; Hu Y; Cheng H; Yan F; Lin Q; Chen Y; Wu P; Chen L; Liu G; Peng G; Luo Y; Chen Z, 2020, 'Side-polished single-mode-multimode-single-mode fiber structure for the vector magnetic field sensing', Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38, pp. 5837 - 5843,

Jabin MA; Luo Y; Peng GD; Rana MJ; Ahmed K; Nguyen TK; Paul BK; Dhasarathan V, 2020, 'Design and fabrication of amoeba faced photonic crystal fiber for biosensing application', Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 313,

Canning J; Wang Y; Lancry M; Luo Y; Peng GD, 2020, 'Helical distributed feedback fiber Bragg gratings and rocking filters in a 3D printed preform-drawn fiber', Optics Letters, 45, pp. 5444 - 5447,

Zhao Q; Hao Q; Luo Y; Li X; Cui S; Tan F; Yu C; Peng GD, 2020, 'Photo-induced bleaching and thermally stimulated recovery of BAC-P in Bi-doped phosphosilicate fibers', Optics Letters, 45, pp. 5389 - 5392,

Mao J; Yang X; Liu Y; Wang Y; Peng GD; Rao YJ; Gong Y, 2020, 'Nanomaterial-Enhanced Fiber Optofluidic Laser Biosensor for Sensitive Enzyme Detection', Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38, pp. 5205 - 5211,

Liu G; Wang F; Guan X; Jia B; Han L; Yan B; Peng GD; Lu P, 2020, 'Geometric and optical properties of Bi/Er co-doped silica optical fiber', Optical Materials, 107,

Xiu YL; Wang KR; Yan BB; Luo YH; Yuan JH; Yu CX; Qi HF; Yang LW; Wang C; Peng GD, 2020, 'Refractive index sensor based on multimode interference in a twin-hole fiber', Optical Engineering, 59,

Luo Y; Canning J; Zhang J; Peng GD, 2020, 'Toward optical fibre fabrication using 3D printing technology', Optical Fiber Technology, 58,

Jiang P; Ni J; Zhang H; Qi H; Wang W; Song Z; Guo J; Peng G; Wang C, 2020, 'High-power and high-energy Nd:YAG-Nd:YVO4 hybrid gain Raman yellow laser', Optics Express, 28, pp. 24088 - 24094,

Wang Y; Wei S; Cicconi MR; Tsuji Y; Shimizu M; Shimotsuma Y; Miura K; Peng GD; Neuville DR; Poumellec B; Lancry M, 2020, 'Femtosecond laser direct writing in SiO2-Al2O3 binary glasses and thermal stability of Type II permanent modifications', Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 103, pp. 4286 - 4294,

Zhang Z; Chen G; Yang M; Ou Y; Luo L; Lu D; Zhang E; Guan H; Lu H; Zhu W; Yu J; Dong J; Qiu W; Chen Z; Peng G, 2020, 'Resonance-enhanced all-optical modulation of WSe2-based micro-resonator', Nanophotonics, 9, pp. 2387 - 2396,

Sheng W; Peng GD; Yang N; Kang Y; Söffker D, 2020, 'Suppression of sweeping fluctuation of Fabry-Perot filter in fiber Bragg grating interrogation using PSO-based self-adaptive sampling', Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 142,

Wei S; Luo Y; Zhang B; Lu M; Ding M; Wang Y; Lancry M; Peng GD, 2020, 'Impact of Al2O3doping on Bi active center photobleaching in Bi/Er-codoped fibers', Optics Letters, 45, pp. 4016 - 4019,

Wang W; Qi H; Song Z; Guo J; Ni J; Wang C; Peng G, 2020, 'Seed-injected, actively Q-switched fiber ring laser using an AOM of zero-order transmission', Optics Communications, 467,

Wang S; Sun X; Luo Y; Peng G, 2020, 'Surface plasmon resonance sensor based on D-shaped Hi-Bi photonic crystal fiber', Optics Communications, 467,

Zhang B; Chu Y; Fu X; Wei S; Wang J; Luo Y; DingPeng G, 2020, 'Thermal bleaching of BACs in bismuth/erbium co-doped fiber fabricated through 3D silica lithography', Optics Letters, 45, pp. 3729 - 3732,

He Y; Yang Q; Sun S; Luo M; Liu R; Peng GD, 2020, 'A multi-point voltage sensing system based on PZT and FBG', International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 117,

Qi H; Li Y; Song Z; Wang W; Guo J; Ni J; Wang C; Peng G, 2020, 'Experimental Study on Brillouin Erbium Fiber Laser: Configuration and Characteristics', Journal of Russian Laser Research, 41, pp. 250 - 257,

Jia M; Wen J; Luo W; Dong Y; Pang F; Chen Z; Peng G; Wang T, 2020, 'Improved scintillating properties in Ce:YAG derived silica fiber with the reduction from Ce4+ to Ce3+ ions', Journal of Luminescence, 221,

Guo J; Qi H; Song Z; Ni J; Wang C; Wang W; Peng G, 2020, 'A Comparative Study of Thermal Impact on Erbium Doped Distributed Feedback Fiber Laser Output Power', IEEE Photonics Journal, 12,

Wang Y; Gong Y; Yang X; Gong C; Mao J; Wu Y; Yin G; Zhu T; Peng GD; Rao YJ, 2020, 'DC-Biased Optofluidic Biolaser for Uric Acid Detection', Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38, pp. 1557 - 1563,

Zhao X; Wang Y; Liao C; Peng GD; Gong Y; Wang Y, 2020, 'Polymer-Coated Hollow Fiber Optofluidic Laser for Refractive Index Sensing', Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38, pp. 1550 - 1556,

Yang X; Luo Y; Liu Y; Gong C; Wang Y; Rao YJ; Peng GD; Gong Y, 2020, 'Mass production of thin-walled hollow optical fibers enables disposable optofluidic laser immunosensors', Lab on a Chip, 20, pp. 923 - 930,

Zhao Q; Hao Q; Luo Y; Peng GD, 2020, 'Thermal-induced luminescence enhancement of BAC-P in bismuth-doped phosphogermanosilicate fibers', Optics Letters, 45, pp. 1152 - 1155,

Ni J; Shang Y; Wang C; Zhao W; Li C; Cao B; Huang S; Wang C; Peng G, 2020, 'Non-intrusive flow measurement based on a distributed feedback fiber laser', Chinese Optics Letters, 18,

Wang Q; Wen J; Luo Y; Peng GD; Pang F; Chen Z; Wang T, 2020, 'Enhancement of lifetime in er-doped silica optical fiber by doping yb ions via atomic layer deposition', Optical Materials Express, 10, pp. 397 - 407,

Wei SE; Wang Y; Yao H; Cavillon M; Poumellec B; Peng GD; Lancry M, 2020, 'Thermal stability of type II modifications by IR femtosecond laser in silica-based glasses', Sensors (Switzerland), 20,

Nan Y; Wang C; Peng GD; Guo T; Xie W; Min L; Cai S; Ni J; Yi J; Luo X; Wang K; Nie M, 2020, 'Real-time monitoring of wind-induced vibration of high-voltage transmission tower using an optical fiber sensing system', IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 69, pp. 268 - 274,

Herath M; Epaarachchi J; Islam M; Zhang F; Leng J; Fang L; Yan C; Peng GD; Schade W, 2020, 'Remote actuation of light activated shape memory polymers via D-shaped optical fibres', Smart Materials and Structures, 29,

Zhang B; Wei S; Khan MTA; Luo Y; Peng G, 2020, 'Dynamics study of thermal activation of BAC-Si in bismuth/erbium-codoped optical fiber', Optics Letters, 45, pp. 571 - 574

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