Select Publications


Roberts M; Adams S; Samarakoon S; Kallmier E; Dillon M; Szczepaniak R; Passey R; Bruce A; Macgill I; Egan R; Kuch D, 2023, Energy resilience in bushfires and extreme weather events: Final report of the ESKIES project,

Yildiz B; Adams S; Samarakoon S; Stringer N; Bruce A; Macgill I, 2021, Curtailment and Network Voltage Analysis Study (CANVAS) Project Report, CRC RACE for 2030,

Daiyan R; Macgill I; Amal R; Pollepalle K; Khan MH; Gao T; Hermawan M, 2021, NSW Power-to-X (P2X) Industry Pre-Feasibility Study,,

Daiyan R; Macgill I; Amal R; Kara S; Aguey-Zinsou FK; Khan MH; Pollepalle K; Rayward-Smith W; Hermawan M, 2021, The Case for an Australian Hydrogen Export Market to Germany: State of Play,,

Stringer N; Yildiz B; Bruce A; Macgill I, 2020, Submission to Standards Australia on the proposed amendments to AS4777.2 Grid connection of energy systems via inverters Inverter requirements,

Heslop S; Stringer N; Yildiz B; Bruce A; Heywood P; Macgill I; Passey R, 2020, Voltage Analysis of the LV Distribution Network in the Australian National Electricity Market,

Roberts M; Bruce A; Macgill I; Copper J; Haghdadi N, 2019, Photovoltaics on Apartment Buildings,

Roberts M; passey R; Bruce A; Macgill I, 2017, Submission in response to the AEMC’s draft report on the review of regulatory arrangements for embedded networks, RPR0006,

Stringer N; Roberts M; Young S; Passey R; Bruce A; MacGill I, 2017, Submission in response to the AEMC’s Distribution Market Model draft report, AEMC Project Number SEA0004, SEA0004,

Stetz T; Kraiczy M; Diwold K; Noone B; Bruce A; MacGill I; Bletterie B; Bründlinger R; Mayr C; De Brabandere K; Dierckxsens C; Wang Y; Tselepis S; Iaria A; Gatti A; Cirio D; Ueda Y; Ogimoto K; Washihara M; Rekinger M; Marcel D; Bucher C; Mather B, 2014, High Penetration of PV in Local Distribution Grids - Subtask 2 Case Study Collection, IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme Task 14, IEA PVPS T14-02:2014

Ogimoto K; Noone B; Bruce A; MacGill I; Rui C; Yibo W; Fritz R; Tselepsis S; Frederiksen K; Remund J; Ueda Y; Kaizuka I; Washihara K; Iaria A; Gatti A; Cirio D; Gaglioti E; Mather B; Flores-Espino F; Bird L; Rekinger M; De Brandabere K; Dierkxsens C, 2014, Power System Operation and Augmentation Planning with PV Integration, IEA PVPS, IEA PVPS T14-04:2014,,

Bruce A; Heslop SF; MacGill I; Watt ME, 2013, Magnetic Island and Townsville Solar City: A Case Study of Increasing PV Penetration in Electricity Networks, Australian PV Association, APVA,

Twomey P; Betz RA; MacGill I; Passey R, 2010, Additional Action Reserve: A proposed mechanism to facilitate additional voluntary and policy emission reductions efforts in emissions trading schemes,

Twomey P; Betz R; MacGill I; Passey R, 2010, Additional Action Reserve: A proposed mechanism to facilitate additional voluntary and policy emission reductions efforts in emissions trading schemes, Environmental Economics Research Hub>Research Reports, 94944,

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