Select Publications

Journal articles

Gong CY; Gong Y; Zhang WL; Wu Y; Rao YJ; Peng GD; Fan X, 2018, 'Fiber Optofluidic Microlaser With Lateral Single Mode Emission', IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 24,

Liu D; Wu Q; Mei C; Yuan J; Xin X; Mallik AK; Wei F; Han W; Kumar R; Yu C; Wan S; He X; Liu B; Peng GD; Semenova Y; Farrell G, 2018, 'Hollow Core Fiber Based Interferometer for High-Temperature (1000 °c) Measurement', Journal of Lightwave Technology, 36, pp. 1583 - 1590,

Wang C; Shang Y; Zhao WA; Liu XH; Wang C; Yu HH; Yang MH; Peng GD, 2018, 'Distributed Acoustic Sensor Using Broadband Weak FBG Array for Large Temperature Tolerance', IEEE Sensors Journal, 18, pp. 2796 - 2800,

Peng GD, 2018, 'A special issue on Optoelectronics in Australia', Frontiers of Optoelectronics, 11,

Luo Y; Yan B; Zhang J; Wen J; He J; Peng GD, 2018, 'Development of Bi/Er co-doped optical fibers for ultra-broadband photonic applications', Frontiers of Optoelectronics, 11, pp. 37 - 52,

Yao K; Lin Q; Jiang Z; Zhao N; Tian B; Shi P; Peng GD, 2018, 'Modeling and analysis of a combined stress-vibration fiber bragg grating sensor', Sensors (Switzerland), 18, pp. 743,

Wang W; Tafti GF; Ding M; Luo Y; Tian Y; Wang S; Karpisz T; Canning J; Cook K; Peng GD, 2018, 'Structure formation dynamics in drawing silica photonic crystal fibres', Frontiers of Optoelectronics, 11, pp. 69 - 76,

Zhang CL; Gong Y; Wu Y; Rao YJ; Peng GD; Fan X, 2018, 'Lab-on-tip based on photothermal microbubble generation for concentration detection', Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 255, pp. 2504 - 2509,

Wang S; Sun X; Ding M; Peng G; Qi Y; Wang Y; Ren J, 2018, 'The investigation of an LSPR refractive index sensor based on periodic gold nanorings array', Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51,

Xu Y; Gong C; Chen Q; Luo Y; Wu Y; Wang Y; Peng GD; Rao YJ; Fan X; Gong Y, 2018, 'Highly Reproducible, Isotropic Optofluidic Laser Based on Hollow Optical Fiber', IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 25,

Peng G; Chen Z; Chen J, 2018, 'Research on Rock Creep Characteristics Based on the Fractional Calculus Meshless Method', ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, 2018,

Chu Y; Hu Q; Zhang Y; Gao Z; Fang Z; Liu L; Yan Q; Liu Y; Sun S; Peng G; Lewis E; Ren J; Zhang J, 2018, 'Topological Engineering of Glass Structures: Topological Engineering of Photoluminescence Properties of Bismuth‐ or Erbium‐Doped Phosphosilicate Glass of Arbitrary P2O5 to SiO2 Ratio (Advanced Optical Materials 13/2018)', Advanced Optical Materials, 6,

Wang C; Shang Y; Zhao WA; Liu XH; Wang C; Wang C; Peng GD, 2017, 'Investigation and comparison of φ-OTDR and OTDR-interferometry via phase demodulation', IEEE Sensors Journal, 18,

Cai S; Nan Y; Xie W; Yi J; Chen X; Rong Q; Liang H; Nie M; Peng GD; Guo T, 2017, 'Fiber-Optic Accelerometer Using Tilted Grating Inscribed in Depressed Cladding Fibers', IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29, pp. 2171 - 2174,

Ding M; Fang J; Yanhua LUO; Wang W; Peng GD, 2017, 'Photo-bleaching mechanism of the BAC-Si in bismuth/erbium co-doped optical fibers', Optics Letters, 42, pp. 5222 - 5225,

Rong Q; Guo T; Bao W; Shao Z; Peng GD; Qiao X, 2017, 'Highly sensitive fiber-optic accelerometer by grating inscription in specific core dip fiber', Scientific Reports, 7, pp. 11856,

Wei F; Mallik AK; Liu D; Wu Q; Peng GD; Farrell G; Semenova Y, 2017, 'Magnetic field sensor based on a combination of a microfiber coupler covered with magnetic fluid and a Sagnac loop', Scientific Reports, 7, pp. 4725,

Zhao W; Liu S; Qi H; Peng G; Shen M, 2017, 'Sampled fiber grating for WDM signal queuing with picosecond time interval', Optics and Laser Technology, 97, pp. 302 - 307,

Zhang X; Zhang F; Jiang S; Min L; Li M; Peng G; Ni J; Wang C, 2017, 'Short cavity DFB fiber laser based vector hydrophone for low frequency signal detection', Photonic Sensors, 7, pp. 325 - 328,

Gong C; Gong Y; Chen Q; Rao YJ; Peng GD; Fan X, 2017, 'Reproducible fiber optofluidic laser for disposable and array applications', Lab on a Chip, 17, pp. 3431 - 3436,

Rajan G; Bhowmik K; Xi J; Peng GD, 2017, 'Etched polymer fibre bragg gratings and their biomedical sensing applications', Sensors (Switzerland), 17, pp. 2336,

Tang J; Zhang Z; Yin G; Liu S; Bai Z; Li Z; Deng M; Wang Y; Liao C; He J; Jin W; Peng GD; Wang Y, 2017, 'Long Period Fiber Grating Inscribed in Hollow-Core Photonic Bandgap Fiber for Gas Pressure Sensing', IEEE Photonics Journal, 9,

Li M; Sun Z; Zhang X; Li S; Song Z; Wang M; Guo J; Ni J; Wang C; Peng G; Xu X, 2017, 'Development of high sensitivity eight-element multiplexed fiber laser acoustic pressure hydrophone array and interrogation system', Photonic Sensors, 7, pp. 253 - 260,

Liu X; Wang C; Shang Y; Wang C; Zhao W; Peng G; Wang H, 2017, 'Distributed acoustic sensing with Michelson interferometer demodulation', Photonic Sensors, 7, pp. 193 - 198,

Wang S; Sun X; Wang C; Peng G; Qi Y; Wang X, 2017, 'Liquid refractive index sensor based on a 2D 10-fold photonic quasicrystal', Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50,

Wang W; Song Z; Qi H; Zhang X; Ni J; Guo J; Wang C; Peng G, 2017, 'Study of a single longitudinal fiber ring laser with a π phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating', Optics Communications, 396, pp. 88 - 91,

Li Z; Liao C; Chen D; Song J; Jin W; Peng GD; Zhu F; Wang Y; He J; Wang Y, 2017, 'Label-free detection of bovine serum albumin based on an in-fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometric biosensor', Optics Express, 25, pp. 17105 - 17113,

Shang Y; Wen J; Dong Y; Zhan H; Luo Y; Peng GD; Zhang X; Pang F; Chen Z; Wang T, 2017, 'Luminescence properties of PbS quantum-dot-doped silica optical fibre produced via atomic layer deposition', Journal of Luminescence, 187, pp. 201 - 204,

Zhang CL; Gong Y; Zou WL; Wu Y; Rao YJ; Peng GD; Fan X, 2017, 'Microbubble-Based Fiber Optofluidic Interferometer for Sensing', Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35, pp. 2514 - 2519,

Deng M; Xu J; Zhang Z; Bai Z; Liu S; Wang Y; Zhang Y; Liao C; Jin W; Peng G; Wang Y, 2017, 'Long period fiber grating based on periodically screw-Type distortions for torsion sensing', Optics Express, 25, pp. 14308 - 14316,

Gong Y; Qiu L; Zhang C; Wu Y; Rao YJ; Peng GD, 2017, 'Dual-Mode Fiber Optofluidic Flowmeter with a Large Dynamic Range', Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35, pp. 2156 - 2160,

Wang C; Shang Y; Liu X; Wang C; Wang H; Peng G, 2017, 'Interferometric distributed sensing system with phase optical time-domain reflectometry', Photonic Sensors, 7, pp. 157 - 162,

Wang C; Wang W; Shang Y; Wang C; Song Z; Qi H; Sun Z; Zhang X; Ni J; Guo J; Zhang F; Peng G, 2017, 'Phase and frequency noise measurement using passive self-homodyne technique', Optical Engineering, 56,

Zhao Q; Luo Y; Wang W; Canning J; Peng GD, 2017, 'Erratum: “Enhanced broadband near-IR luminescence and gain spectra of bismuth/erbium co-doped fiber by 830 and 980 nm dual pumping” (AIP Advances (2017) 7 (045012) DOI: 10.1063/1.4981903)', AIP Advances, 7,

Guo Q; Sun X; Luo W; Wen J; Pang F; Mou C; Peng GD; Wang T, 2017, 'Scintillation and photoluminescence property of SiO2 cladding YAP: Ce optical fiber via modified rod-in-tube method', Optical Materials Express, 7, pp. 1525 - 1534,

Yao BC; Rao YJ; Huang SW; Wu Y; Feng ZY; Choi C; Liu H; Qi HF; Duan XF; Peng GD; Wong CW, 2017, 'Graphene Q-switched distributed feedback fiber lasers with narrow linewidth approaching the transform limit', Optics Express, 25, pp. 8202 - 8211,

Zhao Q; Luo Y; Wang W; Canning J; Peng GD, 2017, 'Enhanced broadband near-IR luminescence and gain spectra of bismuth/erbium co-doped fiber by 830 and 980 nm dual pumping', AIP Advances, 7, pp. 045012,

Shang Y; Wang C; Liu X; Wang C; Zhao W; Peng G, 2017, 'Optical distributed acoustic sensing based on the phase optical time-domain reflectometry', Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering, 46,

Luo Y; Yan B; Zhang Q; Peng GD; Wen J; Zhang J, 2017, 'Fabrication of polymer optical fibre (POF) gratings', Sensors (Switzerland), 17, pp. 511,

Zhang F; Wang C; Jiang S; Zhang X; Sun Z; Ni J; Peng G, 2017, 'Dynamic fiber Bragg grating sensor array with increased wavelength-division multiplexing density and low crosstalk', Optical Engineering, 56,

Sun X; Wen J; Guo Q; Pang F; Chen Z; Luo Y; Peng G; Wang T, 2017, 'Fluorescence properties and energy level structure of Ce-doped silica fiber materials', Optical Materials Express, 7, pp. 751 - 759,

Chen HC; Wen JX; Huang Y; Dong WL; Pang FF; Luo YH; Peng GD; Chen ZY; Wang TY, 2017, 'Influence of linear birefringence on Faraday effect measurement for optical fibers', Optoelectronics Letters, 13, pp. 147 - 150,

Luo Y; Yan B; Ding M; Zhao Q; Xiao G; Wen J; Peng GD, 2017, 'Systematical study of up-conversion and near infrared emission of Bi/Er co-doped optical fibre pumped at 830 nm', Optik, 133, pp. 132 - 139,

Qin F; Dong Y; Wen J; Pang F; Luo Y; Peng GD; Chen Z; Wang T, 2017, 'Effect of heat treatment on absorption and fluorescence properties of PbS-doped silica optical fibre', Optical Materials, 64, pp. 468 - 473,

Guo Q; Mou C; He L; Luo W; Huang S; Peng GD; Wang T, 2017, 'SiO2 Glass-Cladding YAP:Ce Scintillating Fiber for remote radiation dosimeter', IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29, pp. 251 - 254,

Li C; Yan B; Wang D; Lin J; Cui Y; Sang X; Wang K; Luo Y; Peng G; Luo Y, 2017, 'Fiber Bragg grating sensing by ultra-broadband light source based on Bismuth-Erbium co-doped fiber', Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers, 44,

Sheng W; Zhang H; Yang N; Liu Y; Peng G, 2017, 'Investigation on thermo-induced nonlinearity of fiber fabry-perot filter by using optical fiber sensing system', Laser and Optoelectronics Progress, 54,

Shang Y; Yang YH; Wang C; Liu XH; Wang C; Peng GD, 2017, 'Quasi-distributed acoustic sensing based on identical low-reflective fiber Bragg gratings', Measurement Science and Technology, 28,

Wei S; Luo Y; Ding M; Cai F; Xiao G; Fan D; Zhao Q; Peng GD, 2017, 'Thermal Effect on Attenuation and Luminescence of Bi/Er Co-Doped Fiber', IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29, pp. 43 - 46,

Zareanborji A; Yang H; Town GE; Luo Y; Peng GD, 2016, 'Simple and Accurate Fluorescence Lifetime Measurement Scheme Using Traditional Time-Domain Spectroscopy and Modern Digital Signal Processing', Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34, pp. 5033 - 5043,

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