Select Publications

Book Chapters

Grisham JR; Norberg MM; Yap K, 2023, 'Treatment of Hoarding Disorder', in The Oxford Handbook of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, Second Edition, pp. 615 - 646,

Moulds M; Grisham J; Graham B, 2022, 'Cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety', in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology,

Grisham J; William A; Kadib R; Baldwin P, 2019, 'Hoarding as a behavioral addiction', in Addiction Medicine E-Book Science and Practice, Elsevier Health Sciences

Grisham J; Kadib R; Certoma S; Baldwin PA, 2019, 'Hoarding as a behavioral addiction', in Addiction Medicine Science and Practice, Saunders

Grisham JR; Williams AD; Kadib R, 2011, 'Hoarding as Behavioural addiction', in Johnson BA (ed.), Addiction Medice: Science and Pratice, edn. First, Springer, USA, pp. 422 - 436,

Grisham JR; Norberg MM; Certoma SP, 2011, 'Treatment of compulsive hoarding', in Steketee G (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Obsessive Compulsive and Spectrum Disorders, Oxford Univeristy Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 422 - 435

Poulton R; Grisham JR; Andrews G, 2008, 'Developmental Approaches to Understanding Anxiety Disorders', in Oxford Handbook of Anxiety and Related Disorders,

Grisham JR, 2006, 'Obsessive compulsive disorder', in Andrews G; Tolkein II Team (ed.), Tolkien II : a needs-based, costed, stepped-care model for Mental Health Services : recommendations, executive summaries, clinical pathways, treatment flowcharts, costing structures, World Health Organization, Collaborating Centre for Classification in Mental Health, Sydney, N.S.W.

Campbell LA; Grisham JR; Brown T, 2005, 'Anxiety disorders in primary care', in O’Donohue W; Cummings N; Henderson D; Byrd M (ed.), Behavioral Integrative Care: Treatments That Work in the Primary Care Setting, Allyn & Bacon, Boston

Grisham JR; Brown T; Campbell LA, 2004, 'The Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV', in Hersen M; Segal DL; Hilsenroth MJ (ed.), Comprehensive handbook of psychological assessment, Volume 2: Personality assessment, edn. Original, Wiley, New York, pp. 163 - 177

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