Select Publications

Journal articles

Willemet L; Roël F; Abbink D; Birznieks I; Wiertlewski M, 2025, 'Grip force control under sudden change of friction', Journal of Physiology, 603, pp. 411 - 422,

Nagi SS; McIntyre S; Ng KKW; Mahns DA; Birznieks I; Vickery RM, 2024, 'Contribution of remote Pacinian corpuscles to flutter-range frequency discrimination in humans', Scientific Reports, 14,

Afzal N; du Bois de Dunilac S; Loutit AJ; Shea HO; Ulloa PM; Khamis H; Vickery RM; Wiertlewski M; Redmond SJ; Birznieks I, 2024, 'Role of arm reaching movement kinematics in friction perception at initial contact with smooth surfaces', Journal of Physiology, 602, pp. 2089 - 2106,

Ng KKW; So A; Fang JY; Birznieks I; Vickery RM, 2024, 'Multiplexing intensity and frequency sensations for artificial touch by modulating temporal features of electrical pulse trains', Frontiers in Neuroscience, 18,

Loutit AJ; Wheat HE; Khamis H; Vickery RM; Macefield VG; Birznieks I, 2023, 'How Tactile Afferents in the Human Fingerpad Encode Tangential Torques Associated with Manipulation: Are Monkeys Better than Us?', Journal of Neuroscience, 43, pp. 4033 - 4046,

Sharma D; Ng KKW; Birznieks I; Vickery RM, 2022, 'The burst gap is a peripheral temporal code for pitch perception that is shared across audition and touch', Scientific Reports, 12, pp. 11014,

Sharma D; Ng KKW; Birznieks I; Vickery RM, 2022, 'Perceived tactile intensity at a fixed primary afferent spike rate varies with the temporal pattern of spikes', Journal of Neurophysiology, 128, pp. 1074 - 1084,

Sharma D; Ng KKW; Birznieks I; Vickery RM, 2022, 'Auditory clicks elicit equivalent temporal frequency perception to tactile pulses: A cross-modal psychophysical study', Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, pp. 1006185,

Afzal N; Stubbs E; Khamis H; Loutit AJ; Redmond SJ; Vickery RM; Wiertlewski M; Birznieks I, 2022, 'Submillimeter Lateral Displacement Enables Friction Sensing and Awareness of Surface Slipperiness', IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 15, pp. 20 - 25,

Ng KKW; Tee X; Vickery RM; Birznieks I, 2022, 'The Relationship Between Tactile Intensity Perception and Afferent Spike Count is Moderated by a Function of Frequency', IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 15, pp. 14 - 19,

Willemet L; Kanzari K; Monnoyer J; Birznieks I; Wiertlewski M, 2021, 'Initial contact shapes the perception of friction', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118,

Jack BN; Chilver MR; Vickery RM; Birznieks I; Krstanoska-Blazeska K; Whitford TJ; Griffiths O, 2021, 'Movement planning determines sensory suppression: An event-related potential study', Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33, pp. 2427 - 2439,

Khamis H; Afzal HMN; Sanchez J; Vickery R; Wiertlewski M; Redmond SJ; Birznieks I, 2021, 'Friction sensing mechanisms for perception and motor control: Passive touch without sliding may not provide perceivable frictional information', Journal of Neurophysiology, 125, pp. 809 - 823,

Ng KKW; Snow IN; Birznieks I; Vickery RM, 2021, 'Burst gap code predictions for tactile frequency are valid across the range of perceived frequencies attributed to two distinct tactile channels', Journal of Neurophysiology, 125, pp. 687 - 692,

chen F; Zhou Y; Zhu Y; zhu R; Guan P; Fan J; zhou L; Valanoor N; Wegner FV; Saribatir E; Birznieks I; Wan T; Chu D; von Wegner F, 2021, 'Recent progress in artificial synaptic devices: materials, processing and applications', Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 9, pp. 8372 - 8394,

Ng KKW; Olausson C; Vickery RM; Birznieks I, 2020, 'Temporal patterns in electrical nerve stimulation: Burst gap code shapes tactile frequency perception', PLoS ONE, 15, pp. e0237440,

Vickery RM; Ng KKW; Potas JR; Shivdasani MN; McIntyre S; Nagi SS; Birznieks I, 2020, 'Tapping Into the Language of Touch: Using Non-invasive Stimulation to Specify Tactile Afferent Firing Patterns', Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14, pp. 500,

Ng K; Olausson C; Vickery R; Birznieks I, 2020, 'Temporal patterns in electrical nerve stimulation: burst gap code shapes tactile frequency perception', ,

Birznieks I; McIntyre S; Nilsson HM; Nagi SS; Macefield VG; Mahns DA; Vickery RM, 2019, 'Tactile sensory channels over-ruled by frequency decoding system that utilizes spike pattern regardless of receptor type', eLife, 8, pp. e46510,

Smith LJ; Macefield VG; Birznieks I; Burton AR, 2019, 'Effects of tonic muscle pain on fusimotor control of human muscle spindles during isometric ankle dorsiflexion', Journal of Neurophysiology, 121, pp. 1143 - 1149,

Loutit AJ; Shivdasani MN; Maddess T; Redmond SJ; Morley JW; Stuart GJ; Birznieks I; Vickery RM; Potas JR, 2019, 'Peripheral nerve activation evokes machine-learnable signals in the dorsal column nuclei', Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 13, pp. 11,

Birznieks I; McIntyre S; Nilsson H; Nagi S; Macefield V; Mahns D; Vickery R, 2019, 'Tactile sensory channels over-ruled by frequency decoding system that utilizes spike pattern regardless of receptor type', ,

Chen W; Khamis H; Birznieks I; Lepora NF; Redmond SJ, 2018, 'Tactile Sensors for Friction Estimation and Incipient Slip Detection - Toward Dexterous Robotic Manipulation: A Review', IEEE Sensors Journal, 18, pp. 9049 - 9064,

Steel KA; Mudie K; Sandoval R; Anderson D; Dogramaci S; Rehmanjan M; Birznieks I, 2018, 'Can Video Self-Modeling Improve Affected Limb Reach and Grasp Ability in Stroke Patients?', Journal of Motor Behavior, 50, pp. 117 - 126,

Birznieks I; Vickery RM, 2017, 'Spike Timing Matters in Novel Neuronal Code Involved in Vibrotactile Frequency Perception', Current Biology, 27, pp. 1485 - 1490.e2,

Day J; Bent LR; Birznieks I; Macefield VG; Cresswell AG, 2017, 'Muscle spindles in human tibialis anterior encode muscle fascicle length changes', Journal of Neurophysiology, 117, pp. 1489 - 1498,

Birznieks I; Gerling GJ; Sergi F; Bensmaia SJ, 2016, 'Haptics in Neuroscience', IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 9, pp. 443 - 445,

Kasi P; Wright J; Khamis H; Birznieks I; Van Schaik A, 2016, 'The Bayesian decoding of force stimuli from slowly adapting type I fibers in humans', PLoS ONE, 11,

McIntyre S; Birznieks I; Vickery RM; Holcombe AO; Seizova-Cajic T, 2016, 'The tactile motion aftereffect suggests an intensive code for speed in neurons sensitive to both speed and direction of motion', Journal of Neurophysiology, 115, pp. 1703 - 1712,

Birznieks I; Logina I; Wasner G, 2016, 'Somatotopic mismatch of hand representation following stroke: is recovery possible?', Neurocase, 22, pp. 95 - 102,

Hudson KM; Condon M; Ackerley R; McGlone F; Olausson H; Macefield VG; Birznieks I, 2015, 'Effects of changing skin mechanics on the differential sensitivity to surface compliance by tactile afferents in the human finger pad', Journal of Neurophysiology, 114, pp. 2249 - 2257,

Nagi SS; Dunn JS; Birznieks I; Vickery RM; Mahns DA, 2015, 'The effects of preferential A- and C-fibre blocks and T-type calcium channel antagonist on detection of low-force monofilaments in healthy human participants', BMC Neuroscience, 16, pp. 52,

Khamis H; Birznieks I; Redmond SJ, 2015, 'Decoding tactile afferent activity to obtain an estimate of instantaneous force and torque applied to the fingerpad', Journal of Neurophysiology, 114, pp. 474 - 484,

Arabzadeh E; Clifford CWG; Harris JA; Mahns DA; Macefield VG; Birznieks I, 2014, 'Single tactile afferents outperform human subjects in a vibrotactile intensity discrimination task', Journal of Neurophysiology, 112, pp. 2382 - 2387,

Condon M; Birznieks I; Hudson K; Chelvanayagam DK; Mahns D; Olausson H; Macefield VG, 2014, 'Differential sensitivity to surface compliance by tactile afferents in the human finger pad', Journal of Neurophysiology, 111, pp. 1308 - 1317,

Fazalbhoy A; Birznieks I; Macefield VG, 2014, 'Consistent interindividual increases or decreases in muscle sympathetic nerve activity during experimental muscle pain', Experimental Brain Research, 232, pp. 1309 - 1315,

Fazalbhoy A; Macefield VG; Birznieks I, 2013, 'Tonic muscle pain does not increase fusimotor drive to human leg muscles: Implications for chronic muscle pain', Experimental Physiology, 98, pp. 1125 - 1132,

Birznieks I; Logina I; Wasner G, 2012, 'Somatotopic mismatch following stroke: a pathophysiological condition escaping detection.', BMJ case reports, 2012

Hall S; Fazalbhoy A; Birznieks I; Macefield VG, 2012, 'Biphasic effects of tonic stimulation of muscle nociceptors on skin sympathetic nerve activity in human subjects.', Experimental Brain Research, 221, pp. 107 - 114,

Fazalbhoy A; Birznieks I; Macefield VG, 2012, 'Individual differences in the cardiovascular responses to tonic muscle pain: parallel increases or decreases in muscle sympathetic nerve activity, blood pressure and heart rate.', Experimental Physiology, 97, pp. 1084 - 1092,

Birznieks I; Boonstra TW; Macefield VG, 2012, 'Modulation of human muscle spindle discharge by arterial pulsations - functional effects and consequences', PLoS One, 7, pp. Article number e35091,

Birznieks I; Logina I; Wasner G, 2012, 'Somatotopic mismatch following stroke: a pathophysiological condition escaping detection', BMJ Case Reports, pp. 1 - 4,

Chan GSH; Fazalbhoy A; Birznieks I; Macefield VG; Middleton PM; Lovell NH, 2012, 'Spontaneous fluctuations in the peripheral photoplethysmographic waveform: Roles of arterial pressure and muscle sympathetic nerve activity', American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 302, pp. H826 - H836,

McIntyre S; Holcombe AO; Birznieks I; Seizova-Cajic T, 2012, 'Tactile motion adaptation reduces perceived speed but shows no evidence of direction sensitivity.', PLoS One, 7, pp. Article numbere 45438,

Birznieks I; Wheat HE; Redmond SJ; Salo LM; Lovell NH; Goodwin AW, 2010, 'Encoding of tangential torque in responses of tactile afferent fibres innervating the monkey's fingerpad', Journal of Physiology: London, 588, pp. 1057 - 1072

Rajaratnam SMW; Polymeropoulos MH; Fisher DM; Roth T; Scott C; Birznieks G; Klerman EB, 2009, 'Melatonin agonist tasimelteon (VEC-162) for transient insomnia after sleep-time shift: two randomised controlled multicentre trials', LANCET, 373, pp. 482 - 491,

Birznieks I; Burton A; Macefield V, 2009, 'Does muscle pain increase muscle stiffness?', Physiology News, pp. 21 - 22,

Burton AR; Birznieks I; Spaak J; Henderson LA; Macefield VG, 2009, '2. Human Physiology', Autonomic Neuroscience, 149, pp. 73 - 74,

Burton AR; Birznieks I; Bolton PS; Henderson L; Macefield VG, 2009, 'Effects of deep and superficial experimentally induced acute pain on muscle sympathetic nerve activity in human subjects', The Journal of Physiology, 587, pp. 183 - 193

Burton AR; Birznieks I; Spaak J; Henderson L; Macefield VG, 2009, 'Effects of deep and superficial experimentally induced acute pain on skin sympathetic nerve activity in human subjects', Experimental Brain Research, 195, pp. 317 - 324

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