Select Publications

Journal articles

Breckenridge JM; James KM, 2012, 'Therapeutic Responses to Communities Affected by Disasters: The Contribution of Family Therapy', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 33, pp. 242 - 256,

Breckenridge JM; Salter M; Shaw E, 2012, 'Use and Abuse:understanding the intersections of childhood ause, alcohol and drug use and mental health', Mental Health and Substance Use, 5, pp. 314 - 327,

Breckenridge JM; James KM, 2009, 'Educating Social Work Students in Multifaceted Interventions for Trauma', Social Work Education, 29, pp. 259 - 275

Breckenridge JM, 2007, 'Leaving Violent Relationships and Avoiding Homelessness - providing a choice for women and their children', NSW Public Health Bulletin, 18 (5-6), pp. 90 - 93

Breckenridge JM, 2006, '`Speaking of Mothers...`How Does the Literature Portray Mothers Who have a history of Child Sexual Abuse?', Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 15, pp. 57 - 74

Baldry E; Bratel J; Breckenridge JM, 2006, 'Domestic Violence and Children with Disabilities: Working Towards Enhancing Social Work Practice', Australian Social Work, 59, pp. 185 - 197

Breckenridge JM; Cunningham J; Jennings K, 2005, 'Respond sa `evaluation report`', Respond sa adult childhood sexual abuse service evaluation report

Breckenridge JM; Baldry E, 1997, 'Workers dealing with Mother Blame in Child Sexual Assault Cases', Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, pp. 65 - 80

Conference Papers

Kayis-Kumar A; Noone J; Lim Y; Walpole M; Breckenridge J, 2021, 'Let’s talk about tax – Identifying and supporting women experiencing economic abuse', Durham University, presented at 112th Annual Conference of the Society of Legal Scholars Conference, Durham University, 31 August 2021

Breckenridge JM; Ralfs C, 2004, 'Hearing the Voices of Children Living with Domestic Violence', in IFSW ; IASSW ; AASW ; AASWWE (eds.), Global Social Work Congress 2004 - Reclaiming Civil Society, Adelaide, Sth Aust, pp. 43 - 43, presented at Global Social Work Congress 2004 - Reclaiming Civil Society, Adelaide, Sth Aust, 02 October 2004 - 05 October 2004

Breckenridge JM; Laing L, 2004, 'Listening to Mothers and their Children - Implications for Counselling in Child Sexual Assault', in IFSW ; IASSW ; AASW ; AASWWE (eds.), Global Social Work Congress 2004 - Reclaiming Civil Society, Adelaide, Sth Aust, pp. 130 - 130, presented at Global Social Work Congress 2004 - Reclaiming Civil Society, Adelaide, Sth Aust, 02 October 2004 - 05 October 2004

Breckenridge JM, 2003, '`Point of Contact` - responding to children who are affected by domestic violence - a non therapeutic front-line response framework', in Scientific Committee, Many Voices, Many Choices (ed.), Many Voices, Many Choices, 9th Australasian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Sydney, pp. 41 - 42, presented at Many Voices, Many Choices, 9th Australasian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Sydney, 24 November 2003 - 27 November 2003

Breckenridge JM, 2003, 'Point of Contact: responding to kids and DV - a front line response framework', in BASPCAN (ed.), BASPCAN 5th National Congress, York, England, pp. 55 - 55, presented at Baspcan Congress 2003 - 5th National Congress, York, England, 20 July 2003 - 23 July 2003

Breckenridge JM, 2003, 'The Impact of a Mother`s Own History of Child Sexual Assault in their Child`s Therapy: help or hindrance?', in BASPCAN (ed.), BASPCAN 5th National Congress, York, England, pp. 112 - 112, presented at Baspcan Congress 2003 - 5th National Congress, York, England, 20 July 2003 - 23 July 2003

Breckenridge JM; Davidson J, 2002, 'Selecting Strengths - The impact of mother`s own history of child sexual assault in their child`s therapy`', in Chun E; et al (ed.), AASWWE/AASW (WA), Western Australia, presented at AASWWE/AASW (WA), Western Australia, 29 September 2002 - 02 October 2002

Breckenridge JM; Pittaway E, 2002, 'Working with Refugees around torture and trauma - developing Practice Electives that cope with the complexities of the work in this area.', in Chun E; et al (ed.), AASWWE/AASW (WA), Western Australia, presented at AASWWE/AASW (WA), Western Australia, 29 September 2002 - 02 October 2002

Breckenridge JM; Davidson J, 2002, 'The Impact of Mother`s Own History of Child Sexual Assault in their Child`s therapy - Help or Hindrance?', in Expanding our Horizons, Sydney, pp. 1 - 27, presented at Expanding our Horizons, Sydney, 18 February 2002 - 22 February 2002

Conference Presentations

Kayis-Kumar A; Noone J; Lim Y; Walpole M; Breckenridge J; Book L, 2024, 'Identifying and supporting financially vulnerable women experiencing economic abuse: A grounded theory approach', presented at 35th Australasian Tax Teachers’ Association Conference, Melbourne, 18 January 2024 - 19 January 2024

Kayis-Kumar A; Lim Y; Noone J; Walpole M; Breckenridge J, 2023, 'Identifying and supporting women experiencing economic abuse as part of domestic and family violence: An exploratory study', presented at 15th International Conference Tax Administration, Sydney, 04 April 2023 - 05 April 2023,

Breckenridge J; valentine K; Cripps K, 2019, 'Revisiting Safe at Home Responses to Domestic and Family Violence - what factors contribute to better safety and housing outcomes for women?', presented at Australian Social Policy Conference, Kensington, NSW., 09 September 2019 - 11 September 2019

Breckenridge J; Cripps K, 2019, 'Revisiting Safe at Home Responses to Domestic and Family Violence - what factors contribute to better safety and housing outcomes for women?', presented at National Housing Conference, Darwin, Northern Territory, 27 August 2019 - 30 August 2019

valentine K; Breckenridge J; Rees S, 2015, 'Integrated responses to family and domestic violence and sexual assault: Ideas and evidence', presented at Australian Social Policy Conference, Sydney, 28 September 2015 - 30 September 2015

Conference Abstracts



Breckenridge J; Lyons G; Suchting M, 2024, Intersections between domestic and family violence, motor vehicles and insurance

Salter M; Woodlock D; Whitten T; Tyler M; Naldrett G; Breckenridge J; Nolan J; Peleg N, 2023, Identifying and understanding child sexual offending behaviours and attitudes among Australian men, UNSW, Sydney,

Breckenridge J; Singh S; Lyons G; Suchting M; Opdam J; Monastiriotis M; Nair G, 2023, Legal responses to economic and financial abuse in the context of intimate partner violence, GVRN - UNSW, Sydney,,

Breckenridge J; Dubler N; Suchting M, 2023, Preventing and responding to workplace sexual harassment experienced by LGBTIQ+ people in the NSW public sector, GVRN - UNSW

Breckenridge J; Lyons G; Singh S; Suchting M, 2022, Understanding Economic and Financial Abuse and Older People in the Context of Domestic and Family Violence,,

Breckenridge J; Lyons G; Suchting M, 2022, Rapid Evidence Review: Interventions for adult survivors of child sexual abuse experiencing complex trauma

Breckenridge J, 2022, Rapid Evidence Review: Interventions for adult survivors of child sexual abuse experiencing complex trauma, GVRN - UNSW,

Breckenridge J; Singh S; Lyons G; Suchting M, 2021, Rapid Evidence Review: Professional Standards and Sexual Harassment,

Breckenridge J; Lyons G; Singh S; Suchting M, 2021, Understanding Economic and Financial Abuse and Disability in the Context of Domestic and Family Violence,,

Breckenridge J; Singh S; Lyons G; Suchting M, 2021, Understanding Economic and Financial Abuse Across Cultural Contexts,,

Breckenridge J; Lyons G; Singh S; Suchting M, 2021, Understanding Economic and Financial Abuse in First Nations Communities,,

Salter M; Wong T; Breckenridge J; Scott S; Cooper S; Peleg N, 2021, Production and distribution of child sexual abuse materials by parental figures, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra, ACT, 616

Cripps K; Breckenridge J; Whitten T; Dubler N; Burton M; Suchting M, 2021, National Audit of Keeping Women Safe in their Homes/Safe at Home Programs: Jurisdictional Report - Northern Territory, Gendered Violence Research Network UNSW, Sydney

Breckenridge J; Cripps K; Whitten T; Burton M; Dubler N; Suchting M, 2021, National Audit of Keeping Women Safe in their Homes/Safe at Home Programs: Jurisdictional Report – Australian Capital Territory, Gendered Violence Research Network, Sydney

Breckenridge J; Cripps K; Whitten T; Burton M; Dubler N; Suchting M, 2021, National Audit of Keeping Women Safe in their Homes/Safe at Home Programs: Jurisdictional Report – Tasmania, Gendered Violence Network UNSW, Sydney

Cripps K; Breckenridge J; Whitten T; Burton M; Dubler N; Suchting M, 2021, National Audit of Keeping Women Safe in their Homes/Safe at Home Programs: Jurisdictional Report – Western Australia, Gendered Violence Research Network, Sydney

Breckenridge J; Cripps K; Suchting M; Burton M; Dubler N, 2021, Safe at Home Operational Framework, Gendered Violence Research Network, Sydney

Breckenridge J; Lyons G; Singh S; Suchting M, 2020, Understanding Economic and Financial Abuse in Intimate Partner Relationships,,

Chung D; Upton-Davis K; Cordier R; Campbell E; Wong T; Salter M; Austen S; O’Leary P; Breckenridge J; Vlais R; Green D; Pracilio A; Young A; Gore A; Watts L; Wilkes-Gillan S; Speyer R; Mahoney N; Anderson S; Bissett T, 2020, Improved accountability: The role of perpetrator intervention systems, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Limited (ANROWS), Sydney,,

Smyth C; Cortis N; Cama E; Giuntoli G; Breckenridge J; valentine K, 2020, Evaluation of 1800RESPECT – Final Report, UNSW Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney,

Wong WKT; Breckenridge J; valentine K, 2020, The Emergency Accommodation for Men (TEAM) Program Evaluation, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Wong T; Giuntoli G; valentine K; Breckenridge J; Mao L, 2020, Evaluation of four community-based men’s behaviour change program pilots, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Breckenridge J; Cripps K; Whitten T; Burton M; Dubler N; Suchting M, 2020, National Audit of Keeping Women Safe in their Homes/Safe at Home Programs: Jurisdictional Report – New South Wales, Gender Violence Research Network UNSW, Sydney

Breckenridge J; Cripps K; valentine K; Whitten T; Burton M; Dubler N; Suchting M, 2020, National Audit of Keeping Women Safe in their Homes/Safe at Home Programs: Jurisdictional Report – Queensland, Gendered Violence Research Network UNSW, Sydney

Breckenridge J; Cripps K; Whitten T; Burton M; Dubler N; Suchting M, 2020, National Audit of Keeping Women Safe in their Homes/Safe at Home Programs: Jurisdictional Report – South Australia, Gendered Violence Research Network, Sydney

Breckenridge J; Cripps K; Whitten T; Burton M; Dubler N; Suchting M, 2020, National Audit of Keeping Women Safe in their Homes/Safe at Home Programs: Jurisdictional Report – Victoria, Gendered Violence Research Network, Sydney

Yeophantong P; Breckenridge J; Suchting M, 2019, Enhancing Women’s Voice to STOP Sexual Harassment: Methodology Briefing Paper, CARE Australia

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