Select Publications

Journal articles

Andrews JG; Page A, 2005, 'Outcome measurement, outcome management and monitoring', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 39, pp. 649 - 651

Crino RD; Slade TN; Andrews JG, 2005, 'The changing prevalence and severity of obsessive-compulsive disorder criteria from DSM-III to DSM-IV', American Journal of Psychiatry, 162, pp. 876 - 882

Andrews JG, 2005, 'The crisis in mental health: the chariot needs one horseman', Medical Journal of Australia, 182, pp. 372 - 373

Andrews JG, 2005, 'The role of patient education in implementing clinical practice guidelines', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 39, pp. A138 - A138,

Andrews JG, 2005, 'Tolkien two - Developing a model mental health system: Half term report', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 39, pp. A137 - A138,

Rodgers A; Ezzati M; Vander Hoorn S; Lopez AD; Lin RB; Murray CJL; Fishman S; Caulfield LE; de Onis M; Blössner M; Hyder AA; Mullany L; Black RE; Stoltzfus RJ; Rice AJ; West KP; Lawes C; Law M; Elliott P; MacMahon S; James WPT; Jackson-Leach R; Ni Mhurchu C; Kalamara E; Shayeghi M; Rigby NJ; Nishida C; Lock K; Pomerleau J; Causer L; McKee M; Bull FC; Dixon T; Ham S; Neiman A; Pratt M; Rehm J; Room R; Monteiro M; Gmel G; Graham K; Rehn N; Sempos CT; Frick U; Jernigan D; Degenhardt L; Hall W; Warner-Smith M; Lynskey M; Slaymaker E; Walker N; Armstrong T; Collumbien M; Gerressu M; Cleland J; Prüss-Ustun A; Kay D; Fewtrell L; Bartram J; Cohen A; Anderson R; Ostro B; Dev Pandey K; Krzyzanowski M; Künzli N; Gutschmidt K; Pope A; Romieu I; Samet J; Smith K; Smith KR; Mehta S; Feuz M; Landrigan P; Ayuso JL; McMichael A; Campbell-Lendrum D; Kovats S; Edwards S; Wilkinson P; Tanser F; Le Sueur D; Schlesinger M; Andronova N; Nicholls R; Wilson T; Hales S; Concha M; Imel Nelson D; Fingerhut M; Leigh J; Corvalan C; Driscoll T; Kyle Steenland N; Punnett L; Tak SW; Phillips S; Hauri AM; Armstrong GL; Hutin YJF; Andrews G; Slade T; Corry J, 2004, 'Distribution of major health risks: Findings from the global burden of disease study', PLoS Medicine, 1, pp. 044 - 055,

Haby MM; Carter R; Mihalopoulos C; Magnus A; Sanderson K; Andrews JG; Vos T, 2004, 'Assessing cost-effectiveness - Mental health: introduction to the studyand methods', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 38, pp. 569 - 578

Donnelly M; Haby MM; Carter R; Andrews JG; Vos T, 2004, 'Cost-effectiveness of dexamphetamine and methylphenidate for thetreatment of childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 38, pp. 592 - 601

Heuzenroeder L; Donnelly M; Haby MM; Mihalopoulos C; Rossell R; Carter R; Andrews JG; Voss T, 2004, 'Cost-effectiveness of psychological and pharmacological interventions for generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 38, pp. 602 - 612

Corry JC; Sanderson K; Issakidis CN; Andrews JG; Lapsley HM, 2004, 'Evidence-Based Care for Alcohol Use Disorders is Affordable', Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 65, pp. 521 - 529

Hunt C; Slade TN; Andrews JG, 2004, 'Generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder comorbidityin the National Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being', Depression and Anxiety, 20, pp. 23 - 31

Issakidis CN; Sanderson K; Corry JC; Andrews JG; Lapsley HM, 2004, 'Modelling the population cost-effectiveness of current and evidence-based optimal treatment for anxiety disorders', Psychological Medicine, 34, pp. 19 - 35

Issakidis CN; Andrews JG, 2004, 'Pretreatment attrition and dropout in an outpatient clinic for anxiety disorders', ACTA Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 109, pp. 426 - 433

Vos T; Haby MM; Barendregt J; Kruijshaar M; Corry JC; Andrews JG, 2004, 'The burden of major depression avoidable by longer-term treatmentstrategies', JAMA Psychiatry, 61, pp. 1097 - 1103

Mitchell PB; Slade TN; Andrews JG, 2004, 'Twelve-month prevalence and disability of DSM-IV bipolar disorder in an Australian general population survey', Psychological Medicine, 34, pp. 777 - 785,

Sanderson K; Andrews JG; Lapsley HM; Corry JC, 2004, 'Using the effect size to model change in preference values fromdescriptive health status', Quality of Life Research, 13, pp. 1255 - 1264

Issakidis CN; Sanderson KA; Corry JC; Lapsley HM; Andrews JG, 2004, 'Utilising survey data to inform public policy: comparison of the cost-effectiveness of treatment of ten mental disorders', British Journal of Psychiatry, 184, pp. 526 - 533

Andrews JG; Issakidis CN; Sanderson KA; Corry JC; Lapsley HM, 2004, 'Utilising survey data to inform public policy:comparsion of the cost-effectiveness of treatment of ten mental disorders', British Journal of Psychiatry, 184, pp. 526 - 533

Andrews G; Corry J; Oakley-Browne M; Shepherd L, 2003, 'Australian and New Zealand clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of panic disorder and agoraphobia', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 37, pp. 641 - 656,

Andrews G; Szabo M; Burns J, 2003, 'Genetics of early-onset depression - Author's reply', BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, 182, pp. 364 - 364,

Smith D; Muir W; Blackwood D; Andrews G; Szabo M; Burns J, 2003, 'Genetics of early-onset depression (multiple letters) [2]', British Journal of Psychiatry, 182, pp. 363 - 364,

Dinnen AH; Andrews G; Hickie IB; Davenport TA, 2003, 'Measuring outcomes in patients with depression or anxiety: An essential part of clinical practice (multiple letters)', Medical Journal of Australia, 178, pp. 48,

Andrews G; Erskine A, 2003, 'Reducing the burden of anxiety and depressive disorders: The role of computerized clinician assistance', Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 16, pp. 41 - 44,

Andrews JG; Sanderson KA; Corry JC; Issakidis CN; Lapsley HM, 2003, 'Cost effectiveness of current and optimal treatment for schizophrenia', British Journal of Psychiatry, 183, pp. 427 - 435

Andrews JG; Erskine A, 2003, 'educing the burden of anxiety & depressive disorders the role of computerized clinician assistance', Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 16, pp. 41 - 44

Brodaty H; Luscombe GM; Anstey KJ; Cramsie J; Andrews JG; Peisah C, 2003, 'Neuropsychological performance and dementia in depressed patients after 25 years follow-up: A controlled study', Psychological Medicine, 33, pp. 1263 - 1275

Wilhelm KA; Mitchell PB; Slade TN; Brownhill S; Andrews JG, 2003, 'Prevalence & correlates of SDM-IV major depression in an Australian national survey', Journal of Affective Disorders, 75, pp. 155 - 162

Issakidis CN; Andrews JG, 2003, 'Rationing of health care:clinical decision making in an outpatient clinic for anxiety disorders', Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 17, pp. 59 - 74

Sanderson KA; Andrews JG; Corry JC; Lapsley HM, 2003, 'Reducing the burden of affective disorders: is evidence based health care affordable', Journal of Affective Disorders, 77, pp. 109 - 125

Lampe LA; Slade TN; Issakidis CN; Andrews JG, 2003, 'Social phobia in the Australian national survey of mental health and well-being (NSMHWB)', Psychological Medicine, 33, pp. 637 - 646

Andrews JG; Oakley-Browne M; Castle D; Judd F; Baillie AJ, 2003, 'Summary of guideline for the treatment of panic disorder and agoraphobia', Australasian Psychiatry, 11, pp. 29 - 33

Furukawa TA; Kessler RC; Slade TN; Andrews JG, 2003, 'The performance of the K6&k10 screening scales for psychological distress in the Australian national survey of mental health and well-being', Psychological Medicine, 33, pp. 357 - 362

Slade T; Andrews G, 2002, 'Empirical impact of DSM-IV diagnostic criterion for clinical significance', Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 190, pp. 334 - 337,

Andrews G; Carter GL, 2002, 'Erratum: What people say about their general practitioners' treatment of anxiety and depression (Med J Aust (2001) 175 (S48-S51))', Medical Journal of Australia, 176, pp. 69,

Andrews JG, 2002, 'A brief integer scorer for the SF-12: validity of the brief scorer in Australian community and clinic settings', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 26, pp. 508 - 510

Andrews JG; Slade TN, 2002, 'Agoraphobia without a history of panic disorder may be part of the panic disorder syndrome', Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 190, pp. 624 - 630

Andrews JG; Gould B; Corry JC, 2002, 'Child sexual abuse revisited', Medical Journal of Australia, 176, pp. 458 - 459

Andrews JG; Slade TN; Issakidis CN, 2002, 'Deconstructing current comorbidity: data from the Australian national servey of mental health and well-being', British Journal of Psychiatry, 181, pp. 306 - 314

Burns J; Andrews JG; Szabo M, 2002, 'Depression in young people: what causes it and can we prevent it?', Medical Journal of Australia, 177, pp. 93 - 96

Hunt C; Issakidis CN; Andrews JG, 2002, 'DSM-IV generalized anxiety disorder in the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being', Psychological Medicine, 32, pp. 649 - 659

Slade TN; Andrews JG, 2002, 'Emperical Impact of DSM-IV Diagnostic Criterion for Clinical Significance', Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 190, pp. 334 - 337

Slade TN; Andrews JG, 2002, 'Exclusion criteria in the diagnostic classifications of DSM-IV and ICD-10: revisiting the co-occurrence of psychiatric syndromes', Psychological Medicine, 32, pp. 1203 - 1211

Hickie IB; Andrews JG; Davenport T, 2002, 'Measuring outcomes in patients with depression or anxiety: an essential part of clinical practice', Medical Journal of Australia, 177, pp. 205 - 207

Hickie IB; Davenport T; Issakidis CN; Andrews JG, 2002, 'Neurasthenia:prevalence,disability and health care characteristics in the Australian community', British Journal of Psychiatry, 181, pp. 56 - 61

Sanderson KA; Andrews JG, 2002, 'Prevalence and Severity of Mental Health-Related Disability and relationship to Diagnosis', Psychiatric Services, 53, pp. 80 - 86

Andrews JG; Szabo M; Burns J, 2002, 'Preventing major depression in young people', British Journal of Psychiatry, 181, pp. 460 - 462

Andrews JG; Corry JC; Issakidis CN; Slade TN, 2002, 'Selected major risk factors & global & refional burden of disease', Lancet, 360, pp. 1347 - 1360

Issakidis CN; Andrews JG, 2002, 'Service utilisation for anxiety in an Australian community sample', Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 37, pp. 153 - 163

Kessler RC; Andrews JG; Colpe LJ; Hiripi E; Mroczek D; Normand SL; Walters EE; Zaslavsky AM, 2002, 'Short screening scales to monitor population prevalences and trends in non-specific psychological distress', Psychological Medicine, pp. 959 - 976

Furukawa T; Andrews JG; Goldberg D, 2002, 'Stratum-specific likelihood ratios of the General Health Questionnaire in the community: help-seeking and psychical co-morbidity effect the test characteristics', Psychological Medicine, 32, pp. 743 - 748

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