Select Publications

Journal articles

Zhao Y; Yang J; Yuan L; Peng GD; Che N; Gong J; Chai Q; Ren J; Qi H; Luo Y; Lewis E; Zhang J, 2019, 'Distributed Measurement of Regeneration Ratios of an Apodized Type i Fiber Bragg Grating', Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37, pp. 6127 - 6132,

Zhang F; Jiang S; Zhang X; Wang C; Ni J; Peng G, 2019, 'Ultra-Thin Fiber Laser Hydrophone with Static Pressure Equalization and Improved Response', IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 31, pp. 1968 - 1970,

Cao Z; Yao B; Qin C; Yang R; Guo Y; Zhang Y; Wu Y; Bi L; Chen Y; Xie Z; Peng G; Huang SW; Wong CW; Rao Y, 2019, 'Biochemical sensing in graphene-enhanced microfiber resonators with individual molecule sensitivity and selectivity', Light: Science and Applications, 8, pp. 107,

Shang Y; Wang C; Ni JS; Zhao WA; Li C; Cao B; Huang S; Wang C; Peng GD, 2019, 'Discussion on the sensitivity of optical cables based on distributed acoustic sensing', Optical Review, 26, pp. 659 - 663,

Wei F; Liu D; Mallik AK; Farrel G; Wu Q; Peng GD; Semenova Y, 2019, 'Magnetic field sensor based on a tri-microfiber coupler ring in magnetic fluid and a fiber bragg grating', Sensors (Switzerland), 19, pp. 5100,

Yan B; Sun L; Luo Y; Yang L; Qi H; Chen X; Wang K; Yuan J; Sang X; Wang C; Lu P; Peng GD, 2019, 'Temperature self-compensated refractive index sensor based on fiber bragg grating and the ellipsoid structure', Sensors (Switzerland), 19, pp. 5211,

Zhao Q; Luo Y; Hao Q; Peng GD, 2019, 'Electron beam irradiation and thermal-induced effects on the spectral properties of BAC-Al in Bi/Er codoped aluminosilicate fibers', Optical Materials Express, 9, pp. 4287 - 4294,

Chu Y; Fu X; Luo Y; Canning J; Tian Y; Cook K; Zhang J; Peng GD, 2019, 'Silica optical fiber drawn from 3D printed preforms', Optics Letters, 44, pp. 5358 - 5361,

Liu G; Guo Y; Zhu P; Jia B; Li S; Wang Y; Peng GD; Lu P, 2019, 'Electronic and luminescence characteristics of Bi/Al co-doped silica optical fiber', Modern Physics Letters B, 33,

Zhao Q; Luo Y; Hao Q; Peng GD, 2019, 'Effect of thermal treatment parameters on the spectral characteristics of BAC-Al in bismuth/erbium-codoped aluminosilicate fibers', Optics Letters, 44, pp. 4594 - 4597,

Wang T; Wang F; Dai Y; Ge Y; Kong C; Chang J; Ke W; Luo Y; Peng GD, 2019, 'Highly sensitive refractive index sensor based on an in-fiber droplet-shape air-cavity', IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 31, pp. 1347 - 1350,

Yao K; Lin Q; Jiang Z; Zhao N; Peng GD; Tian B; Jia W; Yang P, 2019, 'Design and analysis of a combined strain-vibration-temperature sensor with two fiber bragg gratings and a trapezoidal beam.', Sensors (Switzerland), 19, pp. 3571,

Chai Q; Luo Y; Ren J; Zhang J; Yang J; Yuan L; Peng GD, 2019, 'Review on fiber-optic sensing in health monitoring of power grids', Optical Engineering, 58,

Gong C; Gong Y; Yang X; Peng GD; Rao YJ, 2019, 'Pseudo whispering gallery mode optofluidic lasing based on air-clad optical fiber', Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37, pp. 2623 - 2627,

Cui Z; Gong J; Wang C; Che N; Zhao Y; Chai Q; Qi H; Lewis E; Ren J; Zhang J; Yang J; Yuan L; Peng GD, 2019, 'Observing the viscous relaxation process of silica optical fiber at ~1000 °c using regenerated fiber bragg grating', Sensors (Switzerland), 19, pp. 2293,

Hong J; Wang K; Xiong Z; Gong M; Deng C; Peng G; Zhu H, 2019, 'Investigation into the freeze-thaw durability of semi-flexible pavement mixtures', ROAD MATERIALS AND PAVEMENT DESIGN, 21, pp. 2198 - 2214,

Guan X; Zhang R; Jia B; Chen X; Yan B; Peng GD; Li S; Lu P, 2019, 'Electronic and optical properties of Ge-doped silica optical fiber', Modern Physics Letters B, 33,

Yang X; Shu W; Wang Y; Gong Y; Gong C; Chen Q; Tan X; Peng GD; Fan X; Rao YJ, 2019, 'Turbidimetric inhibition immunoassay revisited to enhance its sensitivity via an optofluidic laser', Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 131, pp. 60 - 66,

Zhao QC; Zhang JZ; Sporea D; Luo YH; Wen JX; Peng GD, 2019, 'Gamma radiation and thermal-induced effects on the spectral performance of BACs in Bi/Er codoped aluminosilicate fibers', Optics Express, 27, pp. 9955 - 9964,

Zhang J; Han L; Guan Z; Jia B; Peng Z; Guan X; Yan B; Peng GD; Lu P, 2019, 'Electronic and luminescence characteristics of interstitial Bi0 atom in bismuth-doped silica optical fiber', Journal of Luminescence, 207, pp. 346 - 350,

Jia B; Lu P; Peng Z; Yan B; Yang B; Wang Y; Peng GD, 2019, 'Response to comment on “Near-IR luminescence characteristics of monovalent bismuth in Bi-doped pure silica optical fiber: First-principle study”', Journal of Luminescence, 207, pp. 636 - 639,

Zhao Q; Luo Y; Dai Y; Peng GD, 2019, 'Effect of pump wavelength and temperature on the spectral performance of BAC-Al in bismuth-doped aluminosilicate fibers', Optics Letters, 44, pp. 634 - 637,

Zhang F; Wang C; Zhang X; Jiang S; Ni J; Peng G, 2019, 'High-sensitivity FBG microphone with static pressure equalization and optimized response', Chinese Optics Letters, 17,

Shen Z; Zhu H; Hong J; Gui X; Guan H; Dong J; Li H; Wang X; Qiu W; Zhang E; Ou Y; Lu D; Luo L; Lu H; Zhu W; Yu J; Luo Y; Chen Z; Peng G, 2019, 'All-Optical Tuning of Light in WSe2-Coated Microfiber', Nanoscale Research Letters, 14, pp. 353,

Jia B; Zhu P; Sun S; Han L; Liu G; Wang Y; Peng GD; Lu P, 2019, 'Conversion Mechanism from Trivalent Bismuth to Bivalent Bismuth Defect Center in Bi-Doped Silica Optical Fiber', IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 26,

Xu H; Yan B; Lin J; Luo Y; Lu P; Wang K; Yuan J; Sang X; Cai S; Yu C; Peng GD, 2019, 'Effects of quenching and cooling upon near infrared luminescence of Bi/Er co-doped optical fiber', Optical Materials Express, 9, pp. 3156 - 3168,

Wei F; Liu D; Mallik AK; Farrell G; Wu Q; Peng GD; Semenova Y, 2019, 'Temperature-compensated magnetic field sensing with a dual-ring structure consisting of microfiber coupler-Sagnac loop and fiber Bragg grating-assisted resonant cavity', Applied Optics, 58, pp. 2334 - 2339,

Zheng J; Dong Y; Pan X; Wen J; Chen Z; Pang F; Shang Y; Luo Y; Peng GD; Wang T, 2019, 'Ultra-wideband and flat-gain optical properties of the PbS quantum dots-doped silica fiber', Optics Express, 27, pp. 37900 - 37909,

Wei S; Luo Y; Fan D; Xiao G; Chu Y; Zhang B; Tian Y; Talal M; Lancry M; Peng G, 2019, 'BAC activation by thermal quenching in bismuth/erbium codoped fiber', Optics letters, 44, pp. 1872 - 1875

Tian Y; Chu Y; Luo Y; Khan MTA; Wei S; Zhang B; Fu X; Xiao G; Fan D; Jianzhong Z, 2019, 'Birefringence Measurement by Expandable Polarization Interference Method', Journal of Lightwave Technology

Ding M; Zhang B; Fang J; Luo Y; Peng G; Wen J; Zhang J; Yan B, 2019, 'Spectroscopic properties of bismuth/erbium co-doped fiber at room temperature and liquid nitrogen temperature', Optical Materials Express, 9, pp. 3604 - 3615

Ding M; Fan D; Davies J; Zhang B; Yan B; Fu X; Peng G; Luo Y; Wen J; Ma J, 2019, 'Spectroscopic study of the radiation hardening of bismuth/erbium co-doped optical fiber (BEDF) by hydrogen loading', Optical Materials, 95, pp. 109246

Zhang B; Luo Y; Ding M; Wei S; Fan D; Xiao G; Chu Y; Tian Y; Talal M; Peng G, 2019, 'Thermally aggravated photo-bleaching of BAC-Al in bismuth/erbium co-doped optical fiber', Optics Letters, 44, pp. 4829 - 4832

Hao J; Chu Y; Ma Z; Chai Q; Ren J; Liu Y; Luo Y; Yang J; Liu Z; Zhang J; Yuan L; Peng G, 2018, 'Effects of thermal treatment on photoluminescence properties of bismuth/erbium co-doped optical fibers', Optical Fiber Technology, 46, pp. 141 - 146,

Yan B; Liu G; He J; Luo Y; Yang L; Qi H; Sang X; Wang K; Yu C; Yuan J; Peng GD, 2018, 'Simultaneous vector bend and temperature sensing based on a polymer and silica optical fibre grating pair', Sensors (Switzerland), 18, pp. 3507,

Peng Z; Lu P; Jia B; Zhang J; Yan B; Wang Y; Yang B; Peng GD, 2018, 'Conversion mechanisms of peroxy linkage defect in silica optical fiber', Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 498, pp. 103 - 108,

He Y; Yang Q; Sun S; Luo M; Peng G; Wang T; Wang G, 2018, 'Effects of fiber Bragg grating design on dual-grating demodulation performance', Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51,

Guo Q; Wen J; Huang Y; Wang W; Pang F; Chen Z; Luo Y; Peng GD; Wang T, 2018, 'Magneto-optical properties and measurement of the novel doping silica optical fibers', Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 127, pp. 63 - 67,

Zhao Q; Luo Y; Tian Y; Peng GD, 2018, 'Pump wavelength dependence and thermal effect of photobleaching of BAC-Al in bismuth/erbium codoped aluminosilicate fibers', Optics Letters, 43, pp. 4739 - 4742,

Gong C; Gong Y; Zhao X; Luo Y; Chen Q; Tan X; Wu Y; Fan X; Peng GD; Rao YJ, 2018, 'Distributed fibre optofluidic laser for chip-scale arrayed biochemical sensing', Lab on a Chip, 18, pp. 2741 - 2748,

Jia B; Lu P; Zhang J; Peng Z; Yan B; Wang Y; Peng GD, 2018, 'Influence of Ring Structures on Optical Properties of Trivalent Bismuth in Bi-Doped Silica Optical Fiber', Journal of Cluster Science, 29, pp. 861 - 865,

He H; He T; Peng G, 2018, 'Research on Network Service Management Platform for Long Term Mechanism of Sports in Colleges', WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS, 102, pp. 1117 - 1127,

Shen M; Liu S; Zhao W; Qi H; Peng G, 2018, 'Sampled fiber gratings for picosecond time delay signal processing', Optics and Laser Technology, 105, pp. 52 - 57,

Fan DS; Xiao G; Obbard E; davies J; sporea D; luo Y; peng G, 2018, 'Radiation-induced reversible thermal effect in Er3+/Yb3+ codoped silica fibers', Optics Letters, 43, pp. 3385 - 3388

Zhao Q; Zhang J; Luo Y; Wen J; Peng GD, 2018, 'Energy transfer enhanced near-infrared spectral performance in bismuth/erbium codoped aluminosilicate fibers for broadband application', Optics Express, 26, pp. 17889 - 17898,

Chu Y; Hu Q; Zhang Y; Gao Z; Fang Z; Liu L; Yan Q; Liu Y; Sun S; Peng GD; Lewis E; Ren J; Zhang J, 2018, 'Topological Engineering of Photoluminescence Properties of Bismuth- or Erbium-Doped Phosphosilicate Glass of Arbitrary P2O5 to SiO2 Ratio', Advanced Optical Materials, 6,

Zhang CL; Wang YQ; Gong Y; Wu Y; Peng GD; Rao YJ, 2018, 'The Generation and Assembly of Laser-Induced Microbubbles', Journal of Lightwave Technology, 36, pp. 2492 - 2498,

Jia B; Lu P; Peng Z; Yan B; Yang B; Wang Y; Peng GD, 2018, 'Near-IR luminescence characteristics of monovalent bismuth in Bi-doped pure silica optical fiber: First-principle study', Journal of Luminescence, 198, pp. 384 - 388,

Shang Y; Wang C; Wang C; Liu X; Sun Z; Ni J; Peng G, 2018, 'Distributed vibration sensing of perimeter security based on space difference of Rayleigh backscattering', Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering, 47,

Lu P; Ren T; Jia B; Yan B; Liu G; Guo M; Wang Y; Peng GD, 2018, 'Atomic Structures and Electronic States of Divalent Bismuth in Bi-Doped Silica Optical Fiber', IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 24,

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