Select Publications
Journal articles
2024, 'Design of a simple rubric to peer-evaluate the teamwork skills of engineering students', European Journal of Engineering Education, 49, pp. 623 - 646,
,2022, 'A novel hierarchical light field coding scheme based on hybrid stacked multiplicative layers and Fourier disparity layers for glasses-free 3D displays', Signal Processing: Image Communication, 109,
,2022, 'Enhanced Fault Ride-Through of Power Converters Using Hybrid Grid Synchronization', IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 10, pp. 2829 - 2841,
,2022, 'Analytical Methods of Voltage Stability in Renewable Dominated Power Systems: A Review', Electricity, 3, pp. 75 - 107,
,2021, 'Communication-less primary and secondary control in inverter-interfaced AC microgrid: An overview', IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 9, pp. 5164 - 5182,
,2021, 'Real-Time Adaptive Differential Feature-Based Protection Scheme for Isolated Microgrids Using Edge Computing', IEEE Systems Journal, 15, pp. 1318 - 1328,
,2021, 'An Enhanced Frequency-Adaptive Single-Phase Grid Synchronization Technique', IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70, pp. 1 - 11,
,2021, 'Phase-Locked Loop Independent Second-Order Generalized Integrator for Single-Phase Grid Synchronization', IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70,
,2020, 'An internet of energy framework with distributed energy resources, prosumers and small-scale virtual power plants: An overview', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 127, pp. 109840,
,2020, 'The Impact of Prediction Errors in the Domestic Peak Power Demand Management', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16, pp. 4567 - 4579,
,2020, 'Multi-timescale voltage stability-constrained volt/VAR optimization with battery storage system in distribution grids', IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 11, pp. 868 - 878,
,2020, 'Multiple Home-to-Home Energy Transactions for Peak Load Shaving', IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 56, pp. 1074 - 1085,
,2020, 'Nonlinear SSR Damping Controller for DFIG Based Wind Generators Interfaced to Series Compensated Transmission Systems', IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 35, pp. 1156 - 1165,
,2020, 'Optimal dispatch of battery energy storage system using convex relaxations in unbalanced distribution grids', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16, pp. 97 - 108,
,2019, 'Rebound Behaviour of Uncoordinated EMS and their Impact Minimization', IET Smart Grid, 3, pp. 237 - 245,
,2019, 'Coordinated Multilayer Control for Energy Management of Grid-Connected AC Microgrids', IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 55, pp. 7071 - 7081,
,2019, 'Real-Time Load and Ancillary Support for a Remote Island Power System Using Electric Boats', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16, pp. 1516 - 1528,
,2019, 'Improved disturbance detection and load shedding technique for low voltage islanded microgrids', IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 13, pp. 2102 - 2111,
,2019, 'Wavelet transform-based feature extraction for detection and classification of disturbances in an islanded micro-grid', IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 13, pp. 1989 - 1993,
,2019, 'Coordinated reactive power and crow bar control for DFIG-based wind turbines for power oscillation damping', Wind Engineering, 43, pp. 95 - 113,
,2019, 'Appliance level data analysis of summer demand reduction potential from residential air conditioner control', Applied Energy, 235, pp. 776 - 785,
,2019, 'Wide area oscillation damping controller for DFIG using WAMS with delay compensation', IET Renewable Power Generation, 13, pp. 128 - 137,
,2019, 'Three-Stage Robust Inverter-Based Voltage/Var Control for Distribution Networks with High-Level PV', IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 10, pp. 782 - 793,
,2019, 'Detection and classification of disturbances in the islanded micro-grid by using wavelet transformation and feature extraction algorithm', JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING-JOE, pp. 5284 - 5286,
,2018, 'Multi-timescale model predictive control of battery energy storage system using conic relaxation in smart distribution grids', IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33, pp. 7152 - 7161,
,2018, 'Peak-Load Management in Commercial Systems With Electric Vehicles', IEEE Systems Journal, 13, pp. 1872 - 1882,
,2018, 'Computational tools for design, analysis, and management of residential energy systems', Applied Energy, 221, pp. 535 - 556,
,2018, 'A flipped mode teaching approach for large and advanced electrical engineering courses', European Journal of Engineering Education, 43, pp. 413 - 426,
,2018, 'A novel controller for harmonics reduction of grid-tied converters in unbalanced networks', Electric Power Systems Research, 155, pp. 296 - 306,
,2018, 'A hybrid control approach for regulating frequency through demand response', Applied Energy, 210, pp. 1347 - 1362,
,2016, 'A study on critical clearing time (CCT) of micro-grids under fault conditions', Renewable Energy, 95, pp. 381 - 395,
,2016, 'Review of modular multilevel converter based multi-terminal HVDC systems for offshore wind power transmission', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 61, pp. 572 - 586,
,2016, 'Power flow and transmission loss analysis of modular multi-level converter based multiterminal high-voltage DC systems', IET Renewable Power Generation, 10, pp. 767 - 775,
,2015, 'A comparison of PI vs LPV controllers for a doubly-fed induction generator in a microgrid', Wind Engineering, 39, pp. 479 - 493,
,2014, 'Simple power electronic controller for photovoltaic fed grid-tied systems using line commutated inverter with fixed firing angle', IET Power Electronics, 7, pp. 1424 - 1434,
,2013, 'Assessment of distributed generation on the efficiency of single wire earth return systems', Advanced Materials Research, 622, pp. 1887 - 1891,
,2013, 'Eco-tourism sustainability through PV Technology: A comprehensive review', Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 8, pp. 654 - 669,
,2013, 'Spectral features for the classification of partial discharge signals from selected insulation defect models', Science, Measurement & Technology, IET, 7, pp. 104 - 111,
,2012, 'Cost assessment of offshore wind generation for Australia', International Review on Modelling and Simulations, 5, pp. 1838 - 1846
,2012, 'The fusion of classifier outputs to improve partial discharge classification', Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China, 7, pp. 391 - 398,
,2009, 'Effect of tuned unified power flow controller to mitigate the rotor speed instability of fixed-speed wind turbines', Renewable Energy, 34, pp. 591 - 596
,2009, 'FACTS Controllers for Grid Connected Wind Energy Conversion Systems', Journal of Solar Energy Engineering - Transactions of the ASME, 131, pp. 011008-1 - 011008-7,
,2007, 'Rotor Speed Stability of Grid Connected Wind Energy Conversion Systems', Wind Engineering, 31, pp. 475 - 485
,2006, 'Analysis of the Impact of Interconnecting Wind Turbine Generators to the Utility Grid', Wind Engineering, 30, pp. 303 - 315