Select Publications

Journal articles

Goodwin-Gill GS, 2024, 'R (AAA (Syria) and Others) v. Secretary of State for the Home Dep't (UKSC)', International Legal Materials, 63, pp. 637 - 672,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2022, 'Memorandum of understanding between the government of the United Kingdom of great Britain and northern Ireland and the government of the Republic of Rwanda', International Legal Materials, 62, pp. 166 - 181,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2021, 'Concluding Comments: Revisiting the Principles of Protection for Migrants, Refugees and Other Displaced Persons, One Year On', Cornell International Law Journal Symposium, 54, pp. 21 - 23,

Goodwin-Gill GS, 2020, 'The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the Sources of International Refugee Law', International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 69, pp. 1 - 41,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2019, 'The Global Compacts and the Future of Refugee and Migrant Protection in the Asia Pacific Region', International Journal of Refugee Law, 30, pp. 674 - 683,

Goodwin-Gill GS, 2018, '2017: The year in Review', International Journal of Refugee Law, 30, pp. 1 - 7,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2018, 'Editorial: 2017: The Year in Review', International Journal of Refugee Law

Goodwin-Gill G, 2017, 'International Refugee Law: Where it Comes From, and Where It's Going…', International Journal of Legal Information // International Association of Law Libraries, 45, pp. 24 - 27

Goodwin-Gill G, 2016, 'International refugee law–yesterday, today, but tomorrow?', The Future of Refugee Law?, pp. 1 - 1

Goodwin-Gill GS, 2016, 'The Mediterranean papers: Athens, Naples, and Istanbul', International Journal of Refugee Law, 28, pp. 276 - 309,

Goodwin-Gill GS, 2016, 'The movements of people between states in the 21st century: An agenda for urgent institutional change', International Journal of Refugee Law, 28, pp. 679 - 694,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2016, 'Legal and practical issues raised by the movement of people across the Mediterranean', Forced Migration Review, pp. 82 - 82

Goodwin-Gill G, 2014, 'Introductory Note: Bundesrepublik Deutschland v Kaveh Puid (Case C-4/11), Court of Justice of the European Union, Grand Chamber, 14 November 2013', International Legal Materials, 53, pp. 341 - 344

Goodwin-gill GS, 2013, 'The dynamic of international refugee law', International Journal of Refugee Law, 25, pp. 651 - 666,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2013, 'REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON REFUGEE PROTECTION', American Society of International Law, pp. 357 - 357

Goodwin-Gill G, 2013, 'Introductory Remarks by Guy S. Goodwin-Gill', Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting, 107, pp. 357 - 358

Goodwin-Gill G, 2013, 'The Continuing Relevance of International Refugee Law in a Globalized World', Intercultural Human Rights Law Review, 10, pp. 25 - 42

Goodwin-Gill G; Syring T; Hurwitz A; McAdam J; Jastram K, 2012, 'INTERNATIONAL NORM-MAKING ON FORCED DISPLACEMENT: CHALLENGES AND COMPLEXITY', American Society of International Law, pp. 429 - 429

Goodwin-Gill G, 2012, 'Confronting Complexity: Interpretation or Over-Interpretation', ASIL Proceedings, 106, pp. 439 - 443

Goodwin-Gill G, 2012, 'Introduction: Expert Roundtable Discussion on ‘The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Application to Child Refugee Status Determination and Asylum Processes', Journal of Immigration, Nationality and Asylum Law, 26, pp. 226 - 231

Goodwin-Gill GS, 2011, 'The right to seek asylum: Interception at sea and the principle of non-refoulement', International Journal of Refugee Law, 23, pp. 443 - 457,

Goodwin-Gill GS, 2008, 'The politics of refugee protection', Refugee Survey Quarterly, 27, pp. 8 - 23,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2008, 'Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees', United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law, 6

Goodwin-Gill G, 2008, 'UNHCR, Written Submissions in The Queen (Al Rawi and others) v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and another (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees intervening', International Journal of Refugee Law, 20, pp. 675 - 675,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2007, 'Migrant rights and managed migration', Globalisation, migration and human rights: international law under review, pp. 161 - 187

Goodwin-Gill G, 2007, 'The Extra-Territorial Processing of Claims to Asylum or Protection: The Legal Responsibilities of States and International Organisations', The UTS Law Review, 9, pp. 26 - 40

Goodwin-Gill G, 2006, 'Elections, Democracy, the Rule of Law and International Law', Australian International Law Journal, 13, pp. 11 - 11

Goodwin-Gill G, 2006, 'International Protection and Assistance for Refugees and the Displaced: Institutional Challenges and United Nations Reform', Refugee Studies Centre Workshop ‘Refugee Protection in International Law: Contemporary Challenges, 24

Goodwin-Gill G, 2005, 'UNHCR, Written Case in R (ex parte Roma Rights Centre et al) v Immigration Officer, Prague Airport and another', International Journal of Refugee Law, 17, pp. 427 - 427

Goodwin-Gill G, 2003, 'Arthur C. Helton: 1949–2003: Director, Peace & Conflict Studies and Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations', International Journal of Refugee Law, 15, pp. 354 - 356

Goodwin-Gill G, 2003, 'Refugees and Responsibility in the Twenty-First Century: More Lessons from the South Pacific', Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal, 12, pp. 23 - 46

Goodwin-Gill GS, 2001, 'Refugees: Challenge to protection', International Migration Review, 35, pp. 130 - 142,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2001, 'After the Cold War: asylum and the refugee concept move on', Forced Migration Review, 10

Goodwin-Gill G, 2001, 'Article 31 of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees: Non-penalization, Detention and Protection', Refugee protection in international law: UNHCR’s global consultations on international protection, pp. 185 - 252

Goodwin-Gill G, 2001, 'Editorial – Asylum 2001: A Convention and a Purpose', International Journal of Refugee Law, 13, pp. 1 - 19

Goodwin-Gill G, 2001, 'Refugees: Challenges to Protection', International Migration Review, 35, pp. 130 - 142

Goodwin-Gill G, 2000, 'Danian v. Secretary of State for the Home Department. Comment: Refugee Status and “Good Faith”', International Journal of Refugee Law, 12, pp. 663 - 671

Goodwin-Gill G, 2000, 'Editorial – The International Protection of Refugees: What Future', International Journal of Refugee Law, 12, pp. 1 - 6

Goodwin-Gill G, 2000, 'Forward to Amicus Brief on the Status of Palestinian Refugees under International Refugee Law', The Palestine Yearbook of International Law, 11, pp. 193 - 193

Goodwin-Gill G, 2000, 'Poul Hartling-Pastor, Prime Minister and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees', International Journal of Refugee Law, 12, pp. 145 - 145

Goodwin-Gill G, 2000, 'UNHCR and Internal Displacement: Stepping into a Legal and Political Minefield', World Refugee Survey 2000, pp. 21 - 36

Goodwin-Gill G, 1999, 'Editorial – Refugees and Security', International Journal of Refugee Law, 11, pp. 1 - 1

Goodwin-Gill G, 1999, 'Judicial Reasoning and “Social Group” after Islam and Shah', International Journal of Refugee Law, 11, pp. 537 - 543

Goodwin-Gill G, 1999, 'The Margin of Interpretation: Different or Disparate?', International Journal of Refugee Law, 11, pp. 730 - 737

Goodwin-Gill G, 1998, 'The International Journal of Refugee Law: the first ten years', International Journal of Refugee Law, 10, pp. 1 - 1

Goodwin-Gill G, 1997, 'Introduction and Acknowledgements: 1991 Colloquium on the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees', International Journal of Refugee Law, 3, pp. 389 - 395

Goodwin-Gill G, 1997, 'Aspects of a comprehensive approach to the problems of refugees and migrants', Exclusion and Inclusion of Refugees in Contemporary Europe

Goodwin-Gill G, 1997, 'Free Movement of Persons in Europe: Legal Problems and Experiences', American Journal of International Law, 90, pp. 538 - 539

Goodwin-Gill G, 1997, 'Who to protect, How…, and the Future?', International Journal of Refugee Law, 9, pp. 1 - 7

Goodwin-Gill G, 1997, 'Yearbook of the European Convention on Torture, Volume 1, 1989-1992. University of Nottingham Human Rights Law Centre and the Council of Europe, Nottingham, Strasbourg, 1997 …', Yearbook of European Law, 17, pp. 721 - 721

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