Select Publications


Mancy KH; Damitz BS; Khordagui HK; Leslie GL, 2008, Desalination Resource and Guidance Manual for Environmental Impact Assessments, Desalination, Kingdom of Bahrain

Book Chapters

Huang Y; Leslie-Keefe C; Leslie G, 2024, 'Desalination in the Pacific', in Water Security in a New World, Springer International Publishing, pp. 165 - 185,

Tng KH; Leslie-Keefe C; Leslie G, 2020, 'Industrial Water Recycling in Australia's Circular Economy', in Water Reuse Within a Circular Economy Context, UNESCO Publishing, pp. 85 - 103

Hristovski K; Leslie G; Henderson M; Mirumachi N; Markovski R; ShRefaat R; Chadwick M, 2019, 'Addressing the Arsenic Issue in the Lower Mekong Region—The Challenges and Systematic Approaches', in Ahuja S (ed.), Advances in Water Purification Techniques Meeting the Needs of Developed and Developing Countries, Elsevier, pp. 259 - 271

Tng KH; antony ; Wang Y; leslie , 2015, 'Membrane ageing during water treatment: Mechanisms, monitoring, and control', in Basile A; Cassano A; Rastogi NK (ed.), Advances in Membrane Technologies for Water Treatment, pp. 349 - 378,

Tng KH; Antony A; Wang Y; Leslie GL, 2015, '11 Membrane ageing during water treatment Mechanisms, monitoring, and control', in Advances in Membrane Technologies for Water Treatment, Elsevier, pp. 349 - 378,

Leslie G; Bradford-Hartke Z, 2013, 'Membrane processes', in Larsen TA; Udert KM; Lienert J (ed.), SOURCE SEPARATION AND DECENTRALIZATION FOR WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT, IWA PUBLISHING, pp. 367 - 381,

Wang Y; Waite TD; Leslie GL, 2013, '15 Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of membrane reactors: modelling of membrane bioreactors for municipal wastewater treatment', in Handbook of Membrane Reactors, Elsevier, pp. 532 - 568,

Antony A; Leslie G, 2011, '22 Degradation of polymeric membranes in water and wastewater treatment', in Advanced Membrane Science and Technology for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Applications, Elsevier, pp. 718 - 745,

Basile A; Nunes SP; Calabrò V; Basile A; Yampolskii Y; Campo M; Tanaka A; Mendes A; Sousa JM; Sousa JM; Calabrò V; Basile A; Basile A; Gugliuzza A; Iulanelli A; Morrone P; Yave W; Car A; Iulanelli A; Basile A; Li H; Van den Brink RW; Smart S; Ding LP; Diniz da Costa JC; Smart S; Diniz da Costa JC; Baumann S; Meulenberg WA; Gugliuzza A; Iulianelli A; Basile A; Kentish SE; Curcio S; Hosseiny SS; Wessling M; Wessling M; Bongiovanni R; Nair JR; Gerbaldi C; Stephan AM; Arcella V; Merlo L; Ghielmi A; Wu ZT; Othman MHD; Kingsbury BFK; Li K; Meulenberg WA; Ivanova ME; Serra JM; Roitsch S; Millet P; Bensaid S; Saracco G; Cassano A; Basile A; Rastogi NK; Nayak CA; Antony A; Leslie G; Loddo V; Palmisano L; Marino T; Molinari R; Tosti S; Rizzello C, 2011, 'Contributor contact details', in Advanced Membrane Science and Technology for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Applications, Elsevier, pp. xv - xx,

Antony A; Leslie GL, 2011, 'Degradation of polymeric membranes in water and wastewater treatment', in Basile A; Nunes S (ed.), Advanced Membrane Science and Technology for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Applications, Woodhead Publiahing Limited, United Kingdom, pp. 718 - 745

Lattemann S; Mancy KH; Damitz BS; Khordagui HK; Leslie G, 2010, 'Environmental Impact Assessment of Desalination Projects', in Desalination Technology: Health and Environmental Impacts, pp. 153 - 177

Khan SJ; Leslie GL, 2008, 'Advanced Water Treatment Technologies', in Gardner T; Yeates C (ed.), Purified Recycled Water for Drinking: The Technical Issues, Queensland Water Commission, Brisbane, pp. 86 - 126

James G; Leslie GL; Zha F, 2006, 'Fouling Control mechanisms in anaerobic bioreactors for the treatment of industrial wastewater', in Stuetz R; Teik-Thye L (ed.), Young Researchers 2006, IWA Publishing, London, UK, pp. 1 - 9

Fane AG; Macintosh P; Leslie GL, 2004, 'Water reclamation, remediation and cleaner production with nanofiltration', in Nanofiltration: Principles and Applications, Elsevier Advanced Technology, UK, pp. 287 - 304

Leslie GL; Fane AG; Fell CJD; Schneider RP; Marshall KC, 1993, 'Fouling of a microfiltration membrane by two Gram-negative bacteria', in Colloids in the Aquatic Environment, Elsevier, pp. 165 - 178,

Journal articles

Mustafa ZZ; Murdock AT; Xie Z; Johnston-Hall G; Henderson RK; Leslie GL; Le-Clech P, 2025, 'Impact of membrane characteristics and chemical ageing on algal protein fouling behaviour of ultrafiltration membranes', Separation and Purification Technology, 354,

Weatherall L; Trindall A; Tonkin T; Santos JA; Patay D; McCausland R; Spencer W; Leslie G; Baldry E; Bennett-Brook K; Coombes J; Mackean T; Shanthosh J; Madden T; Moore B; Deane AM; Earle N; GDip CC; Nathan M; Young SL; Rosewarne E; Webster J, 2025, 'Measuring Food and Water Security in an Aboriginal Community in Regional Australia', Australian Journal of Rural Health, 33,

Ellersdorfer P; Omar A; Rider I; Daiyan R; Leslie G, 2025, 'The hydrogen-water collision: Assessing water and cooling demands for large-scale green hydrogen production in a warming climate', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 97, pp. 1002 - 1013,

Song S; Li Q; Leslie G; Shen Y, 2024, 'Water treatment methods in heavy metals removal during photovoltaic modules recycling: a review', Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 208,

Khan MHA; Sitaraman T; Haque N; Leslie G; Saydam S; Daiyan R; Amal R; Kara S, 2024, 'Strategies for life cycle impact reduction of green hydrogen production – Influence of electrolyser value chain design', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 62, pp. 769 - 782,

Rosewarne E; Tonkin T; Trindall A; Santos JA; Patay D; McCausland R; Spencer W; Corby C; Coombes J; Mackean T; Leslie G; Earle N; Baldry E; Shanthosh J; Madden T; Deane AM; Weatherall L; Moore B; Bennett-Brook K; Webster J, 2024, 'Food intake in an Australian Aboriginal rural community facing food and water security challenges: A cross-sectional survey', Nutrition and Dietetics,

Huang S; Mansouri J; McDonald JA; Khan SJ; Leslie G; Tang CY; Fane AG, 2023, 'A novel single-scan printing approach for polyamide membranes by electrospray technique on polydopamine pre-coated substrate', Journal of Membrane Science, 673,

Mansouri J; Huang S; Agostino A; Kuchel RP; Leslie G; Tang CY; Fane AG, 2023, 'Kinetics of support-free interfacial polymerization polyamide films by in-situ absorbance spectroscopy', Desalination, 549,

Rao NRH; Chu X; Hadinoto K; Angelina ; Zhou R; Zhang T; Soltani B; Bailey CG; Trujillo FJ; Leslie GL; Prescott SW; Cullen PJ; Henderson RK, 2023, 'Algal cell inactivation and damage via cold plasma-activated bubbles: Mechanistic insights and process benefits', Chemical Engineering Journal, 454,

Stephens CM; Ho M; Schmeidl S; Pham HT; Dansie AP; Leslie GL; Marshall LA, 2023, 'International capacity building to achieve SDG6: insights from longitudinal analysis of five water operator partnerships', International Journal of Water Resources Development, 39, pp. 557 - 575,

Moradi S; Omar A; Zhou Z; Agostino A; Gandomkar Z; Bustamante H; Power K; Henderson R; Leslie G, 2023, 'Forecasting and Optimizing Dual Media Filter Performance via Machine Learning', Water Research, 235,

Ellersdorfer P; Omar A; Taylor RA; Daiyan R; Leslie G, 2023, 'Multi-effect distillation: a sustainable option to large-scale green hydrogen production using solar energy', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48, pp. 31491 - 31505,

Mustafa ZZ; Rao NRH; Johnston-Hall G; Henderson RK; Leslie GL; Le-Clech P, 2022, 'Membrane fouling during algal blooms: Impact of extracellular algal organic matter feed and membrane surface properties', Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10,

Jiang L; Pan J; Li Q; Chen H; Zhou S; Yu Z; Jiang S; Yin H; Guan J; Taylor RA; Fisher R; Leslie G; Scott J; Zhao H; Wang DW, 2022, 'A holistic green system coupling hydrogen production with wastewater valorisation', EcoMat, 4,

Chu X; Agostino A; Rao NRH; Moradi S; Bustamante H; Power K; Henderson RK; Leslie GL, 2022, 'Application of a combination of oxidants improves treatment performance for NOM and manganese', Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, 8, pp. 2705 - 2718,

Huang S; Mansouri J; Le-Clech P; Leslie G; Tang CY; Fane AG, 2022, 'A comprehensive review of electrospray technique for membrane development: Current status, challenges, and opportunities', Journal of Membrane Science, 646,

Mustafa ZZ; Rao NRH; Henderson RK; Leslie GL; Le-Clech P, 2022, 'Considerations of the limitations of commonly applied characterisation methods in understanding protein-driven irreversible fouling', Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, 8, pp. 343 - 357,

Li Q; Zhang H; Tan C; Lian B; García-Pacheco R; Taylor RA; Fletcher J; Le-Clech P; Ranasinghe B; Senevirathna T; Leslie G, 2022, 'Numerical and experimental investigation of a DC-powered RO system for Sri-Lankan villages', Renewable Energy, 182, pp. 772 - 786,

Agostino A; Rao NRH; Paul S; Zhang Z; Leslie G; Le-Clech P; Henderson R, 2021, 'Polymer leachates emulate naturally derived fluorescent dissolved organic matter: Understanding and managing sample container interferences', Water Research, 204,

Merhebi S; Mohammad M; Mayyas M; Abbasi R; Zhang C; Cai S; Centurion F; Xie W; Cao Z; Tang J; Rahim MA; Zhang J; Razmjou A; Leslie G; Kalantar-Zadeh K; Tang J; Allioux FM, 2021, 'Post-transition metal/polymer composites for the separation and sensing of alkali metal ions', Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9, pp. 19854 - 19864,

Huang S; McDonald JA; Kuchel RP; Khan SJ; Leslie G; Tang CY; Mansouri J; Fane AG, 2021, 'Surface modification of nanofiltration membranes to improve the removal of organic micropollutants: Linking membrane characteristics to solute transmission', Water Research, 203, pp. 117520,

Hart AC; Rosewarne E; Spencer W; McCausland R; Leslie G; Shanthosh J; Corby C; Bennett-Brook K; Webster J, 2021, 'Indigenous community-led programs to address food and water security: Protocol for a systematic review', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, pp. 6366,

Branch A; Trinh T; Ta TM; Leslie G; Le-Clech P, 2021, 'Log removal values in membrane bioreactors: Correlation of surrogate monitoring and operational parameters', Journal of Water Process Engineering, 41,

Fetanat M; Keshtiara M; Low ZX; Keyikoglu R; Khataee A; Orooji Y; Chen V; Leslie G; Razmjou A, 2021, 'Machine Learning for Advanced Design of Nanocomposite Ultrafiltration Membranes', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 60, pp. 5236 - 5250,

Yunana D; Maclaine S; Tng KH; Zappia L; Bradley I; Roser D; Leslie G; MacIntyre CR; Le-Clech P, 2021, 'Developing Bayesian networks in managing the risk of Legionella colonisation of groundwater aeration systems', Water Research, 193,

Charlton AJ; Blandin G; Leslie G; Le-Clech P, 2021, 'Impact of forward osmosis operating pressure on deformation, efficiency and concentration polarisation with novel links to CFD', Membranes, 11, pp. 1 - 18,

Lima V; Le-Clech P; Keitel C; Sutton B; Leslie G, 2021, 'Growth of Phaseolus vulgaris on brackish ground water using sub-surface membrane irrigation under variable climatic conditions', Desalination, 498,

Weinberg J; Fang Q; Zandaryaa S; Leslie G; Nickum JE, 2021, 'Introduction to the special issue on source-to-sea management', Water International, 46, pp. 135 - 137,

Ching K; Lian B; Leslie G; Chen X; Zhao C, 2020, 'Metal-cation-modified graphene oxide membranes for water permeation', Carbon, 170, pp. 646 - 657,

Li Q; Lian B; Zhong W; Omar A; Razmjou A; Dai P; Guan J; Leslie G; Taylor RA, 2020, 'Improving the performance of vacuum membrane distillation using a 3D-printed helical baffle and a superhydrophobic nanocomposite membrane', Separation and Purification Technology, 248, pp. 117072,

Moradi S; Agostino A; Gandomkar Z; Kim S; Hamilton L; Sharma A; Henderson R; Leslie G, 2020, 'Quantifying natural organic matter concentration in water from climatological parameters using different machine learning algorithms', H2Open Journal, 3, pp. 328 - 343,

Charlton AJ; Lian B; Blandin G; Leslie G; Le-Clech P, 2020, 'Impact of FO operating pressure and membrane tensile strength on draw-channel geometry and resulting hydrodynamics', Membranes, 10, pp. 111,

Omar A; Nashed A; Li Q; Leslie G; Taylor RA, 2020, 'Pathways for integrated concentrated solar power - Desalination: A critical review', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 119, pp. 109609,

Cooper J; Kavanagh J; Razmjou A; Chen V; Leslie G, 2020, 'Treatment and resource recovery options for first and second generation bioethanol spentwash – A review', Chemosphere, 241,

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