Select Publications

Book Chapters

Kim JK; Tjong SC; Mai YW, 2018, 'Effect of interface strength on metal matrix composites properties', in Comprehensive Composite Materials II, pp. 22 - 59,

Kim J-K; Tjong SC; Mai Y-W, 2018, 'Effect of Interface Strength on MMC Properties', in Comprehensive Composite Materials II, Elsevier, pp. 22 - 59,

Kim JK; Tjong SC; Mai YW, 2017, 'Effect of interface strength on metal matrix composites properties', in Comprehensive Composite Materials II, pp. 22 - 59,

Ma PC; Hao B; Kim JK, 2016, 'Formation and Functionality of Interphase in Polymer Nanocomposites', in Interface/Interphase in Polymer Nanocomposites, pp. 103 - 138,

Geng Y; Li J; Kim JK, 2010, 'Synthesis and electrical conducting behavior of graphite nanoplatelet/polymer nanocomposites', in Physical Properties and Applications of Polymer Nanocomposites, pp. 315 - 346,

Geng Y; Li J; Kim JK, 2010, '9 Synthesis and electrical conducting behavior of graphite nanoplatelet/polymer nanocomposites', in Physical Properties and Applications of Polymer Nanocomposites, Elsevier, pp. 315 - 346,

Tjong SC; Mai Y-W; Cheng X; Tjong SC; Li RKY; Psarras GC; Smith RC; Nelson JK; Schadler LS; Li A-D; Liu W-C; Fu S-Y; Lee K-P; Gopalan A; Komathi S; Raghupathy D; Pissis P; Kripotou S; Kyritsis A; Bao SP; Tjong SC; Tang CY; Geng Y; Li J; Kim JK; Dasari A; Cai G-P; Mai Y-W; Yu Z-Z; Chen P; Wong S-C; Lu C; Mai Y-W; Yang M; Zhang S; Qin H; Tjong SC; Liu TX; Huang S; Thomassin J-M; Jérôme R; Detrembleur C; Molenberg I; Huynen I; Ma C-CM; Hsiao M-C; Liao S-H; Yen M-Y; Teng C-C; Hsiao M-H; Teo WE; Kaur S; Seeram R; Lu Y; Yu S-H; Zeng W; Guo Chen S; Zhao B; Rong MZ; Zhang MQ; Gao W; Li Z; Marouf BT; Bagheri R; Pearson RA; Liang YL; Lu Y-L; Zhang L-Q; Xie X-L; Du F-P; Mai Y-W; Li YC; Tjong SC, 2010, 'Contributor contact details', in Physical Properties and Applications of Polymer Nanocomposites, Elsevier, pp. xv - xx,

Kim J; Mai Y, 2006, 'Interfaces in Composites', in , Wiley,

HU C; KIM JK; BARI S, 2004, 'Epoxy-clay nanocomposites: Morphology, moisture absorption behavior and thermo-mechanical properties', in Composite Technologies for 2020: Proceedings of the Fourth Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM 4), pp. 689 - 694,

Hu C; Kim JK; Bari S, 2004, 'Epoxy-clay nanocomposites: Morphology, moisture absorption behavior and thermo-mechanical properties', in Composites Technologies For 2020, pp. 689 - 694

Mäder E; Gao S; Kim J, 2000, 'New Nano‐Scale Characterization Techniques for Interphases', in , Wiley, pp. 237 - 242,

KIM J-K; MAI Y-W, 2000, 'Effect of Interface Strength on MMC Properties', in Comprehensive Composite Materials, Elsevier, pp. 117 - 138,

Kim J-K; Mai Y-W; Mai Y-W, 1998, 'Characterization of interfaces', in Engineered Interfaces in Fiber Reinforced Composites, Elsevier, pp. 5 - 41,

Kim J-K; Mai Y-W; Mai Y-W, 1998, 'Improvement of interlaminar fracture toughness with interface control', in Engineered Interfaces in Fiber Reinforced Composites, Elsevier, pp. 329 - 365,

Kim J-K; Mai Y-W; Mai Y-W, 1998, 'Improvement of transverse fracture toughness with interface control', in Engineered Interfaces in Fiber Reinforced Composites, Elsevier, pp. 279 - 327,

Kim J-K; Mai Y-W; Mai Y-W, 1998, 'Interface mechanics and fracture toughness theories', in Engineered Interfaces in Fiber Reinforced Composites, Elsevier, pp. 239 - 277,

Kim J-K; Mai Y-W; Mai Y-W, 1998, 'Introduction', in Engineered Interfaces in Fiber Reinforced Composites, Elsevier, pp. 1 - 4,

Kim J-K; Mai Y-W; Mai Y-W, 1998, 'Measurements of interface/interlaminar properties', in Engineered Interfaces in Fiber Reinforced Composites, Elsevier, pp. 43 - 92,

Kim J-K; Mai Y-W; Mai Y-W, 1998, 'Micromechanics of stress transfer across the interface', in Engineered Interfaces in Fiber Reinforced Composites, Elsevier, pp. 93 - 169,

Kim J-K; Mai Y-W, 1998, 'Preface', in Engineered Interfaces in Fiber Reinforced Composites, Elsevier, pp. vii - viii,

Kim J-K; Mai Y-W; Mai Y-W, 1998, 'Surface treatments of fibers and effects on composite properties', in Engineered Interfaces in Fiber Reinforced Composites, Elsevier, pp. 171 - 237,

Kim J-K; Mai Y-W, 1996, 'Modelling of stress transfer across the fibre—matrix interface', in Numerical Analysis and Modelling of Composite Materials, Springer Netherlands, pp. 287 - 326,

KIM J; MAI Y, 1996, 'POLYMER MATRIX COMPOSITES', in Microstructure and Properties of Materials, WORLD SCIENTIFIC, pp. 181 - 245,

Kim JK; Mai YW, 1995, 'Micromechanics of fiber-matrix interface and fracture of advanced composites with engineered interfaces', in Erdogan F (ed.), , AMERICAN SOCIETY TESTING AND MATERIALS, pp. 125 - 139,

KIM J-K; MAI Y-W; COTTERELL B, 1992, 'THE EFFECT OF FIBRE PRE-TENSION ON RESIDUAL STRESSES IN FIBRE COMPOSITES', in Mechanical Behaviour of Materials VI, Elsevier, pp. 11 - 16,

KIM J-K; MAI Y-W, 1992, 'THE EFFECT OF IMPREGNATED FIBRE BUNDLES ON THE FRACTURE BEHAVIOURS OF CFRP', in Mechanical Behaviour of Materials VI, Elsevier, pp. 17 - 22,

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