Select Publications

Journal articles

Banks WD; Guo VZ; Shparlinski IE, 2016, 'Almost primes of the form ⌊pc⌋', Indagationes Mathematicae, 27, pp. 423 - 436,

Heyman R; Shparlinski IE, 2016, 'Counting irreducible binomials over finite fields', Finite Fields and their Applications, 38, pp. 1 - 12,

Munsch M; Shparlinski IE, 2016, 'Upper and Lower Bounds for Higher Moments of Theta Functions', Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 67, pp. 53 - 73,

Banks WD; Shparlinski IE, 2016, 'On the number of distinct quadratic fields generated by the Shanks sequence', On the number of distinct quadratic fields generated by the Shanks sequence,

Shparlinski IE, 2016, 'Groups generated by iterations of polynomials over finite fields', Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 59, pp. 235 - 245,

Shparlinski IE; Zhang T, 2016, 'Cancellations amongst Kloosterman sums', Acta Arithmetica, 176, pp. 201 - 210,

Nguyen PQ; Shparlinski IE, 2016, 'Counting Co-cyclic lattices', SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 30, pp. 1358 - 1370,

Konyagin SV; Luca F; Mans B; Mathieson L; Sha M; Shparlinski IE, 2016, 'Functional graphs of polynomials over finite fields', Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B, 116, pp. 87 - 122,

Rivat J; Shparlinski IE, 2016, 'Multiples of squares in short intervals', Functiones et Approximatio, Commentarii Mathematici, 54, pp. 57 - 63,

Shparlinski IE, 2016, 'On bilinear exponential and character sums with reciprocals of polynomials', Mathematika, 62, pp. 842 - 859,

Banks WD; Shparlinski IE, 2016, 'On Gauss sums and the evaluation of Stechkin's constant', Mathematics of Computation, 85, pp. 2569 - 2581,

Fité F; Shparlinski IE, 2016, 'On the singularity of the demjanenko matrix of quotients of fermat curves', Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 144, pp. 55 - 63,

Shparlinski IE, 2016, 'Polynomial values in small subgroups of finite fields', Revista Matematica Iberoamericana, 32, pp. 1127 - 1136,

Bretèche RDL; Sha M; Shparlinski IE; Voloch JF, 2015, 'The Sato-Tate Distribution in Thin Parametric Families of Elliptic Curves', Mathematische Zeitschrift, 290, pp. 831 - 855,

Chang MC; Shparlinski IE, 2015, 'On the density of integer points on generalised Markoff–Hurwitz and Dwork hypersurfaces', Mathematische Zeitschrift,

Shparlinski IE, 2015, 'Distribution of polynomial discriminants modulo a prime', Archiv der Mathematik, 105, pp. 251 - 259,

Dubickas A; Sha M; Shparlinski I, 2015, 'Explicit form of Cassels' p-adic Embedding Theorem for Number Fields', Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 67, pp. 1046 - 1064,

Konyagin SV; Shparlinski IE, 2015, 'Quadratic non-residues in short intervals', Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 143, pp. 4261 - 4269,

Munsch M; Shparlinski IE, 2015, 'Congruences with intervals and subgroups modulo a prime', Michigan Mathematical Journal, 64, pp. 655 - 672,

Heyman R; Shparlinski IE, 2015, 'On the greatest common divisor of shifted sets', Journal of Number Theory, 154, pp. 63 - 73,

Blackburn SR; Konyagin SV; Shparlinski IE, 2015, 'Counting additive decompositions of quadratic residues in finite fields', Functiones et Approximatio, Commentarii Mathematici, 52, pp. 223 - 227,

Shparlinski IE, 2015, 'Small discriminants of complex multiplication fields of elliptic curves over finite fields', Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 65, pp. 381 - 388,

Roche-Newton O; Shparlinski IE, 2015, 'Polynomial values in subfields and affine subspaces of finite fields', Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 66, pp. 693 - 706,

Shparlinski IE, 2015, 'Close values of shifted modular inversions and the decisional modular inversion hidden number problem', Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 9, pp. 169 - 176,

Shparlinski IE; Sutherland AV, 2015, 'On the distribution of Atkin and Elkies primes for reductions of elliptic curves on average', LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics, 18, pp. 308 - 322,

Koh D; Shen CY; Shparlinski I, 2015, 'Averaging Operators Over Homogeneous Varieties Over Finite Fields', Journal of Geometric Analysis,

Gómez-Pérez D; Shparlinski IE, 2015, 'Subgroups generated by rational functions in finite fields', Monatshefte fur Mathematik, 176, pp. 241 - 253,

Shparlinski IE, 2015, 'Cayley graphs generated by small degree polynomials over finite fields', SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 29, pp. 376 - 381,

Bourgain J; Konyagin SV; Shparlinski IE, 2015, 'Character sums and deterministic polynomial root finding in finite fields', Mathematics of Computation, 84, pp. 2969 - 2977,

Von Zur Gathen J; Shparlinski IE, 2015, 'Circulant graphs and GCD and LCM of subsets', Information Processing Letters, 115, pp. 134 - 138,

Sha M; Shparlinski IE, 2015, 'Lang-trotter and sato-tate distributions in single and double parametric families of elliptic curves', Acta Arithmetica, 170, pp. 299 - 325,

Kurlberg P; Luca F; Shparlinski IE, 2015, 'On the fixed points of the map x→xx modulo a prime', Mathematical Research Letters, 22, pp. 141 - 168,

Shparlinski IE, 2015, 'On the product of small Elkies primes', Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 143, pp. 1441 - 1448,

Shparlinski I, 2015, 'Points on Varieties over Finite Fields in Small Boxes', Contemporary Mathematics, 655, pp. 209 - 233,

Chang MC; Shparlinski IE, 2014, 'Double character sums over subgroups and intervals', Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 90, pp. 376 - 390,

Chang MC; Cilleruelo J; Garaev MZ; Hernández J; Shparlinski IE; Zumalacárregui A, 2014, 'Points on curves in small boxes and applications', Michigan Mathematical Journal, 63, pp. 503 - 534,

Friedlander JB; Shparlinski IE, 2014, 'Enumeration of certain varieties over a finite field', Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 142, pp. 2615 - 2623,

Garcia-Morchon O; Rietman R; Shparlinski IE; Tolhuizen L, 2014, 'Interpolation and approximation of polynomials in finite fields over a short interval from noisy values', Experimental Mathematics, 23, pp. 241 - 260,

Gómez-Pérez D; Ostafe A; Shparlinski I, 2014, 'Algebraic entropy, automorphisms and sparsity of algebraic dynamical systems and pseudorandom number generators', Mathematics of Computation, 83, pp. 1535 - 1550,

Shparlinski IE; Sutantyo D, 2014, 'Distribution of elliptic twin primes in isogeny and isomorphism classes', Journal of Number Theory, 137, pp. 1 - 15,

Luca F; Shparlinski IE, 2014, 'On the counting function of elliptic carmichael numbers', Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 57, pp. 105 - 112,

Shparlinski IE, 2014, 'On the distribution of points on the generalized markoff-hurwitz and dwork hypersurfaces', International Journal of Number Theory, 10, pp. 151 - 160,

Chen Z; Shparlinski IE; Winterhof A, 2014, 'Covering sets for limited-magnitude errors', IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 60, pp. 5315 - 5321,

Shparlinski IE, 2014, 'Distribution of exponential functions modulo a prime power', Journal of Number Theory, 143, pp. 224 - 231,

Chang MC; Kerr B; Shparlinski IE; Zannier U, 2014, 'Elements of large order on varieties over prime finite fields', Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 26, pp. 579 - 593,

Shparlinski IE, 2014, 'Evasive properties of sparse graphs and some linear equations in primes', Theoretical Computer Science, 547, pp. 117 - 121,

Ahmadi O; Shparlinski IE, 2014, 'Exponential sums over points of elliptic curves', Journal of Number Theory, 140, pp. 299 - 313,

Shparlinski IE, 2014, 'Multiple exponential and character sums with monomials', Mathematika, 60, pp. 363 - 373,

Gómez-Pérez D; Ostafe A; Shparlinski IE, 2014, 'On irreducible divisors of iterated polynomials', Revista Matematica Iberoamericana, 30, pp. 1123 - 1134,

Shparlinski IE, 2014, 'On solutions to some polynomial congruences in small boxes', Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 89, pp. 300 - 307,

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