ORCID as entered in ROS

Select Publications
2017, 'Counting the uncounted costs of chronic Spinal Muscular Atrophy', Boston, United States, presented at American Academy of Neurology, Boston, United States
,2016, 'Size for gestational age at term: Australian reference vs International growth standards', Townsville, presented at Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand (PSANZ), Townsville, 22 May 2016 - 25 May 2016
,2015, 'Identifying the social capital of men in prison screening positive for HCV', Hawaii, USA, presented at HEP DART 2015, Hawaii, USA, 06 December 2015 - 10 December 2015
,2015, 'Identifying the social capital of men in prison screening positive for HCV', Sydney, Australia, presented at 4th International Symposium on Hepatitis Care in Substance Users, Sydney, Australia, 07 October 2015 - 09 October 2015
,(ed.), 2014, 'Impact of the introduction of a cap on Medicare funding on the utilization of ART in a large Australian fertility centre', Hawaii, presented at American Society of Reproductive Medicine, Hawaii, 01 November 2014 - 04 November 2014
,2014, 'The clinical effectiveness of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis for aneuploidy in all 24 chromosomes (PGD-A): A Systematic Review. , Sydney August 2014.', Sydney, presented at Australian Centre for Perinatal Science (ACPS) Annual Symposia, Sydney, 01 August 2014 - 01 August 2014
,2013, 'Towards Understanding the impact of assisted reproductive technologies on the incidence of multiple pregnancies from a population perspective. European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) Annual Conference. London July 2013.'
,2010, 'The impact of consumer price on ART access and embryo transfer practices: a cross-country econometric analysis', Istanbul, Turkey, presented at European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) Campus 2010. Prevention and treatment of Infertility in Modern Society., Istanbul, Turkey
,2008, 'First-line therapy for unexplained and mild male or female subfertility: a retrospective cohort study indicates that IVF is more effective than stimulated intrauterine insemination.', Brisbane, Australia, presented at Fertility Society of Australia 27th Annual Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, Australia
,2007, 'Outcomes of autologous and donor assisted reproductive technology treatment of couples where the woman is aged 45 years and older.', Lyon, France, Vol. 22, pp. i195 - i197, presented at The 23rd Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Lyon, France, 01 July 2007 - 01 July 2007