Fields of Research (FoR)
Applied Mathematics, Optimisation, Calculus of Variations and Control Theory, Analysis of Algorithms and Complexity, Functional AnalysisBiography
I received my Ph.D from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in Dec. 2007. I am currently a professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at University of New South Wales. I was awarded an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (for mid-career researchers) during 2014-2018. My area of interest is optimisation, variational analysis and tensor computations. For some of my recent research articles, please see
I received my Ph.D from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in Dec. 2007. I am currently a professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at University of New South Wales. I was awarded an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (for mid-career researchers) during 2014-2018. My area of interest is optimisation, variational analysis and tensor computations. For some of my recent research articles, please see
My Grants
- Australian Research Council Discovery Grant (2021-2023), V. Jeyakumar, G. Li, J.B. Lasserre, M. Goberna and I. M. Bomze, Data-Driven Multistage Robust Optimization-the New Frontier in Optimization.
- Australian Research Council Discovery Grant (DP190100555), 2019-2021, G. Li, B. Mordukhovich, R. Bot, Innovations in sparse optimisation: big data nonsmooth optimisation.
- Australian Research Council Discovery Grant (DP180100745), 2018-2020, V. Jeyakumar, G. Li, J.B. Lasserre, L.Q. Qi and D. Henrion: New Mathematics for Multiextremal Semialgebraic Optimization and Diffusion Tensor Imaging.
- Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT130100038), 2014-2018, G. Li, A new optimization approach for tensor extreme eigenvalue problems: modern techniques for multi-relational data analysis.
- ARC Research Hub Project, 2017-2021, W. Gao, Y.X. Zhang and G. Li, Performance assessment and optimal design for nano and composite structures, under ARC Linkage Scheme and administered through the ARC Research Hub for Nanoscience-based construction material manufacturing (IH150100006).
- UNSW Science Gold Star Grant, 2017, V. Jeyakumar, G. Li, C. Thai Doan: Numerically Certifiable Mathematics for Multi-Extremal Global Optimization.
- Australian Research Council Discovery Grant (DP120100467), 2012-2014, V. Jeyakumar, G. Li and M. A, Goberna: New Theory and Methods for Robust Global Optimization: Modern Decision-Making under Uncertain Conditions.
- Australian Research Council Discovery Grant (DP1092508), 2010-2013, V. Jeyakumar, G. Li, G. M. Lee, B.S. Mordukhovich and S. Kim, A new improved solution to global optimization over multivariate polynomials: Mathematical principles, numerical methods and selected applications.
My Qualifications
I received my Ph.D from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in Dec. 2007.
My Awards
[02/2023] Fellow of Australian Mathematical Society
[12/2022] The 2022 Australian Mathematical Society Medal.
[2019 & 2020] Cited as the field leader in Mathematical Optimisation by the RESEARCH report in The Australian, which profiles the Top 250 researchers in Australia.
[11/2019]: Joint winner of the 2019 Journal of Global Optimization Best Paper Award,
[11/2019]: 2019 International Consortium of Chinese Mathematicians (ICCM) Best Paper Award.
[10/2017] Outstanding Reviewer Award for the journal ``European Journal of Operation Research''.
[01/2017] Optimization Letters (OPTL) Best Paper Award for 2015.
[01/2014-01/2018] Future Fellowship from Australian Research Council: Future fellowship is a four-year fellowship from Australian Research Council for outstanding mid-career researchers (5-15 years post-PhD)
[01/2017] UNSW Science Gold Star Award for the project ``Numerically Certifiable Mathematics for Multi-Extremal Global Optimization''.
[08/2013] Invited visiting fellowship from Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
[2011 & 2012] International Collaboration Award from Australian Research Council.
[01/2010-12/2013] Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship from Australian Research Council.
My Research Activities
- Professional Activities
- [Since 01/2023] Associate Editor of the journal "SIAM Journal on Optimization".
- [Since 01/2020] Associate Editor of the Springer journal "Optimization Letters".
- [Since 01/2016] Associate Editor of the Springer journal ``Journal of Optimization Theory and its Applications".
- [Since 01/2015] Associate Editor of the Springer journal ``Mathematical Methods of Operations Research".
- [07/2020 - 07/2021] Guest editor for the Topical Collection “Mathematics of Computation and Optimisation” (MoCaO) in the Springer Journal "Advances in Computational Mathematics".
- Recent Invited Plenary Presentations
- Special Invited Lecture for RAMP Symposium on Mathematical Optimisation , Research Association of Mathematical Programming (RAMP) of the Operations Research Society of Japan, Oct. 7, 2022, online
- One World Optimization Seminar (OWS): available on youtube, Dec. 7, 2020, online.
- 2019 The Internatinoal Consortium of Chinese Mathematicians (ICCM), Best Paper Award Lecture, Dec. 16-18, Sanya, China.
- The AMSI Optimise event (June 26-30, 2017) as a national plenary speaker: a five-day symposium inspiring industry and research collaboration, organized by Australian Mathematical Science Institute: 1 hour's presentation.
- The international conference “Mathematical Optimisation Down Under (MODU2016)" as a plenary speaker (organized by Australian Mathematical Science Institute), 18-22 July 2016, Melbourne, Australia: 1 hour's presentation.
- International Conference in Optimization Theory and its Applications (ALEL 2016) as an invited plenary speaker, 6-8, June 2016, Cartagena, Spain: 1 hour's presentation.
- The 2014 International Conference on Tensors and Matrices and their application as an invited plenary speaker,, Suzhou, P.R. China, Dec. 17-20, 2014: 1 hour's presentation.
My Research Supervision
Areas of supervision
Optimisation and Tensor Computation.
My Engagement
I was the director of the AMSI Summer School 2019 at University of New South Wales.
University of New South Wales
Sydney NSW 2052
The Red Centre
Room 2082