
My Expertise

Philosophy of mathematics; Catholic history & philosophy; Australian philosophy; foundations of ethics; ethics in mathematics; careers in mathematics.

Fields of Research (FoR)

History and Philosophy of Specific Fields, Statistics, Pure Mathematics

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My research covers the philosophy of mathematics, extreme risk theory, ethics and the history of ideas. In all cases it combines the insights of mathematics (with its proofs, certainty and objectivity) with the culture of humanistic scholarship (with its understanding of how humans approach knowledge).


  • BA (Hons) in pure mathematics, Sydney University, 1974
  • MA (Hons), Sydney University, 1976
  • PhD in Mathematics,...view more


School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of New South Wales
Kensington NSW 2052


+61-2-9428 5306


An overview of my book What Science Knows: And How It Knows It
How quantification in ethics works, from equality of persons to calculation of compensation.
Short (8-min) introdcution to the Aristotelian alternative to Platonism and nominalism in the philosophy of mathematics: mathematics is about quantitative and structural aspects of the physical world.
Short (16-min) introduction to the idea of proof in mathematics and how to prove in the simplest cases, such as "The square of any even number is even."
The life and work of Sydney's most prominent philosopher.
James Franklin on What Science Knows
James Franklin on Quantification in Ethics
Aristotelian Realist Philosophy of Mathematics
Proof in Mathematics: The Absolute Basics
David Armstrong (1926-2014), Sydney philosopher