Select Publications

Journal articles

Lorian CN; Titov N; Grisham JR, 2012, 'Changes in risk-taking over the course of an internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy treatment for generalized anxiety disorder.', Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26, pp. 140 - 149,

Moulds ML; Williams AD; Grisham JR; Nickerson A, 2012, 'Comparison of retrieval vantage perspective of positive and negative intrusive memories', Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 3, pp. 168 - 177,

Maddar SR; Grisham JR, 2012, 'Constructive effects of engaging in post-event processing in high and low socially anxious individuals', Behaviour Change, 29, pp. 127 - 147

Williams AD; Grisham JR; Erskine A; Erskine A, 2012, 'Deficits in emotion regulation associated with pathological gambling', British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51, pp. 223 - 238,

Fabiansson E; Denson T; Moulds ML; Grisham JR; Schira M, 2012, 'Don't look back in anger: Neural correlates of reappraisal, analytical rumination, and angry rumination during recall of an anger-inducing autobiographical memory', Neuroimage, 59, pp. 2974 - 2981,

Maddar S; Grisham JR, 2012, 'Effects of false feedback on anxiety, cognition, behavior, and post-event processing: The mediating role of self-focused attention.', Behavior Therapy,

Williams AD; Grisham JR, 2012, 'Impulsivity, Emotion Regulation, and Mindful Attentional Focus in Compulsive Buying', Cognitive Therapy and Research, 36, pp. 451 - 457,

Grisham JR; Lorian C; Mahoney AE, 2012, 'Playing it safe: An examination of risk-avoidance in an anxious treatment-seeking sample.', Journal of Affective Disorders, 141, pp. 63 - 71,

Perry Y; Henry JD; Nagle M; Grisham JR, 2012, 'Regulation of negative affect in schizophrenia: The effectiveness of acceptance versus reappraisal and suppression', Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 34, pp. 497 - 508,

Denson T; Moulds ML; Grisham JR, 2012, 'The effects of rumination, reappraisal, and distraction on anger experience.', Behavior Therapy, 43, pp. 355 - 364,

Onden-lim M; Grisham JR, 2012, 'The relationship between body dysmorphic concerns and the effects of image suppression: Implications for models of body dysmorphic disorder', The Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 1, pp. 189 - 195,

Grisham JR; Lorian C, 2011, 'Clinical implications of risk aversion: An online study of risk-avoidance and treatment utilization in pathological anxiety', Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 25, pp. 840 - 848

Denson T; Grisham JR; Moulds ML, 2011, 'Cognitive reappraisal increases heart rate variability in response to an anger provocation', Motivation and Emotion, 35, pp. 14 - 22,

Vartanian L; Grisham JR, 2011, 'Obsessive-compulsive symptoms and body checking in women and men', Cognitive Therapy and Research, 36, pp. 367 - 374,

Grisham JR; Flower K; Williams AD; Moulds ML, 2011, 'Reappraisal and Rumination During Recall of a Sad Memory', Cognitive Therapy and Research, 35, pp. 276 - 283,

Grisham JR; Fullana M; Mataix-Cols D; Caspi A; Poulton R, 2011, 'Risk factors prospectively associated with adult obsessive-compulsive symptom dimensions and obsessive-compulsive disorder', Psychological Medicine, 41, pp. 1 - 12,

Maddar S; Grisham JR, 2011, 'Social anxiety and the effects of negative self-imagery on emotion, cognition, and post-event processing', Behaviour Research and Therapy,

Denson T; Moulds ML; Grisham JR, 2011, 'The effects of analytical rumination, reappraisal, and distraction on anger experience', Behavior Therapy, 43, pp. 355 - 364,

Perry Y; Henry JD; Grisham JR, 2011, 'The habitual use of emotion regulation strategies in schizophrenia', British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 50, pp. 217 - 222,

Perry Y; Henry JD; Sethi N; Grisham JR, 2011, 'The pain persists: How social exclusion affects individuals with schizophrenia', British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 50, pp. 339 - 349,

Maddar S; Grisham JR, 2011, 'The predictors and contents of post-event processing in social anxiety', Cognitive Therapy and Research, 35, pp. 118 - 133,

Grisham JR; Norberg MM, 2010, 'Compulsive hoarding: Current controversies and new directions', Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 12, pp. 233 - 240

Grisham JR; Norberg MM; Williams AD; Certoma SP; Kadib R, 2010, 'Categorization and cognitive deficits in compulsive hoarding', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48, pp. 866 - 872,

Grisham JR; Norberg MM, 2010, 'Compulsive hoarding: Current controversies and new directions', Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 12, pp. 233 - 240,

Williams AD; Moulds ML; Grisham JR; Gay P; Lang T; Kandris E; werner-seidler A; Yap C, 2010, 'Psychometric evaluation of the thought control ability questionnaire (TCAQ) and the prediction of cognitive control', Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 32, pp. 397 - 405

Grisham JR; Henry JD; Williams AD; Bailey PE, 2010, 'Socio-emotional deficits associated with obsessive compulsive disorder', Psychiatry Research, 175, pp. 256 - 259,

Grisham JR; Henry JD; Williams AD; Bailey PE, 2010, 'Socioemotional deficits associated with obsessive compulsive symptomatology', British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 175, pp. 256 - 259

Memedovic S; Grisham JR; Denson T; Moulds ML, 2010, 'The effects of trait reappraisal and suppression on anger and blood pressure in response to provocation', Journal of Research in Personality, 44, pp. 540 - 543

Lorian C; Grisham JR, 2010, 'The safety bias: Risk-avoidance and social anxiety pathology', Behaviour Change, 27, pp. 29 - 41

Slade T; Grisham JR, 2009, 'A taxometric investigation of agoraphobia in a clinical and a community sample', Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 23, pp. 799 - 805,

Grisham JR; Anderson T; Pulton R; Moffitt T; Andrews G, 2009, 'Childhood neuropsychological deficits associated with adult obsessive-compulsive disorder', British Journal of Psychiatry, 195, pp. 138 - 141,

Grisham JR; Williams AD, 2009, 'Cognitive control of obsessional thoughts', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47, pp. 395 - 402

Henry JD; Green MJ; Restuccia C; de Lucia A; Rendell P; McDonald S; Grisham JR, 2009, 'Emotion dysregulation and schizotypy', Psychiatry Research, 166, pp. 116 - 124,

Grisham JR; Frost RO; Steketee G; Kim H; Tarkoff A; Hood S, 2009, 'Formation of attachment to possessions in compulsive hoarding', Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 23, pp. 357 - 361,

Fullana M; Mataix-Cols D; Caspi A; Harrington H; Grisham JR; Moffitt T; Poulton RG, 2009, 'Obsessions and Compulsions in the Community: Prevalence, Interference, Help-Seeking, Developmental Stability, and Co-Occurring Psychiatric Conditions', American Journal of Psychiatry, 166, pp. 329 - 336

Grisham JR; Anderson T; Sachdev PS, 2008, 'Genetic and environmental influences on obsessive-compulsive disorder', European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 258, pp. 107 - 116,

Grisham JR; Steketee G; Frost RO, 2008, 'Interpersonal problems and emotional intelligence in compulsive hoarding.', Depression and Anxiety, 25, pp. 63 - 71

Grisham JR; Steketee G; Frost RO, 2007, 'Interpersonal problems and emotional intelligence in compulsive hoarding', Depression and Anxiety, 24, pp. 1 - 9

Grisham JR; Brown T; Savage C; Steketee G; Barlow D, 2007, 'Neuropsychological impairment associated with compulsive hoarding', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 45, pp. 1471 - 1483

Grisham JR; Frost RO; Steketee G; Kim H; Hood S, 2006, 'Age of onset of compulsive hoarding', Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 20, pp. 675 - 686

Grisham JR; Brown TA; Liverant GI; Campbell-Sills L, 2005, 'The distinctiveness of compulsive hoarding from obsessive-compulsive disorder', Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 19, pp. 767 - 779,

Grisham JR; Barlow DH, 2005, 'Compulsive hoarding: Current research and theory', Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 27, pp. 45 - 52,

Grisham JR; Barlow D, 2005, 'Compulsive hoarding: Review of current theory and', Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 27, pp. 45 - 52

Grisham JR; Brown T; Liverant G; Campbell LA, 2005, 'The distinctiveness of hoarding from other dimensions of obsessive-compulsive disorder', Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 19, pp. 767 - 769

Frost RO; Steketee G; Grisham JR, 2004, 'Measurement of compulsive hoarding: Saving Inventory Revised', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 42, pp. 1163 - 1182

Campbell LA; Brown T; Grisham JR, 2003, 'The relevance of age of onset to the psychopathology of generalized anxiety disorder', Behavior Therapy, 34, pp. 31 - 48

Butler AC; Brown GK; Beck AT; Grisham JR, 2002, 'Assessment of dysfunctional beliefs in borderline personality disorder', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 40, pp. 1231 - 1240,

Levitt JT; Hoffman EC; Grisham JR; Barlow DH, 2001, 'Empirically supported treatments for panic disorder', PSYCHIATRIC ANNALS, 31, pp. 478 - 487,

Brown TA; Campbell LA; Lehman CL; Grisham JR; Mancill RB, 2001, 'Current and lifetime comorbidity of the DSM-IV anxiety and mood disorders in a large clinical sample', Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 110, pp. 585 - 599,

Beck AT; Brown GK; Steer RA; Kuyken W; Grisham J, 2001, 'Psychometric properties of the Beck Self-Esteem Scales', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 39, pp. 115 - 124,

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