Select Publications

Book Chapters

Siddiqui MAQ; Khadri SO; Liu Y; Roshan H; Regenauer-Lieb K; Sadooni F; Sakhaee-Pour A; Hussein IA, 2023, 'Fluid-rock interactions in tight gas reservoirs: Wettability, pore structural alteration, and associated multiphysics transport', in Developments in Petroleum Science, pp. 135 - 179,

Aghighi MA; Roshan H, 2023, 'Coupled Modeling', in Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, Springer International Publishing, pp. 208 - 213,

Aghighi MA; Roshan H, 2021, 'Coupled Modeling', in Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1 - 5,

Journal articles

Safari A; Sugai Y; Salgar-Chaparro SJ; Roshan H; Sarmadivaleh M, 2025, 'Hydrogen-consuming bacteria in underground hydrogen storage: Bacterial diversity and mathematical modeling of their impacts on storage efficiency', Journal of Energy Storage, 113,

Azamipour V; Roshan H; Boldini D; Masoumi H, 2025, 'A novel insight into the transition from plasticity to elasto-damage modelling in intact rocks', Computers and Geotechnics, 179,

Su L; Roshan H, 2025, 'Mechanisms of strain rate-dependent response of naturally fractured coal', International Journal of Coal Geology, 300,

Al Kalbani M; Serati M; Hofmann H; Bore T; Roshan H, 2025, 'In-situ low-temperature CO2 mineralization and hydrogen tracing using ultramafic rocks from Australia and New Zealand', Gas Science and Engineering, 134,

Dargahizarandi A; Masoumi H; Hashemi A; Saha B; Roshan H, 2025, 'Determination of 3D Stress State Using a Novel Integrated Diametrical Core Deformation and Ultrasonic Analysis', Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,

Su L; Roshan H, 2024, 'A Theoretical and Experimental Study on Asperity Damage-Driven Strain Rate Dependency of Fractured Coal', Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 57, pp. 11049 - 11063,

Mohammadpour M; Roshan H; Arashpour M; Masoumi H, 2024, 'Machine learning assisted Kriging to capture spatial variability in petrophysical property modelling', Marine and Petroleum Geology, 167,

Ji Y; Blach T; Radlinski AP; Vu P; Roshan H; Regenauer-Lieb K, 2024, 'Environmental cell for USANS/SANS studies with aggressive fluids at high pressures and temperatures', Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 235,

Siddiqui MAQ; Regenauer-Lieb K; Roshan H, 2024, 'Thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical (thcm) continuum modeling of subsurface rocks: A focus on thermodynamics-based constitutive models', Applied Mechanics Reviews, 76,

Zhu X; Zhang J; Oh J; Si G; Roshan H, 2024, 'Classification of Rock Joint Profiles Using an Artificial Neural Network-Based Computer Vision Technique', Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 57, pp. 3083 - 3090,

Su L; Roshan H, 2024, 'Natural gas desorption versus laboratory gas adsorption with pore shrinkage', Fuel, 357,

Algazlan M; Siddiqui MAQ; Regenauer-Lieb K; Roshan H, 2023, 'A Methodological Determination of Sorptive Poromechanical Constitutive Coefficients for Double Porosity Shales', Transport in Porous Media, 150, pp. 753 - 768,

Soleimani F; Si G; Roshan H; Zhang J, 2023, 'Numerical modelling of gas outburst from coal: a review from control parameters to the initiation process', International Journal of Coal Science and Technology, 10,

Alidaryan M; Khosravi MH; Bahaaddini M; Moosavi M; Roshan H, 2023, 'Mobilization of Cohesion and Friction Angle of Intact Rocks in the Shearing Process', Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 56, pp. 8221 - 8233,

Siddiqui MAQ; Su L; Regenauer-Lieb K; Roshan H, 2023, 'Viscoelastic Behavior of Rocks Saturated with Sorptive Gases: A Heuristic Internal Variables Approach', International Journal of Geomechanics, 23,

Roshan H; Li D; Canbulat I; Regenauer-Lieb K, 2023, 'Borehole deformation based in situ stress estimation using televiewer data', Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 15, pp. 2475 - 2481,

Mohammadpour M; Roshan H; Arashpour M; Masoumi H, 2023, 'Effect of spatial variability of downhole geophysical logs on machine learning exercises', International Journal of Coal Geology, 277,

Su L; Siddiqui MAQ; Roshan H, 2023, 'Effect of Pore Pressure on Strain Rate-Dependency of Coal', Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 56, pp. 5241 - 5252,

Soleimani F; Si G; Roshan H; Zhang Z, 2023, 'Numerical modelling of coal and gas outburst initiation using energy balance principles', Fuel, 334,

Pirzada MA; Bahaaddini M; Andersen MS; Roshan H, 2023, 'Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Behaviour of Rock Joints During Normal and Shear Loading', Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 56, pp. 1219 - 1237,

Ji Y; Radlinski AP; Blach T; Vu P; Sun M; de Campo L; Gilbert EP; Roshan H; Regenauer-Lieb K, 2023, 'Uniformity and volume-representativity of consecutive submillimetre wafers of shale for SANS and USANS investigations', International Journal of Coal Geology, 265,

Siddiqui MAQ; Sadeghinezhad E; Regenauer-Lieb K; Roshan H, 2022, 'Electrolytic flow in partially saturated charged micro-channels: Electrocapillarity vs electro-osmosis', Physics of Fluids, 34,

Siddiqui MAQ; Serati M; Regenauer-Lieb K; Roshan H, 2022, 'A thermodynamics-based multi-physics constitutive model for variably saturated fractured sorptive rocks', International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 158,

Ji Y; Radlinski AP; Blach T; de Campo L; Vu P; Roshan H; Regenauer-Lieb K, 2022, 'How to avoid multiple scattering in strongly scattering SANS and USANS samples', Fuel, 325,

Aghighi MA; Lv A; Siddiqui MAQ; Masoumi H; Thomas R; Roshan H, 2022, 'A multiphysics field-scale investigation of gas pre-drainage in sorptive sediments', International Journal of Coal Geology, 261,

Siddiqui MAQ; Roshan H, 2022, 'Thermodynamic Characterization of Chemical Damage in Variably Saturated Water-Active Shales', Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 55, pp. 5259 - 5284,

Algazlan M; Siddiqui MAQ; Roshan H, 2022, 'A sorption-kinetics coupled dual-porosity poromechanical model for organic-rich shales', Computers and Geotechnics, 147,

Algazlan M; Pinetown K; Saghafi A; Grigore M; Roshan H, 2022, 'Role of Organic Matter and Pore Structure on CO2Adsorption of Australian Organic-Rich Shales', Energy and Fuels, 36, pp. 5695 - 5708,

Su L; Lv A; Aghighi MA; Roshan H, 2022, 'A theoretical and experimental investigation of gas adsorption-dependent bulk modulus of fractured coal', International Journal of Coal Geology, 257,

Lv A; Bahaaddini M; Masoumi H; Roshan H, 2022, 'The combined effect of fractures and mineral content on coal hydromechanical response', Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 81,

Ramandi HL; Irtza S; Sirojan T; Naman A; Mathew R; Sethu V; Roshan H; Lamei Ramandi H, 2022, 'FracDetect: A novel algorithm for 3D fracture detection in digital fractured rocks', Journal of Hydrology, 607, pp. 127482,

Roshan H; Lv A; Aghighi MA; Sarmadivaleh M; Siddiqui MAQ; van As D; Ehsani S, 2022, 'Stabilization of clay-rich interburdens using silica nanoparticles', Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 211,

Lv A; Ali Aghighi M; Masoumi H; Roshan H, 2022, 'On swelling stress–strain of coal and their interaction with external stress', Fuel, 311,

Chen X; Regenauer-Lieb K; Roshan H, 2022, 'Temperature-Induced Ductile–Brittle Transition in Porous Carbonates and Change in Compaction Band Growth Revealed by 4-D X-Ray Tomography', Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 55, pp. 1087 - 1110,

Li D; Shirani Faradonbeh R; Lv A; Wang X; Roshan H, 2022, 'A data-driven field-scale approach to estimate the permeability of fractured rocks', International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 36, pp. 671 - 687,

Lv A; Aghighi MA; Masoumi H; Roshan H, 2022, 'The effects of sorbing and non-sorbing gases on ultrasonic wave propagation in fractured coal', International Journal of Coal Geology, 249,

Siddiqui MAQ; Salvemini F; Ramandi HL; Fitzgerald P; Roshan H; Lamei Ramandi H, 2021, 'Configurational diffusion transport of water and oil in dual continuum shales', Scientific Reports, 11, pp. 2152,

Hatami S; Hughes TJ; Sun H; Roshan H; Walsh SDC, 2021, 'On the application of silica gel for mitigating CO2 leakage in CCS projects: Rheological properties and chemical stability', Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 207,

Salemi H; Yurikov A; Lebedev M; Behnoudfar P; Rezagholilou A; Iglauer S; Roshan H; Sarmadivaleh M, 2021, 'A novel approach to determine the Biot’s coefficient using X-ray computed tomography', Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 80, pp. 7865 - 7877,

Fauziah CA; Al-Yaseri AZ; Al-Khdheeawi EA; Feng R; Lagat C; Roshan H; Iglauer S; Barifcani A, 2021, 'Dependence of clay wettability on gas density', Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 11, pp. 1066 - 1075,

Pirzada MA; Bahaaddini M; Moradian O; Roshan H, 2021, 'Evolution of contact area and aperture during the shearing process of natural rock fractures', Engineering Geology, 291,

Lv A; Cheng L; Aghighi MA; Masoumi H; Roshan H, 2021, 'A novel workflow based on physics-informed machine learning to determine the permeability profile of fractured coal seams using downhole geophysical logs', Marine and Petroleum Geology, 131,

Regenauer-Lieb K; Hu M; Schrank C; Chen X; Clavijo SP; Kelka U; Karrech A; Gaede O; Blach T; Roshan H; Jacquey AB; Szymczak P; Sun Q, 2021, 'Cross-diffusion waves resulting from multiscale, multiphysics instabilities: Application to earthquakes', Solid Earth, 12, pp. 1829 - 1849,

Lv A; Aghighi MA; Masoumi H; Roshan H, 2021, 'The Effective Stress Coefficient of Coal: A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation', Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 54, pp. 3891 - 3907,

Serati M; Bahaaddini M; Roshan H; Zhang TT; Bryant N, 2021, 'On assessing the tensile cracking pattern in brittle rocks and solids', Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 80, pp. 5867 - 5879,

Elphick KE; Lv A; Roshan H; Sloss CR; Regenauer-Lieb K; Schrank CE, 2021, 'Regular spacing of deformation bands in sandstone: Layer-thickness control or constitutive instability?', Journal of Structural Geology, 147,

Regenauer-Lieb K; Hu M; Schrank C; Chen X; Clavijo SP; Kelka U; Karrech A; Gaede O; Blach T; Roshan H; Jacquey AB, 2021, 'Cross-diffusion waves resulting from multiscale, multi-physics instabilities: Theory', Solid Earth, 12, pp. 869 - 883,

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