Select Publications

Journal articles

Shparlinski IE, 2006, 'Truncations of L-functions in residue classes', Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 48, pp. 347 - 350,

Contini S; Croot E; Shparlinski IE, 2006, 'Complexity of inverting the Euler function', Mathematics of Computation, 75, pp. 983 - 996,

Banks WD; Shparlinski IE, 2006, 'Multiplicative character sums with the sum of g-ary digits function', Ramanujan Journal, 11, pp. 215 - 219,

Shparlinski IE, 2006, 'On RSA moduli with prescribed bit patterns', Designs, Codes, and Cryptography, 39, pp. 113 - 122,

Shparlinski IE, 2006, 'On some generalisations of the Erdos distance problem over finite fields', Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 73, pp. 285 - 292,

Shparlinski I, 2006, 'On the energy of some circulant graphs', Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 414, pp. 378 - 382,

Shparlinski IE; Winterhof A, 2006, 'On the nonlinearity of linear recurrence sequences', Applied Mathematics Letters, 19, pp. 340 - 344,

Banks WD; Friedlander JB; Konyagin SV; Shparlinski IE, 2006, 'Incomplete exponential sums and Diffie-Hellman triples', Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 140, pp. 193 - 206,

Shparlinski IE, 2006, 'On the sum of iterations of the Euler function', Journal of Integer Sequences, 9, pp. 1 - 5

Banks WD; Shparlinski IE, 2006, 'Integers with a large smooth divisor', Integers with a large smooth divisor,

Luca F; Shparlinski IE, 2006, 'Arithmetic properties of the Ramanujan function', Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Mathematical Sciences, 116, pp. 1 - 8,

Banks WD; Luca F; Shparlinski IE, 2006, 'Arithmetic properties of φ(n)/λ(n) and the structure of the multiplicative group modulo n', Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 81, pp. 1 - 22,

Banks WD; Luca F; Shparlinski IE, 2006, 'Common divisors of the Euler function at related arguments', ACTA SCIENTIARUM MATHEMATICARUM, 72, pp. 525 - 536,

Banks WD; Friedlander JB; Garaev MZ; Shparlinski IE, 2006, 'Double character sums over elliptic curves and finite fields', PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS QUARTERLY, 2, pp. 179 - 197,

Gomez-Perez D; Gutierrez J; Shparlinski IE, 2006, 'Exponential sums with Dickson polynomials', Finite Fields and their Applications, 12, pp. 16 - 25,

Banks WD; Shparlinski IE, 2006, 'Non-residues and primitive roots in beatty sequences', Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 73, pp. 433 - 443,

Blake IF; Garefalakis T; Shparlinski IE, 2006, 'On the bit security of the Diffie-Hellman key', Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing, 16, pp. 397 - 404,

Shparlinski IE; Winterhof A, 2006, 'On the discrepancy and linear complexity of some counter-dependent recurrence sequences', Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 4086 LNCS, pp. 295 - 303,

Banks WD; Shparlinski IE, 2006, 'Short character sums with beatty sequences', Mathematical Research Letters, 13, pp. 539 - 547,

Luca F; McKee J; Shparlinsk IE, 2006, 'Small exponent point groups on elliptic curves', Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 18, pp. 471 - 476,

Banks WD; Shparlinski IE, 2006, 'Average Value of the Euler Function on Binary Palindromes', Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Mathematics, 54, pp. 95 - 101,

Banks MK, 2006, 'Editor’s Note', Journal of Environmental Engineering, 132, pp. 157 - 157,

Shparlinski IE, 2006, 'Primitive Points on a Modular Hyperbola', Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Mathematics, 54, pp. 193 - 200,

Shparlinski IE; Winterhof A, 2005, 'On the linear complexity of bounded integer sequences over different moduli', Information Processing Letters, 96, pp. 175 - 177,

Banks WD; Harman G; Shparlinski IE, 2005, 'Distributional properties of the largest prime factor', Michigan Mathematical Journal, 53, pp. 665 - 681,

Shparlinski I; Winterhof A, 2005, 'Noisy interpolation of sparse polynomials in finite fields', Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing, 16, pp. 307 - 317,

Ford K; Khan MR; Shparlinski IE; Yankov CL, 2005, 'On the maximal difference between an element and its inverse in residue rings', Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 133, pp. 3463 - 3468,

Shparlinski IE, 2005, 'On the value set of the Ramanujan function', Archiv der Mathematik, 85, pp. 508 - 513,

Levieil E; Luca F; Shparlinski IE, 2005, 'Prime divisors of some shifted products', International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2005, pp. 3057 - 3073,

Banks WD; Shparlinski IE, 2005, 'Prime divisors of palindromes', Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 51, pp. 1 - 10,

Shparlinski I; Winterhof A, 2005, 'A hidden number problem in small subgroups', Mathematics of Computation, 74, pp. 2073 - 2080,

Levieil E; Luca F; Shparlinski IE, 2005, 'Bounding the number of solutions of some congruences', Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana, 11, pp. 175 - 180

von zur Gathen J; Shparlinski IE; Stichtenoth H, 2005, 'Finite Fields: Theory and Applications', Oberwolfach Reports, 1, pp. 2913 - 2970,

Banks WD; Luca F; Saidak F; Shparlinski IE, 2005, 'Values of arithmetical functions equal to a sum of two squares', Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 56, pp. 123 - 139,

Garaev MZ; Shparlinski IE, 2005, 'The large sieve inequality with exponential functions and the distribution of mersenne numbers modulo primes', International Mathematics Research Notices, pp. 2391 - 2403,

Banks WD; Luca F; Shparlinski IE, 2005, 'Some divisibility properties of the Euler function', Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 47, pp. 517 - 528,

Banks WD; Ford K; Luca F; Pappalardi F; Shparlinski IE, 2005, 'Values of the Euler function in various sequences', Monatshefte fur Mathematik, 146, pp. 1 - 19,

Klappenecker A; Rötteler M; Shparlinski IE; Winterhof A, 2005, 'On approximately symmetric informationally complete positive operator-valued measures and related systems of quantum states', Journal of Mathematical Physics, 46,

Cohen SD; Dewar M; Friedlander JB; Panario D; Shparlinski IE, 2005, 'Polynomial gauss sums', Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 133, pp. 2225 - 2231,

Blackburn SR; Gomez-Perez D; Gutierrez J; Shparlinski IE, 2005, 'Predicting nonlinear pseudorandom number generators', Mathematics of Computation, 74, pp. 1471 - 1494,

Banks WD; Luca F; Shparlinski IE, 2005, 'Irrationality of power series for various number theoretic functions', Manuscripta Mathematica, 117, pp. 183 - 197,

Granville A; Shparlinski IE; Zaharescu A, 2005, 'On the distribution of rational functions along a curve over F-P and residue races', JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY, 112, pp. 216 - 237,

Granville A; Shparlinski IE; Zaharescu A, 2005, 'On the distribution of rational functions along a curve over Fp and residue races', Journal of Number Theory, 112, pp. 216 - 237,

Luca F; Shparlinski IE, 2005, 'On the exponent of the group of points on elliptic curves in extension fields', International Mathematics Research Notices, pp. 1391 - 1409,

Shparlinski I, 2005, 'Book Review: Report on global methods for combinatorial isoperimetric problems', Mathematics of Computation, 74, pp. 1033 - 1052,

Hess F; Shparlinski IE, 2005, 'On the linear complexity and multidimensional distribution of congruential generators over elliptic curves', Designs, Codes, and Cryptography, 35, pp. 111 - 117,

Shparlinski IE, 2005, 'On the singularity of generalised Vandermonde matrices over finite fields', Finite Fields and their Applications, 11, pp. 193 - 199,

Lange T; Shparlinski I, 2005, 'Collisions in fast generation of ideal classes and points on hyperelliptic and elliptic curves', Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing, 15, pp. 329 - 337,

Banks WD; Heath-Brown R; Shparlinski IE, 2005, 'On the average value of divisor sums in arithmetic progressions', International Mathematics Research Notices, pp. 1 - 25,

Lange T; Shparlinski IE, 2005, 'Certain exponential sums and random walks on elliptic curves', Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 57, pp. 338 - 350,

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