Select Publications

Journal articles

Manassis K; Changgun Le T; Bennett K; Zhao XY; Mendlowitz S; Duda S; Saini M; Wilansky P; Baer S; Barrett P; Bodden D; Cobham VE; Dadds MR; Flannery-Schroeder E; Ginsburg G; Heyne D; Hudson JL; Kendall PC; Liber J; Masia-Warner C; Nauta MH; Rapee RM; Silverman W; Siqueland L; Spence SH; Utens E; Wood JJ, 2014, 'Types of parental involvement in CBT with anxious youth: A preliminary meta-analysis', Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 82, pp. 1163 - 1172,

Baker JR, 2014, 'An investigation into the lower peer liking of anxious than non anxious children', Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 28, pp. 599 - 611,

Knight A; McLellan L; Jones M; Hudson J, 2014, 'Pre-treatment Predictors of Outcome in Childhood Anxiety Disorders: A Systematic Review', Psychopathology Review, a1, pp. 77 - 129,

Lyneham HJ; Sburlati ES; Abbott MJ; Rapee RM; Hudson JL; Tolin DF; Carlson SE, 2013, 'Psychometric properties of the Child Anxiety Life Interference Scale (CALIS)', Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 27, pp. 711 - 719,

Mitchell JH; Broeren S; Newall C; Hudson JL, 2013, 'An experimental manipulation of maternal perfectionistic anxious rearing behaviors with anxious and non-anxious children', Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 116, pp. 1 - 18,

Bennett K; Manassis K; Walter SD; Cheung A; Wilansky-Traynor P; Diaz-Granados N; Duda S; Rice M; Baer S; Barrett P; Bodden D; Cobham VE; Dadds MR; Flannery-Schroeder E; Ginsburg G; Heyne D; Hudson JL; Kendall PC; Liber J; Warner CM; Mendlowitz S; Nauta MH; Rapee RM; Silverman W; Siqueland L; Spence SH; Utens E; Wood JJ, 2013, 'Cognitive behavioral therapy age effects in child and adolescent anxiety: An individual patient data metaanalysis', Depression and Anxiety, 30, pp. 829 - 841,

Smith KE; Hudson JL, 2013, 'Metacognitive Beliefs and Processes in Clinical Anxiety in Children', Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 42, pp. 590 - 602,

Ng AS; Dodd HF; Gamble AL; Hudson JL, 2013, 'The Relationship Between Parent and Child Dysfunctional Beliefs About Sleep and Child Sleep', Journal of Child and Family Studies, 22, pp. 827 - 835,

Rapee RM; Lyneham HJ; Hudson JL; Kangas M; Wuthrich VM; Schniering CA, 2013, 'Effect of comorbidity on treatment of anxious children and adolescents: Results from a large, combined sample', Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 52, pp. 47 - 56,

Baker JR; Hudson JL, 2013, 'Friendship quality predicts treatment outcome in children with anxiety disorders', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 51, pp. 31 - 36,

Hudson JL; Lester KJ; Lewis CM; Tropeano M; Creswell C; Collier DA; Cooper P; Lyneham HJ; Morris T; Rapee RM; Roberts S; Donald JA; Eley TC, 2013, 'Predicting outcomes following cognitive behaviour therapy in child anxiety disorders: The influence of genetic, demographic and clinical information', Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 54, pp. 1086 - 1094,

Dear BF; Titov N; Perry KN; Johnston L; Wootton BM; Terides MD; Rapee RM; Hudson JL, 2013, 'The Pain Course: A randomised controlled trial of a clinician-guided Internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy program for managing chronic pain and emotional well-being', Pain, 154, pp. 942 - 950,

Mitchell JH; Newall C; Broeren S; Hudson JL, 2013, 'The role of perfectionism in cognitive behaviour therapy outcomes for clinically anxious children', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 51, pp. 547 - 554,

Hudson JL; Dodd HF, 2012, 'Informing early intervention: Preschool predictors of anxiety disorders in middle childhood', PLoS ONE, 7, pp. e42359,

Lester KJ; Hudson JL; Tropeano M; Creswell C; Collier DA; Farmer A; Lyneham HJ; Rapee RM; Eley TC, 2012, 'Neurotrophic gene polymorphisms and response to psychological therapy', Translational Psychiatry, 2,

Newall C; Hudson JL, 2012, 'Online cognitive-behaviour therapy is similarly effective to clinic-based CBT for reducing adolescent anxiety', Evidence-Based Mental Health, 15, pp. 49,

Wuthrich VM; Rapee RM; Cunningham MJ; Lyneham HJ; Hudson JL; Schniering CA, 2012, 'A randomized controlled trial of the Cool Teens CD-ROM computerized program for adolescent anxiety', Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 51, pp. 261 - 270,

Eley TC; Hudson JL; Creswell C; Tropeano M; Lester KJ; Cooper P; Farmer A; Lewis CM; Lyneham HJ; Rapee RM; Uher R; Zavos HMS; Collier DA, 2012, 'Therapygenetics: The 5HTTLPR and response to psychological therapy', Molecular Psychiatry, 17, pp. 236 - 237,

Dodd HF; Hudson JL; Morris TM; Wise CK, 2012, 'Interpretation bias in preschool children at risk for anxiety: a prospective study.', Journal of abnormal psychology, 121, pp. 28 - 38,

, 2012, 'Behavior Genetics Association 42nd Annual Meeting Abstracts', Behavior Genetics, 42, pp. 912 - 978,

Gradisar M; Dohnt H; Gardner G; Paine S; Starkey K; Menne A; Slater A; Wright H; Hudson JL; Weaver E; Trenowden S, 2011, 'A randomized controlled trial of cognitive-behavior therapy plus bright light therapy for adolescent delayed sleep phase disorder', Sleep, 34, pp. 1671 - 1680,

Hudson JL; Dodd HF; Bovopoulos N, 2011, 'Temperament, family environment and anxiety in preschool children', Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 39, pp. 939 - 951,

Davies M; Hudson J, 2011, 'Judgments toward male and transgendered victims in a depicted stranger rape', Journal of Homosexuality, 58, pp. 237 - 247,

Dodd HF; Hudson JL, 2011, 'Parent-child CBT reduces anxiety disorders among children aged 4-7 years', EVIDENCE-BASED MENTAL HEALTH, 14, pp. 18 - 18,

Dodd HF; Hudson JL, 2011, 'Parent-child CBT reduces anxiety disorders among children aged 4-7 years', Evidence-Based Mental Health, 14, pp. 18,

Hudson JL; Dodd HF; Lyneham HJ; Bovopoulous N, 2011, 'Temperament and family environment in the development of anxiety disorder: Two-year follow-up', Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 50,

Dodd HF; Hudson JL; Lyneham HJ; Wuthrich VM; Morris T; Monier L, 2011, 'Biased Self-Perception of Social Skills in Anxious Children: The Role of State Anxiety', Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 2, pp. 571 - 585,

Barrow ME; Baker JR; Hudson JL, 2011, 'Peer liking, physical attractiveness, and anxiety disorders in children', Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 2, pp. 601 - 614,

Ellis DM; Hudson JL, 2011, 'Test of the Metacognitive Model of Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Anxiety-Disordered Adolescents', Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 2, pp. 28 - 43,

Ellis DM; Hudson JL, 2010, 'The metacognitive model of generalized anxiety disorder in children and adolescents', Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 13, pp. 151 - 163,

Billows M; Gradisar M; Dohnt H; Johnston A; McCappin S; Hudson J, 2009, 'Family disorganization, sleep hygiene, and adolescent sleep disturbance', Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 38, pp. 745 - 752,

Gar NS; Hudson JL, 2009, 'Changes in maternal expressed emotion toward clinically anxious children following cognitive behavioral therapy', Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 104, pp. 346 - 352,

Hudson JL, 2009, 'Commentary', Evidence-Based Mental Health, 12, pp. 88,

Kendall PC; Comer JS; Marker CD; Creed TA; Puliafico AC; Hughes AA; Martin ED; Suveg C; Hudson J, 2009, 'In-Session Exposure Tasks and Therapeutic Alliance Across the Treatment of Childhood Anxiety Disorders', Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 77, pp. 517 - 525,

Rapee RM; Schniering CA; Hudson JL, 2009, 'Anxiety disorders during childhood and adolescence: Origins and treatment', Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 5, pp. 311 - 341,

Suveg C; Hudson JL; Brewer G; Flannery-Schroeder E; Gosch E; Kendall PC, 2009, 'Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety-disordered youth: Secondary outcomes from a randomized clinical trial evaluating child and family modalities', Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 23, pp. 341 - 349,

Hudson JL; Gradisar M; Gamble A; Schniering CA; Rebelo I, 2009, 'The sleep patterns and problems of clinically anxious children', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47, pp. 339 - 344,

Hudson JL; Doyle AM; Gar N, 2009, 'Child and maternal influence on parenting behavior in clinically anxious children', Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 38, pp. 256 - 262,

Cunningham MJ; Wuthrich VM; Rapee RM; Lyneham HJ; Schniering CA; Hudson JL, 2009, 'The cool teens CD-ROM for anxiety disorders in adolescents : AA pilot case series', European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 18, pp. 125 - 129,

Hudson JL; Rapee RM; Deveney C; Schniering CA; Lyneham HJ; Bovopoulos N, 2009, 'Cognitive-behavioral treatment versus an active control for children and adolescents with anxiety disorders: A randomized trial', Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 48, pp. 533 - 544,

Gar NS; Hudson JL, 2009, 'The association between maternal anxiety and treatment outcome for childhood anxiety disorders', Behaviour Change, 26, pp. 1 - 15,

Suveg C; Sood E; Barmish A; Tiwari S; Hudson JL; Kendall PC, 2008, '"I'd Rather Not Talk About It": Emotion Parenting in Families of Children With an Anxiety Disorder', Journal of Family Psychology, 22, pp. 875 - 884,

Gar NS; Hudson JL, 2008, 'An examination of the interactions between mothers and children with anxiety disorders', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 46, pp. 1266 - 1274,

Kendall PC; Hudson JL; Gosch E; Flannery-Schroeder E; Suveg C, 2008, 'Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disordered Youth: A Randomized Clinical Trial Evaluating Child and Family Modalities', Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 76, pp. 282 - 297,

Hudson JL; Comer JS; Kendall PC, 2008, 'Parental responses to positive and negative emotions in anxious and nonanxious children', Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 37, pp. 303 - 313,

Zou JB; Hudson JL; Rapee RM, 2007, 'The effect of attentional focus on social anxiety', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 45, pp. 2326 - 2333,

McLoone J; Hudson JL; Rapee RM, 2006, 'Treating anxiety disorders in a school setting', Education and Treatment of Children, 29, pp. 219 - 242

Farrugia S; Hudson J, 2006, 'Anxiety in Adolescents With Asperger Syndrome: Negative Thoughts, Behavioral Problems, and Life Interference', Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 21, pp. 25 - 35,

Hudson JL; Deveney C; Taylor L, 2005, 'Nature, assessment, and treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder in children', Psychiatric Annals, 35, pp. 719 - 727

Hudson JL, 2005, 'Mechanisms of change in cognitive behavioral therapy for anxious youth', Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 12, pp. 161 - 165,

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