Select Publications
Journal articles
2024, 'Delivering suburban densification: Diverse resident groups and strategies of support and resistance', Urban Studies,
,2024, 'How information asymmetries exacerbate building defects risks for purchasers of Australian residential multi-owned properties', Building Research and Information, 52, pp. 644 - 657,
,2024, 'Including the majority: Examining the local social interactions of renters in four case study condominiums in Sydney', Journal of Urban Affairs, 46, pp. 119 - 138,
,2024, 'Shifting ethical priorities and the architectural profession: a systematic review of recent research and its alignment with contemporary professional codes of conduct', International Journal of Architectural Research: Archnet-IJAR,
,2024, 'The regulation of families with children in apartments', Housing Studies,
,2024, 'Understanding the layout of apartments in Sydney: are we meeting the needs of developers rather than residents?', Australian Geographer, 55, pp. 275 - 295,
,2023, 'Assessing tenant health amid social housing redevelopment: lessons from a pilot project', Public Health Research and Practice, 33, pp. 3342337,
,2023, 'Redeveloping the compact city: the challenges of strata collective sales', Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law, 16, pp. 51 - 67,
,2022, 'Influences on Apartment Design: A History of the Spatial Layout of Apartment Buildings in Sydney and Implications for the Future', Buildings, 12,
,2022, 'Cracking up? Associations between building defects and mental health in new Australian apartment buildings', Cities and Health, 6, pp. 1152 - 1163,
,2022, 'Planning for Lower‐Income Households in Privately Developed High‐Density Neighbourhoods in Sydney, Australia', Urban Planning, 7, pp. 213 - 228,
,2022, 'Predicting risk to inform housing policy and practice', AHURI Final Report,
,2021, 'Unneighbourliness and the Unmaking of Home', Housing, Theory and Society, 38, pp. 133 - 151,
,2020, 'Thinking relationally about housing and home', Housing Studies, 35, pp. 1493 - 1500,
,2020, 'Apartment ownership around the world: Focusing on credible outcomes rather than ideal systems', Cities, 97, pp. 102463,
,2020, 'Vertical Sprawl in the Australian City: Sydney’s High-rise Residential Development Boom', Urban Policy and Research, 38, pp. 18 - 36,
,2020, 'A new pathway to displacement? The implications of less-than-unanimous strata renewal laws for vulnerable residents', Australian Planner, 56, pp. 261 - 269,
,2018, 'The decline of ‘advantageous disadvantage’ in gateway suburbs in Australia: The challenge of private housing market settlement for newly arrived migrants', Urban Studies, 55, pp. 1904 - 1923,
,2018, 'Diversity and participation in private apartment buildings: a review of the literature', Geographical Research, 56, pp. 401 - 409,
,2018, 'The death and life of the single-family house: lessons from Vancouver on building a livable city', HOUSING STUDIES, 33, pp. 1146 - 1147,
,2017, 'Managing the transition to a more compact city in Australia', International Planning Studies, 22, pp. 384 - 399,
,2017, 'As compact city planning rolls on, a look back: lessons from Sydney and Perth', Australian Planner, 54, pp. 115 - 125,
,2017, 'Changing perceptions of family: A study of multigenerational households in Australia', Journal of Sociology, 53, pp. 182 - 200,
,2017, '‘It depends what you mean by the term rights’: strata termination and housing rights', Housing Studies, 32, pp. 1 - 16,
,2016, 'Principal–agent problems in multi-unit developments: The impact of developer actions on the on-going management of strata titled properties', Environment and Planning A, 48, pp. 1829 - 1847,
,2016, 'Under-supply of schooling in the gentrified and regenerated inner city', Cities, 56, pp. 16 - 23,
,2015, 'Geographies of Adult Multigenerational Family Households in Metropolitan Sydney', Geographical Research,
,2015, 'The role of retirees in residential "private governments"', Journal of Urban Affairs, 37, pp. 311 - 326,
,2015, 'Feeling at Home in a Multigenerational Household: The Importance of Control', Housing, Theory and Society, 32, pp. 151 - 170,
,2014, 'Making a Rental Property Home', Housing Studies, 29, pp. 279 - 296,
,2014, 'How property title impacts urban consolidation: a lifecycle examination of multi-title developments', Urban Policy and Research, 32, pp. 289 - 304,
,2014, 'The role of retirees in residential private governments', Journal of Urban Affairs,
,2013, 'Moving into a disadvantaged tenure? Pathways into social housing', Geography Research Forum, 33, pp. 147 - 162
,2013, 'How is social housing best delivered to disadvantaged Indigenous people living in urban areas?', AHURI Research & Policy Bulletin, pp. 1 - 4,
,2013, 'Urban renewal and strata scheme termination: Balancing communal management and individual property rights', Environment and Planning A, 45, pp. 1421 - 1435,
,2012, 'Pathways into and within social housing', AHURI Final Report
,2012, 'Multi-generation households in Australian cities', AHURI Final Report
,2011, 'Children in Apartments: Implications for the Compact City', Urban Policy and Research, 29, pp. 415 - 434,
,2011, 'Pathways and choice in a diversifying social housing system', Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Positioning Paper Series, 137, pp. 1 - 60,
,2011, 'Secure Occupancy: conceptual foundations and comparative perspectives: Final Report', Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Final Report Series, pp. 1 - 240
,2011, 'Urban social housing for Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders: respecting culture and adapting services', Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Final Report Series, 172, pp. 1 - 131,
,2010, 'Service directions and issues in social housing for Indigenous households in urban and regional areas', Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Positioning Paper Series,
,2009, 'Innovative financing for homeownership: The potential for shared equity initiatives in Australia', AHURI Final Report, pp. 1 - 112,
,2009, 'Final Report: Innovative financing for homeownership: the potential for shared equity initiatives in Australia', Innovative financing for home ownership,
,2009, 'Fixed identities in a mobile world? The relationship between mobility, place, and identity', Identities - Global Studies in Culture and Power, 16, pp. 61 - 82,
,2009, 'Governing the compact city: The challenges of apartment living in Sydney, Australia', Housing Studies, 24, pp. 243 - 259,
,2009, 'The consequences of the creative class: The pursuit of creativity strategies in australia`s cities', International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33, pp. 64 - 79,
,2009, 'Unique Isolation vs Networks of Opportunity: The competing discourses of Tasmania', Geografiska Annaler Series B - Human Geography, 91, pp. 371 - 385,
,2008, 'The Creative Class in Utero? The Australian City, the Creative Economy and the role of Higher Education', Built Environment, 34, pp. 307 - 318
,2008, 'Turbulent Lives: Exploring the Cultural Meaning of Regional Youth Migration', Geographical Research, 46, pp. 172 - 182,